Elite Dangerous Wiki

The Torc is a personal computer model under development by Supratech. It consists of a flexible ring that coils around the user's wrist or neck, and uses high-resolution holographic projectors to surround the user with illuminated displays and motion-sensitive interfaces.[1] Following an unsuccessful debut at the Rackham Ultratech Expo on October 3, 3304, Supratech failed to acquire additional funding to manufacture retail models of the Torc.[2]


After a fire devastated Supratech's main manufacturing complex on September 7, 3304 and destroyed dozens of prototype Torc units, Supratech CEO Scorpio DeVorrow stated that development of the Torc had been set back significantly. The incident jeopardised Supratech participation in the Rackham Ultratech Expo in October 3304, where the Torc was to be publicly showcased for the first time.[3]

On September 20, 3304, Supratech and rival Herculean Machines launched competing campaigns for commodities to support the release of their personal computer designs. Supratech's campaign was hosted at Roberts Port, Fedmich. Supratech CEO Scorpio DeVorrow stated, "The Torc is the latest in personal computing, featuring state-of-the-art holographic technology. Anyone who wants to benefit from the next generation in wearable hardware should support its development."[4] The Supratech campaign was a success, and DeVorrow announced that manufacture of the Torc would begin immediately.[5] Technology journalist Harlow Nassry commented that both Supratech and Herculean Machines had resumed development and would be able to produce functional prototypes in time for the Rackham Ultratech Expo, but the amount of commodities each company received in their campaigns could be the deciding factor in their commercial success.[6]

At the Rackham Ultratech Expo on October 3, 3304, Herculean Machines and Supratech finally presented prototypes of the Duradrive and the Torc. Unfortunately for Supratech, the Torc's holographic systems did not work as planned. Most users were surrounded by an incomprehensible aura of colours and images that, in some cases, brought on nausea. The Duradrive, by contrast, functioned perfectly. The highlight of the expo came when Zachary Rackham tested a Duradrive by jumping on it, before using it to contact his chief accountant and authorise preliminary funding for the device. He told the crowd, "I could have done with one of these back in my spacefaring days!" Harlow Nassry stated that the support given to Herculean Machines by the galactic community allowed them to deliver a superior product, and the Duradrive could be expected on the market soon.[2]

