Elite Dangerous Wiki

These high-value vessels are an all-new class of ship, soon to be available on the open market. Offering a range of customisation options, carriers represent a new era of spacefaring.

— Reveal description[1]

The Drake-Class Carrier, also known as the Fleet Carrier, is a Capital Ship manufactured by Brewer Corporation. It is the largest and most expensive vessel available to independent pilots for purchase. It features a total of 16 Landing Pads to accommodate other conventional ships, and is jump-capable, allowing it to act as a mobile base with much of the functionality and services of a typical Station.


Drake-Class Carriers are a model of Capital Ship designed to serve as Carriers for fleets of smaller ships.[2] Pilots are restricted to owning only one Fleet Carrier each, and instead of piloting it directly as with conventional ships, they can command it to jump between different locations.[3][4] The main feature of the vessels is their Landing Pads, which provide many of the same services as conventional Stations, including Refuel, Repair, Rearm, and more depending on what the vessel's owner has funded. Each Fleet Carrier possesses 16 total Landing Pads: 8 large, 4 medium, and 4 small. The owner controls the docking permissions, and can restrict who may dock. Each Drake-Class Carrier has a total cargo capacity of 25,000 t, which is used both to store commodities and hold the infrastructure necessary for various optional services, and a total fuel capacity of 1,000 t of Tritium.[2][3][4]



Fleet Carrier rear view

Fleet Carrier rear view

Like the Farragut Battle Cruiser and Majestic Class Interdictor, the Drake-Class Carrier is equipped with a Capital Ship-class Frame Shift Drive, allowing it to jump between star systems. It has a maximum jump range of 500 ly and can travel anywhere in the galaxy, with the exception of permit-locked systems, and the owner can schedule a jump for any time that they wish. In order to undertake a jump, the ship must be supplied with a certain amount of a fuel called Tritium, that can either be purchased from Commodity Markets at Starports with a Refinery economy or mined from surface and sub-surface deposits on icy asteroids.[5][2] Every jump that the Fleet Carrier performs inflicts a degree of wear and tear on the vessel, which incurs additional maintenance costs.[3][4]

Jumps can be plotted through both the Galaxy Map and the System Map, and the destination system must be within the Fleet Carrier's maximum jump range. If the Galaxy Map is used, the vessel will arrive at a random body in the selected system. If the System Map is used, the owner can select a specific body within a system as the destination. Plotting through the Galaxy Map can be done regardless of whether the system has been charted or not, while plotting through the System Map is only an option if the system has been charted. Be aware that it is possible to jump a Fleet Carrier to a system it may not be able to depart from due to insufficient fuel.[4]

Once the owner schedules a jump, there is a one-hour buildup period immediately preceding the jump, followed by a one-hour cooldown period after the jump completes. During the buildup period, the Fleet Carrier broadcasts a system-wide announcement notifying local pilots of the imminent jump, but the owner can still cancel the jump. During the cooldown period, another jump cannot be initiated. When a Fleet Carrier jumps, any active pilots in its vicinity can witness its departure, and any active pilots docked with the vessel will experience the jump.[4]


Fleet Carriers have weekly upkeep costs starting at 10 million credits for a newly-purchased, unmodified vessel,[3] and falling behind in these payments for a long enough period will result in the Fleet Carrier being decommissioned and scrapped.[6] There are three types of expenses that make up the total upkeep cost:[3][4]

  • Core costs - Those crew members required to run the Fleet Carrier's core services and keep it operational.
  • Optional costs - Those crew members required to run optional services at the owner's selected tier of quality.
  • Maintenance costs - Degradation to the Fleet Carrier accumulated by performing jumps. This is a flat cost added per each jump made by the Fleet Carrier in a given week.

The owner can pay for upkeep directly from their available credit assets, and also with an income that can be generated from the vessel's available services, including refueling and the commodity market, by setting tariffs. The owner can raise or lower tariffs at any time. Any pilots other than the owner who use Fleet Carrier services with tariffs will consequently pay more for those services than at Starports, and the owner can use the profits to fund upkeep. Income raised by tariffs is dependent on how many pilots use the Fleet Carrier's services, and consequently Fleet Carriers stationed in high-traffic systems are more likely to generate more income.[3][2]


When the owner of a Fleet Carrier fails to regularly pay upkeep costs and accrues a massive debt over a long period of time, the Fleet Carrier will be automatically slated for decommissioning and scrapping.[7] When a Fleet Carrier is decommissioned, the owner is refunded a majority, but not all, of the Fleet Carrier's total value, including the value of any enabled services and stocked items. The owner can also choose to decommission a Fleet Carrier of their own accord at any time. Individuals who have their Fleet Carriers decommissioned for any reason are never barred from purchasing another Fleet Carrier.[3][4]

While a Fleet Carrier is slated for decommissioning, docking privileges for all pilots other than the owner are revoked, and the owner cannot schedule a new jump. Any pilots, including the owner, who have stored modules and ships on the vessel can still transfer them to the station of their choice during this time; if the vessel is scrapped before they are able to do so, their modules and ships will be automatically transferred to the nearest station.[3][4]


Purchase Locations

Drake-Class Carriers will be available for purchase from select systems.[5] Starports that sell them are visually signified by a Carrier Construction facility stationed a few kilometers away, and feature the Carrier Construction service in their Starport Service menus under Contacts. Once a Drake-Class Carrier is purchased, the owner can find it orbiting a body in the nearest available system.[3][4]


  • The Drake-Class Carrier will be released with the Fleet Carrier Update in June 2020.[2][8] Purchasing it will not require owning Elite Dangerous: Horizons.[9][10]
  • Drake-Class Carriers are persistent objects in the game, and will remain present regardless of whether the owner is online or offline, or playing in Open, Solo, or Private Groups.[5] If a player is docked with a Drake-Class Carrier in Solo and it jumps, the player will jump with it.[4]
  • Like Stations, Fleet Carriers are indestructible and possess defensive capabilities in order to defend themselves and nearby non-hostile ships from attackers.[5]
  • Fleet Carriers were conceived as early as 2017. During that year's Frontier Expo, the Frontier Developments art director stated that carriers had not been designed yet, but their functions had been decided.[11][12] Fleet Carriers were originally planned to be included in Chapter Four (3.3) of Elite Dangerous: Beyond alongside the Squadrons feature, but were delayed.[13]
  • Fleet Carriers were originally planned to be tied to Squadrons, and a Squadron would have been able to purchase and operate a Fleet Carrier collectively. This was changed to allow individual players who may not belong to a Squadron or desire to join one access to the Fleet Carrier feature.[3]
  • In the original December Update content reveal in July 2019, Fleet Carriers were planned to be tailored to specific roles through the acquisition of Support Vessels, which would have changed the Fleet Carrier's loadout of available services and modules. Support Vessels did not possess Landing Pads, and accompanied the main Fleet Carrier in formation as a visual indicator of the Fleet Carrier's role. A Fleet Carrier would only be able to have one Support Vessel active at a time.[9][5] Support Vessels were dropped during development prior to April 2020 in favor of giving Fleet Carrier owners more direct control over their vessels' loadouts and services.[4]
  • Players with the Kickstarter backer in-game discount will have that discount applied when they purchase a Fleet Carrier.[4]
  • Fleet Carrier maintenance costs are deducted during the weekly server downtime period, at 7:00am UTC every Thursday. Any Fleet Carriers slated for decommissioning will also be removed during this time.[3][4]



