Elite Dangerous Wiki

Collected on planet surfaces and from asteroids.

Arsenic, As, atomic number 33. Sublimation point 887K. Used in medicines, pesticides, herbicides, optoelectronic compounds and for strengthening alloys.

— In-Game Description

Arsenic is a Raw Material. It was introduced in v2.0.


Visit the crashed Anaconda on Orrere 2B, collect the grade 4 raw materials there. Trade down at a material trader for arsenic. This should get you plenty of arsenic since it's a grade 2 material.[1]

Brain Trees also have arsenic. Such as in SYNUEFE NU-M D8-37, Planet A 1.[1]

Known Sources[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Looking for Arsenic - Frontier Forums - 29 Dec 2024