Elite Dangerous Wiki
No. Rank Unlocks
0 None None
1 Recruit None
2 Cadet None
3 Midshipman Federal Dropship
4 Petty Officer Sol
5 Chief Petty Officer Federal Assault Ship, Vega, Beta Hydri
6 Warrant Officer PLX 695
7 Ensign Federal Gunship, Ross 128
8 Lieutenant Exbeur
9 Lieutenant Commander None
10 Post Commander Hors
11 Post Captain None
12 Rear Admiral Federal Corvette
13 Vice Admiral None
14 Admiral None

There are 14 ranks in the Federal Navy Auxiliary, which can be joined by any independent pilot. As pilots rise through the ranks, they are rewarded with access to exclusive Federal ships, missions, and restricted system permits.


For players to be promoted through the Federation's ranks, they must complete missions or other favourable activities with minor factions aligned with the Federation. Progress toward the next rank is tracked in the right HUD panel, in the Reputation section of the Status tab.


There are several types of missions that reward reputation, which increases rank. Common tactics for fast rank progress are:

  • Charity missions, which require donating large quantities of Credits but no effort to do.
  • Data courier missions, which are low-paying but can be completed with little risk.
  • Running passenger missions at a damaged station for Federation allied factions. The sheer number of missions and a quick trip to the rescue vessel can fill the progress bar quickly.
  • Running source-and-return missions at a station under repair with three or more Federation allied factions. A pilot can pick up several missions to bring supplies like semiconductors, superconductors, polymers, etc. which are 9 units or less. While passenger evacuation is faster, one can pick up ten or so easy missions to boost their rep.

Finding a system that best offers these opportunities can be hard due to faction states changing constantly and a need for the minor factions to be aligned to the relevant superpower.


Once a pilot reaches 100% rank progress, Federation-aligned minor factions that a pilot has a "friendly" or higher standing with will begin to offer promotion missions for the Federal Navy. Completing a promotion mission will increase rank by one level. Note that rank progress continues to increase and count toward higher ranks even if the 100% mark for rank has been reached; no reputation gains are lost while waiting for a promotion mission to appear. Federal Navy promotion missions usually include the phrases "Federal Navy" in the mission title, for example "Federal Navy Acquisition Contract" or "Federal Navy Covert Transportation Mission".

