Elite Dangerous Wiki

Atlas was established in 3302 and has since had all records regarding its members' actions deemed classified. The permit for this system can be obtained by attaining prestige in CQC.

— In-Game Description

CD-43 11917 is an independent system in the Core Systems within the Inner Orion Spur. It is the headquarters of the CQC Championship and the home of Elite-ranked or Prestiged CQC pilots. The system features Attilius Orbital, which offers 20-30% discounts on a number of weapons, modules, small and medium combat ships. Access to CD-43 11917 is permit-locked. It requires the CQC Home World Permit, which is only distributed to pilots who reach rank 50 in CQC and choose to "Prestige", which resets their rank.

System Layout[]

Minor Factions[]

  • Benton's Gang (Anarchy, Independent)
  • CQC Holdings (Corporate, Independent)
  • Salleda State Systems (Corporate, Federation)


  • The hangar displayed in the CQC Championship menu is located in Attilius Orbital.

