Elite Dangerous Wiki

Conquer All.

— Kinematic Armaments' slogan[1]

Kinematic Armaments is an independent manufacturer based in Tau-1 Eridani. It is the galaxy's largest producer of ballistic weaponry, most visibly handheld kinetic weapons.


Defence industry veteran Kinematic Armaments is the galaxy's largest producer of ballistic weaponry.[2] Founded in 3240, the company maximises output while minimising production costs, using a business model seen as monopolistic by some critics. Yet their firearms remain wildly popular and are often used by security forces across colonised space.


Name Type Cost Image
Karma AR-50 Assault Rifle 100,000 CR ED-Kinematic-Kinetic-Assault-Rifle-1
Karma C-44 Carbine/SMG 50,000 CR Kinematic C-44
Karma L-6 Rocket Launcher 175,000 CR Kinematic L-6
Karma P-15 Pistol 75,000 CR Kinematic P-15


  • According to the system description for Tau-1 Eridani, Kinematic Armaments has another slogan: "You want guns. We've got guns." Kinematic Armaments' latest slogan, "Conquer All", was first mentioned in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.



  1. Elite Dangerous Knowledge Base > Corporations > Kinematic Armaments
  2. Twitter: Elite Dangerous, 6 Apr 2021