Elite Dangerous Wiki

Marco Qwent is an ex Sirius Corp. tech guru. Such is his technical talent he's allowed some latitude with what he works on and who he works with, as long as Sirius Corp, receive the appropriate recognition. They support his efforts by maintaining a significant base for him to operate from. Develop your relationship with him to discover another engineer.

— In-Game Description

Marco Qwent is an engineer who specialises in Power Plants and Power Distributors. His workshop is Qwent Research Base, located in the Sirius system.

Access Requirements[]

Achieve Grade 3 access plus at least 1/3 progress towards Grade 4 with Elvira Martuuk.
Meeting Requirements
Attain an Allied relationship with the Sirius Corporation minor faction to receive the Sirius permit, and then acquire an invitation mission to Marco Qwent's workshop from Sirius Corporation at any port in Sirius.
Unlock Requirements
Provide 25 units of Modular Terminals.
Reputation Gain
Craft modules, or sell Commodities at Qwent Research Base.

Modifications Offered[]

The following modifications to modules are available from this engineer:

Power Distributor (Grade 3)[]

Power Plant (Grade 4)[]


