Elite Dangerous Wiki
Permits to these systems are controlled by independent minor factions.
System Permit Holder Permit Requisites Benefits and Notes Distance from Sol
Career Rank Permits
Shinrarta Dezhra Pilots Federation Local Branch Attain Elite in Combat, Trade, Exploration, Mercenary, or Exobiology. Headquarters of the Pilots Federation.
10% discount on all Ships and Modules at Jameson Memorial.
CD-43 11917 CQC Holdings Attain Prestige in CQC. Headquarters of the CQC Championship.
20% discount on certain Ships, 30% on certain Modules at Attilius Orbital.
Faction Reputation Permits
Crom Crom Silver Boys Permit mission offered at The Silver Cove in 69 G. Carinae Crom Silver Fesh (Rare Commodity) at Chorel Survey 56.46
Hodack Hodack Prison Colony Permit mission offered at Varuna's Pledge in Pemoeri -- 79.63
Isinor Chapter of Isinor Permit mission offered at Chariot of the Faithful in HR 4803 Convoy Beacon with Antiquities salvage (Signal Source) 110.35
Jotun Dukes of Jotun Permit mission offered at The Indefatigable in 38 Arietis Jotun Mookah (Rare Commodity) at Icelock 122.14
Luyten 347-14 Luyten 347-14 Prison Colony Permit mission offered at Warden's Oath in Narenses -- 18.56
Mbooni Azimuth Biotech Permit mission offered at Hunziker Terminal in LHS 1163.
Could also be acquired by participation in one of Salvation's initiatives.
Technology Broker at Prospect's Deep offers the Modified Gauss Cannon, Modified Plasma Charger, and Modified Shard Cannon. 51.61
Nastrond Defence Party of Nastrond Permit mission offered at The People's Vigil in Wonorne Nu -- 102.63
Peregrina Peregrina Aristocrats Permit mission offered at Peregrina Gateway in HIP 18609 -- 202.73
Pi Mensae Pi Mensae Brotherhood Permit mission offered at Shephard of the Mighty in LP 91-140 -- 59.72
Sirius Sirius Corporation Permit mission offered at Spirit of Laelaps in Luyten's Star Headquarters of Sirius Corporation.
Marco Qwent (Engineer) at Qwent Research Base
Terra Mater Brotherhood of Terra Mater Permit mission offered at Daunting Hammer in Hecate Terra Mater Blood Bores (Rare Commodity) at Gr8minds 69.73
Tiliala Conservatives of Tiliala Permit mission offered at Tiliala's Lament in Akandinigua -- 86.98
The Black Fleet Permit mission offered at any station in Varpet
van Maanen's Star Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star Permit mission offered at Shadows Endurant in Epsilon Eridani -- 13.91