Elite Dangerous Wiki
Elite Dangerous Wiki
Energy Link


The Energylink is a tool with two modes: transfer and overload. Transfer Mode moves power from or to the suit. Overload Mode short-circuits and deactivates a device, or emits a lethal electrical pulse.[1] It can be equipped with the Flight Suit, Maverick Suit, Dominator Suit, and Artemis Suit.[2][3] It was added with ED: Odyssey.


The Energylink is an important tool in a commander's kit.

  • In the legal Transfer mode, it is able to activate devices at settlements. It can also recharge a suit's battery via Suit Recharge Sockets.
  • In the illegal Overload mode, it can deactivate devices at settlements. It can also work as a stealth weapon: it discharges a short-range electrical pulse capable of killing an unshielded person in a single burst.


