Elite Dangerous Wiki
Elite Dangerous Wiki
Not to be confused with Powerplay (bonds) or Merits.

At the height of humanities history in the 34th century, the political landscape was dominated by three Superpowers: The Federation led by democratically elected Presidents, their long-time warring rivals, the Empire, dynastically maintained by hereditary monarchies, and the Alliance which emerged from a much larger coalition of independent systems united politically by a desire for stability. Whilst these Superpowers were a dominating force, they were not themselves unified. Each Superpower was itself built from sub-factions known as Powers. Even though these Powers may have been ideologically aligned in some cases their charismatic leaders also had their own agendas. These tensions between Powers, and indeed Superpowers, led to an era of territorial conflict. This was known as Powerplay.

— In-game description

Elite Dangerous Powerplay 2 Powers

Powers in Powerplay 2

Powerplay is an ongoing battle for interstellar conquest and control in the galaxy.[1] Powers are leaders of factions who want to control the Core Systems and beyond. You can ally with a Power to support their strategic objectives and advance their territorial expansion. Earn valuable perks, reputation bonuses and credits for your allegiance. Your choices and actions have a visible impact on the balance of galactic power.[2][3] Powerplay was updated to version 2 with the Ascendancy update on 31 Oct 2024.[4]


Elite Dangerous Powerplay Bubble

The Core Systems is where powers compete for influence, resources, territory and control.

Powerplay represents the machinations of powerful individuals (aka powers) and organizations that strive to control inhabited space for their own agendas. At its heart, Powerplay is a battle for territory. Each Power attempts to expand into systems, extracting resources from them in order to pay for continued expansion and protect systems already being exploited. As commanders of space ships, players can pledge support to a power and carry out tasks for them in return for rewards and prestige.[5]

The Core Systems (aka the Bubble) is a sphere of about 150 light years around Sol with 19,000 inhabited systems where powers compete for influence, resources, territory and control. The territory volume is about 13.8 million cubic light years.

Notable powers[]

Main article: Power

There are 12 notable powers.

Name Headquarters Allegiance Preparation Ethos Expansion Ethos Control Ethos Symbol
Aisling Duval Cubeo Empire Social Finance Social Aisling Duval vector
Archon Delaine Harma Independent Combat Combat Social Archon Delaine vector
Arissa Lavigny-Duval Kamadhenu Empire Social Combat Combat A Lavigny Duval vector
Denton Patreus Eotienses Empire Finance Combat Combat Denton Patreus vector
Edmund Mahon Gateway Alliance Finance Finance Combat Edmund Mahon vector
Felicia Winters Rhea Federation Social Finance Finance Felicia Winters vector
Jerome Archer Nanomam Federation Combat Combat Combat Zachary Hudson vector
Li Yong-Rui Lembava Independent Social Finance Finance Li Yong Rui vector
Nakato Kaine Tionisla Alliance Social Covert Social Nakato Kaine vector
Pranav Antal Polevnic Independent Social Social Covert Pranav Antal vector
Yuri Grom Clayakarma Independent Covert Combat Covert GromLogo
Zemina Torval Synteini Empire Finance Finance Covert Zemina Torval vector

Powers and Factions[]

Powers are distinct from minor and major factions.

  • Minor factions generally control individual areas of space within a system. Whichever minor faction holds the main station of a system rules the system. Their holdings within a system are determined by their influence and any conflicts that arise.
  • Major factions are huge super powers that control vast swathes of inhabited space. There are three: the Alliance, Empire, and Federation. Many, but not all, minor factions align themselves with major factions, adopting their laws and customs.
  • Powers sit between major and minor factions in terms of scope. They don't directly rule, but they can hold sway over dozens if not hundreds of systems, or just a mere handful.

While many powers are aligned directly with major factions, being Imperial nobility or senators, or politicians within the Federation or Alliance, others are not, being independent entities.

Importantly, even when a Power is aligned with a major faction this does not prevent it scheming against its “allies”. Ultimately, every Power stands alone.

Process of Powerplay[]


Official Powerplay banner

There are three elements to Powerplay, called Ethos. These are preparation, expansion and control.

In the first instance, a target system must be prepared for expansion. This preparation may involve different tasks for supporters to complete, depending on the Power involved.

Once a system has been successfully prepared, an expansion attempt may be purchased for the next cycle. Again, different powers require their supporters to carry out different tasks to successfully prosecute expansion.

Supporters of other powers may directly oppose expansion making success even more difficult to achieve. Once a system has been expanded into, supporters may fortify it to reduce its drain on the power’s CC reserves.

Supporters of other powers may undermine control systems making them more expensive to maintain and more likely to revolt.


If you have pledged support to a power, you can prepare systems for expansion. The details of the preparation tasks required of you are described in the details of the preparation tab in the Powerplay interface.

Any system may be prepared for expansion with the following caveats:

  • The system must be inhabited
  • The system must not be a control system for a power
  • The system must not be an exploited system for a different power

In addition, each target system has an expansion cost. This expansion cost will be deducted from the power’s CC reserve at the end of the cycle if the system is chosen for an expansion attempt. A system cannot be prepared if its expansion cost is greater than the power’s current CC reserve.

Top Ten Systems[]

Although any amount of systems may be prepared, a Power is limited each cycle to purchasing no more than 10 expansion attempts. Importantly, its choices are based on the amount of preparation carried out at a system, not the system’s expansion cost.

The Top 10 Systems listing shows several things:

  • The total PREP so far this cycle for that top 10 system.
  • The range from your ship to that system in lightyears (LY)
  • The COST column shows in White color those systems that your Power will purchase expansion attempts in order from 1 to 10 until your Powers Command Capital (CC) for the cycle has run out. The first system highlighted in Red color shows the point on the listing at which the CC to spend that cycle will run out and no further systems in the listing can be afforded for expansion, those also highlighted in Red.[6]

All systems have a preparation threshold. Until supporters have completed enough preparation tasks to breach this threshold the system cannot be a top ten entry.

Multiple Preparation[]

More than one Power can prepare a system at the same time. In such cases, at the end of the cycle the Power which completed the most preparation gets to purchase an expansion attempt whilst all other preparation fails.

Preparation can occur for multiple powers in systems that would be within each other’s potential 15 light year exploitation radius.

In such cases, at the end of the cycle the Power which completed the most preparation gets to purchase an expansion attempt whilst all other preparation fails.

Preparation and the Galaxy Map[]


The Bubble in the galaxy

You can use the galaxy map to help you view potential candidates for preparation, by selecting the “Powerplay” view, choosing your Power from the drop down selection then activating the “Expansion” filter.

The Expansion view shows all systems outside your control with the following identification markers:

  • Colour is used to denote value of a system if it was controlled:
    • Green are the most profitable, red are the least profitable, orange are average
    • Grey systems would actually cost CC upkeep to maintain, even after all the income had been harvested from exploited systems
  • Hollow systems cannot be prepared, for one of the following reasons:
    • The upkeep cost is greater than the powers entire CC reserve that cycle
    • Another power is controlling the system
    • Another power is exploiting the system
    • Another power is attempting an expansion that would cause the system to be exploited if it is successful
  • Systems that are uninhabited are not displayed at all

Top ten preparation entries are displayed in the powerplay galaxy map when the “expansion” filter is active. Each such system has a number entry above it, denoting its top ten preparation status.

Rolling over or selecting a system summons an information panel giving more details as well as highlighting all systems that would be exploited if this were a control system.

Powerplay 2[]


Powerplay 2

Powers group

Getting Started[]


Sample PowerPlay 2

An example of a Power's weekly missions. At the time of this article's writing, all the weekly assignment missions appear to be the same from power to power.

Merits are essentially "reward points" that are earned through various in-game actions and affect a power's standing in the system they were earned in. While a CMDR earns merits, they will gain ranks once they complete an initial 5 missions for their power. Each rank grants the CMDR a combination of new / incrementally enhanced benefits. Merits in PowerPlay 2 are earned immediately. If you defect to another power then your merit progression is reset.[7][8]

Rank progression[]

Sample Power Ranks-1

An example of a power's ranks, taken from Nakato Kaine's ranks.

All powers have the same rank progression requirements:[9]

Rank Merit
1 0 merits, completion of the five initial weekly missions
2 2,000 merits
3 5,000 merits
4 9,000 merits
5 15,000 merits
6+ +8,000 merits per Rank (ex: Rank 8 would require 39,000 merits)
10 55,000 merits
20 135,000 merits
30 215,000 merits
40 295,000 merits
50 375,000 merits
60 455,000 merits
70 535,000 merits
80 615,000 merits
90 695,000 merits
100 775,000 merits
100+ +8,000 merits per Rank (ex: Rank 130 would require 1,015,000 merits)

Figuring out where to work next[]

The power play mode in the galaxy map contains two sub-modes to help you plot your next move as a power player: the powerplay mode and Powerplay activity filter. The powerplay mode allows a CMDR to filter systems in the galaxy map by power(s) and a system's state. The Powerplay activity filter mode allows a CMDR to filter systems by a specific power, then by specific activity type, and then by a minimum activity level.

When selecting a system in the galaxy map, it is also possible to toggle strategic view for that system. This will highlight all systems in it's control range and, in the case of exploited systems, all systems it is in range of receiving support from. It will also show non-power systems and front line systems in range of it.


System States[]

A system can be in one of six states:[10]

Icon State Description
1 Uncontrolled Icon Powerplay Uncontrolled These are systems that are not controlled by any power and are candidates for a power to expand into.
2 Expansion Icon Powerplay Expansion These are systems your power is actively trying to expand into. Multiple powers can attempt to expand into a given system at the same time. The first power to reach the control threshold by the end of a cycle will gain control of the system and it will move into the Exploited state. However, if two or more powers reach the conflict threshold for a system, they will enter a conflict for it and the system will move to the Contested state.
3 Contested Icon Powerplay Contested These are systems where two or more powers are trying to expand into and have reached the expansion threshold. A conflict will ensure the following cycle, the victor of which will expand into the system as an exploited system.
4 Exploited Icon Powerplay Exploited These systems are under the lowest level of control by a power. Stations will start to show some of the power's branding and propaganda. These systems cannot be expanded from by a power and must be supported by at least one Fortified or Stronghold system. These systems can be reinforced through power ethos appropriate actions. Once an Exploited system is reinforced enough, it will become a Fortified system at the start of the next cycle. If there are no Fortified or Stronghold systems supporting an Exploited system by the end of a Powerplay cycle, then the power will lose control of the Exploited system and it will fall back to the Uncontrolled state.
5 Fortified Icon Powerplay Fortified These systems are at the next level of a power's control. Stations will now show more of the power's branding and propaganda. These systems can be expanded from for a distance of up to 20 Ly away, as well as support exploited systems in the same range.[9] It is not yet known whether Powerplay commodities can be acquired through a Fortified system's stations or starports.[citation needed] These systems can be reinforced through power ethos appropriate actions. Once a Fortified system is reinforced enough, it will become a Stronghold system at the start of the next cycle. If a Fortified system is sufficiently undermined in a cycle, it will drop down to an Exploited state, which may cause the power to lose control of any Exploited systems that were being supported by this system. It is not yet known if a Fortified system that is not in range of another Fortified or Stronghold system will automatically be lost if it drops down to an Exploited state.[citation needed]
6 Stronghold Icon Powerplay Stronghold These systems are at the highest level of a power's control. Stations will now show their power's branding and propaganda everywhere. These systems can be expanded from for a distance of up to 30 Ly away, as well as support exploited systems in the same range.[9] Powerplay commodities can also be acquired through a Stronghold system's stations and starports. Furthermore, Stronghold systems are candidates for hosting a Stronghold Carrier. These systems can be reinforced through power ethos appropriate actions. If a Stronghold system is sufficiently undermined in a cycle, it will drop down to a Fortified state, which may cause the power to lose control of any Exploited systems that were being supported by this system. If this system was hosting a Stronghold Carrier, that carrier will leave. There is one notable exception: a power's home system is always a Stronghold system and cannot be either reinforced or undermined.
Sample Powerplay 2

An example of the new tug-of-war UI

A system can only change one state per cycle. For example, an Exploited system can only be reinforced to a Fortified system in one cycle and a Stronghold system can only be undermined to a Fortified system in one cycle.

The ease or difficulty of a power expanding into a system or reinforcing / defending a system is determined by several factors, including:[9]

  1. How far away from the power's home system. The farther away a system is from the power's home system, the harder it is to protect.
  2. The fortification level of the system. The more fortified a system is, the harder it is to attack.
  3. How high the population in that system is. The more population there is in a system, the harder it is to influence in either direction.
  4. How far away from the power's "frontline" (nearest fortified or stronghold system) is. Attacking systems at the edge of a power's control will be easier than trying to attack systems deep inside their territory.

Stronghold Carriers[]

Stronghold Carrier Group - 1920x1080

A stronghold carrier surrounded by it's support fleet

A stronghold carrier is a special "miniture fleet carrier" that only members of the same power can dock at. Stronghold carriers offer access to improved outfitting and shipyard inventories when compared to most ports. They are accompanied by a small flotilla of supporting megaships, which can be attacked, hacked, or pirated from by members of an opposing power for merits and other goodies. They can also be repaired by members of the same power. They are only found in stronghold systems that are (1) highest rated in that faction and (2) not in the sphere of influence of another Stronghold Carrier owned by that faction.[11]

Power Contacts[]

Powerplay 2

Powerplay 2 contact

Power contacts can be found at almost every space station or surface port. Depending on the state of the system, you can pick up and drop off power commodities here. Power commodities can be picked up in quantities dependent on your rank with the power[citation needed]. You can also drop of salvage, escape pods, personal effects, and claim any care packages you have earned. You can also claim bounties for a +25% bonus to your payout. It is not known at this time whether (1) you will gain extra merits for doing this or (2) if the minor faction you collected the bounties for will gain a BGS bonus for this.[citation needed]

Power Benefits[]

Universal Benefits[]

  • Up to a 100% reduction in rebuy costs when killed by an opposing power.
  • Up to a 100% reduction in rebuy when killed in your power's territory.
  • Rank decals.[12]

Rank Benefits[]

Small care package contents

Example of a care package (Jerome Archer)

All powers unlock modules and power-specific rewards at the same ranks, with all other ranks rewarding CMDRs with either a mini-care package or a full care package[citation needed]. These contain various materials, components and credits. Below is a list detailing when things are unlocked[9]:

Rank Benefit
1 Power decal
2 -20% Reduction in rebuy when killed in your power's territory.
5 Power-specific Reward.
8 -40% Reduction in rebuy when killed in your power's territory.
11 -33% Rebuy if destroyed by another power ship when killed by an opposing power.
14 Power-specific Reward.
17 -60% Reduction in rebuy when killed in your power's territory.
22 Power-specific Reward.
24 Power-specific Reward.
27 -80% Reduction in rebuy when killed in your power's territory.
29 -66% Rebuy if destroyed by another power ship when killed by an opposing power.
32 Power-specific Reward.
34 1st Power Module.
36 -100% Reduction in rebuy when killed in your power's territory.
39 Power Module.
42 Power-specific Reward.
44 Power Module.
48 Power-specific Reward.
50 Power Module.
52 Power-specific Reward.
55 Power-specific Reward.
57 Power Module.
60 100% Rebuy if destroyed by another power ship when killed by an opposing power.
63 Power Module.
67 Power-specific Reward.
70 Power Module.
73 Power-specific Reward.
76 Power Module.
78 Power-specific Reward.
83 Power Module.
86 Power-specific Reward.
88 Power Module.
91 Power Module.
94 Power-specific Reward.
97 Power Module.
100 Power-specific Reward.
100+ Care package.

Power Benefits[]

Power Benefit Allegiance
Aisling Duval
  • +100% Increase in minor faction reputation gain in your Power's Territory.
  • +200% Increased Search and Rescue Payout in your Power's Territory.
Archon Delaine
  • +30% Increase in black market Profits in your Power's Territory.
  • -100% Reduced value on Bounties placed on you in your Power's Territory.
Arissa Lavigny-Duval
  • +100% Increase in bounty payouts in your Power's Territory.
  • -30% Reduced Weapon Module cost in your Power's Territory.
    • It is not known at this time if this holds true for modules sold on Fleet Carriers in a power's territory.
Denton Patreus
  • +80% Increase in bounty payouts in your Power's Territory.
  • -90% Reduced Rearm Prices in your Power's Territory.
  • -40% Reduced Weapon Module cost in your Power's Territory.
    • It is not known at this time if this holds true for modules sold on Fleet Carriers in a power's territory.
Edmund Mahon
  • +100% Increase in minor faction reputation gain in your Power's Territory.
  • +50% Awarded Trade Bond for Rare Goods sales in your Power's Territory.
  • +25% Awarded Trade Bond on sales in your Power's Territory.
Felicia Winters
  • +60% Increase on food and medicine profits in your Power's Territory.
  • +100% Increase in minor faction reputation gain in your Power's Territory.
  • +100% Increase salvage profits in your Power's Territory.
Jerome Archer
  • +100% Increase in bounty payouts in your Power's Territory.
  • -30% Reduced Weapon Module cost in your Power's Territory.
    • It is not known at this time if this holds true for modules sold on Fleet Carriers in a power's territory.
Li Yong-Rui
  • +100% Increased Exploration Data Sales in your Power's Territory.
  • -100% Reduced Rearm Prices in your Power's Territory.
  • -100% Reduced Refuel Prices in your Power's Territory.
  • -100% Reduced Repair Prices in your Power's Territory.
  • +25% Awarded Trade Bond on sales in your Power's Territory.
Nakato Kaine
  • +50% Increase in mining commodity profits in your Power's Territory.
    • It is not clear at this time whether this applies to "mining commodities you mined" or if it applies to "mining commodities mined or purchased".
  • +150% Increase in minor faction reputation gain in your Power's Territory.
  • +120% Increased Search and Rescue Payout in your Power's Territory.
Pranav Antal
  • +150% Increase in minor faction reputation gain in your Power's Territory.
  • +30% Increased Organics Data Sales in your Power's Territory.
  • +50% Increase in technology commodity profits in your Power's Territory.
Yuri Grom
  • +60% Increase in bounty payouts in your Power's Territory.
  • +15% Increased Exploration Data Sales in your Power's Territory.
  • +15% Awarded Trade Bond on sales in your Power's Territory.
  • -30% Reduced Weapon Module cost in your Power's Territory.
    • It is not known at this time if this holds true for modules sold on Fleet Carriers in a power's territory.
Zemina Torval
  • +45% Increase in mining commodity payouts in your Power's Territory.
    • It is not clear at this time whether this applies to "mining commodities you mined" or if it applies to "mining commodities mined or purchased".
  • +50% Increase in Imperial Slaves commodity payouts in your Power's Territory.
  • +20% Awarded Trade Bond on sales in your Power's Territory.

Power Module Unlock Matrix[]

Each power unlocks all power modules eventually, but in different orders. Every power unlocks their unique module first at rank 34. Which power module unlocks next varies from there[13]. Below is a table showing at what rank each power's module becomes available to a CMDR:

Module Aisling Duval vectorAisling Duval Archon Delaine vectorArchon Delaine A Lavigny Duval vectorArissa Lavigny-Duval Denton Patreus vectorDenton Patreus Edmund Mahon vectorEdmund Mahon Felicia Winters vectorFelicia Winters Zachary Hudson vectorJerome Archer Li Yong Rui vectorLi Yong-Rui Nakato Kaine vectorNakato Kaine Pranav Antal vectorPranav Antal GromLogoYuri Grom Zemina Torval vectorZemina Torval
Advanced Plasma Accelerator 44 57 39 34 76 83 70 97 83 97 44 39
Concord cannon 63 88 76 83 39 50 63 50 34 70 88 97
Containment Missile 76 39 83 63 63 70 44 70 63 44 34 57
Cytoscrambler 97 34 88 97 97 97 76 88 91 76 97 88
Enforcer Cannon 83 76 57 76 50 76 50 39 57 34 50 70
Imperial Hammer 39 91 34 44 88 88 88 76 76 91 76 44
Mining Lance 50 70 44 39 83 91 97 83 97 57 91 34
Pacifier Frag-Cannon 91 44 97 88 91 39 34 91 88 83 57 76
Pack-Hound Missile Rack 70 63 63 57 44 63 57 34 44 39 39 63
Prismatic Shield Generator 34 83 50 50 57 57 83 63 70 88 70 50
Pulse Disruptor 88 50 91 91 70 34 39 57 50 50 63 91
Retributor 57 97 70 70 34 44 91 44 39 63 83 83

Powerplay activities[]

A summary of Powerplay Activities based on the Pilot's Handbook and info panels in the Galaxy map. See also @Ian Doncaster 's Activities Reference Card, part of his Powerplay tool suite, which has extra details on the Activities. This guide was made by Nowski (version: 2 Nov 2025).[14]

Note: Merits were suspended on 19/11/2024, for activities marked ✽✽✽ (suspended) below. Ascendency Update 1 (21/11/2024) restored merits for Odyssey settlement data but not for rares and escape pods. Assignments for these will still complete regardless. Merits for other activities were adjusted upwards.

Powerplay activities are grouped according to who controls the system which they affect. Usually the most part of the activities will take place in the target system. Sometimes there are additional requirements, noted alongside the activity.

Types of target systems[]

There are three main types of target system:

Types of target systems
Type Abbreviation
Acquisition The target is currently not controlled by any Power, and close enough to one of your Power's fortified or stronghold systems that your activity can help your Power to gain control (20LY for Fortified, 30LY for Stronghold.) AS (Acquisition System)
Reinforcement The target is currently controlled by your Power. Your activity can progress it from Exploited to Fortified to Stronghold and resist attempts of other Powers to weaken and control it. RS (Reinforcement System)
Undermining The target is currently controlled by an enemy Power. Your activity can weaken the enemy Power's control. If the system is weakened to a lower control level, enemy control of nearby systems might be lost. US (Undermine System)

For more on system types, see images in @CMDR Kraag 's splendid reddit post on finding Appropriate System Types.

All the activities listed below should earn merits for all pledged players when done in the right system type as shown. (modulo bugs and documentation errors).

Additionally, Powers favour particular activities and will award bonus merits (50% has been suggested) according to their 'Power Ethos'. Those Powers are indicated alongside their Ethos activities as follows:

Other abbreviations:

  • CS: Controlled system - any system controlled by your Power
  • Supporting system: a Fortified or Stronghold system where the target system is inside its control range (20LY for Fortified, 30LY for Stronghold)
  • PC: Power Contact - Contact for your Power via the contacts section in port menu
  • Enemy: vessel or personnel aligned with a different Power to you
  • Ody: the activity is an Odyssey (on-foot) task, done at Odyssey settlements
  • BUG?: likely bugged in some way, and more information is needed

Acquisition system[]

Acquisition system activities
Activity Description Power Merits ED version
Bounty hunting Collect bounty vouchers in AS, merits awarded on kill ALD YG DP JA Yes ED
Collect Escape Pods Collect from AS, deliver to Power Contact (PC) in Supporting System A ALD PA FW ✽✽✽ (suspended) ED
Holoscreen Hacking At ports in AS A ALD NK JA LYR FW Yes ED
Power Kills Kill Enemies in AS Yes ED
Retrieve specific goods Retrieve from Power containers at settlements, return to Supporting System D Yes Ody
Scan datalinks at Megaships in AS YG PA JA Yes ED
Sell for large profits buy commodities in Supporting System and sell in AS with at least 40% profit EM DP LYR ZT Yes ED
Sell mined resources sell mined goods in AS, must be mined in Supporting System EM NK ZT Yes ED
Sell rare goods sell rarities in AS, but not bought in AS EM A DP LYR ✽✽✽ (suspended) ED
Transfer Power classified data Download this data type from settlements in AS, deliver to Supporting System YG JA D ✽✽✽ (suspended) Ody
Transfer Power association and political data Download from settlements in AS, deliver to Supporting System ALD LYR D ✽✽✽ (suspended) Ody
Transfer Power research and Industrial data Download from settlements in AS, deliver to Supporting System EM YG PA DP ZT ✽✽✽ (suspended) Ody
Transport Powerplay commodities From PC in Supporting System to PC in AS All the powers Yes ED
Upload Powerplay malware Obtain Injection Malware from PC in Supporting System and upload to settlement data port in AS D Yes Ody

Conflict activities[]

These are additional activities for Acquisition Systems that are in conflict state (two powers have enough control points to cross the conflict threshold).

Conflict activities
Activity Description Power Merits ED version
Complete aid and humanitarian missions Do Support missions(?) in AS NK FW Yes ED
Flood markets with low value goods sell commodities at below 500 credits per ton in AS Yes ED
Scan ships and wakes Scan ships and low wakes with built-in scanner, high wakes with Wake Scanner, in AS Yes ED

Reinforcement system[]

Reinforcement system activities
Activity Description Power Merits ED version
Bounty Hunting Collect bounty vouchers in RS, merits awarded on kill ALD YG DP JA Yes ED
Collect Escape Pods Collect in RS, hand in to PC in same RS A NK ✽✽✽ (suspended) ED
Complete aid and humanitarian missions do Support missions in RS EM A PA NK FW Yes ED
Hand in biological research samples turn in exobiology data to PC in RS PA LYR Yes ED
Hand in cartography data Sell exploration data in RS via Universal Cartographics EM A PA NK LYR ZT Yes ED
Hand in salvage collect salvage and hand in to PC in same RS EM YG PA DP JA D FW ZT Yes ED
Holoscreen hacking revert hacked holos at RS ports A DP JA Yes ED
Power Kills kill Enemies in RS ALD YG DP JA D Yes ED
Reboot mission completion Do reboot missions in RS Yes ED
Scan Datalinks at megaships in RS ALD D ZT Yes ED
Scan ships and wakes Scan ships and low wakes with built-in scanner, high wakes with Wake Scanner, in RS ALD YG PA DP NK JA D FW Yes ED
Sell for large profits trade commodities making at least 40% profit in RS (buy from any system) EM A LYR ZT Yes ED
Sell mined resources mine and sell mined goods in RS, must be mined in same RS ZT EM FW Yes ED
Sell rare goods Sell rarities in RS, but not bought in RS LYR D ✽✽✽ (suspended) ED
Transfer Power classified data Download this data type from settlements, return to PC in same RS NK ✽✽✽ (suspended) Ody
Transfer Power association and political data Download from settlements, return to PC in same RS YG LYR ✽✽✽ (suspended) Ody
Transport Powerplay commodities from PC in Stronghold system (but not the RS) to PC in RS All powers Yes ED

Undermining system[]

Undermining system activities
Activity Description Power Merits ED version
Collect Escape Pods collect in US, awarded on scoop EM A NK FW ✽✽✽ (suspended) ED
Commit crimes do crime in US YG JA LYR D Yes ED
Complete aid and humanitarian missions do Support missions in US EM NK Yes ED
Flood markets with low value goods sell commodities at below 500 credits per ton in US A LYR ZT Yes ED
Hand in salvage collect salvage in US (awarded when? hand in where? PA FW Yes ED
Holoscreen hacking Hack holo ads at ports in US A JA LYR Yes ED
Power Kills kill Enemies in US ALD YG DP JA D Yes ED
Retrieve specific goods return Powerplay goods from Power containers in US settlements to a PC in CS D Yes Ody
Scan datalinks at Megaships in US YG DP JA FW Yes ED
Sell mined resources sell goods mined in US in same US Yes ED
Tranfer Power classified data Download from settlements in US, return to PC in CS ALD DP FW YG ✽✽✽ (suspended) Ody
Transfer Power association and political data Download from settlements in US, return to PC in CS EM A PA NK LYR ZT ✽✽✽ (suspended) Ody
Transfer Power research and Industrial data Download from settlements in US, return to PC in CS ALD PA NK LYR ZT ✽✽✽ (suspended) Ody
Transport Powerplay commodities from PC in a Stronghold System to PC in US (see Powerplay commodity types) All powers Yes ED
Upload Powerplay malware obtain Tracker Malware from PC, upload to settlement data port in US YG PA DP JA D ZT Yes Ody

Undermining vulnerabilities[]

Each power is weak to up to two additional undermining activities in systems they control. Note: The activity may already be an Undermine activity for your Power. Occasionally, in this case, the activity is shown twice in "local activities" in the powerplay info panel for the system.

Undermining vulnerabilities
Power Vulnerability Allegiance
Aisling Duval holoscreen hacking, transfer Power association and political data Empire
Archon Delaine bounty hunting, Power kills Independent
Arissa Lavigny-Duval commit crimes, scan datalinks Empire
Denton Patreus commit crimes, scan datalinks Empire
Edmund Mahon flood markets with cheap goods, holoscreen hacking Alliance
Felicia Winters retrieve specific goods, flood markets with cheap goods Federation
Jerome Archer commit crimes, retrieve specific goods Federation
Li Yong-Rui upload Powerplay malware, flood markets with cheap goods Independent
Nakato Kaine holoscreen hacking, flood markets with cheap goods Alliance
Pranav Antal transfer Power classified data, flood markets with cheap goods Independent
Yuri Grom commit crimes, upload Powerplay malware Independent
Zemina Torval retrieve specific goods, sell mined resources Empire

Stronghold carriers[]

Additional undermine activities are listed in "local activities" for all Powers at enemy Stronghold carriers (apart from at Power capitals).

  • Destroy carrier objects
  • Kill power ships around carrier
  • Shutdown carrier defences
  • Disable carrier defences
  • Disable carrier generators
  • Hack carrier datalinks
  • Hack carrier cargo bays


This table shows all the Galactic Powers' "Allocated Resources"; the Powerplay commodities one collects at Strongholds and Fortified systems for delivery elsewhere to either Acquire, Reinforce, or Undermine systems. A guide by CMDR Kraag can be accessed here.[15]

Powerplay commodities
Power Acquire Reinforce Undermine Allegiance
Aisling Duval Aisling Media Material Aisling Sealed Contract Aisling Programme Material Empire
Archon Delaine Kumo Contraband Packages Unmarked Military Supplies Marked Slaves Independent
Arissa Lavigny-Duval Lavigny Corruption Reports Lavigny Garrison Supplies Lavigny Strategic Reports Empire
Denton Patreus Marked Military Arms Patreus Field Supplies Patreus Garrison Supplies Empire
Edmund Mahon Alliance Trade Agreements Alliance Legislative Contract Alliance Legislative Records Alliance
Felicia Winters Liberal Federal Aid Liberal Federal Packages Liberal Propaganda Federation
Jerome Archer Archer's Restricted Intel Archer's Field Supplies Archer's Garrison Supplies Federation
Li Yong-Rui Sirius Franchise Package Sirius Industrial Equipment Sirius Corporate Contracts Independent
Nakato Kaine Kaine Lobbying Material Kaine Aid Supplies Kaine Misinformation Alliance
Pranav Antal Utopian Publicity Utopian Supplies Utopian Dissident Independent
Yuri Grom Grom Underground Support Grom Military Supplies Grom Counter Intelligence Independent
Zemina Torval Torval Trade Agreements Torval Deeds Torval Political Servants Empire

Tips & tricks[]

This sections has various strategies and shortcuts that commanders can use to do things more efficiently or effectively (e.g. off-nav beacon undermining in PowerPlay 1.0).

Reinforce existing systems[]

Tips and tricks[]
  • Camp at a station and blow up any power ships you find there. They are nice and squishy and yield anywhere between 36 -- 81 merits per kill, or more even. You can easily get ~500 merits in a few minutes this way before cleaning the instance of power ships. When all the power ships are gone, just jump out of the station instance and return to get a new instance and repeat until done reinforcing.
    • Watch your aim: the station murder guns will shoot you if you hit either the station or a non power ship.
  • You can off-nav beacon or in-place power hunt to have power and wanted ships spawn. See the entry in undermining for details.

Undermine other powers' systems[]

Tips and Tricks[]
  • You can drop past the nav beacon of a system to spawn Power ships. This is called off-nav beacon undermining. Since the same trick can be done to reinforce a system, this whole process will be called "off-nav beacon power hunting". It is a reliable and safe way to spawn power ships for undermining.
    • Important: in Powerplay 2, you must drop at least 120km away from the nav beacon for this to work. Dropping closer than that will not cause power ships to spawn.
    • You can get into position faster by first dropping at the nav beacon normally, then supercruising out at minimum SC speeds to start the off-nav beacon dropping process.
    • Because you need to drop beyond 120km from the nav beacon, it is best to set your low wakes to be parallel to the nav beacon so you can drop sooner.
  • Similar to off-nav beacon power hunting, you can drop anywhere in a system for a chance for power ships to spawn. This is called in-place power hunting.

Power influence on BGS[]

It is not known at this time what impact---if any---a power's presence in a system has on the system's Background Simulation (BGS). Most likely, there will no longer be a direct BGS impact caused by a Power's presence in the system. Whether certain traits of a power's presence in a system as found in PowerPlay 1.0 will continue in PowerPlay 2.0 is not yet known. It is known that a system's controlling faction's government type no longer influences a power's hold on a system or their overall rating. For example, a dictatorship controlling a system held by Jerome Archer or Arissa Lavigny-Duval no longer makes a system easier to undermine. Conversely, a Patronage or Feudal government controlling a system held by one of these two powers no longer makes the system harder to undermine.[7]


Powerplay was formally announced to launch as the third major free content updates for Elite Dangerous.[2] It was released on June 5, 2015.[16]

Powerplay 2 is a full rework and released on 31 October 2024.[4] Version 2 removed the following:[17]

  • Merit degradation
  • Voting system for expansions
  • Defection effects (leaving a Power now only resets your progression)
  • Connections to government types




  1. Elite Dangerous Powerplay
  2. 2.0 2.1 Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #72
  3. Powerplay Player Guide version 1.03
  4. 4.0 4.1 Elite Dangerous: Ascendancy | New Release Date and Release Schedule - 28 October 2024 - Frontier Forums
  5. Frontier Forums: Powerplay Beta Help Document
  6. YouTube: Powerplay Training Part 2 - Preparation
  7. 7.0 7.1 PowerPlay 2.0 Q&A: https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/powerplay-20-qa
  8. Ascendancy Update Notes - Elite Dangerous
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Information provided by CMDR NI6H7OWL and others in the Imperial PowerPlay community.
  10. Frontier Unlocked April Powerplay 2.0 stream: https://youtu.be/6ZgiIfs4os4?si=CkPdl7NWkjnWlwpp
  11. Alec Turner's video showcasing all Powerplay 2.0 UI screens (for Aisling Duval): https://youtu.be/HzUz4QDa5tg?si=HMm1c4H5G5ydzpUr
  12. Brother Sabathius' stream on 10/17/2024: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2278289176?t=01h58m23s
  13. CMDR Eralm_237's Google sheet documenting all power unlock information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yHDRfv5oV38mQwgzEsVa3hYKZH5smDIjoRUgECLIyMw/edit?gid=1291717331#gid=1291717331
  14. Powerplay 2.0 Activities - Nowski - 3 Nov 2024 - Frontier Forums
  15. Galactic Powers' "Allocated Resources" - CMDR Kraag - 23 Nov 2024 - Frontier Forums
  16. Frontier Forums: Powerplay launches today - server downtime warning
  17. Elite Dangerous: Ascendancy – Available Now - Elite Dangerous - 31 October 2024