Elite Dangerous Wiki

A Rogue Signal Source is a type of signal source which is visible at a very long distance, up to 3 light-years.

Signal Contents[]

A rogue signal source has a light green flare appearance. It's a Thargoid Titan that travels at superluminal speed. Their destination is an Ammonia World to establish a Thargoid Maelstrom. The updated FSS allows Pilots to zoom to rogue signal sources, which will pick-up a screaming sound.

Rogue signal sources travel at approximately 0.5 c. They were first discovered in Slegi JD-W b46-0 by Commander GoidByte. The signal source will instantly crash whenever someone attempts to drop into this flare or enter within a diameter of 0.40 megameter. Crash reports consists of codes about the Thargoid Titan, and attempts to re-log in will move their vessel away. When you approach it, behind your ship is a dim cloud, set Gamma to maximum in the Graphics setting to reveal a green cloud. [1]


  • You can no longer find rogue signal sources, because they transformed into Thargoid Maelstroms.


