Notable Stellar Phenomena are a type of signal source found in certain star systems, at stellar or planetary lagrange points or in Planetary Ring Systems. Each instance usually features a colorful Lagrange Cloud surrounding various organic or inorganic entities. These entities can be scanned by a Short Range Composition Scanner to obtain Codex data, and samples can be extracted from some of the organics with Research Limpets.
Notable Stellar Phenomena have been artificially replicated by the Holloway Bioscience Institute in the form of Experimental Habitats.
Signal Contents[]
Notable Stellar Phenomena sites contain one or more of the phenomena and entities listed below.
Geology and Anomalies[]
Organic Structures[]
Mineral Formations[]
- Calcite Plate
- Ice Crystal
- Lattice Mineral Sphere
- Metallic Crystal
- Silicate Crystal
- Solid Mineral Sphere
- Bell Mollusc
- Bulb Mollusc
- Bullet Mollusc
- Capsule Mollusc
- Globe Mollusc
- Gourd Mollusc
- Parasol Mollusc
- Reel Mollusc
- Squid Mollusc
- Torus Mollusc
- Umbrella Mollusc
Seed Pods[]
- Aster Pod
- Chalice Pod
- Collared Pod
- Gyre Pod
- Octahedral Pod
- Peduncle Pod
- Quadripartite Pod
- Rhizome Pod
- Stolon Pod
- Notable Stellar Phenomena signal sources were added in the Chapter Four (3.3) update of Elite Dangerous: Beyond.