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The Gnosis is a Flight Operations Carrier Megaship constructed by the Canonn Interstellar Research Group. It was primarily deployed to locations of ongoing scientific interest such as Thargoid Barnacles, Thargoid Surface Sites, and Ancient Ruins, as well as remote systems that were impossible for conventional ships to reach due to jump range limitations. The Gnosis was launched on May 18, 3303 in the Varati system, and made its first hyperspace jump on September 28, 3303. After almost three years of strenuous, long-distance exploration, The Gnosis triumphantly returned to Varati on September 10, 3306 and was officially retired from active duty. It then embarked on a permanent tour route of eight systems featuring notable scientific discoveries.



A 10-tier community goal was launched by the Canonn Interstellar Research Group requesting deliver 35 million tons of Indium, Computer Components, and Tea to help build a new Megaship to serve as the Canonn's mobile command post. It started on May 11, 3303, and 9,721 players contributed to complete the goal in 64 hours. The average delivery rate of goods was 9114 tons per minute.[1][2][3]

Maiden jump[]

On September 25, 3303, it was announced that The Gnosis would attempt its first hyperspace jump from Varati to Hyades Sector AQ-Y d81 on September 28th. Any ships docked in The Gnosis's hangars at the time of the jump will travel with it to the destination. Canonn Gnosis Division warned that pilots in the vicinity of The Gnosis who do not dock and enter a hangar will not travel with the ship, and also risk severe damage or ship loss due to the jump's energy vortex.[4] A flight operations plan for The Gnosis was also posted at hangars within the ship that confirmed two additional jumps were planned for the immediate future.[5]

The Gnosis's first jump was a success, and it arrived safely with its passengers in Hyades Sector AQ-Y d81.[6] Subsequent jumps have occurred without incident.

Cone Sector expedition[]

On August 13, 3304, Canonn Gnosis Division updated the flight plan of The Gnosis and announced plans to jump from Outotz ST-I d9-4 to Cone Sector FN-J b9-0 in the Cone Sector region for a four-week tour from September 6 to October 4. The Cone Sector was an inaccessible pocket of systems surrounded by a larger permit-locked sector that was too wide for conventional vessels to jump through. Canonn Gnosis Division advised that traveling aboard The Gnosis would be the only way to safely enter or exit the Cone Sector for the foreseeable future. On October 4, when The Gnosis departed the Cone Sector, any pilots not secured in a hangar aboard The Gnosis before it jumps would be left behind and trapped in the region indefinitely for as long as their ship held out.[7]

On August 28, the Pilots Federation placed Cone Sector FN-J b9-0 and all other systems in the Cone Sector under a permit-lock. The following day, the organisation explained that the Cone Sector was believed to contain high concentrations of a newly-encountered and extremely dangerous Thargoid Interceptor variant, the Hydra, and had placed the permit-lock in the interest of public safety. Nonetheless, Canonn Gnosis Division confirmed that The Gnosis would attempt the jump to Cone Sector FN-J b9-0 as scheduled.[8] After The Gnosis arrived in the Outotz ST-I d9-4 system on August 30, the Eagle Eye array intercepted Thargoid transmissions that referenced the same system, implying that The Gnosis's movements had drawn the Thargoids' attention and the vessel was under their observation. This also coincided with the sudden and unexplained disappearance of all Thargoid Scouts from the Core Systems and the Pleiades Nebula.[9]

In a speech to the galactic community broadcast from The Gnosis on September 2, Canonn's leader Dr. Arcanonn stated, "Today we stand on the edge together, as we have so many times before. There are those who do not want us to take this leap of faith into the unknown. There are those whose reasons remain a mystery and yet expect us to blindly obey to their restrictions. By being aboard The Gnosis today I can only presume that all of you have chosen to to defy the boundaries placed upon us. Unless you have experienced an extremely ill-timed ship breakdown. Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all, Gnosis Crew, Canonneers, Explorers, Traders, Miners, Mercs, Pirates, and ill-advised tourists, for joining us on this voyage, wherever it may lead. Dr. Arcanonn out."[10]


The Gnosis Megaship

On September 6, when The Gnosis attempted the jump to Cone Sector FN-J b9-0, it was interrupted by a Thargoid attack. Captain Mathius Leander of the Gnosis command crew transmitted the following emergency message: "We were a short way into our journey when the Gnosis was hyperdicted by a group of Thargoid vessels. The wrench back into real space caused severe internal damage to multiple systems, including the frame shift drive. There's no doubt that we would have been destroyed if not for some of the Commanders travelling with us. They lured the Thargoids away while ejecting meta-alloys from their holds. The aliens were more interested in scooping up the meta-alloys than attacking us. The Commanders later reported that the Thargoid vessels were the recently identified Hydra Interceptors. The Gnosis is currently adrift close to the eighth planet of the Outotz ST-I d9-6 system. We have begun essential repairs, but there is a risk that the Thargoids may return before we can escape the system."[11] Pilots undocking from The Gnosis reported coming under immediate attack from Thargoid Interceptors and Thargoid Scouts of various types, with casualties quickly mounting under the onslaught. Space in the vicinity of The Gnosis was also saturated with Non-Human Signal Sources.[12][13]

In the aftermath of the incident, Canonn officials expressed their disappointment that the Cone Sector expedition was not to be, but noted that the attempt and failure had provided an opportunity to study the Hydra Interceptors up close and in combat. The discovery of at least two Barnacle clusters and one Thargoid Surface Site in Outotz ST-I d9-6 also evidenced the wider region's significance in relation to the Thargoids.[14]

Long-term tours[]

Canonn Gnosis Division originally planned to take The Gnosis on a long-term trip into the Formidine Rift when it departed the Cone Sector on October 4. After the Thargoid attack and failed jump to the Cone Sector, the Rift expedition was reevaluated since it would take almost a year for The Gnosis to travel there and back. As an alternative, it was proposed that The Gnosis should instead investigate nebulae around the Core Systems for possible Thargoid activity. Canonn members voted in favor of the nebula plan, which would take The Gnosis on a tour of the NGC 7822 Nebula, the Cave Nebula, the Elephant's Trunk Nebula, the Pelican Nebula, the North America Nebula, and the Sadr Region. The Gnosis departed Outotz ST-I d9-6 and made its first jump toward the NGC 7822 Nebula on September 27, 3304.

On December 7, 3304, The Gnosis command crew announced a course change that would take the vessel to HR 1185 near the Pleiades Nebula by January 17, 3305, and then onward to Guardian space and some normally inaccessible systems beyond the galactic plane. On April 3, Canonn announced Operation Cabin Fever to visit IRAS 21565-3937 in the Spare Tire Nebula. HIP 4099 and the target system itself were unreachable by any other means. IRAS 21565-3937 was successfully reached on June 6, 3305. On July 18, The Gnosis returned to the Core Systems by jumping to Tonatiuh, and then began making its way to the California Nebula the following week. Between August and October 3305, The Gnosis toured systems around the permit-locked Col 70 Sector and made its way back to the site of the failed Cone Sector jump, Outotz ST-I d9-6.


Galnet News Digest Special- The Crash of The Gnosis

On November 21, 3305, The Gnosis dropped into the orbit of HIP 23759 1 and inadvertently crashed into a civilian installation orbiting the planet. CMDR Klassic was reportedly in the megaship's pilot's chair at the time of the accident. The Gnosis remained tangled with the installation until the following week when it made its next scheduled jump. Neither The Gnosis nor the installation appeared to suffer any permanent damage from the collision.

The Gnosis made its way back to its home system of Varati by December 12, 3305, and remained there for two weeks. It then departed on its longest journey yet, a months-long expedition in the direction of the galactic core to Chaluia FS-A d1-4, site of the landmark planet "Momma's Boy", a metal-rich body permanently enveloped by the exclusion zone of a white dwarf star. The vessel reached the system on April 23, 3306 and departed the following week with plans to return to Varati by September 10.


On June 8, 3306, the Canonn Council announced that The Gnosis would be retired from long-range exploration efforts. Despite being designed for an operational period of 20-24 years, Canonn engineering staff determined that the vessel had suffered too much wear and tear, especially due to the Thargoid attack in 3304 and the installation collision in 3305, to continue in its original role. After The Gnosis returned to Varati on September 10, 3306, it was formally retired and began a permanent, looping tour route of eight systems, most of which contained a site of scientific interest. The Gnosis was also converted into a training facility for Canonn personnel, but remained open to guests.[15] Meanwhile, the Nautilus-Class Carrier OCD-GNOSIS-#B# was launched on June 13, 3306 in the Panoi system as a replacement for the megaship.

Flight Plan[]


System Duration of Stay Notes
Varati May 18, 3303 - September 28, 3303 The Gnosis's origin system, and Canonn headquarters
Hyades Sector AQ-Y d81 September 28, 3303 - October 5, 3303 Maiden jump destination
A Thargoid Surface Site can be found on body AB 3 c, and three Barnacles can be found on body C 2.
HIP 18778 October 5, 3303 - October 12, 3303 A Thargoid Surface Site can be found on body A 2 a.
Witch Head Sector DL-Y d8 October 12, 3303 - October 26, 3303
BD-12 1172 October 26, 3303 - November 2, 3303
Mintaka November 2, 3303 - November 9, 3303
Betelgeuse November 9, 3303 - November 16, 3303
Merope November 16, 3303 - November 23, 3303 Five Barnacles can be found on body 2 A, and four can be found on body 5 C.
Meene November 23, 3303 - December 7, 3303
IC 2391 Sector YE-A d103 December 7, 3303 - December 14, 3303 Ancient Ruins can be found on body B 1.
Jackson's Lighthouse December 14, 3303 - December 21, 3303
Santa Muerte December 21, 3303 - December 28, 3303
Varati December 28, 3303 - January 11, 3304


System Duration of Stay Notes
LBN 623 Sector PD-S b4-5 January 11, 3304 - January 18, 3304
HIP 17125 January 18, 3304 - January 25, 3304
Taygeta January 25, 3304 - February 1, 3304
Electra February 1, 3304 - Feburary 15, 3304
Maia Feburary 15, 3304 - March 8, 3304 Delay: Departure delayed by one week due to server maintenance related to v3.0.
Evenses March 8, 3304 - March 15, 3304
Meene March 15, 3304 - March 22, 3304
Synuefe XO-P c22-17 March 22, 3304 - March 29, 3304 Ancient Ruins and Brain Trees can be found on body C 1.
Vela Dark Region EG-X b1-1 March 29, 3304 - April 5, 3304 A Guardian Structure can be found on body A 1.
HD 63154 April 5, 3304 - April 12, 3304 A Guardian Structure and two Brain Tree sites can be found on body B 3 a.
Vela Dark Region JS-T b3-0 April 12, 3304 - April 19, 3304 A Guardian Structure can be found on body A 3.
Synuefe EU-Q c21-10 April 19, 3304 - April 26, 3304 A Guardian Structure can be found on body A 3.
Synuefe GT-H b43-1 April 26, 3304 - May 3, 3304 A Guardian Structure can be found on body C 4.
HIP 39768 May 3, 3304 - May 10, 3304 A Guardian Structure and two Ancient Ruins can be found on body A 14 f, and Brain Trees can be found on body A 14 d a.
Col 173 Sector ME-P d6-92 May 10, 3304 - May 17, 3304 A Guardian Structure can be found on body B 5.
IC 2391 Sector YE-A d103 May 17, 3304 - May 24, 3304 Ancient Ruins can be found on body B 1.
Meene May 24, 3304 - May 31, 3304
Epsilon Indi May 31, 3304 - June 21, 3304
Jackson's Lighthouse June 21, 3304 - June 28, 3304
Alpha Centauri June 28, 3304 - July 5, 3304
LHS 3447 July 5, 3304 - July 12, 3304
Charick Drift July 12, 3304 - July 19, 3304 Generation Ship Atlas can be found orbiting Charick Drift A.
Hermitage July 19, 3304 - July 26, 3304
Bifrost July 26, 3304 - August 9, 3304
Merope August 9, 3304 - August 16, 3304 Five Barnacles can be found on body 2 A, and four can be found on body 5 C.
64 Orionis August 16, 3304 - August 23, 3304
HD 51502 August 23, 3304 - August 30, 3304
Outotz ST-I d9-4 August 30, 3304 - September 6, 3304
Cone Sector FN-J b9-0 September 6, 3304 - October 4, 3304 Cancellation: Scheduled jump to this system interrupted by Thargoid hyperdiction and subsequent attacks.
Outotz ST-I d9-6 September 6, 3304 - September 27, 3304 A Thargoid Surface Site and two Barnacles can be found on body 2 A.
Outotz EH-M d7-5 September 27, 3304 - October 4, 3304
Outopps BU-R d4-4 October 4, 3304 - October 11, 3304
Outopps JB-X d1-1 October 11, 3304 - October 18, 3304
Ploi Thua YD-E c26-1 October 18, 3304 - October 25, 3304
Hegeia SY-O c20-0 October 25, 3304 - November 1, 3304
Outorst WI-B d0 November 1, 3304 - November 8, 3304
Outorst CW-K c9-0 November 8, 3304 - November 15, 3304
Outorst OA-U c17-0 November 15, 3304 - November 22, 3304
NGC 7822 Sector BQ-Y d12 November 22, 3304 - November 29, 3304
Plaa Eurk IR-W d1-14 November 29, 3304 - December 6, 3304
Elephant's Trunk Sector BQ-Y d14 December 6, 3304 - December 13, 3304
Plaa Eurk QZ-D b26-0 December 13, 3304 - December 20, 3304
Plaa Eurk JB-O d6-12 December 20, 3304 - December 27, 3304
Wredguia HO-Y c14-3 December 27, 3304 - January 3, 3305


System Duration of Stay Notes
Wredguia UE-V b30-1 January 3, 3305 - January 10, 3305
MEL 22 Sector TB-J b10-0 January 10, 3305 - January 17, 3305
HR 1185 January 17, 3305 - January 24, 3305
Varati January 24, 3305 - January 31, 3305
Alpha Centauri January 31, 3305 - February 7, 3305
Meene February 7, 3305 - February 14, 3305
IC 2391 Sector HG-X b1-8 February 14, 3305 - February 21, 3305
HIP 36823 February 21, 3305 - February 28, 3305
HIP 39890 February 28, 3305 - March 7, 3305
Synuefe LQ-T b50-1 March 7, 3305 - March 14, 3305
Synuefe SP-F b44-0 March 14, 3305 - March 21, 3305
Col 173 Sector OD-J b25-2 March 21, 3305 - March 28, 3305
Vela Dark Region FL-Y d63 March 28, 3305 - April 4, 3305
Synuefe VN-W b46-0 April 4, 3305 - April 11, 3305
Synuefe FE-S b46-0 April 11, 3305 - April 18, 3305
Flyooe Dryeia LH-L c24-0 April 18, 3305 - April 25, 3305
Flyooe Dryeia JJ-G d11-0 April 25, 3305 - May 2, 3305
HIP 4099 May 2, 3305 - May 9, 3305
Prooe Dryeia XP-X d1-0 May 9, 3305 - May 16, 3305
Prooe Dryeia SF-N d7-0 May 16, 3305 - May 23, 3305
Prooe Dryeia RQ-C d13-0 May 23, 3305 - May 30 3305
Screagi FP-Z d0 May 30, 3305 - June 6, 3305
IRAS 21565-3937 June 6, 3305 - June 13, 3305
Screagi BJ-B d0 June 13, 3305 - June 20, 3305
Nidgiae QJ-F d12-1 June 20, 3305 - June 27, 3305
Swoilz II-K d8-0 June 27, 3305 - July 4, 3305
Swoilz GX-T d3-2 July 4, 3305 - July 11, 3305
Swoilz UL-A c2-7 July 11, 3305 - July 18, 3305
Tonatiuh July 18, 3305 - July 25, 3305
HIP 20960 July 25, 3305 - August 1, 3305
Witch Head Sector AL-X b1-0 August 1, 3305 - August 8, 3305
Wregoe JI-B b13-0 August 8, 3305 - August 15, 3305
California Sector LC-V c2-10 August 15, 3305 - August 22, 3305
Oochorrs KF-D d13-5 August 22, 3305 - August 29, 3305
Col 69 Sector HR-M c7-6 August 29, 3305 - September 5, 3305
Oort September 5, 3305 - September 12, 3305
Messier 78 Sector RD-T c3-8 September 12, 3305 - September 19, 3305
Oochorrs FO-C c15-0 September 19, 3305 - September 26, 3305
Outotz PI-K d8-0 September 26, 3305 - October 3, 3305
Outotz ST-I d9-6 October 3, 3305 - October 10, 3305
Col 69 Sector PH-U c3-0 October 10, 3305 - October 17, 3305
V1483 Orionis October 17, 3305 - October 24, 3305
PMD2009 48 October 24, 3305 - October 31, 3305
BD-12 1172 October 31, 3305 - November 7, 3305
Synuefe MJ-O d7-14 November 7, 3305 - November 14, 3305
Flame Sector XT-R b4-0 November 14, 3305 - November 21, 3305
HIP 23759 November 21, 3305 - November 28, 3305
Synuefe NU-M d8-99 November 28, 3305 - December 5, 3305
Epsilon Indi December 5, 3305 - December 12, 3305
Varati December 12, 3305 - December 26, 3305
63 G. Capricorni December 26, 3305 - January 2, 3306


System Duration of Stay Notes
Alaunus January 2, 3306 - January 9, 3306
HIP 28170 January 9, 3306 - January 16, 3306
Arietis Sector ZF-O b6-1 January 16, 3306 - January 23, 3306
HIP 112240 January 23, 3306 - January 30, 3306
Col 359 Sector TN-T d3-98 January 30, 3306 - February 6, 3306
Col 359 Sector OI-K d8-10 February 6, 3306 - February 13, 3306
Swoiwns RJ-Q e5-2 February 13, 3306 - February 20, 3306
Bleia Eohn TJ-Y d1-1 February 20, 3306 - February 27, 3306
Bleia Eohn PE-P d6-5 February 27, 3306 - March 5, 3306
Bleia Eohn UO-K c23-0 March 5, 3306 - March 12, 3306
Drojeae WZ-M b9-0 March 12, 3306 - March 19, 3306
Drojeae NM-M d7-0 March 19, 3306 - March 26, 3306
Drojeae UE-H d10-0 March 26, 3306 - April 2, 3306
Blae Drye FF-A d2 April 2, 3306 - April 9, 3306
Blae Drye PS-U e2-0 April 9, 3306 - April 16, 3306
Blae Dryua RL-J d10-2 April 16, 3306 - April 23, 3306
Chaluia FS-A d1-4 April 23, 3306 - April 30, 3306 Location of the landmark "Momma's Boy"
Blae Drye YK-P e5-1 April 30, 3306 - May 7, 3306
Blae Drye CH-M D7-4 May 7, 3306 - May 14, 3306
Blae Drye GY-P c6-0 May 14, 3306 - May 21, 3306
Drojo TO-E c26-2 May 21, 3306 - May 28, 3306
Drojo DP-X c15-1 May 28, 3306 - June 4, 3306
Drojo FA-Q d5-6 June 4, 3306 - June 11, 3306
Drojeae DB-X D1-4 June 11, 3306 - June 18, 3306
Drojeae AA-A h56 June 18, 3306 - June 25, 3306
Aucopp QO-U b47-0 June 25, 3306 - July 2, 3306
Aucopp VJ-P d6-2 July 2, 3306 - July 9, 3306
Aucopp BP-Y d1-35 July 9, 3306 - July 16, 3306
Phylur AP-B b13-1 July 16, 3306 - July 23, 3306
Sifi PC-V b57-0 July 23, 3306 - July 30, 3306
Sifi BA-E B39-0 July 30, 3306 - August 6, 3306
Star of India August 6, 3306 - August 13, 3306
Veil West Sector AQ-Y d43 August 13, 3306 - August 20, 3306
Dumbbell Sector CL-X b1-2 August 20, 3306 - August 27, 3306
Col 359 Sector MJ-D b14-3 August 27, 3306 - September 3, 3306
HIP 98182 September 3, 3306 - September 10, 3306
Varati September 10, 3306 - September 17, 3306 The Gnosis officially begins its permanent retirement route

Retirement Route[]

System Planet Notes
Varati A 6 The Gnosis's origin system, and Canonn headquarters
HIP 17862 6 C Location of a Thargoid Crash Site
Pleiades Sector PN-T b3-0 A 6 Location of a Thargoid Barnacle cluster
Synuefe PR-L b40-1 A Location of a Proto Lagrange Cloud
HIP 18120 2 Location of Rubeum Bioluminescent and Croceum Anemones
IC 2391 Sector CQ-Y c16 Location of a Guardian Beacon
Kappa-1 Volantis B 7 c a Location of various types of Brain Trees
Epsilon Indi Mitterand Hollow Location of the moon Mitterand Hollow, which has an unusually rapid orbit


  • The Gnosis has a maximum jump range of 500 ly. It jumps only on Thursdays at 07:00 hours UTC, during server downtime. Before the vessel's retirement, destinations chosen by Canonn had to be submitted in advance to Frontier Developments for approval and implementation.
    • The Gnosis originally had a maximum jump range of 551 ly. The last time it jumped a distance greater than 500 ly was October 25, 2018, when it jumped from Hegeia SY-O c20-0 to Ploi Thua YD-E c26-1, a distance of 533.31 ly. Since that time, none of its jumps ever again exceeded 500 ly, and Canonn subsequently updated the rules notice on their Discord to reflect the change in jump range.
  • The Gnosis was the first Megaship to be created by a Community Goal and owned by a player group.
  • Players who participated in the CG to build The Gnosis received an exclusive Canonn Ship Decal. Frontier intended to add the ability to earn the decal by becoming Allied with the Canonn faction in Varati, but was unable to include this feature in 2.4. Despite Edward Lewis stating that Frontier would examine alternative methods to allow players to acquire the decal,[16] no such methods were ever added to the game.
  • Following The Gnosis's failed jump to Cone Sector FN-J b9-0, Frontier Developments Community Manager Will Flanagan explained that the system had never been intended to be accessible and leaving it and other systems in the Cone Sector without a permit lock was an oversight. When Canonn requested taking The Gnosis to Cone Sector FN-J b9-0, rather than simply denying the request and applying a permit lock, the developers decided to make it into an event involving the players and the new Hydra Variant Thargoid Interceptors; approximately 11,000 players boarded The Gnosis for the resulting "Cone Sector expedition". Flanagan went on to say that the Cone Sector and other permit-locked regions had been set aside for future content, and for that reason The Gnosis would not be able to re-attempt the jump to Cone Sector FN-J b9-0.[17]
  • The Gnosis has a unique flight control voice.



