Elite Dangerous Wiki
TorpedoPylon Ingame

Class 1 Torpedo Launcher

Torpedo Pylon capable of launching heat seeking torpedoes.

— In-Game Description

A Torpedo Pylon is a hardpoint module that launches torpedoes. Torpedoes have heat-seeking capabilities with unlimited range and inflict significant explosive damage, but are bulky, expensive, and slow enough that wary pilots can outrun them and shoot them down.


Torpedoes are devastating niche weapons, capable of destroying a ship's entire external subsystems in only a few hits, or even destroying smaller ships outright. They are best known for their Reverberating Cascade Experimental Effect, allowing them to deal direct damage to a target ship's shield generator, destroying even the strongest of shields in five torpedoes or less, rendering a target's Shield Cell Bank useless.

Unfortunately, their weaknesses are manifold. Torpedoes are the slowest moving munitions available: at 250 m/s, they can be outrun by most ships if launched carelessly. In addition, the target lock takes much longer to initialize than seeker missiles, around 10 seconds aimed at the target, and once fired, while largely immune to Point Defense as they have 40hp and are quite small they can be disrupted by Electronic Countermeasures, though they will reacquire the target after a short time. Most crucially, they have an exceedingly small ammo capacity, and cannot be synthesized, making them a poor option for ships intending to kill more than a single target; Class 1 carries a single torpedo, Class 2 carries two, and Class 3 carries four.

Instead of dedicated combat vessels, Torpedo Pylons are better used on scouting, trading, and passenger transport vessels. These types of vessels will typically lack the firepower or distributor capacity to take down the shields on pirates and other combat-oriented ships, but Reverb Cascade bypasses this part of the fight entirely, destroying the shield generator and rendering them vulnerable, especially to Power Plant damage, with any excess torpedoes effectively destroying weapons to reduce damage taken. Meanwhile, the Lightweight modification allows multiple Torpedo Pylons can equipped with minimal impact on jump range, and the low ammo reserves of Torpedo Pylons are no concern for a ship that only needs to defeat a single attacker before docking again, such as a trade or passenger ship.

Used properly, they can be a powerful tool in a player's arsenal, but used incorrectly they can be a significant disadvantage, so players should be careful to use them properly or risk destruction.


Class Rating Mass
Integrity Power
Damage Armour Piercing Thermal
Clip Size
1 I 2.00 40 0.400 Fixed 120 10,000 45 1 0 10,080
2 I 4.00 51 0.400 Fixed 120 10,000 50 2 0 40,320
3 I 8.00 64 0.600 Fixed 120 10,000 55 4 0 157,960


This weapon can be modified by Engineers to enhance its abilities.


The following modifications can be applied to this module:

Experimental Effects[]

The following Experimental Effects can be applied to this module:

Purchase Locations[]

Class Rating System Station
1, 2 I LHS 3447 Larson Orbital
1, 2, 3 I LHS 20 Ohm City
1 I Witchhaul Hornby Terminal
1, 2 I LHS 3447 Dalton Gateway
1 I Eravate Cleve Hub
1 I Eravate Russel Ring
1, 2 I Bhotho Baker Holdings
1 I LTT 16019 Rey Prospect
1, 2 I Gangga Wigura Station
1 I Phraces Potter Enterprise
1, 2 I LP 787-52 Scully-Power Port


