Elite Dangerous Wiki

Outdoor world with a human-breathable atmosphere and indigenous life. The atmosphere is far from chemical equilibrium as a result.
This planet has been terraformed.

— In-Game Description

Emerald, formerly designated Cemiess 4 a, is a terraformed Earth-like moon in the Cemiess system. It orbits the planet Jade. Princess Aisling Duval lives there in her magnificent palace. Other very wealthy elite also reside on this planet. Workers and exotic entertainers live in the cities. Many slaves are employed to sustain the great plantations and luxurious lifestyles of the elite.[1]


The Federation originally claimed Cemiess 4 a and planned to begin terraforming it in 3031, but Congressional approval of the mission's budget was blocked by Governor Raul Santorini of Tau Ceti, who viewed the project as a waste of money. A second effort in 3055 was likewise blocked by Santorini. The Empire launched its own terraforming program for the system in 3080, and in 3101 the first Imperial colonists landed on the newly-renamed planet Emerald and commemorated Santorini, who had been assassinated by an unknown party in 3098, in the ground-breaking ceremony. This provoked the Federation into sending a battle fleet to Cemiess under Admiral O'Brien. Both superpowers warred for control of Emerald for the next thirty years, but the Empire ultimately prevailed and stationed the XV Fleet in the system.[2]

An art installation called Prism's Shades opened on Emerald on May 22, 3301. It is a multi-sensory experience that uses experimental light and sound projection technology to stimulate a series of empathic responses from its audience. Princess Aisling attended the opening.[3] In May 3304, Princess Aisling took a private tour of Prism's Shades with Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester,[4] to whom she would become engaged on June 22, 3304.[5]

The wedding of Princess Aisling and Ambassador Rochester was scheduled take place at the Imperial Palace on Emerald on August 25, 3304. The ceremony would have included an honour guard of vessels from both the Federal Navy and Imperial Navy, and representatives from every strata of society were invited to attend.[6] Following Jarl Toredo's claims that he had been in a secret relationship with Princess Aisling and her marriage to Ambassador Rochester was purely a political scheme, the wedding was officially cancelled on August 22.[7]


