Elite Dangerous Wiki

Star system view

A Star system (also known as a stellar system or a system) are groups of celestial bodies that usually orbit a star in a common location of a galaxy. It can have planets, moons, asteroids, nebula that are held in place by the gravity well of a star. A large number of stars bound by gravitation is called a star cluster or galaxy. 

The category page has a list of popular star systems. 


The habitable zone of a star system is the ideal zone for habitable and terraformable planets. The boundaries of a star system is the area where a star or celestial body's gravitational force affects the surrounding environment.

Most human inhabited systems are in the Core Systems, also known as the Bubble. The Colonia Region has rapidly developing systems 22,000 light years from Sol.

The furthest human inhabited systems from Sol are:[1][2]

  1. Sothis - 494.49 ly
  2. Ceos - 486.64 ly
  3. Quince - 480.33 ly
  4. Fehu - 468.65 ly
  5. Robigo - 463.81 ly


Hyperspace is used to travel between star systems at superluminal speeds. Supercruise allows faster-than-light travel within a system. These are initiated with a ship's Frame Shift Drive.


The constellation of star systems within the galaxy can be viewed in the Galaxy Map. The composition of individual star systems is broken down in the System Map.


Factions can have partial or full influence over star systems. Inhabited systems have a market economy and government.


