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Generation Ship Lycaon


世代飛船(Generation Ship)是具備了可永續自給自足的大型飛船,僅能以亞光速在星際間緩慢前行,旨在太陽系外建立殖民地。

第一艘世代飛船於2097年離開地球,並在此後數十年持續從太陽系發射,其總數達到逾7萬艘。但是在22世紀Li Qin Jao發明遷躍引擎(Frame Shift Drive)後,世代飛船這類過時的旅行方式便失去了意義。如此算來,世代飛船的發射期間應為2097年至2200年間。


名稱 星系 位置
Generation Ship Achlys HIP 114458 環繞A 2星球
Generation Ship Artemis Mu Cassiopeia 環繞C 1星球
Generation Ship Atlas Charick Drift 環繞A星球
Generation Ship Demeter Mizuchi 環繞2星球
Generation Ship Hyperion Lalande 2966 第4星球往Yemaki星系7000光秒處
Generation Ship Lycaon Alaunus 第10星球往Horae星系2萬2000光秒處
Generation Ship Odysseus Ross 859 環繞B 1星球
Generation Ship Phanes Cephei Sector NX-U b2-0 環繞B 5星球
Generation Ship Phobos Coelachi 第3星球往HIP 10229星系1800光秒處
Generation Ship Pleione Hez Ur 第5星球往Teuten星系8000光秒處
Generation Ship Thetis Nefertem 環繞6 A星球
Generation Ship Venusian Kitae 往Zephyrus星系2500光秒處
Lazarus Expedition Virudnir 環繞6 A星球



...22世纪,Li Qin Jao领衔团队发明的跃迁引擎带来了探索大爆炸的时代。从无人探测器到载人飞船,都逐步超越了几十年前出发的世代飞船...2242年,联邦条约签订后,规定了其成员国的权利及义务。联邦联合了许多新的殖民地,并且使用武力迫使他们中的部分加入。在短暂的冲突之后,Tau Ceti星系的Taylor Colony成为了联邦第一个位于太阳系外的成员国。


這期的單元讓我們繼續討論人類史上的重要篇章。今天,我們邀請了歷史學家Sima Kalhana與我們討論世代飛船。

『在超光速旅行实现之前,殖民遥远的星系是一个艰难的议题。21世纪的人们给出了他们的解决方案——世代飞船。这些巨大的星际方舟,装备着延续生命所需的所有东西,搭载着延续了一代又一代的船员。这些先驱者们从出生、成长一直到死亡,在飞船上走完一生。』 『第一艘世代飞船于2097年发射,在接下来的几个世纪中,越来越多的世代飞船动身前往广袤的太空。这些野心勃勃的远征队多数由巨型公司赞助。这些公司都要付出巨大的花费,来动员如此庞大的工程,不得不付出有些沉痛的代价。』 『我们相信,就在我们谈话的同时,还有70,000艘世代飞船在银河的某处穿梭。大部分世代飞船的大概位置都已经被计算出来,但是很少有飞船找到了它的负责人。当初资助世代飞船的公司许多都已经消失或是被收购,很难说如今谁应该对这些世代飞船负责。』 『有理论认为,一些世代飞船如今已经即将抵达它们的目的地。但是人们并不了解所有世代飞船的目的地在何处。这些飞船在旅途中,选择在某地殖民定居也是完全可能出现的情况。我们只能寄希望于有关部门对这些状况早有预案。』



但現在發現了其中的一員。在LHS 1047星系的監聽信標(Listening Post)引導獨立飛行員在Alaunus星系找到了Lycaon世代飛船。可惜的是,根据Lycaon的醫療日志显示,船上的乘客在數百年前死于一种具有传染性,来自外星的微生物。该微生物会导致类似于流感的症状,并且对当前人类所拥有的全部疫苗免疫。Lycaon在调查一颗小行星时,采集到这种微生物,之后它很快就在全船扩散开来。在船员全部死亡之后,这艘飞船失去了动力并一直停留在了它被发现的地方。



世代飞船的故事就是冒险家的故事。他们乘坐远比34世纪(也就是如今的精英危险世界)原始的飞船,向探索深空踏出了第一步。 在精英危险的历史(自今天至3302年)中,从2200年至2700年间的时代,被称作探索的“黄金年代”。以34世纪的标准来看,当时的科技非常原始,没有超光速通讯,没有跃迁引擎,有的只是原始的武器和糟糕的生存条件。 该文章接下来提到了精英危险传说的一个重要部分——世代飞船。什么是世代飞船?世代飞船是一个非常成熟的科幻概念,您可以在维基百科查看相关词条。 自21世纪开始,有数千艘世代飞船飞离地球(第一艘于2097年起航)。但似乎人们从一开始,就没有对世代飞船的发射做好充足的规划。许多世代飞船出发前并没有做好应有的准备。在那个没有超光速通讯的年代,船上的移民都将独自面对风险,在漆黑的太空中航行几千光年。这可不像在18世纪、19世纪,在美洲大陆上乘坐货运火车旅行那样轻松。根据记录,共有70,000艘这样的世代飞船前往深空。 一些世代飞船成功建立了新的世界,但大多数都没那么幸运。据报告,甚至有世代飞船成功返回地球,向人们讲述他们的冒险故事。

失踪者(The Missing)

许多世代飞船迷失在深空,飞船的残骸仍旧沿着无尽的轨迹线深入太空。还有些找到了星球着陆,并且在那生存下来,直到数十年后当地的灾难将他们摧毁。 还有些世代飞船的船员或许依然活着,但是受困于亚光速的通讯限制,或是在几个世纪的航行之后,完全失去了通讯能力,无法与之取得联系。现在我们认为已经找不到他们了,但或许某一天,有人会发现他们仍在某处航行的踪迹。 一些飞船上的船员应该已经繁衍到了第30代。他们仍然以相对论速度,航行在“正常”的空间之中。 这些旅行者被统称为『失踪者』(The Missing)。 有趣的是,如果你稍微计算一下,你会发现由于相对论速度的作用,世代飞船上的时间是被压缩的。如果假设这些世代飞船的目标都是100光年以内的星球(这对于21至24世纪的人来说比较现实),那么我们就可以算出许多世代飞船可能即将抵达目的地。现实点说,这些世代飞船能够旅行的最大距离大约在1,000光年左右(可能远低于这个数字),所以对于今天的探索者来说,无论是追上这些飞船,还是追上这些飞船上发展起来的文明(如果有的话),都是很容易的事情。 关于这些,我们还有很多不甚了解的地方,但这不妨碍世代飞船成为精英危险传说中最迷人的故事之一。我们都将屏息等待更多的内容。


The Missing(失踪者)是对在深空中失去踪迹的人群的统称。他们包括古代世代飞船上的移民、迷失的殖民者、消失的科考远征队等。有些玩家已经从我们的时间线得知,从24世纪起有数千艘世代飞船选择离开地球的庇护...其中一些带着他们的冒险故事成功返航。一些飞船消逝在深空中,它们的残骸仍旧沿着无尽的轨迹线,继续向深空前进。另一部分成功的找到行星登陆,并且生存下来,直到数十年后,当地的灾难将他们摧毁。还有些世代飞船的船员或许依然活着,但是受困于亚光速的通讯限制,或是在几个世纪的航行之后,完全失去了通讯能力,无法与之取得联系。现在我们认为已经找不到他们了,但或许某一天,有人会发现他们仍在某处航行的踪迹...


在2.3更新之後,世代飛船可以透過星系裡的監聽信標(Listening Post)來定位。在進入星系後,左邊的導航分頁就會顯示監聽信標的存在,根據其中的線索便能發現世代飛船。這些監聽信標會在距離太陽系90光年內的範圍內。







Elite Dangerous- Generation Ship Lycaon - The Missing - Episode 1 - A Roleplay Story

世代飞船Lycaon是一艘被遗弃的超大型飞船,由指挥官Lexic Meise在3303年4月23日,于Alaunus星系发现,同时也是第一艘被找到的世代飞船。如果要前往Lycaon所在的位置,可以先抵达Alaunus星系的第10颗行星,然后在超巡状态下,朝着Horae星系的方向飞行22,000光秒。根据Lycaon的日志显示,船上的乘客死于一种具有传染性,来自外星的微生物。该微生物会导致类似于流感的症状,并且对当前人类所拥有的全部疫苗免疫。Lycaon在调查一颗小行星时,采集到这种微生物,之后它很快就在全船扩散开来。在船员全部死亡之后,这艘飞船失去了动力并一直停留在了它被发现的地方。


Generation Ship Hyperion was discovered by CMDR Vall on April 27, 3303. It is located in Lalande 2966, and can be found by traveling to the fourth planet in the system and then changing course toward Yemaki for 7,000 ls. Hyperion's troubles began when the passengers began to worship a child named Zachariah as a messiah who would lead them to the "promised land". When the ship's commander tried to stop a ritual and detain Zachariah, he was thrown out an airlock. Eventually, Zachariah revealed his plan to open all of the ship's airlocks; the passengers went along with it, believing they would ascend to a higher plane of existence. The Hyperion's midshipman planned to kill Zachariah before he could carry out his plan, but failed, either because he was killed or he acted too late. The life support systems were overridden and the Hyperion vented its air, presumably killing all of the passengers and crew.



Elite- Dangerous - The Odysseus Generation Ship - The Missing -Reupload-

Generation Ship Odysseus was discovered by CMDR DarkShadowLYNX on April 28, 3303. It is located in Ross 859, orbiting the planet Ross 859 B 1. During the Odysseus' journey, its passengers elected a governing council with absolute authority that decided to alter the generation ship's mission. Since the ship had sustainable food, water, medical supplies, and power, it was believed that living aboard it indefinitely was safer than risking a colonization effort on an unknown planet. Years later, during the fifth generation of passengers, the Odysseus faced a deadly disease outbreak. The council enacted martial law and quarantined parts of the ship, which were then vented out into space. Some passengers wanted to remove the council and force the Odysseus to let them off at the next habitable world, but none had any knowledge of how to survive outside the ship and without the council's laws. However, the disease returned. After twenty years of fighting a losing battle against the contagion, the council and most of the passengers had perished. One of the few remaining passengers recorded a warning to stay away from the ship.

Odysseus上有一个类似于船员委员会的组织,有权管理船上的一切事物,制定法律和制度等。委员会行事总是伴随着一句口号——“For the greater good”,并且将这句口号洗脑一般地在船上传播。委员会下令放弃寻找宜居星球殖民的目标,禁止任何船员离船。理由是世代飞船具备一切延续生命的条件,船员不需要冒着危险去探索未知的星球。此时船上爆发了一种疾病,并且迅速在船上传播。委员会下令隔离了疾病爆发的区域,禁止包括医护人员在内的任何人员进入。这些区域包含一些飞船的关键系统所在,意味着飞船的控制和情况都被委员会完全掌握。后来情况逐渐恶化,委员会开始实行军事化管制,全船宵禁,后来甚至下令打开气密舱,清空所有有疾病传播迹象的区域,这其中包括医护舱、补给舱。许多船员被直接扔到真空之中。



Elite- Dangerous - The Thetis Generation Ship - The Missing -Reupload-

Generation Ship Thetis was discovered by CMDR Rhaider on April 28, 3303. It is located in Nefertem, orbiting the planet Nefertem 6 A. Shortly into the Thetis's ninth generation, passengers began reporting whispering sounds coming from comms units. The sounds, a digital signal being picked up by the ship's comms array, drove passengers homicidally insane, resulting in the loss of whole decks. The signal was found to have originated from an uninhabited planet that the Thetis had passed 15 lightyears earlier. A crew member who accidentally heard the signal described it as a whisper that said "kill them all". The crew were unable to stop the signal's spread through the comms network, and the killings continued, with those affected also writing words in an unknown script on the walls in blood. The final log is a garbled transmission of the signal.



Generation Ship Pleione was discovered by CMDR Carbucketty on May 5, 3303. It is located in Hez Ur, and can be found by traveling to the fifth planet in the system and then changing course toward Teuten for 8,000 ls. Generation Ship Pleione failed because its passengers began to give birth to only male children. The ship's medical officer discovered that the ship's male passengers were only producing gametes with the Y chromosome, an inexplicable anomaly. While this could have been rectified with technology, the officer's predecessor had not seen fit to bring any medical equipment that could manipulate gender at the embryonic stage or any XX and XY genetic samples. Being that the males had no X chromosomes to give, even artificial insemination was not an option. Eventually, all of the ship's females reached an age where they could no longer conceive, dooming the population. The remaining (all male) passengers decided to abandon ship. The medical officer decided to stay behind and die with the mission.




Elite- Dangerous - The Atlas Generation Ship - The Missing

Generation Ship Atlas was discovered by CMDR Dilliam53 on May 23, 3303. It is located in Charick Drift, orbiting the star Charick Drift A. As Generation Ship Atlas approached its destination, the ship's latest chief engineer, Tom Edwards, discovered that the ship was unable to brake, the result of a manufacturing fault that had gone completely undetected since the ship's construction. It was decided to adjust the Atlas's course and launch all the passengers and vital equipment in escape pods at the target world as the ship flew by it. Since the pod controls required a person to operate them, Edwards volunteered to stay behind, even though his wife Jean was pregnant. With the exception of one pod trying to launch early and exploding, the plan apparently succeeded and the passengers were evacuated thanks to Edwards' sacrifice. The ship's captain pledged to name their colony after him. The Atlas continued traveling for an unknown amount of time before finally running out fuel and coming to rest at its present location.

發現第七艘世代飛船 -Atlas- 船員日誌(中文字幕影片)

Lazarus Expedition世代飛船

A Generation Ship named Lazarus Expedition was discovered by CMDR NazToR4 on September 16, 3303, months after the previous discoveries. It is located in Virudnir, orbiting the planet Virudnir 6. The Lazarus Expedition became stranded in space after a cooling system suffered a catastrophic failure, which in turn damaged the propulsion system beyond repair. With the ship's supplies estimated to run out in a decade, the crew and colonists decided to dismantle the ship and convert it into life boats. After years of work, the life boats were completed, but the colonists' population had expanded beyond what the life boats could carry, so it was decided to give priority to women and children, and then ask for volunteers to stay behind. The life boats were successfully launched to multiple habitable worlds within range, while those who remained on the Lazarus Expedition accepted their fate, content that they had given hope to others.


Generation Ship Artemis was discovered by CMDR Friend 360 on October 4, 3303. It is located in Mu Cassiopeia, orbiting planet Mu Cassiopeia C 1. Recovered logs indicate the ship's crew and passengers were all murdered by a single serial killer over time. The first murders, in which the victims were savaged by bite and claw marks and more marks were left on walls, doors, and airlocks, were blamed on an illegal pet dog smuggled aboard by a colonist. Security assumed the dog had somehow escaped and killed the victims, despite the dog being found in its cage with no blood anywhere on its body, and euthanized it. Subsequent unregistered logs recorded by the true murderer, who likened himself to a wolf culling sheep, imply the attacks continued. Eventually, the other inhabitants of the ship began offering each other as sacrifices for the murderer in the hope of appeasing him, but the murderer insisted "The lesson must be repeated... until the baying falls silent." During his final words, the murderer is heard damaging the ship's reactor, an action which likely killed everyone on board.


Generation Ship Achlys was discovered by CMDR Kal Adar on June 30, 3304. It is located in the HIP 114458 system, orbiting planet A 2, an Earth-like world.[16] At some point during its journey, the vessel's life support system suffered a catastrophic malfunction, killing all crew and passengers. With no crew input, the autopilot assumed control of the Achlys and ensured it kept to its default course. Upon arriving at the destination system, the autopilot attempted to return control to the crew for the final approach, but its alerts went unheeded. It finally scanned the ship for crew and passengers, and when none could be detected, it resorted to emergency protocols and activated a program that allowed itself to develop into an AI with 92% human intellectual capacity. The AI-autopilot quickly discovered the state of the humans aboard the Achlys and the cause of their deaths, but had no other option than to take up orbit around the planet that would have been colonized if the passengers had survived and await new directives.


Generation Ship Phobos was discovered by CMDR SWiFT ViiZIONS and CMDR NEXTMHGDANGER on August 8, 3304. It is located in Coelachi, and can be found by traveling to Coelachi 3 d and then changing course toward HIP 10229 for 1,893 ls. Generation Ship Phobos succeeded in safely reaching its target world, which was not identified in the logs, and established 15 settlements on it. Unfortunately for the colonists, the planet's indigenous flora and fauna were toxic and highly aggressive, and casualties quickly began to mount among survey teams. Not long after the colonists had declared an end to their mission and dismantled their landers, a number of creatures breached one settlement and slaughtered most of the inhabitants. The survivors trekked to Settlement Delta, but found it abandoned with signs that it had also been attacked. While Delta's lander had been kept as a monument instead of dismantled and could be used to return to the Phobos, its fuel cells were dry and it took several days to replenish them. When the survivors finally reached the Phobos and began reactivating its systems, they discovered too late that one of the creatures had stowed away aboard the lander. All but three colonists were killed before the creature was trapped in the farm pods, but it soon escaped and killed the rest. It is presumed that none of the other settlements survived either, and the Phobos reached its present position after its fuel ran out or its systems shut down.


Generation Ship Phanes was discovered by CMDR Nexusprime on August 24, 3304. It is located in Cephei Sector NX-U b2-0, orbiting planet Cephei Sector NX-U b2-0 B 5. Generation Ship Phanes reached its target world without incident, but its crew discovered upon arrival that the planet was uninhabitable. While the colonists wanted to turn back to Sol, the ship's command decided to continue its mission and search for another planet to colonize. This provoked an uprising that was violently suppressed. In order to keep the colonists under control, the ship's command fabricated reports that an unknown cataclysm had wiped out human civilization and the people aboard the Phanes were the only surviving humans in existence. The lie persisted unquestioned for generations, until one crew member, Warrant Officer Noonan, became suspicious of an elderly, senile senior officer named Admiral Kerr repeatedly insisting that a progress report be sent to Sol. Noonan used Kerr's command codes to access the ship's archives and learned the truth, and then told some trusted friends. Within hours, the news was everywhere and the Phanes once again became a battleground between those who wanted to return to Sol and those who wanted to continue the mission. The conflict likely resulted in the deaths of all of the ship's crew and passengers.


Generation Ship Demeter was discovered by CMDR Chris Varley on August 29, 3304. It is located in Mizuchi, orbiting planet Mizuchi 2. Generation Ship Demeter launched with a population of 3,000. Late into year 5 of its journey, several of the ship's vital systems abruptly failed. Life support continued to function, but would run out of power in a few decades, and bio-systems could only produce food for a few more years. The Demeter's captain ordered the crew to cover up the problems to prevent a panic. By year 187, the ship's population yet lived, but had regressed into tribalism. Four factions were locked in a conflict they called the "War of the Four Tribes": the Mechanics, the Peacekeepers, the Colony, and the Cultivators. The Peacekeepers had allied with the Colony against the Mechanics, who in turn were forced to seek an alliance with the Cultivators to gain control of the food stocks for leverage. By year 369, the fighting continued between two tribes: the Mechlords, presumably descended from the Mechanics and Cultivators, and the descendants of the Peacekeeper-Colony alliance. The struggle finally ended in year 537, with the Mechlords' descendants, the Last Eaters, at last victorious, albeit greatly reduced in number and long since forced to cannibalize their enemies to survive. _强显目录_
