Elite Dangerous Wiki
Elite Dangerous Wiki

View of a star system

A Star system (aka stellar system or system) is a group of celestial bodies that orbit a star, multiple stars or a stellar remnant in a common location of a galaxy. It can have planets, moons, submoons, asteroids, nebula that are held in place by the gravity well of the aforementioned central body. A large number of stars bound by gravitation is called a star cluster or a galaxy. 


The habitable zone of a star system is the ideal zone for habitable and terraformable planets. The boundaries of a star system is the area where a star or celestial body's gravitational force affects the surrounding environment.

Most human inhabited systems are in the Core Systems, also known as the Bubble. The Colonia Region has rapidly developing systems 22,000 light years from Sol.

The furthest human inhabited systems from Sol to still be located within or near the Bubble are:[1][2]

  1. Sothis - 494.49 ly
  2. Ceos - 486.64 ly
  3. Quince - 480.33 ly
  4. Fehu - 468.65 ly
  5. Robigo - 463.81 ly

As of 3309, the most distant inhabited system from Sol is Stuemeae FG-Y d7561, at a distance of almost 26,000 light years. This system is home to Explorer's Anchorage, a station established to research the nearby Sagittarius A*, at the center of the galaxy.


Hyperspace is used to travel between star systems at superluminal speeds, while Supercruise allows faster-than-light travel within a system. Both methods of travel are carried out by a ship's Frame Shift Drive. Permit-locked systems require a permit to enter.

All travel from one system to another across hyperspace takes roughly the same amount of time, usually less than a minute, regardless of the jump distance. In contrast, Supercruise travel time from one celestial object to another within a system can vary significantly, as approaching the gravity wells of celestial bodies, especially gas giants, causes the ship to decelerate.

Inhabited systems also have two types of zones: Shipping Lanes and Deep Space. Shipping Lanes are the most direct lines of travel between celestial bodies and are usually located along the system's orbital plane. The majority of ship traffic, including traders, security forces, and pirates, occurs in Shipping Lanes. All space outside of Shipping Lanes is Deep Space, which is generally devoid of other ships.


The constellation of star systems within the galaxy can be viewed in the Galaxy Map. The composition of individual star systems is broken down in the System Map.


Star systems will be colonisable by commanders with the System Colonisation update.[3]


Factions can have partial or full influence over star systems. Inhabited systems have a market economy and government.

System state

The system state is the state of the faction controlling the system. Systems have more than one faction, each with their own states. A system state can change via Powerplay and affects the Background Simulation.



