Elite Dangerous Wiki

Armour Hardness, also known as Armour Rating, is an innate characteristic of a ship's hull that determines how damage from specific weapons will be inflicted on the hull of the target. In general, larger ships tend to have high Armour Hardness values, while smaller ships tend to have low Armour Hardness values. This value is specific to each model of ship, and cannot be improved or otherwise altered through Outfitting or Engineering options.

Effect on Damage[]

If a weapon's Pierce Rating is higher than the targeted ship's Hardness Rating, then it will deal its full damage to the hull of the targeted ship. If the Pierce Rating is lower than the Hardness Rating, then damage will be calculated as follows:

This means that a Mining Laser, the weakest of all standard weapon modules with a Pierce Rating of 18, used on a Type-10 Defender with an Armour Hardness of 75 will inflict only 24% of its total damage potential. The Cytoscrambler, a specialized anti-shield variant of the Burst Laser, performs even more poorly and will inflict only 1.33-5.00% of its damage, rendering it near useless against hulls.

Armour Hardness Ratings[]

Ship Rating
Type-10 Defender 75
Imperial Cutter 70
Federal Corvette
Python Mk II
Type-9 Heavy 65
Alliance Chieftain, Alliance Challenger, and Alliance Crusader
Beluga Liner 60
Federal Dropship, Federal Assault Ship, and Federal Gunship
Imperial Clipper
Type-8 Transporter 58
Krait MkII 55
Krait Phantom
Type-7 Transporter 54
Asp Explorer and Asp Scout 52
Keelback 45
Diamondback Explorer 42
Diamondback Scout 40
Cobra MkIII and Cobra MkIV 35
Viper MkIII and Viper MkIV
Type-6 Transporter
Imperial Courier 30
Imperial Eagle 28
Eagle MkII
Hauler 20
Sidewinder MkI

Armour Pierce Ratings[]

The Armour Pierce Rating depends on the type and class of the weapon used.

Class independent Weapon type Rating
Mining Lasers 18
Mines 60
Missiles (normal and AX)
Remote Release Flak Launchers
Plasma Accelerators 100
Torpedoes >100
Class dependent Beam Lasers 18-60
Burst Lasers 20-65
Pulse Lasers
Cannons 30-90
Fragment Cannons 20-45
Multi-Cannons 22-68
Exceptions Cytoscrambler Burst Laser 1
Enforcer Cannon (Multi-Cannon) 30