Elite Dangerous Wiki
OcellusStation 001

The Ocellus starport is a recent station design introduced in 3260 by Imperial ship manufacturer Gutamaya, and now present throughout human space. The forefront of exploration technology, the Ocellus is designed to be both mobile and self-sufficient. It can be fitted with engines and a hyperdrive to be easily moved where needed, and various corporations and institutions have been known to deploy them to observe rare stellar spectacles for a few months at a time. The station's spherical shape efficiently contains air pressure, provides radiation shielding, and stabilizes the entire structure during transit by reducing torsional stress. The equatorial trench on the Ocellus's exterior features manufacturing and refinery facilities, while the surfaces nearest to the docking port hold commercial and administrative offices.[1][2]


The Ocellus Starport is stronger, better protected from radiation and more expensive than the Coriolis class stations but smaller than the giant Orbis. Inside the sphere, in the void between the inner docking-cylinder hangers and the outer hull, is a huge amount of usable space for human habitation. At the equator of the sphere, there is a comfortable 0.7g, which falls off as you approach the poles. On the outside, towering inverted “skyscrapers” emerge from the galleried central trench, allowing an impressive view of the universe for the rich residents who can afford such accommodation.[2]

At the terraced front and rear of the sphere lie the more industrial parts of the station. Life support machinery, liquid and gas storage, workshops and small factories designed for producing goods in low gravity are positioned here, as well as capital-class weaponry for defence purposes. The very front of the station is home to the famous docking portal, viewing and control galleries, plus commercial and official premises and offices.[2]

The main reason for their extra strength is the Ocellus stations can be moved intact from place to place as opposed to being assembled on site. Giant drives can be attached to move them from system to system when required, albeit much more slowly than even the largest cargo ships. Only a few of them have been so equipped, and it is said that the arrival of an Ocellus at a gold-rush world marks the end of the early stage of the gold rush, as it marks the arrival of the eye of officialdom and the beginning of the end of the anarchic freedom of those early days.[2]




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