Elite Dangerous Wiki
Elite Dangerous OST Cover

Elite Dangerous OST, released on 1 April 2015

The Elite Dangerous OST was made by composer Erasmus Talbot and Frontier Head of Audio, Jim Croft. The album became available on 1 April 2015. The ED: Odyssey OST was composed by Dan Millidge and released on 29 May 2021.


Erasmus Talbot and Jim Croft developed the dynamic music system that allows the score to ‘breathe’ and reflect gameplay. Croft managed a team of talented individuals who also worked on audio such as ship engine sound and the ship's voice. Croft said it's been an absolute honor and privilege to be involved with Elite Dangerous.[1]

Jim Croft Head of Audio

Jim Croft, Head of Audio at Frontier

The Elite Dangerous Original Soundtrack has over 2 hours of music content to immerse yourself in the Elite Dangerous universe. It includes an eight-page full colour PDF booklet containing extensive sleeve notes by composer Erasmus Talbot and Executive Music Producer and Frontier Head of Audio, Jim Croft. The initial release date was 1 April 2015 and it's available at the Frontier store.[2]

Inspiration and Challenges[]

Erasmus Talbot composer

Erasmus Talbot, composer

Erasmus Talbot Talks about his inspiration and the challenges in composing the score for Elite: Dangerous.

“As a composer there could be nothing more exciting and fun than writing sweeping themes, vast exploration music and energetic battle cues for an epic sci-fi game. And while it will be fun to study and reference my favourite scores, I feel that drive that is simply part of Elite’s legacy to defy convention, push the boundaries and try something new.[3]

For this first trailer, I stayed close to the musical language typically associated with the genre, drawing from scores of recent sci-fi blockbuster such as Star Trek, Oblivion, Star Wars I-III etc. while trying to find my own voice in the themes and use of synth. As with game play and art style, the musical style is very much in development and my ambitions to find a unique, yet fitting musical identity for Elite: Dangerous are extremely high.[3]

Elite:Dangerous will take players through a vast universe, range of gameplay scenarios and game modes. For music to enhance these experiences without becoming repetitive is a challenge that I am relishing. The right balance between musical styles and moods will have to be found, coupled with a suitable interactive playback system. How do we reflect a procedurally created and potentially infinite universe? How does music develop over the course of an epic 1 hour battle? These are just some of the questions we have to answer.[3]

Also, on the practical side, it is already clear that the soundtrack will be highly orchestral. This means confronting ourselves extensively with orchestration, score creation, live recording and wherever we apply sample libraries, highly detailed midi programming for convincing, musical results.[3]

Creatively, stepping out of the shadows of Holst, Williams and co. will take quite some confidence and experimentation but it’s essential to reflect musically the unique character of Elite:Dangerous’ gameplay.”[3]

Odyssey OST[]


ED: Odyssey Official Soundtrack, released on 29 May 2021

The Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Original Soundtrack was composed by Dan Millidge. It was released on the Frontier store and Steam on 29 May 2021. It contains 39 tracks for about 66 minutes of combined length.

Official description: "Immerse yourself in the incredible sounds of Frontier’s Elite Dangerous: Odyssey with this grand collection of tracks taken from the massively multiplayer space epic. Discover 39 masterful pieces, brought to you by celebrated composer Dan Millidge. From heart-pounding, action-packed instrumentals made for blazing a trail through the stars, to contemplative, calming soundscapes, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Soundtrack provides epic aural delights across its 67-minute runtime."[4]

Elite: Dangerous OST track listing[]

Disc 1 - Exploration[]

# Title Composer Length
01 Lonely Pulsar Erasmus Talbot 01:24
02 Neutron Star Erasmus Talbot 01:24
03 White Dwarf Erasmus Talbot 01:46
04 Hypernova Erasmus Talbot 01:35
05 Fusor Erasmus Talbot 01:17
06 Blue Giant Erasmus Talbot 01:19
07 Magnetar Erasmus Talbot 01:07
08 Thorne-Zytkow Object Erasmus Talbot 01:24
09 The Ring Nebula Erasmus Talbot 01:29
10 Hoag's Object Erasmus Talbot 01:29
11 The Galactic Rose Erasmus Talbot 01:47
12 The Retina Nebula Erasmus Talbot 01:31
13 Arcturus Rising Erasmus Talbot 01:34
14 Remembering Sol Erasmus Talbot 01:37
15 Tau Ceti Permutations Erasmus Talbot 01:37
16 Delta Pavonis Erasmus Talbot 01:21
17 Altair Erasmus Talbot 01:42
18 Beta Hydri Erasmus Talbot 01:14
19 From Here To Alpha Centauri Erasmus Talbot 01:21
20 Anlave Erasmus Talbot 01:35
21 Delta Phoenicis Erasmus Talbot 01:28
22 Cemiess Erasmus Talbot 01:32
23 Fawoal Erasmus Talbot 01:34
24 Liabeze Erasmus Talbot 01:29
25 The Natives Of Achernar Erasmus Talbot 01:31
26 Liaedin Erasmus Talbot 01:36
27 To Zaonce And Beyond Erasmus Talbot 01:35
28 Alioth Erasmus Talbot 01:36
29 Lave New Alliance Erasmus Talbot 01:29
30 Gateway Erasmus Talbot 01:38
31 Leesti Erasmus Talbot 01:36
32 Anayol Erasmus Talbot 01:12
33 Soholia Erasmus Talbot 01:14
34 Diso Erasmus Talbot 01:13
35 Terra Mater Erasmus Talbot 01:25
36 Zelada Erasmus Talbot 01:23
37 Phekda Erasmus Talbot 01:21
38 Riedquat Erasmus Talbot 01:07
39 Uszaa Erasmus Talbot 01:06
40 Canopus Erasmus Talbot 01:11
41 Quator Erasmus Talbot 01:15
42 Hyporborea Erasmus Talbot 01:12
43 Tarach Tor Erasmus Talbot 01:26
44 Utgaroar Erasmus Talbot 01:13
45 Keries Erasmus Talbot 01:15

Disc 2 - Frameshift & Starports[]

# Title Composer Length
01 First Movement - Andromeda Erasmus Talbot 03:59
02 Second Movement - Centaurus Erasmus Talbot 04:00
03 Third Movement - Ursa Major Erasmus Talbot 03:24
04 Fourth Movement - Draco Erasmus Talbot 03:57
05 Fifth Movement - Coma Berenices Erasmus Talbot 02:26
06 Sixth Movement - Canes Venatici Erasmus Talbot 02:35
07 Seventh Movement - Virgo Erasmus Talbot 01:51
08 Federal Starport Erasmus Talbot 03:42
09 Imperial Starport Erasmus Talbot 03:34
10 Allied Starport Erasmus Talbot 03:22
11 Anarchic Starport Erasmus Talbot 03:25

Disc 3 - Combat & Extras[]

# Title Composer Length
01 E:D Theme (E3 Edit) Blaze Your Own Trail Erasmus Talbot 01:23
02 Low Intensity Threat - Section 1 Erasmus Talbot 01:01
03 Low Intensity Threat - Section 2 Erasmus Talbot 01:01
04 Low Intensity Threat - Section 3 Erasmus Talbot 01:14
05 Low Intensity Engagement - Section 1 Erasmus Talbot 01:12
06 Low Intensity Engagement - Section 2 Erasmus Talbot 00:34
07 Low Intensity Engagement - Section 3 Erasmus Talbot 00:42
08 Low Intensity Engagement - Section 4 Erasmus Talbot 01:24
09 Low Intensity Engagement - Section 5 Erasmus Talbot 00:51
10 Low Intensity Engagement - Section 6 Erasmus Talbot 00:26
11 Medium Intensity Threat - Section 1 Erasmus Talbot 01:29
12 Medium Intensity Threat - Section 2 Erasmus Talbot 00:54
13 Medium Intensity Threat - Section 3 Erasmus Talbot 01:02
14 Medium Intensity Engagement - Section 1 Erasmus Talbot 01:07
15 Medium Intensity Engagement - Section 2 Erasmus Talbot 01:17
16 Medium Intensity Engagement - Section 3 Erasmus Talbot 00:49
17 Medium Intensity Engagement - Section 4 Erasmus Talbot 01:36
18 Medium Intensity Engagement - Section 5 Erasmus Talbot 01:02
19 Medium Intensity Engagement - Section 6 Erasmus Talbot 01:45
20 Medium Intensity Engagement - Section 7 Erasmus Talbot 01:27
21 Medium Intensity Engagement - Section 8 Erasmus Talbot 01:54
22 High Intensity Threat - Section 1 Erasmus Talbot 01:33
23 High Intensity Engagement - Intro Erasmus Talbot 00:24
24 High Intensity Engagement - Section 1 Erasmus Talbot 00:27
25 High Intensity Engagement - Section 2 Erasmus Talbot 01:10
26 High Intensity Engagement - Section 3 Erasmus Talbot 01:31
27 High Intensity Engagement - Section 4 Erasmus Talbot 01:19
28 High Intensity Engagement - Section 5 Erasmus Talbot 00:58
29 High Intensity Engagement - Section 6 Erasmus Talbot 01:51
30 E:D Menus Erasmus Talbot 03:37

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST track listing[]

# Title Composer Length
01 First Footfall: New World Dan Millidge 00:41
02 Exploration: Tharsis Rise Dan Millidge 02:00
03 Exploration: Vallis Capella Dan Millidge 02:00
04 Exploration: Siduri Mons Dan Millidge 02:07
05 Exploration: Arcadia Dan Millidge 01:55
06 Exploration: Akna Montes Dan Millidge 02:03
07 Exploration: Voyager Terra Dan Millidge 01:58
08 Exploration: Cassini Dan Millidge 01:38
09 Exploration: Aeolis Dan Millidge 01:49
10 Exploration: Agnesi Dan Millidge 02:17
11 Exploration: Huygens Dan Millidge 02:34
12 Exploration: Sputnik Planitia Dan Millidge 01:57
13 Exploration: Lacus Gaudii Dan Millidge 01:26
14 Exploration: Ligeia Mare Dan Millidge 01:50
15 Exploration: Albys Vallis Dan Millidge 02:08
16 Exploration: Meni Tessera Dan Millidge 01:30
17 Exploration: Tempe Terra Dan Millidge 02:08
18 Exploration: Hellas Planitia Dan Millidge 01:51
19 Exploration: Solis Planum Dan Millidge 01:48
20 Exploration: Tartarus Dorsa Dan Millidge 01:25
21 Settlement: Return To Base Dan Millidge 00:50
22 Settlement: Refuel Dan Millidge 00:41
23 Settlement: Regroup Dan Millidge 00:45
24 Settlement: Comrades Dan Millidge 00:59
25 Settlement: Unknown Dan Millidge 00:48
26 Settlement: Alone Dan Millidge 00:57
27 Settlement: Stay Alive Dan Millidge 00:59
28 Settlement: Forge Ahead Dan Millidge 01:13
29 Settlement: Damaged Dan Millidge 01:04
30 Settlement: Beyond Repair Dan Millidge 00:59
31 Settlement: In The Dark Dan Millidge 00:49
32 Settlement: Lost Dan Millidge 01:15
33 Stealth: Infiltrate Dan Millidge 03:15
34 Stealth: Reconnaissance Dan Millidge 03:17
35 Stealth: Covert Tactics Dan Millidge 03:07
36 Combat: Weapon Of Choice Dan Millidge 02:15
37 Combat: Only The Brave Dan Millidge 02:13
38 Combat: Last Chance Dan Millidge 02:27
39 Combat: No Survivors Dan Millidge 01:29



