Elite Dangerous Wiki

A Cruise Ship is a roving signal source that consists of a commercial cruise liner traversing a star system on a scenic tour. These ships broadcast various messages on public comms channels that can be picked up while traveling in supercruise.


Cruise Ship encounters consist of a single non-hostile Dolphin, Orca, or Beluga Liner. They can be interdicted, but are not equipped to defend themselves and carry few valuables. If left alone, Cruise Ships will eventually arrive at a station and drop into normal space.

Spawn Locations[]

Cruise Ships can appear in shipping lanes in any populated system.

Comms Messages[]

  • "And don't forget, this Liner is in the top 1% of all Liners out there."
  • "We will be cruising in-system for a while, please feel free to take advantage of our in-flight entertainment."
  • "Today's cruise includes some delightful views, our flight attendants are on hand with full details."
  • "This is your captain. Due to some unforeseen delays, we will be arriving at our next destination later than scheduled."