Elite Dangerous Wiki
Elite Dangerous Wiki
Black Hole in ED 1

Black hole and an Asp Explorer

Black holes are typically the stellar remnants of super massive stars of twenty solar masses or more, that have reached the end of their lives. Nuclear fusion has ceased, and the star collapsed to the most extreme point possible - where gravity was so extreme light can no longer escape. If matter should fall on to such a body, an extreme burst of gamma radiation will be emitted, but otherwise the body is only visible by the gravitational distortion in the vicinity. In many cases black holes can be seen emitting brightly in X-rays because of matter falling on to their surface from a companion body.

— In-Game Description

Black holes are the condensed stellar remnants of supermassive stars that have reached the end of their lives. Nuclear fusion has ceased, and the star has collapsed into a singularity, where gravity is so extreme that light can no longer escape.


Black inhaling thruster exhaust

Maia B black hole inhaling thruster exhaust from Krait Mk II

Black holes are relatively rare objects in the Milky Way galaxy and cannot be fuel scooped. Although they cannot be flown into directly due to their exclusion zones, they still present a minor hazard to travelers. In most cases, arriving in a system with a black hole will result in the pilot's ship almost immediately colliding with the exclusion zone and making an emergency drop into normal space, unless they immediately reduce their throttle or equip a Supercruise Assist and toggle the "Hyperspace Dethrottle" function.

Supermassive Black Holes[]


Sagittarius A*

Super massive black holes tend to form when an initial black hole begins to swallow ever more mass, including other black holes. With time they acquire a vast mass and become a key component of the galaxy, with much of the other galactic mass rotating around them, and can be several million solar masses.

— In-Game Description

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are vastly more massive variants of normal black holes. They are found in the center of almost all known massive galaxies, including the Milky Way. Sagittarius A* is the Milky Way's only known supermassive black hole, and behaves similarly to standard black holes.


  • A popular misconception about black holes is that dropping into one's exclusion zone will result in the player's ship continuously accumulating heat or hull damage, similar to a normal star. In fact, neither type of damage is inflicted while in the exclusion zone. This idea may have arisen from players misunderstanding that emergency drops from supercruise caused by collisions with exclusion zones inflict a small amount of hull and module damage, or there may be a bug while in a black hole's exclusion zone that occasionally causes ships to be instantly destroyed.


