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Elite Dangerous Wiki
The Engineers

The Engineers

The Engineers are secretive, eccentric individuals who can modify the weapons and modules of ships to exceed baseline performance standards. As they reside in Workshops on planetary surfaces, they are only accessible to ships equipped with a Planetary Approach Suite. The modifications that Engineers offer vary depending upon their skill sets and personal preferences. Some Engineers will be more beneficial for explorers, while others will be more beneficial for combat specialists.

Engineers and Workshops[]


Ram Tah's Phoenix Base

Pilots will initially learn about some Engineers through rumors, but as they gain access to Engineers and build reputations, those Engineers will inform them of other Engineers with a wider variety of or more potent modifications. In order to obtain an invitation to an Engineer's workshop, their invite requirements (listed as "How to Get Invite" in table below) must first be met. These requirements vary and some Engineers are easier to obtain an invite from than others. Be aware that attempting to land at a workshop without an invitation is treated as trespassing, and offenders will be immediately attacked by the workshop's defences. Once invited and having traveled to their workshop, an Engineer's services can be unlocked by completing an additional task, ranging from providing a specific item to turning in bounties.

When docked at a workshop, pilots can access an engineer's services through ship services. If they own Odyssey, they may also disembark and speak with the engineer in an auxillary workshop near the hangar.

Ship Engineers[]

There are a total of 25 Engineers who specialise in ship modifications.

Engineer Base Name Modifications offered System Planet Region
Tod "The Blaster" McQuinn Trophy Camp
  • Multi-cannon (G5)
  • Rail Gun (G5)
  • Cannon (G2)
  • Fragment Cannon (G2)
Wolf 397 Trus Madi Core Systems
Selene Jean Prospector's Rest
  • Armour (G5)
  • Hull Reinforcement Package (G5)
Kuk B 3 Core Systems
Didi Vatermann Vatermann LLC
  • Shield Booster (G5)
  • Shield Generator (G3)
Leesti 1 a Core Systems
Bill Turner Turner Metallics Inc
  • Sensors (G5)
  • Plasma Accelerator (G5)
  • AFMU (G3)
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (G5)
  • Frame Shift Wake Scanner (G3)
  • Fuel Scoop (G3)
  • Kill Warrant Scanner (G3)
  • Life Support (G3)
  • Manifest Scanner (G3)
  • Refinery (G3)
Alioth 4 a Core Systems
Broo Tarquin Broo's Legacy
  • Beam Laser (G5)
  • Burst Laser (G5)
  • Pulse Laser (G5)
Muang 5 a Core Systems
Liz Ryder Demolition Unlimited
  • Missile Rack (G5)
  • Seeker Missile Rack (G5)
  • Torpedo Pylon (G5)
  • Mine Launcher (G3)
  • Hull Reinforcement Package (G1)
  • Armour (G1)
Eurybia Makalu Core Systems
Hera Tani The Jet's Hole
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (G5)
  • Power Plant (G5)
  • Power Distributor (G3)
  • Sensors (G3)
Kuwemaki A 3 a Core Systems
Tiana Fortune Fortune's Loss
  • Manifest Scanner (G5)
  • Collector Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Frame Shift Wake Scanner (G5)
  • Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Kill Warrant Scanner (G5)
  • Prospector Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Sensors (G5)
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (G3)
  • Frame Shift Drive Interdictor (G3)
Achenar 4 a Core Systems
Felicity Farseer Farseer Inc
  • Frame Shift Drive (G5)
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (G3)
  • Sensors (G3)
  • Thrusters (G3)
  • Power Plant (G1)
  • Frame Shift Drive Interdictor (G1)
  • Shield Booster (G1)
Deciat 6 a Core Systems
Colonel Bris Dekker Dekker's Yard
  • Frame Shift Drive Interdictor (G4)
  • Frame Shift Drive (G3)
Sol Iapetus Core Systems
Juri Ishmaak Pater's Memorial
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (G5)
  • Mine Launcher (G5)
  • Sensors (G5)
  • Frame Shift Wake Scanner (G3)
  • Kill Warrant Scanner (G3)
  • Manifest Scanner (G3)
  • Missile Rack (G3)
  • Seeker Missile Rack (G3)
  • Torpedo Pylon (G3)
Giryak 2 a Core Systems
The Sarge The Beach
  • Cannon (G5)
  • Collector Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Prospector Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Rail Gun (G3)
Beta-3 Tucani 2 b a Core Systems
Elvira Martuuk Long Sight Base
  • Frame Shift Drive (G5)
  • Shield Generator (G3)
  • Thrusters (G2)
  • Shield Cell Bank (G1)
Khun 5 Core Systems
The Dweller Black Hide
  • Beam Lasers (G3)
  • Burst Lasers (G3)
  • Pulse Lasers (G4)
  • Power Distributor (G5)
Wyrd A 2 Core Systems
Lei Cheung Trader's Rest
  • Shield Generator (G5)
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (G5)
  • Sensors (G5)
  • Shield Booster (G3)
Laksak A 1 Core Systems
Marco Qwent Qwent Research Base
  • Power Plant (G4)
  • Power Distributor (G3)
Sirius Lucifer Core Systems
Professor Palin Abel Laboratory
  • Thrusters (G5)
  • Frame Shift Drive (G3)
Arque 4 e Core Systems
Zacariah Nemo Nemo Cyber Party Base
  • Fragment Cannon (G5)
  • Multi-cannon (G3)
  • Plasma Accelerator (G2)
Yoru 4 Core Systems
Lori Jameson Jameson Base
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (G5)
  • Sensors (G5)
  • AFMU (G4)
  • Fuel Scoop (G4)
  • Life Support (G4)
  • Refinery (G4)
  • Frame Shift Wake Scanner (G3)
  • Manifest Scanner (G3)
  • Shield Cell Bank (G3)
Shinrarta Dezhra A 1 Core Systems
Ram Tah Phoenix Base
  • Chaff Launcher (G5)
  • ECM (G5)
  • Heat Sink Launcher (G5)
  • Point Defence (G5)
  • Collector Limpet Controller (G4)
  • Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller (G4)
  • Prospector Limpet Controller (G4)
  • Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller (G3)
Meene AB 5 d Core Systems
Etienne Dorn Kraken's Retreat
  • Detailed Surface Scanner (G5)
  • Frame Shift Wake Scanner (G5)
  • Kill Warrant Scanner (G5)
  • Life Support (G5)
  • Manifest Scanner (G5)
  • Plasma Accelerator (G5)
  • Power Distributor (G5)
  • Power Plant (G5)
  • Sensors (G5)
  • Rail Gun (G5)
Los A 2 b Colonia Region
Marsha Hicks The Watchtower
  • Cannon (G5)
  • Fragment Cannon (G5)
  • Fuel Scoop (G5)
  • Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Multi-cannon (G5)
  • Prospector Limpet Controller (G5)
  • Refinery (G5)
Tir A 2 Colonia Region
Mel Brandon The Brig
  • Beam Laser (G5)
  • Burst Laser (G5)
  • Pulse Laser (G5)
  • Shield Generator (G5)
  • Thrusters (G5)
  • Shield Booster (G5)
  • Frame Shift Drive (G5)
  • Frame Shift Drive Interdictor (G5)
  • Shield Cell Bank (G4)
Luchtaine A 1 c Colonia Region
Petra Olmanova Sanctuary
  • Armour (G5)
  • AFMU (G5)
  • Chaff Launcher (G5)
  • ECM (G5)
  • Heat Sink Launcher (G5)
  • Hull Reinforcement Package (G5)
  • Mine Launcher (G5)
  • Missile Rack (G5)
  • Point Defence (G5)
  • Seeker Missile Rack (G5)
  • Torpedo Pylon (G5)
Asura 1 a Colonia Region
Chloe Sedesi Cinder Dock
  • Thrusters (G5)
  • Frame Shift Drive (G3)
Shenve A 6 Witch Head Nebula

Pilot Equipment Engineers[]

There are a total of 13 Engineers who specialise in pilot suit and handheld weapon modifications.

Engineer Base Name Modifications Offered System Planet Region
Domino Green The Jackrabbit Orishis 4 Core Systems
Hero Ferrari Nevermore Terrace Siris 5 c Core Systems
Jude Navarro Marshall's Drift Aurai 1 a Core Systems
Kit Fowler The Last Call Capoya 2 Core Systems
Oden Geiger Ankh's Promise Candiaei 9 c Core Systems
Terra Velasquez Rascal's Choice Shou Xing 1 Core Systems
Uma Laszlo Laszlo's Resolve Xuane A 3 Core Systems
Wellington Beck Beck Facility Jolapa 6 a Core Systems
Yarden Bond Salamander Bank Bayan 7 b Core Systems
Baltanos The Divine Apparatus Deriso 3 a Colonia Region
Eleanor Bresa Bresa Modifications Desy 7 a Colonia Region
Rosa Dayette Rosa's Shop Kojeara 4 b Colonia Region
Yi Shen Eidolon Hold Einheriar 1 a Colonia Region

Engineer unlock sequence[]

Initially, commanders are aware of a subset of Engineers from public knowledge. As commanders improve their reputation with these Engineers, they will unlock referrals to other, more selective Engineers who offer further sets of modifications. For example, to gain access to Lori Jameson, a commander must first develop reputation with Elvira Martuuk to earn a referral to Marco Qwent, then develop reputation with Qwent to earn a referral to Jameson.

Publicly Known Engineers
Elvira Martuuk Mel Brandon
Zacariah Nemo
Marco Qwent Chloe Sedesi
Lori Jameson
Professor Palin
Felicity Farseer Juri Ishmaak Colonel Bris Dekker
The Sarge
Liz Ryder Etienne Dorn
Hera Tani Broo Tarquin
Tiana Fortune
The Dweller Marsha Hicks
Lei Cheung Ram Tah
Tod "The Blaster" McQuinn Petra Olmanova
Selene Jean Bill Turner
Didi Vatermann
Domino Green Kit Fowler Yarden Bond
Hero Ferrari Wellington Beck Uma Laszlo
Jude Navarro Terra Velasquez Oden Geiger
Eleanor Bresa
Rosa Dayette
Yi Shen

Engineer Ranks[]

Upon unlocking the services of a ship-focused Engineer, a pilot can begin accruing reputation with that Engineer to unlock higher grades of modifications. Reputation is measured in 5 tiers, with tier 5 representing the maximum level. Each modification that a pilot purchases will increase their reputation; low-grade modifications provide a smaller reputation boost than high-grade modifications, and each reputation tier requires more and more reputation to progress. With some Engineers, reputation can also be increased by selling commodities, exploration data, or bounty vouchers at their Workshops. It should be noted that Engineers may not be able to craft all 5 modification grades for a module type.

Engineer Reputation Level Required Profit
Grade 1 Unlocked as soon as Engineer task has been completed
Grade 2 Selling Exploration data/Commodities with a net profit of 500,000 Credits
Grade 3 Selling Exploration data/Commodities with a net profit of 2,000,000 Credits
Grade 4 Selling Exploration data/Commodities with a net profit of 8,000,000 Credits
Grade 5 Selling Exploration data/Commodities with a net profit of 16,000,000 Credits

Engineers that focus on pilot equipment do not use a reputation unlock system, and offer all of their modifications immediately upon fulfilling their meeting requirements.


For a list of upgrades, see Category:Engineer Upgrades.

Ship Modifications[]

Materials are required by the Engineers to upgrade modules on the player's ship. Each blueprint specifies which materials are needed, and how to get them; material sources include (but are not limited to) destroyed ships, mission rewards, ship/wake scans, signal sources, mining, planetary surface resources, and more. Different Engineers require different materials, meaning not all materials gathered can be used by the same Engineer. Up to one blueprint can be pinned per Engineer; pinned modifications can be crafted at any station equipped with a Remote Workshop, but a modification crafted remotely will not contribute to reputation with its Engineer. Players can only pin 1 blueprint per Engineer for use at Remote Workshops.

Before upgrading a module, an information screen lists the materials needed for the modification, and the range for applied effects. Negative effects are static for a given grade and will only increase with higher grades, while positive effects increase per grade as more materials are spent on them. Eventually, a grade will be increased to a maximum value, at which point the only way to upgrade that modification further is to advance to the next grade. As modifications are purchased, reputation with the Engineer increases, unlocking access higher grades of modifications.

Grades must be progressed through consecutively from 1 to 5; however, you do not need to complete a grade to advance to the next one. As soon as then next grade becomes unlocked, you can immediately advance to it. The previous grade will autocomplete, so you will not lose out on any potency by skipping.[1]

It is not possible to immediately apply a Grade 5 modification to a module unless the module already has a Grade 5 legacy modification from before 3.0. Legacy modifications can converted into 3.0 modifications, but will be reduced in quality by one grade in the process.

While a modification is applied to a module, an additional quantity of materials can be spent to apply a single Experimental Effect to further enhance the module. Experimental Effects are only available at Engineer Workshops, and cannot be applied remotely.

Please note that only one Engineering modification can be installed per module. Installing a new modification will overwrite the old modification as well as the currently applied Experimental Effect permanently. It is only possible to obtain modules with two modifications under certain circumstances. This limitation should not be confused with the number of stat changes and effects a modification has, as these are determined by the particular modification and can be numerous.

Pilot Equipment Modifications[]

Modifications for Suits and Handheld Weapons are applied differently from ship modifications. All Suits and Handheld Weapons can be upgraded to have up to four modification slots. While equipment can occasionally be purchased with preinstalled modifications at Pioneer Supplies stores, the most straightforward way of installing a specific mod into a specific piece of gear is to seek out the Engineer who specializes in that mod.

Suits and handheld weapons need to be grade 2 or higher before you can modify them.[2]

Equipment mods offered by Engineers are purchased with a selection of Components, Data, and Goods, and a payment of Credits. Unlike ship mods, equipment mods are only available in a single quality grade, and require only a single transaction with the Engineer to fully apply it. Once a mod is installed on a particular Suit or Handheld Weapon, it cannot be removed or replaced by another mod.


Engineering suits and handheld weapons is a very slow and tedious grind. Recommended is to visit random stations and go to the Pioneer Supplies store in the Concourse to check if premium suits and weapons are available. Because this is much faster and easier than engineering. Each PS store has a limited amount of exclusive, premium items per location. They are sold out if another player bought them earlier. However, the PS stores restock every week (usually on Thursday).

Engineer Summary[]

The following tables summarize the modifications, locations, and access requirements of all Engineers.

Ship Engineers[]

Engineer Modifies up to: Location How to find How to get invite How to unlock How to gain reputation
Tod "The Blaster" McQuinn G5 Railgun & Multi-cannon; G3 Fragment Cannon; G2 Cannon Wolf 397 Common knowledge Earn 15 bounty vouchers Provide 100,001 CR worth of bounty vouchers Craft modules,
Hand in Alliance vouchers to Trophy Camp.
Felicity Farseer G5 FSD; G3 Detailed Surface Scanner, Sensors & Thrusters; G1 FSD Interdictor, Power Plant & Shield Booster Deciat Common knowledge Exploration rank Scout or higher Provide 1 unit of Meta-Alloys Craft modules, Sell exploration data at Farseer Inc.
Elvira Martuuk G5 FSD; G3 Shield Generator; G2 Thrusters; G1 Shield Cell Bank Khun Common knowledge >300 ly travel distance from starting system Provide 3 units of Soontill Relics Craft modules, Sell exploration data at Long Sight Base.
Liz Ryder G5 Missile Rack & Torpedo Pylon; G3 Mine Launcher; G1 Hull Reinforcement Package & Armour Eurybia Common knowledge Friendly reputation with Eurybia Blue Mafia; complete mission from Chris & Silva's Paradise Hideout Provide 200 units of Landmines Craft modules, Sell commodities to Demolition Unlimited.
The Dweller G5 Power Distributor; G4 Pulse Laser; G3 Burst Laser & Beam Laser Wyrd Common knowledge Deal in stolen or illicit goods at 5 Black Markets Pay 500,000 CR Craft modules, Sell commodities to Black Hide.
Lei Cheung G5 Detailed Surface Scanner, Sensors & Shield Generator; G3 Shield Booster Laksak Learned from "The Dweller"[nb 1] Trade with at least 50 markets Provide 200 units of Gold Craft modules.
Selene Jean G5 Hull Reinforcement & Armour Kuk Learned from Tod "The Blaster" McQuinn[nb 1] Mine at least 500 tons of ore Provide 10 Painite Craft modules, Sell commodities, exploration data to Prospector's Rest.
Hera Tani G5 Detailed Surface Scanner & Power Plant; G3 Power Distributor & Sensors Kuwemaki Learned from Liz Ryder[nb 1] Minimum Outsider rank with Imperial Navy Provide 50 Kamitra Cigars Craft modules, Sell commodities to The Jet's Hole.
Broo Tarquin G5 Beam Laser, Burst Laser, Pulse Laser Muang Learned from Hera Tani[nb 1] Combat rank Competent or higher Provide 50 Fujin Tea Craft modules.
Marco Qwent G4 Power Plant; G3 Power Distributor Sirius (Permit Required) Learned from Elvira Martuuk[nb 1] Invitation from Sirius Corporation Provide 25 Modular Terminals Craft modules, Sell commodities to Qwent Research Base.
Zacariah Nemo G5 Fragment Cannon; G3 Multi-cannon; G2 Plasma Accelerator Yoru Learned from Elvira Martuuk[nb 1] Invitation from Party of Yoru Provide 25 units of Xihe Biomorphic Companions Craft modules, Sell commodities to Nemo Cyber Party Base.
Didi Vatermann G5 Shield Booster; G3 Shield Generator Leesti Learned from Selene Jean[nb 1] Gain trade rank of Merchant or higher Provide 50 units of Lavian Brandy Craft modules.
Colonel Bris Dekker G4 FSD Interdictor; G3 FSD Sol (Permit Required) Learned from Juri Ishmaak[nb 1] Friendly rank with Federation Provide 1,000,000 CR worth of combat bonds Craft modules.
Juri Ishmaak G5 Detailed Surface Scanner, Mines & Sensors; G3 Kill Warrant Scanner, Missile Rack & Torpedo Pylon Giryak Learned from Felicity Farseer[nb 1] Earn more than 50 combat bonds Provide 100,000 CR worth of combat bonds Craft modules, Hand in combat bonds to Pater's Memorial.
Professor Palin G5 Thrusters; G3 FSD Arque Learned from Marco Qwent[nb 1] Attain a maximum distance from pilot career start location of at least 5,000 ly Provide 25 units of Sensor Fragments Craft modules, Sell exploration data to Abel Laboratory.
Bill Turner G5 Detailed Surface Scanner, Plasma Accelerator & Sensors; G3 AFMU, Fuel Scoop, Life Support, Refinery, Manifest, Wake, & Kill Warrant Scanners Alioth (Permit Required) Learned from Selene Jean[nb 1] Friendly with the Aliance of Independent Systems Provide 50 units of Bromellite Craft modules
Lori Jameson G5 Detailed Surface Scanner & Sensors; G4 AFMU, Fuel Scoop, Life Support & Refinery; G3 Shield Cell Banks, Manifest, Kill Warrant & Wake Scanners Shinrarta Dezhra (Permit Required) Learned from Marco Qwent[nb 1] Gain combat rank of dangerous or higher Provide 25 units of Konnga Ale Craft modules, Sell exploration data to Jameson Base.
Ram Tah G5 Chaff, Electronic Countermeasures, Heat Sinks & Point Defence; G4 Collector/Fuel Transfer/Prospector Limpet Controllers; G3 Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Meene Learned from Lei Cheung[nb 1] Gain exploration rank of Surveyor or higher Provide 50 Classified Scan Databanks Craft modules, Sell exploration data to Phoenix Base.
Tiana Fortune G5 Sensors, Manifest, Wake, & Kill Warrant Scanners, all Limpet Controllers; G3 Detailed Surface Scanner & FSD Interdictor Achenar (Permit Required) Learned from Hera Tani[nb 1] Friendly with the Empire Provide 50 units of Decoded Emission Data Craft modules, Sell commodities to Fortune's Loss
The Sarge G5 Cannon & all Limpet Controllers; G3 Railgun Beta-3 Tucani Learned from Juri Ishmaak[nb 1] Midshipman or higher with the Federal Navy Provide 50 units of Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis Craft modules, Sell exploration data to The Beach
Etienne Dorn G5 Life Support, Power Distributor, Sensors, Power Plant, Detailed Surface Scanner, Plasma Accelerator, Rail Gun Los Learned from Liz Ryder[nb 1] Trade rank of Dealer or higher Provide 25 units of Occupied Escape Pods Craft modules
Marsha Hicks G5 Multi-cannon, Fuel Scoop, Refinery, Cannon, Fragment Cannon, Collector/Fuel Transfer/Hatch Breaker/Prospector Limpet Controllers Tir Learned from The Dweller[nb 1] Exploration rank of Surveyor or higher Mine 10 units of Osmium Craft modules
Mel Brandon G5 Thrusters, Shield Cell Bank, Beam Laser, Shield Booster, Pulse Laser, Shield Generator, FSD, Burst Laser, FSD Interdictor Luchtaine Learned from Elvira Martuuk Gain an invitation from the Colonia Council minor faction Provide 100,000 credits of bounty vouchers Craft modules
Petra Olmanova G5 Armour, Hull Reinforcement, Utilities, Mine Launcher, Missile Rack, Torpedo Pylon, AFMU Asura Learned from Tod "The Blaster" McQuinn[nb 1] Combat rank of Expert or higher Provide 200 units of Progenitor Cells Craft modules
Chloe Sedesi G5 Thrusters; G3 FSD Shenve Learned from Marco Qwent[nb 1] Attain a maximum distance from pilot career start location of at least 5,000 ly Provide 25 units of Sensor Fragments Craft modules, sell exploration data to Cinder Dock
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 These Engineers will provide information about the locations of other Engineers in their network only after Grade 3 access, plus approximately half of the progress bar to Grade 4 access, has been achieved with them. The game may need to be restarted in order to trigger the notification.

Pilot Equipment Engineers[]

Engineer Modifications Location How to find How to get invite How to get referral
Domino Green Enhanced Tracking, Extra Backpack Capacity, Reduced Energy Use, Greater Range, Stability Orishis Common knowledge Travel 100ly in Apex Interstellar Transport shuttles Provide 5 Push
Hero Ferrari Improved Jump Assist, Increased Air Reserves, Increased Sprint Duration, Faster Handling, Noise Suppressor Siris Common knowledge Complete 10 Conflict Zones Provide 15 Settlement Defence Plans
Jude Navarro Added Melee Damage, Extra Ammo Capacity, Damage Resistance, Magazine Size, Reload Speed Aurai Common knowledge Complete 10 Restore or Reactivation missions Provide 5 Genetic Repair Meds
Kit Fowler Added Melee Damage, Faster Shield Regen, Extra Ammo Capacity, Magazine Size, Stowed Reloading Capoya Learned from Domino Green Sell 10 Opinion Polls to Bartenders Provide 5 Surveillance Equipment
Oden Geiger Enhanced Tracking, Improved Battery Capacity, Night Vision, Scope, Stability Candiaei Learned from Terra Velasquez Sell 20 total Biological Sample, Employee Genetic Data, and Genetic Research to Bartenders N/A
Terra Velasquez Combat Movement Speed, Increased Air Reserves, Increased Sprint Duration, Improved Hip Fire Accuracy, Noise Suppressor Shou Xing Learned from Jude Navarro Complete 6 Covert Heist and 6 Covert Theft missions Provide 15 Financial Projections
Uma Laszlo Damage Resistance, Faster Shield Regen, Headshot Damage, Reload Speed, Stowed Reloading Xuane Learned from Wellington Beck Reach unfriendly rep with Sirius Corporation N/A
Wellington Beck Extra Backpack Capacity, Improved Battery Capacity, Reduced Tool Battery Consumption, Greater Range, Scope Jolapa Learned from Hero Ferrari Sell 25 total Classic Entertainment, Multimedia Entertainment, and/or Cat Media to Bartenders Provide 5 InSight Entertainment Suites
Yarden Bond Faster Handling, Improved Hip Fire Accuracy, Audio Masking, Improved Jump Assist, Combat Movement Speed, Quieter Footsteps Bayan Learned from Kit Fowler Sell 8 Smear Campaign Plans to Bartenders N/A
Baltanos Combat Movement Speed, Improved Jump Assist, Increased Air Reserves, Increased Sprint Duration, Faster Handling, Improved Hip Fire Accuracy, Noise Suppressor Deriso Common knowledge Friendly reputation with Colonia Council Provide 10 Faction Associates
Eleanor Bresa Added Melee Damage, Damage Resistance, Extra Ammo Capacity, Shield Regen, Magazine Size, Reload Speed, Stowed Reloading Desy Common knowledge Visit 5 Settlements in Colonia Provide 10 Digital Designs
Rosa Dayette Enhanced Tracking, Extra Backpack Capacity, Improved Battery Capacity, Reduced Tool Battery Consumption Kojeara Common knowledge Sell 10 total Culinary Recipes or Cocktail Recipes to Bartenders in Colonia Provide 10 Manufacturing Instructions
Yi Shen Night Vision, Quieter Footsteps, Audio Masking, Headshot Damage Einheriar Learned from Baltanos, Eleanor Bresa, & Rosa Dayette Complete all referral tasks for Baltanos, Eleanor Bresa, & Rosa Dayette N/A

Pre-Engineered modules[]

Pre-Engineered modules were introduced as rewards for Community Goals and limited-time events. These modules may feature two Engineering modifications at once, modifications that cannot normally be applied to the specific module, or unique modifications that are not offered by any Engineer. Occasionally, pre-Engineered modules are later made available for purchase through Technology Brokers.

Pre-Engineered modules come with some restrictions:

  • Modules with two modifications will lose their second modification if another modification is applied.
  • In some cases, Experimental Effects can be added or changed without affecting the modifications.[3][4][5] Pre-Engineered modules that normally have no Engineering options, such as Guardian technology modules or mining tools, are unable to accept any Experimental Effects.
Module Class Rating Modifications Experimental Effect First Available Tech Broker?
Seeker Missile Rack 2 B Lightweight,
High Capacity
Thermal Cascade Fight for Liz Ryder and the Eurybia Blue Mafia Yes
Frame Shift Drive 5 A Increased Range,
Faster Boot Sequence
None Protect the Alliance's Expansion into the Coalsack Nebula from Thargoid Attack Yes
Detailed Surface Scanner 1 I Expanded Probe Scanning Radius x2 None Support Sirius Atmospherics Initiative by Providing Ammonia World Exploration Data Yes
Point Defence Turret 0 I Focused,
None Protect the Marlinist Food Deliveries,
Deliver Food to Support the Marlinists
Power Plant 3 A Armoured,
None Medical Supplies for Federal Starport Bombing Survivors No
Shield Generator 3 A Kinetic Resistant,
Thermal Resistant
None Medical Supplies for Imperial Starport Bombing Survivors No
Railgun 2 B Long Range,
High Capacity
Feedback Cascade Fight for the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group against the Neo-Marlinists No
Enzyme Missile Rack 2 B High Capacity,
Increased Caustic Damage
None Fight for the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid against the Empire No
Kill Warrant Scanner 0 A Fast Scan,
Long Range
None Support President Hudson to Increase Federal Surveillance No
Electronic Countermeasure 0 A Lightweight,
None Support Shadow President Winters Against Federal Surveillance No
Guardian Shard Cannon 1 / 2 D / A Focused,
Long Range
Penetrator Munitions Salvation's Appeal for Guardian Artefacts Yes
Mining Laser 1 D Long Range None Support Torval-Mastopolos Mining Campaign Yes
Abrasion Blaster 1 D Long Range None Support Wreaken Construction Mining Campaign No
Guardian Gauss Cannon 1 / 2 D / B High Capacity,
Burst Fire Modification
None Salvation's Cornsar Delivery Initiative Yes
Multi-cannon 2 E Short Range Phasing Sequence Support the Federation's Attempt to Capture Yuri Grom No
Seeker Missile Rack 2 B High Capacity,
Rapid Fire
Drag Munitions Resist the Federation's Attempt to Capture Yuri Grom No
Guardian Plasma Charger 1 / 2 D / B Focused,
None Thargoid Fleets Invade Nebula Systems Yes
Frame Shift Drive 3 / 4 / 6 A Increased Range,
Faster Boot Sequence
None The Colonia Bridge Project 2nd Phase - Alcor,
The Colonia Bridge Project 2nd Phase - Colonia
Power Plant 3 / 4 / 5 A Overcharged None Colonia Bridge Project Phase Four, Week 4 - Alcor,
Colonia Bridge Project Phase Four, Week 4 - Colonia
FSD (SCO) 2 - 7 A Increased Range None Battle for Sol: Destroy Titan Cocijo (AX Combat) No


Engineers were introduced in the Elite Dangerous: Horizons 2.1 update. Engineering mechanics were overhauled and improved with Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter One (3.0).

4 Engineers based in the Colonia Region were added in Beyond Chapter Three (3.2). 1 Engineer based in the Witch Head Nebula was added by the Interstellar Initiative The Enclave. 9 Engineers specialising in Suit and Handheld Weapon modifications were added in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. 4 more Engineers specialising in Suit and Handheld Weapon modifications were added to the Colonia Region in Odyssey Update 8.

Engineering rebalance[]

In the Type-8 update (18.08), an engineering rebalance was introduced. Changes included increasing the amount of materials one would typically get from completing missions, as well as increasing material availability at Grade 4/5 farming locations by increasing the number of sources of materials and in some cases, payout per source.

One of the more notable changes introduced with this rebalance is the change to engineering rolls. In the past, engineering rolls towards ship hardpoints/modules would gain a random amount of progress, influenced towards higher percentages of progress depending on your access level with the engineer providing the modification.

The rebalance changes the behavior of rolls from a random percentage of progress gained to an exact amount of progress gained, with access level influence still present. This means for achieving a grade of modification for any module, there is now always an exact number of rolls needed to achieve full progress for that grade, scaling downwards with the access level you have for that engineer.

The below table illustrates the new rolling system:

Progress Percentage Gained Towards a Modification, Per Roll
Access Level with Engineer
1 2 3 4 5
Modification Grade Grade 1 20% 25% 34% 50% 100%
Grade 2 X 20% 25% 34% 50%
Grade 3 X X 20% 25% 34%
Grade 4 X X X 20% 25%
Grade 5 X X X X 20%



