Elite Dangerous Wiki

This system was given to the Guardians of the Free Spirit religious sect by the Federation in 2480. They believe in maximum hardship and live underground on several of the inner planets of the system. It is forbidden by Federal Law to enter the system without the permission of the Guardians.

— In-Game Description

Van Maanen's Star is an independent system in the Core Systems within the Inner Orion Spur. The system is permit-locked, and the permit can be obtained by becoming Allied with the Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star minor faction in any system where it has a presence.

The Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star faction was one of 14 permit-holding factions that entered into an agreement on November 24, 3307 to maintain so-called Gatekeeper megaships to preserve interstellar trade regardless of local political shifts. These Gatekeeper megaships would be permanently stationed in systems adjacent to their corresponding permit-locked systems to ensure that pilots could reliably obtain permits. Shadows Endurant was deployed in Epsilon Eridani as the Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star's Gatekeeper megaship.[1]

System Layout[]

  • van Maanen's Star
    • Major
    • van Maanen's Star 2
    • van Maanen's Star 3
      • Bennett Vision (Surface Port)
    • van Maanen's Star 4
    • van Maanen's Star 5
      • van Maanen's Star 5 A
    • van Maanen's Star 6
    • van Maanen's Star 7
    • van Maanen's Star 8
    • van Maanen's Star 9
    • van Maanen's Star 10
      • Bierce Survey (Surface Port)
      • Kessel Landing (Settlement)
    • Thurston Gateway (Outpost)

Minor Factions[]

  • Freedom Party of van Maanen's Star (Dictatorship, Independent)
  • Hutton Orbital Truckers Co-Operative (Cooperative, Independent)
  • Pirates of van Maanen's Star (Anarchy, Independent)
  • Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star (Theocracy, Independent)
  • van Maanen's Star Organisation (Corporate, Federation)

