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Bright Sentinel in Merope

The Bright Sentinel, a megaship used to deploy one of Salvation's anti-xeno superweapons

The anti-xeno superweapon is an unnamed device employed by Salvation to eradicate and repulse Thargoids from an entire star system. A prototype was first tested in the Cornsar system on September 20, 3307, and three more were successfully fired in the Delphi, Maia, and Merope systems on December 14, 3307. The superweapons are assembled from large quantities of Classified Experimental Equipment aboard Wells-class Carriers operated by Taurus Mining Ventures before being fired, at which point they lethally disrupt any Thargoid vessels, such as Thargoid Interceptors, within range and cause the bulk of any survivors to flee.

According to an analysis of Classified Experimental Equipment performed by the Engineer and Guardian expert Ram Tah, the anti-xeno superweapon's components are based on Guardian devices found at the site of the Proteus in Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2, and the superweapons themselves appear to be an up-scaled version of a Guardian weapon design. The superweapons function by emitting a system-wide electromagnetic pulse at a specific frequency that interferes with the bio-mechanics of Thargoid vessels. These superweapons have the drawback of provoking the Thargoids into a frenzy due to the presence of Guardian technology, however, and Thargoid fleets will invade systems where a superweapon is being assembled in overwhelming numbers.

Proteus Wave[]

In 3308, Salvation ordered the construction of an improved Anti-xeno superweapon - the Proteus Wave - in HIP 22460, with the intention of eradicating the threat of the Thargoids once and for all. Unlike prior examples, the Proteus Wave weapon was built on top of an existing Thargoid site with the intent of using the Thargoid site as an amplifier for the wave to increase its reach, possibly to the point of covering multiple systems. After weeks of supplying resources to the site whilst fending off frenzied Thargoids, the weapon was fired on the 9th of August 3308.

Whilst the weapon initially seemed successful in shutting down Thargoid vessels throughout the system upon activation, the site it was built upon released a 'counter wave' 42 seconds after the first, which 'reactivated' all of the incapacitated vessels and disabled all human ships in the system, making them easy prey. Aside from suggesting that the Thargoids have partially adapted and developed the ability to subvert Guardian technology (cf. Unclassified Relic), possibly as a result of the prior superweapon incidents, the full ramifications of the weapon's use - beyond the initial loss of life and materiel - remain to be seen, though the Thargoids have seized control of the system and appear to be consolidating their forces there.


12 AUG 3308

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have confirmed that the remains of their anti-xeno taskforces have fully retreated from the HIP 22460 system. Fleet Admiral Tayo Maikori declared: “The Thargoids are now heavily entrenched in HIP 22460. Federal search and rescue teams are attempting to locate survivors, but our window of opportunity is closing as the enemy forces increase in number.” A similar statement came from Senator Denton Patreus, who admitted “The aliens have successfully established a stronghold within human-occupied space.” The Imperial Navy has been instructed to prioritise evacuating its own ships and crew. The Alliance Assembly and the Council of Admirals have been engaged in emergency discussions with representatives from Sirius Corporation. Early indications suggest a restructuring of anti-xeno operations is underway. Across the core systems, public fears of a mass Thargoid invasion are running high. Planetary security forces are on alert, with every spacegoing military preparing for the possibility of fighting Thargoid vessels. Many public figures have expressed their concerns, including Aegis’s former head of research Professor Alba Tesreau: “I am utterly horrified by events in HIP 22460. Many of us feared that Azimuth’s experiments would lead to catastrophe, but the widespread loss of life is still a sickening shock. Salvation critically underestimated the Thargoids’ ability to adapt, a failure rooted in his perception of them as purely reactive creatures. This tragedy is worsened by the fractured responses of the superpowers, which are reluctant to continue sharing information with external organisations. Without a dedicated research effort, we cannot analyse the Thargoid technology used in HIP 22460 or formulate a suitable defence.”[1]

10 AUG 3308

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    The Proteus Wave’s failure has resulted in Thargoid forces overwhelming the coalition fleet in HIP 22460. Independent and military observers have confirmed that although Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapon was activated as scheduled, it had only a temporary effect on the Thargoids. Soon afterwards, human ships in the system found themselves without power following a second unknown energy pulse and were rapidly targeted by hostile Thargoid vessels. Vox Galactica announced that the reporter Jade Sanderlyn was able to jettison her escape pod before her drifting craft was destroyed. She delivered this summary: “It didn’t work. The Proteus Wave didn’t work. I saw its energies ripple out from the planet, I felt it, we all did. The Thargoids reeled and went dark, but only briefly. Then something else occurred, a noise which shook our bodies, screeching through our skulls. Something alien. Suddenly all systems went down: engines, comms, everything. All the flashing beams of capital ship weapons fire disappeared. Every human ship in our vicinity went dead, leaving us floating through space. I watched through the canopy as the Thargoids swarmed everywhere, more than I’d ever seen before. The Bright Sentinel was their first target, and they unleashed a blazing barrage against it. Nobody on board could have survived.” The superpowers have announced that HIP 22460 is off-limits to civilian traffic, and should now be considered Thargoid territory. The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have each begun compiling official lists of every military ship deployed to the system which remains unaccounted for. Azimuth Biotech likewise issued a statement confirming that both the Bright Sentinel and Heart of Taurus megaships have been destroyed, with all Proteus Wave project engineers missing and presumed dead. No information on the status of Salvation has yet been offered by the corporation.[2]

09 AUG 3308

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Communication with all ships in the HIP 22460 system has unexpectedly terminated, following the Proteus Wave’s activation. As intended, the energy pulse from Salvation’s Guardian-based superweapon disabled all Thargoids in the system. This was followed by a second pulse of similar intensity from an undetermined source, which rendered the Bright Sentinel megaship powerless. The Thargoid vessels displayed signs of returning to life, after which all comms channels fell silent. The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have verified that they are no longer receiving signals from their capital ships. Azimuth Biotech has been unable to contact the Bright Sentinel or Heart of Taurus. There has been no word from Salvation or any Azimuth personnel within the system. Some newsfeeds have begun publishing eyewitness reports from independent pilots, claiming that the Thargoids have resumed attacking all human ships. These statements have not been independently verified. However, the superpowers are insisting on caution until the status of the Thargoid fleet can be ascertained. They have advised that non-military ships should avoid entering the HIP 22460 system until further notice.[3]

18 FEB 3308

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Commanders are resisting Thargoid incursions in the Dan, HIP 12314 and Nauni systems. Although Aegis support vessels have been repurposed to offer support in all three systems, the organisation remains officially disbanded. It has fallen to individual pilots to defend the populations from swarms of Thargoid vessels. The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy all intend to replace Aegis with their own anti-xeno taskforces, but these have yet to materialise. This was remarked upon by independent journalist Flint 'Firemaker' Lafosse: "We've got the Alliance trying to sell its own people to Sirius Corporation, the Empire somehow misplacing its own Emperor, and the Federation being torn to pieces by its crazy president… who's got time to worry about Thargoids? I'll tell you who: the civilians in the systems they're invading! Our so-called leaders are praying that Salvation will step in and save the day, but he could be an alien himself for all we know!" Commodore Morag Halloran, who serves as Salvation's military coordinator, was approached by Vox Galactica to comment on his strategy for combating the latest Thargoid activity: "Salvation is currently focused on further development of the anti-xeno superweapon. At present this is the most efficient use of his time and resources, rather than small-scale engagement. Rest assured that, before long, we shall take the fight to the Thargoids once more."[4]

11 FEB 3308

  • *Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
    The HIP 12314, Dan and Nauni systems have come under heavy attack by Thargoid vessels. Vox Galactica featured this report by freelance war correspondent Jade Sanderlyn: "The Thargoids have been unusually aggressive in recent months, as attested by the drifting wreckages of many independent ships. When Salvation repelled their forces from the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems in December, some believed it was only a matter of time before the aliens retaliated. It appears that time has come. Although the Thargoid species is often viewed as territorial, on this occasion they have pushed further towards human space. Authorities in all three systems were unprepared for the incursions and have sent out a general call for assistance. The superpowers are still in the process of forming their anti-xeno taskforces, and thus unable to help. Fortunately, despite Aegis being officially defunct, some of its support megaships have yet to be decommissioned. These have been staffed with emergency crews and rushed into service in all three systems. As pilots race into combat once more, many must be wondering if the risks are now even greater. Have the Thargoids extended their reach into human space? Which systems might they strike at next? And is further escalation a price to be paid every time Salvation's superweapon is deployed?"[5]

18 JAN 3308

05 JAN 3308

  • The military trial of Admiral Aden Tanner has been suspended following evidence provided by Ram Tah as a witness for the defence. The Federal Navy tribunal was called to consider multiple charges – including mutiny – held against Tanner, the chief military liaison to Aegis. While commanding the Musashi megaship, he attempted to gain access to Hind Mine station and locate evidence regarding Salvation's anti-xeno superweapon. Admiral Tanner's defence attorney opened a live link with Phoenix Base to allow Ram Tah to provide the following testimony: "We have analysed the classified experimental equipment that was recently delivered to enable Salvation's superweapons. These components are near-identical to devices found at the Proteus research facility on Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2. In 3113, an Azimuth Biochemicals science team conducted weapons testing using Guardian artefacts from this site, accidentally triggering a radiation surge which resulted in their deaths. My hypothesis is that Salvation has constructed large-scale versions of the Proteus design. These generate a powerful electromagnetic pulse at frequencies which disrupt the Thargoids' bio-mechanical technology. It's highly probable that this is based on an existing Guardian weapon discovered by the Proteus. This would explain why its presence within a system attracts Thargoid vessels." The Federal Navy Criminal Court announced that Admiral Tanner's court martial has been temporarily suspended while the new evidence is reviewed.[7]

02 JAN 3308

  • Sima Kalhana reviews the most newsworthy events of the past year in this series of articles.
    "July began badly for the Federation, with more factions seceding in response to the Proactive Detection Bureau's establishment. The newly independent nations severed all links with these new surveillance efforts, inspiring many other systems to do likewise. This secession crisis would rumble on for the rest of the year. The Blue Viper Club, one of the rarely seen dredger clans, joined forces with the Kumo Crew to manufacture a medicinal drug that turned out to be a new strain of onionhead. The drug would ultimately end up being legally distributed by Neomedical Industries, causing Archon Delaine to seek revenge against the corporation. Tensions soared in the Marlinist Colonies during an election for the head of their diplomatic consulate. Aaron Whyte's candidate had the support of an Imperial senator, which would have given the Neo-Marlinists a powerful voice within the Empire. When a more moderate candidate was elected, the NMLA reacted by bombing both Marlinist starports, murdering tens of thousands including First Minister Jenna Fairfax. It seemed Theta Seven's extremist views allowed anyone to be targeted as an enemy, even his fellow Marlinists. The civil war concluded in August, with Whyte killed in battle as his supporters were overcome in direct combat. Following accusations of incompetence regarding the vanished Alexandria megaship, Aegis was officially suspended and subjected to a board of inquiry. This would have ramifications for the ongoing conflict with the Thargoids, and encourage Salvation to position himself as an alternative. In the corporate sphere, Zemina Torval created a new subsidiary of Mastopolos Mining that would eventually become an autonomous company. There were rumours that the Torval and Mastopolos families were now at loggerheads after decades of working in unison. In September, the mystery of Hyford's Cache was finally unlocked. The trail led to revelations of dark experiments which are believed to have involved human test subjects and Thargoid technology. When the Thargoids themselves appeared en masse in the Cornsar system, Salvation was ready for them. An anti-xeno superweapon of undisclosed nature was deployed, wiping out some of the aliens and driving away the rest. It seemed that the self-titled 'man of science' had developed something revolutionary, inspiring many to place their faith in him to end the Thargoid menace once and for all."[8]

31 DEC 3307

  • The last in a series that reviews the events of the past year, by noted historian Sima Kalhana.
    "October brought further controversy for the Federation, when a diplomatic conference in the Delta Pavonis system was revealed to be a honey trap designed to capture Yuri Grom. Only a rush of support for EG Union allowed their ruler to escape, causing political embarrassment for President Hudson. There was more corporate drama when Zemina Torval relinquished her long-held majority sharehold of Mastopolos Mining, fuelling rumours of a family rift with her cousins. Torval Mining Ltd became a fully independent corporation run by her daughter Constantia. The Colonia Bridge project officially started the first of two phases this year which would see the construction of 56 megaships between the Alcor and Colonia systems. Brewer Corporation enjoyed great public support for improving this travel corridor along the 22,000 light year journey, and revealed plans to enhance it further in the new year. Hadrian Duval, his wife Lady Astrid and their unborn child were the specific targets of another starport bombing by the NMLA. It proved unsuccessful, but did result in the Imperial Senate offering them protection in order to secure the Duval bloodline. It also led to a manhunt for Theta Seven, the galaxy's most wanted terrorist. In November, Orion University claimed that the dredger occupied by the Scriveners Clan was legally their property, but the nomadic descendants of its original crew refused to give up their home. The stand-off caught the public attention, with some supporting the clan's right to independence and others keen to discover what their Knowledge Core contained. Ultimately the Scriveners retained their freedom, sailing off into the void with their secrets intact. Many were shocked when Admiral Tanner, Aegis's military chief, went rogue and tried to force access to a starport controlled by Salvation's allies. His conviction that the anti-xeno superweapons were responsible for provoking the Thargoids was, however, not enough to win the day. The NMLA threw everything they had at the Mudhrid system in an attempt to rescue Theta Seven, who was hiding among the Far God cult to avoid capture. But the terrorists were crushed by ACT and a coalition of ships, with Theta Seven martyring himself by destroying the hijacked megaship Sacrosanct. A happier event in December was the birth of Hector Duval, son and heir of Hadrian and Lady Astrid. There were celebrations across the Empire, but also questions asked about the future of the Duval dynasty and if the child might one day inherit the Imperial throne. The year ended as it had begun, with Thargoid vessels swarming into nebula systems. But with incursions steadily increasing over recent months, there were fears that this time they might prove unstoppable. Salvation's superweapons were once again deployed to halt the aliens' progress, but will they be enough to prevent the Thargoids from threatening humanity in 3308?"[9]

29 DEC 3307

  • Continuing a series of articles by historian Sima Kalhana that look at the most newsworthy events during the past year.
    "April 3307 saw the creation of the Federation's Proactive Detection Bureau in reaction to the Nine Martyrs bombings. This organisation monitored all public and private communications for evidence of terrorists, to prevent similar attacks in future. But its highly controversial nature would soon present the Federation with new challenges. ACT's investigation led them to the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, which had helped deliver the caustic enzyme bombs to their nine targets. The faction's defeat was an early victory against the NMLA, but much of the organisation remained a mystery. When the 'ghost ship' Adamastor began receiving an encoded signal, this began an entire saga of mysteries. Its long-lost sister ship, the Hesperus, was soon located by pilots who had been recruited by an anonymous figure named Salvation. His interest in Azimuth Biochemicals, the 200 year old corporation that owned both vessels, would bring a strange twist to the ongoing Thargoid conflict. In May, Hadrian Duval was targeted by Federal forces after accusations that he was the mastermind behind the NMLA. The spectre of Empire-Federation war rose once again as Nova Imperium successfully defended itself, but ACT concluded that evidence had been falsified to implicate Hadrian and his new wife Lady Astrid. Aegis came under intense scrutiny when the megaship Alexandria, laden with newly collected Guardian artefacts, began attracting Thargoids in every system it jumped to. The Alexandria later vanished completely in hyperspace, and to this day remains missing presumed destroyed. The Alliance election finally took place at the end of May, having been delayed by three months due to the Galactic Summit. Councillor Nakato Kaine fought a spirited campaign, but Edmund Mahon was re-elected to serve a second term as prime minister. Supporters of Neo-Marlinism gained a voice in June, when Minister Aaron Whyte offered a peace deal with the Empire to prevent further terrorism. The idea of a political wing of the NMLA gained support from those fearing further bombings, but opened major rifts within the Marlinist Colonies. Salvation once again contacted pilots to track down survivors from the Hesperus. This led to the discovery of an ancient Guardian-Thargoid battleground, where Azimuth scientists had built a research base around their vessel Proteus. All were killed by unusual experiments into weaponising Guardian crystals. The Proactive Detection Bureau had been generally accepted by Federal citizens, but many claimed it was a violation of civil liberties. Halfway through the year, the Azaladshu Free faction took the bold step of seceding from the Federation, thus triggering the possibility of mass rebellion."[10]

21 DEC 3307

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    The Coalsack, Pleiades and Witch Head nebulas continue to see an influx of Thargoid vessels. Freelance war correspondent Ernesto Rios reported for Vox Galactica: "Over the last few months, Thargoid ships have appeared in over two dozen populated systems including Shenve, Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-5 and Coalsack Sector VU-O b6-6. All are in the vicinity of nebulas, which seem to be favoured by the Thargoids. In some systems, organised task forces of independent pilots have successfully hunted and destroyed the invaders. But in others, their efforts are undone by Thargoid reinforcements continually dropping out of hyperspace. There have been public demands to know why more superweapons have yet to be deployed. However, Salvation has not responded to this. Some of his supporters believe that it takes time to stockpile the weapons' resources, while others maintain that Salvation is focused on a masterplan to permanently eliminate the Thargoid threat. Until then, individual Commanders and anti-xeno squadrons remain fighting on the front line against the escalating Thargoid incursion."[11]

17 DEC 3307

  • The recent counterstrike against the Thargoids has revealed that Salvation is being unofficially supported by trained military personnel. Commodore Morag Halloran was a senior officer with the Alliance Defence Force who is now working for Salvation. She sent this statement to the media: "Over the last few years, I have fought hard to protect Allied interests from the Thargoids. But every battle against them felt like a defensive measure, a holding action. I'm convinced that these creatures are more than capable of wiping us all out. When an entire Thargoid fleet was forced out of the Cornsar system in September, I approached the Council of Admirals about sending ships to help, but my proposal was rejected. Then Salvation contacted me directly, saying that he required military leadership and my experiences in the Coalsack Nebula made me an ideal candidate. Along with Lieutenant Commander Glynn and nearly a hundred crewmates, we resigned our commissions and headed for Hind Mine. I now command many others who were recruited from the Federal, Imperial and Sirius Navies to serve on the Taurus megaships and elsewhere. I'm aware that some will view my actions as dereliction of duty, but I believe our true duty is to stop the Thargoids at any cost. And as our recent success proves, only Salvation has the means of doing so." The Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have all acknowledged the loss of some military personnel to Salvation's cause. While efforts are being made to prevent further losses, it is rumoured that potential concessions include official support for Salvation's anti-xeno activities.[12]

15 DEC 3307

  • Salvation has confirmed that his anti-xeno superweapons successfully routed Thargoids from the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems. The following message was submitted to all newsfeeds: "The Thargoid spearhead into human space has been severely blunted. Commodore Halloran coordinated the operation with military precision, and many loyal pilots acted swiftly to provide components for my unique technology. At present, I am not able to deploy these weapons in other systems suffering alien infestation. Next year, we will deliver a decisive blow in the war against the Thargoids. I urge the peoples of the galaxy to unite behind my crusade. Aegis is finished. I am the only remaining defence for humanity. I am Salvation." Independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons have been asked to continue combating the remaining Thargoid vessels in the Coalsack, Pleiades and Witch Head Nebula regions. Repair efforts are also still required in the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems.[13]

14 DEC 3307

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Salvation's anti-xeno superweapons have cleared most Thargoid vessels from the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems. Pilots were asked to transport classified experimental equipment from the Heart of Taurus in the Qarato system to three other megaships owned by Taurus Mining Ventures. These components were used to prepare the large-scale weapons developed by Salvation to affect Thargoid technology. Vox Galactica published an intercepted message from Commodore Morag Halloran, commanding officer of the Musashi, to the Bright Sentinel and Glorious Prospect megaships: "This is Halloran. Operation Tri-hammer has concluded with a code white-three-alpha. Estimated target destruction in Delphi is at 27%, with full dispersal of 98% of remaining hostiles. Scans underway for non-combatant disruption or casualties. Maia and Merope data to be submitted immediately to central analytics." Independent observers have reported that the majority of all Thargoid ships in the three systems have abruptly departed, with some wreckages found on planetary surfaces. This closely matches the event in the Cornsar system in September, when the anti-xeno superweapon was first deployed. Pilots are requested to help with repair and rescue efforts for starports damaged by the Thargoids: Donar's Oak and The Oracle in the Delphi system, Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system, and Reed's Rest in the Merope system.[14]

09 DEC 3307

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Salvation requires vital materials to deploy anti-xeno superweapons in the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems. A message was transmitted from the Musashi megaship by its new commanding officer, Commodore Morag Halloran: "The Thargoids have invaded three key systems, as Salvation anticipated. Preparations have been made to halt their advance, but there is an urgent requirement to collect classified experimental equipment from the Heart of Taurus in the Qarato system. Pilots must then deliver these shipments to three other megaships: the Musashi in the Delphi system, the Bright Sentinel in the Maia system, and the Glorious Prospect in the Merope system. It is crucial that all deliveries are made by early on Tuesday the 14th of December. Without these components, Salvation's superweapons will not be able to affect enough Thargoid vessels to turn the tide." Commodore Halloran was formerly a member of the Alliance Defence Force, and was in charge of protecting the first expedition to the Coalsack Nebula in 3306. She is one of hundreds of naval officers and crew from all three superpowers who have resigned their commissions to offer their services to Salvation, believing that only he can defeat the Thargoids.[15]

30 NOV 3307

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Systems in the California, Coalsack, Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulas are under sustained assault by the Thargoids. Vox Galactica featured this report from freelance war correspondent Ernesto Rios: "Multiple starports have been crippled by Thargoid attacks in recent weeks, with anti-xeno squadrons struggling to protect them. Many Commanders told me that this latest wave is proving unusually difficult to repel, with a steady stream of reinforcements replacing those alien vessels destroyed in battle. In normal times Aegis would coordinate the defence effort, but its operations remain suspended due to the Baumann inquiry. Today, it is clear that many of the superpowers' leaders have more faith in Salvation after his triumph in the Cornsar system, believing that he holds the key to defeating the Thargoids. Both the Imperial Navy and the Alliance's Council of Admirals have suggested committing naval forces to support Salvation. In the Federation, Congress has debated redirecting funds that were ring-fenced for Aegis to accelerate development of the anti-xeno superweapon. As yet these are merely discussions, but do illustrate the wide-reaching impact of the Cornsar incident. In the meantime, in the absence of direct support from either Aegis or Salvation, pilots are sacrificing their lives as they fight courageously to push back the Thargoid fleets."[16]

29 NOV 3307

  • Admiral Aden Tanner and the crew of the Musashi megaship will be placed on trial for attacking Salvation's allies. The admiral disobeyed orders by attempting to gain access to Hind Mine starport, the headquarters of Taurus Mining Ventures. After failing to achieve this, most of the Musashi's crewmembers were detained and repatriated to their respective home systems to face civil or military charges. The Federal Navy has published this official notice: "Admiral Tanner is formally accused of mutiny and unlawful military action while in command of the Musashi. He will stand trial in a general court-martial. If found guilty, he will be dishonourably discharged and imprisoned for life." Dr Paul Baumann, chair of the independent board of inquiry into Aegis, commented: "Recent events in the T Tauri system clearly fall within the scope of our investigation. For Aegis's chief military liaison to launch an unauthorised attack, at the cost of many lives, will weigh heavily against the organisation." Admiral Tanner claims that the anti-xeno superweapon deployed by Salvation in the Cornsar system has triggered an increase in Thargoid attacks. Although there is no direct evidence of this, the Thargoids have performed coordinated strikes against several systems in the weeks since that event.[17]

18 NOV 3307

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Taurus Mining Ventures has defeated a rogue Aegis Defense force and gained control of the megaship Musashi. The conflict was initiated by Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis. He was attempting to gain access to Hind Mine asteroid base, in search of evidence that Salvation's anti-xeno weapon was deliberately designed to provoke the Thargoids. Patience Middleton, a spokesperson for Taurus Mining Ventures, made this announcement: "This was an illegal and unnecessary conflict, brought about by Admiral Tanner's misguided obsession. We will continue working with Salvation to eliminate the Thargoid threat. Our defence was only possible thanks to our courageous supporters, for whom rewards are available at Hind Mine. We will also honour agreements that the Aegis Defense force made with independent pilots, who can collect their promised payments from the Musashi." Taurus Mining Ventures later confirmed that all members of the Musashi's original crew will be allowed to leave the megaship unharmed. Admiral Tanner and other key personnel are in temporary custody. Aegis has arranged for them to be transferred to its internal security teams.[18]

11 NOV 3307

  • *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    A rogue Aegis Defense force has initiated conflict with Taurus Mining Ventures in the T Tauri system. The megaship Musashi is commanded by Aegis's chief military liaison Admiral Aden Tanner, who made this announcement: "The Hind Mine asteroid base contains proof that Salvation's unlicensed anti-xeno weapon is intentionally designed to provoke the Thargoids, and therefore endangers us all. As Taurus Mining Ventures refuses to cooperate, we have no choice but to obtain the evidence by force. This may be our only opportunity to discover Salvation's true ambitions. I urge all independent pilots who have fought alongside Aegis to help us complete this vital mission." Patience Middleton, a spokesperson for Taurus Mining Ventures, responded: "This is an illegal attack that jeopardises the important work we are undertaking on behalf of Salvation. It is in the galactic community's interests to defend our corporate headquarters." Aegis officially stated that Admiral Tanner is acting on his own authority, and that the Musashi's presence in the T Tauri system is in direct violation of orders. Despite this, there are reports that Tanner has tacit support from many members of Aegis, who disagree with the public inquiry that has suspended its operations.[19]

05 NOV 3307

  • Admiral Aden Tanner has called for Aegis to reject the public inquiry's shutdown and take direct action against Salvation. The Musashi, an Aegis Defense megaship under his command, has entered the T Tauri system to challenge Taurus Mining Ventures. The corporation has performed activities on Salvation's behalf, including preparation for the anti-xeno weapon used to eliminate all Thargoids from the Cornsar system. Admiral Tanner transmitted this message to media outlets: "Salvation's unlicensed weapons technology is deliberately designed to provoke the Thargoids, risking millions of lives. My sources tell me that Hind Mine asteroid base contains evidence of this. I therefore demand that Taurus Mining Ventures allows us access so we can determine the truth." Patience Middleton of Taurus Mining Ventures responded: "We are a legitimate business under contract to a private citizen, whose activities are protected by confidentiality agreements. These threats have no legal standing and are not welcome." Admiral Tanner is a highly decorated Federal Navy officer and Aegis's chief military liaison, having coordinated many combat efforts against the Thargoids. The Musashi's relocation has been condemned by Aegis leadership, and Tanner has been ordered to depart the T Tauri system.[20]

28 OCT 3307

  • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
    Several inhabited systems in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulas have come under attack by large numbers of Thargoid ships. An emergency has been declared by the authorities in multiple systems including Asterope, Shenve and Onoros. Thargoid vessels have again targeted starports, with casualties estimated in the many thousands. Increased Thargoid activity has also been reported in the California and Coalsack Nebulas. Independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons are moving to defend the invaded systems and evacuate survivors from damaged starports. Aegis is not currently able to assist, as the operational shutdown enforced by the public inquiry has led to many ships and pilots being withdrawn from service. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison to Aegis, commented: "Many of us in Aegis are frustrated that the Baumann Report has tied our hands. I am also convinced that these Thargoids are reacting aggressively to the weapon of mass destruction that Salvation deployed in the Cornsar system. Not only should we be fighting the alien threat, but Salvation must be prevented from escalating the war." The Taurus Mining Ventures megaship Bright Sentinel has moved to the Merope system at Salvation's request. Reports indicate that tech brokers on board are offering a Guardian-hybrid plasma charger as well as material cost discounts to support the anti-xeno effort.[21]

27 SEP 3307

  • The anonymous Salvation commands much support in the galactic community, but a resistance movement has emerged to sabotage his efforts. Vox Galactica featured a special report from freelance journalist Alexei Keel: "In his self-proclaimed war against the Thargoids, Salvation recently scored a major victory by eliminating their forces from the Cornsar system. But the ongoing mystery around the identity of this 'man of science', as well as his controversial methods, have led to a backlash. To deliver vital components for his mysterious anti-xeno weapon, Salvation once again recruited independent pilots, directly messaging those who had performed tasks for him before. However, this time a counter-initiative was formed by those who did not trust his motivations. It was also supported by believers in non-aggression against the Thargoids, and others who feared that the weapon might endanger Cornsar's population. Their actions involved acquiring the components, which were disguised as basic medicines, but destroying rather than delivering them. Whether or not this partial blockade impacted the weapon's effectiveness remains unknown, but it acted as a substantial opposition to Salvation's scheme. Aegis is investigating the Cornsar incident, but with faith in that organisation at an all-time low, individual Commanders are now taking matters into their own hands. Time will tell if Salvation's ambition to replace Aegis is a noble goal, or if we are replacing the devil we know with a darker demon."[22]

22 SEP 3307

  • The anonymous 'man of science' Salvation has claimed responsibility for the Thargoids' unexplained departure from the Cornsar system. Salvation had predicted their attack, but his claim was discounted by Aegis and other authorities. After a few days the Thargoid vessels fled abruptly, leaving behind wreckages across the system. The following message was transmitted on public channels: "This is Salvation. The Thargoid invasion of Cornsar has now been repulsed, thanks to prototype anti-xeno weaponry that I have been developing for some time. I have achieved what Aegis could not – an effective deterrent against the alien threat. Refinement of this weapon is at a critical stage, so I cannot reveal any details. I only regret that my warning was not heeded in time to save everyone on the two starports. This triumph was only possible thanks to those loyal pilots who answered my call. Rewards will shortly be available from the Bright Sentinel megaship in the Mbooni system." Salvation's identity and capabilities remain unknown, but he has established a reputation as a rival to Aegis. He is also knowledgeable about Azimuth Biochemicals, a research company connected to the earliest recorded encounters with Guardian and Thargoid artefacts.[23]

20 SEP 3307

  • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
    The Thargoid vessels attacking the Cornsar system have unexpectedly departed from the region. For the last four days, independent pilots and local security forces have been in combat against the alien ships. Although some were destroyed in battle, the remainder have abruptly withdrawn back into hyperspace. The starports Chadwick Port and Ito Market sustained heavy damage during the assault, leaving thousands dead and wounded. Evacuation efforts are still underway to rescue the survivors from both stations. Marshal Noah Sharrow, the ruler of Cornsar, made this statement: "We cannot say why the Thargoids have gone, only that we are grateful they have. I thank all the brave pilots who fought valiantly to defend our people." Sightings of crashed Thargoid vessels on planetary bodies in the Cornsar system have been confirmed by Aegis observation teams. As yet there are no official explanations.[24]

16 SEP 3307

  • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
    The Cornsar system has been attacked by Thargoid forces, causing severe damage to two starports. Direct assaults against Chadwick Port and Ito Market stations have resulted in over ten thousand casualties. Local reports state that Thargoid vessels have also appeared elsewhere throughout the system, placing millions more lives at risk. The anonymous figure known as Salvation recently warned that Cornsar was in imminent danger of being invaded, having been alerted by his new xeno-detection network. Aegis could not verify Salvation's claim and saw no evidence of any Thargoid presence. The system's ruler, Marshal Noah Sharrow of the Allied Cornsar Constitution Party, transmitted this message: "This is a call to any pilots in the vicinity of Cornsar. We urgently need ships to defend our people from the Thargoids, and to rescue civilians trapped within Chadwick Port and Ito Market. This is a grave emergency!" Aegis has released a brief statement: "We can confirm there is a Thargoid presence in the Cornsar system. Unfortunately most of our operations and personnel remain suspended due to the public inquiry, so we cannot contribute to any anti-xeno efforts." There has been no further communication from Salvation, despite his accurate prediction of the attack.[25]

14 SEP 3307

  • The anonymous figure known as Salvation claims that Thargoid forces will shortly launch an assault in the Cornsar system. The following message was received by all major newsfeeds: "This is Salvation. Authorities in the Cornsar system must evacuate the local population immediately. I believe a Thargoid invasion of the system is imminent. I became aware of this danger while developing a new interstellar xeno-detection network, which will be far superior to Eagle Eye. Although the network is not fully complete, we cannot dismiss this report as a false reading. Cornsar must act now." Carter Armstrong, a chief administrator with Aegis, delivered an official statement: "Aegis cannot validate this claim. There is no indication of a Thargoid presence in the vicinity, and Cornsar is too far from their known territories to be a viable target. As most of our operations are suspended due to the public inquiry, we cannot dedicate any resources to investigate further." There was also a response from Marshal Noah Sharrow, who governs the Cornsar system on behalf of the Allied Cornsar Constitution Party: "We have no interest in the games of one-upmanship between Aegis and Salvation. Nor do we believe for a moment that the Thargoids would go out of their way to harass us."[26]


