The Bartender in a Concourse
The Barteinder is a contact found in Concourses across the galaxy. Although ostensibly tasked with serving drinks to patrons of the Concourse bar, Bartenders offer two off-the-books services to commanders: Component bartering, and paying Credits for both legal and illegal Components, Goods, and Data.

The Component bartering menu at the Bartender
If a commander is in need of a specific Component, they can ask to barter with the Bartender. This involves trading Components for "Barter Value", and then spending the accumulated Barter Value on the desired Component. Each Component traded in is worth a fixed amount of Barter Value, with some Components being more valuable than others and therefore granting more Barter Value when traded in and costing more Barter Value when purchased.
Black Market[]
Commanders who have acquired legal and illegal Components, Goods, and Data that they have no other need for may sell them to the Bartender under the table for Credits. Unlike the Commodities Market or a normal Black Market, the Bartender's prices are fixed. Bartenders will also refuse to buy any illegal items unless the local system is controlled by an Anarchy minor faction. Components are typically worth relatively few Credits, while most Goods and Data are much more valuable.