WARNING: PLAGUE SYSTEM. The only life-bearing body has been cordoned off due to native pathogens. Any ship passing into the moon's atmosphere will be automatically designated a plague ship, refused docking in all systems and destroyed on-sight by all faction and system security forces. System trade consists of rumoured alien artefacts found in deep space, along with moderate mineral deposits in the system's inner asteroid belt.
— In-Game Description
Peregrina is an independent system in the Core Systems within the Inner Orion Spur. The system is permit-locked, and the permit can be obtained by becoming Allied with the Peregrina Aristocrats minor faction in any system where it has a presence. Undine, the lone moon of the gas giant Eurynomus in Peregrina, is a terraformed Earth-like World that has been classified as a prohibited plague world under international law due to the presence of lethal native pathogens.
On October 14, 3307, the Peregrina Aristocrats deployed the megaship Peregrina Gateway in HIP 18609 to provide a permanent path for pilots to obtain the Peregrina permit. This move was a response to other minor factions driving the Peregrina Aristocrats out of all of Peregrina's neighbouring systems over the previous months. A month later on November 24, the Peregrina Aristocrats faction was one of 14 permit-holding factions that entered into an agreement to maintain so-called Gatekeeper megaships to preserve interstellar trade regardless of local political shifts. These Gatekeeper megaships would be permanently stationed in systems adjacent to their corresponding permit-locked systems to ensure that pilots could reliably obtain permits. Peregrina Gateway was retroactively included in the agreement.[1]
System Layout[]
- Peregrina
- Peregrina A Belt
- Peregrina 1
- Eurynomus
- Peregrina 3
- Peregrina 3 A
- Peregrina 3 B
- Peregrina 3 C
- Peregrina 3 D
- Stabenow Reformatory (Surface Port)
- Peregrina 4
- Peregrina 4 A
- Peregrina 4 B
- Peregrina 4 C
- Peregrina 4 D
Minor Factions[]
- Co-Operative of Peregrina (Cooperative, Independent)
- Independents of HIP 18843 (Democracy, Independent)
- Peregrina Aristocrats (Feudal, Independent)