精英危险中文站 维基

帝國(Empire)是有著世襲君主制的超級勢力,為銀河系內的第二大勢力。目前繼位的統治者為阿里薩.拉維尼.杜瓦爾(Arissa Lavigny-Duval),帝國宮殿位於Achenar星系的Capitol星球上。雖然帝國與聯邦間的停戰協議在2382年便已簽署,但兩大勢力間並非處於真正的和平。







帝國的起源可以回溯至23世紀中期時的Achenar殖民地。馬林.杜瓦爾(Marlin Duval)是來自地球的富裕人家,為了逃避地球上政治迂腐,她千里迢迢來到Achenar 6D星球開展殖民地。其領導在一場疑似由其弟弟主導的陰謀事故下劃上句點。從此,此民主政府便由Duval一族世襲至今。透過基因工程技術,讓皇族得以代代產下男嬰,以杜絕馬林那般的和平思想。此限制在多年後才逐漸接觸,但最到最近才有首位女性統治者繼位。


廣為人知的帝國始於23世紀中期的和平主義者及反聯邦人士——馬林.杜瓦爾(Marlin Duval)。在當時為抵抗聯邦的管理,她帶領家人以及多名支持者脫離聯邦。並於2292年,於Achenar的第六星球的衛星——Achenar 6D——上建立家園。並成為現在的帝國首都Capitol。該殖民地一開始進展非常順利,管理議會由Marlin帶頭成立,以妥善管理殖民地。隨著殖民地的擴張,議會成員也不斷增加。


Imperial historians record that many native species were found on Capitol during colonisation, which the colonists took great care to protect as best they could. Among these species, unbeknownst to the newly-formed republic, were one of the few sapient species to have been encountered by humanity. Imperial scholars have suggested a number of factors led to the extinction of this species, not least of all imported bacteria carried along with the colonists.[1] Within a few short years, this indigenous species had been rendered extinct.

Federal historians, citing Federal decrees of the time, paint a different tale. The official Federal version of events alleges that Capitol was in fact sterilised on the orders of Henson Duval, brother of Marlin Duval, prior to terraforming some years after Marlin's death. Imperial scholars disagree on whether this was due to innocent confusion over misunderstood or misrepresented information, associating plans for the terraforming of nearby world Conversion (a project which would not be completed until 2696) with that of the genocide, or a deliberate political smear campaign based on Marlin Duval's antagonistic relationship with the Federation.

Whether mistakenly or not, the Federation threatened retaliation if this action were repeated, later using this event retroactively as the pretext for a failed invasion attempt in 2324AD[1] which would secure the newborn Empire's standing as a major galactic power.


Achenar殖民地的整體最初是民主共和制,選出的議員代表人民,而權利更高的議長則是共和體制的執行者。Marlin Duval作為創始人以及受擁戴的政治人物,在此時期有著極大的政治力量。但比起擁有全權的皇帝,她更滿足僅僅作為議長的一員。

2296年,在Achenar共和國僅成立短短的4年後,Marlin Duval與其伴侶和子嗣在一起事故中身亡。雖然沒有直接的證據,但其弟弟Henson Duval在此事故中有著很大的嫌疑。

作為Marlin唯一的在世親人,Henson順利成章的繼承了議長的一職。他隨即解散議會,並任命自己為Achenar星系的統治者,此時正式轉型為帝國制。由於長期飽受聯邦的軍事威脅,Henson致力於展開一系列遊說,以提升人們的反聯邦情緒。於2320年,Henson Duval正式成為帝國的首任皇帝。





在Richard Morgan上將的帶領下,聯邦艦隊與Beta Hydri星系集結,並與2323年末對Achenar星系發動進攻。由於該區域在當時鮮少開發,因此物資的運輸困難也導致物流難以支援如此規模的大規模進攻。


2324年,聯邦艦隊嘗試在周邊建立防線但是未果,持續的消耗使得作為進攻方的聯邦艦隊飽受挑戰,最終於2325年遭到Achenar帝國的反攻。在這場被譽為『解放之役』(Great Battle of Liberation)的戰鬥中,Achenar帝國的所有飛船不管是民用抑或軍用都被部署,以抵抗聯邦的攻勢。

最終,聯邦艦隊被迫撤回Beta Hydri星系,雖然在後方補給下得以抵抗Achenar帝國的反擊,但是此役依舊持續了長達50年。此時,為了擴大領空,Achenar帝國周邊的星系也紛紛加入其下。自此,Achenar帝國從單一星系的勢力,一轉成為銀河系中的第二大人類勢力。


Emperor Gaylen Trasken Duval's passion for the arts and very high standards of living saw a rapid population increase in Imperial systems. Massive migration from independent, GalCop and Federation worlds saw an accompanying increase in prosperity.[2]

To deal with the rapid rise in population across many worlds, the Empire began terraforming of Cemiess 2 in 3080. This put paid to Federal ambitions in the system. A colonial charter had been established since 3055, but lack of funds had prevented any expansion. The act of approving the Imperial settlement proved to be the last of Gaylen Trasken Duval who died shortly afterwards, he was 109 years of age.[2]


3300年時,帝國皇帝Hengist Duval身患重病,也因此衍生了繼承人的問題。在當時,王子Harold Duval被認為非王位的適當繼承人。於12月19日,Hengist皇帝提出Harold王子並非意中的繼承人。而時任參議員的Arissa Lavigny——Hengist皇帝與Florence Lavigny私生——隨即視為潛在的繼承者。12月22日,Hengist皇帝宣布其迎娶Florence,Arissa也改姓為Lavigny-Duval。之後,Hengist皇帝的病情加劇進入昏迷,導致婚禮被延至3301年7月。

Hengist皇帝於3301年7月14日甦醒,並快速康復。其婚禮也在8月5日舉辦,當時的聯邦影子總統Felicia Winters也受邀出席。但是,婚禮卻被高階帝國官員Brendan Paul Darius和極端傳統派——Emperor's Dawn——成員所打斷,Hengist皇帝被刺殺。而皇位的繼承權再一次陷入僵局,而Hengist皇帝的孫女愛絲琳.杜瓦爾(Aisling Duval)公主隨即被視為候選人。於10月6日,帝國議院最終投票讓Arissa Lavigny-Duval繼位的提案,並於3301年10月18日加冕。

在3301年10月,參議員Denton Patreus率領的軍事行動打擊Emperor's Dawn,在聯邦與帝國領空內的多個藏身處皆被掃蕩。3302年2月5日,Patreus參議員宣布該組織已被剿滅。由於Patreus的效命,Arissa女王將其提升為艦隊上將,得以率領帝國艦隊。

3303年,帝國與聯邦之間的情勢更為緊張,雙方皆競相提升軍力並建造大量旗艦。在昴宿星雲也因為外星遺跡和元合金(Meta Alloy)的爭奪而爆發了雙方的代理人戰爭。帝國也因此在當地的HR 1185星系建立了多個前哨站。

3303年7月19日,在聯邦艦隊被Thargoid襲擊後,Arissa Lavigny-Duval女皇呼籲帝國子民切莫驚慌。

3303年9月,帝國與聯邦間的冷戰宣告結束,並且和聯盟共同組成名為神盾(Aegis)的聯合組織。評論家提到,此狀況皆因雙方無法壟斷元合金的產地,因此雙方為了保全面子而以此方式緩解。最終,聯邦也將部署於帕林博士所在地——Maia星系A 3 A星球——上方的艦隊撤回。

3303年9月21日,在聯邦於Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55的艦隊被Thargoid擊毀後,三方迫切擴大Aegis,並大幅提升資金以使研究順利進行。工程師莉茲.萊德(Liz Ryder)與Palin博士也受邀加入,以研發新的反Thargoid武器和相應的探測器。







Imperial society is based on honour. The values resemble the ancient Roman Dignitas and Japanese Bushido.[3] Dignitas is the sum of the personal clout and influence that a citizen acquires throughout his or her life. When weighing the dignitas of a particular individual, factors such as personal reputation, moral standing, and ethical worth has to be considered, along with the person's entitlement to respect and proper treatment.[4] Additionally like Bushido, Imperial honour has moral values which stress some combination of sincerity, frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery, and honour until death.[5]

It was shaming to do something that put people in a bad state. The poorhouses still happened, but sensibly, people were supposed to look after each other.[3]

Former Senator Kahina Tijani Loren was quoted as saying "We Imperials often do get accused of being arrogant and overbearing, but at least we're good at it."[6]

Imperial Citizens like to project their wealth.[7] They prefer opulence, style and quality with no expense spared.[8] This is visible in their cities, ships by Gutamaya and clothing.

Imperial citizens view Ngadandari Fire Opals as a status symbol. Their mesmerizing fire-like reflections represent the fire of the birth of the Empire. Their high market value has lead to the planet Ngadandari being systematically strip-mined by Imperial slaves.[9]


In many Imperial families there's little direct interaction between the parents and their children other than at ceremonial events where they are required to perform roles. Children are attended by Imperial Slaves from a young age. Children within the privileged upper echelons of the Empire are indoctrinated into Imperial style, intonation, dress and decorum as befitted their parent's socioeconomic status in society.[10]




People who don't speak with the quirky accent of Imperial Citizens are shunned in the Achenar system, especially if they are from a Federation world.[11] A person with a Federation accent is met with scorn unless money can be made out of them.[12]

At the Imperial Palace, foreigners are welcomed by palace staff who use subtle pro-Empire propaganda in an attempt to undermine the Federation. These greetings aren't extended outside palace grounds.[12]

The Imperial accent evolved out of Achenarians who tried to mock the standard Federation diction. It accentuates certain vowels. To foreigners their speech sounds like a whine.[12]


Imperial Citizens and sympathizers occasionally do the act of basking.[13]

Date Name Notes
2 January Empire Day A national holiday in the Empire on January 2nd.
18 October Ascension Day The accession of a new Emperor is an official holiday.[14] Arissa Lavigny-Duval was crowned on 18 October 3301.
Once per wedding Imperial Wedding The wedding day of the Emperor is a public holiday.[15]




Rank System Allegiance Population
1 Ch'eng Empire 19,968,361,854
2 LTT 9810 Empire 17,318,896,055
3 Amenta Empire 17,258,804,440
4 Achenar Empire 16,380,047,759
5 Ra Empire 15,739,714,503
6 HR 1475 Empire 15,726,987,123
7 Buricasses Empire 15,529,586,076
8 Grebegus Empire 15,089,119,076
9 Shinigami Empire 15,000,000,000
10 LTT 9605 Empire 14,965,900,182


Law is seen and enforced very differently in the Empire. The Emperor is the sovereign ruler of the Empire and above the law. Senators are responsible for enforcing the Emperor’s laws, but the Senators themselves are above the law. They can order executions, and can even kill people themselves, though sometimes (rarely) they may be held to account for their actions by the Emperor. Some Senators are warlike and may take over systems in the name of the Empire, to get the spoils, and they may get a good deal of support as a result. Some Senators do not tolerate slavery, and regularly speak out against it, but from the basis of honour - not suggesting it should not be legal. In the Empire, very little is illegal, but many things are frowned upon, like excessive use of narcotics. Cloning and genetic engineering are allowed in the Empire.[16][17][14]

There are various security forces that enforce the law in Imperial space.

  • The Imperial Internal Security Service are responsible for domestic security throughout the Empire.[18]
  • The Imperial Intelligence Service is an intelligence agency in the Empire.[19]
  • The Imperial Diplomatic Corps operates embassies in most foreign systems, but the IDC has far-reaching powers too and unlike other police units has jurisdiction throughout the Em傳統上,所有皇帝結傳統上,所有皇帝即位皇族中的男信,ire.[20]
  • The Imperial Guard is an elite Imperial security force responsible for the defense of the Achenar system and the protection of the Emperor, the Imperial Palace, and certain senators.[21]
  • Omega Company is an Advanced Tactical Response unit that operates in Imperial space.[22]
  • The Imperial Navy is the naval warfare force of the Empire.



帝國女皇Arissa Lavigny-Duval



傳統上,皇位皆由皇族的男性繼承,但是先帝亨利.杜瓦爾(Hengist Duval)更改了帝國法律,使女性也得以繼承帝國皇位。由於皇子Harold Duval並非適當的繼承人選,於是帝國議院票選阿里薩.拉維尼.杜瓦爾(Arissa Lavigny-Duval)作為第16任帝國繼承者。


皇帝及所有議員在議院都有自己的席位,但他們很少全體同時出席。議長是權利更高的議員,由皇帝直接任命,負責主持議院會議。按照法律規定,議院是一個扁平化機構,但實際上議員內部分為不同集團,並且由地位更高的議員領導。 議員之間並不平等。議員的選票權重由他所代理的公民數量決定(議員代理庇護人,庇護人代理侍從,侍從代理公民)。議員要根據庇護人們的意見投出選票。類似地,庇護人之間也有地位高低之分。庇護人隨時都可能會帶著他的支持者轉投其他議員,尤其是當議員和他的侍從們利益相悖時。如果議員的做法不受歡迎,他很可能會失去支持他庇護人。但是別忘了,議員能夠調整稅收,並且分配更好的的醫療條件,他能以此賄賂到庇護人的支持。最有權勢的議員的投票權重可以達到其他議員的數百倍,由此議院中說話有分量的人物只是少數。但作為議員的榮譽要求他們必須禮貌地聽取每一個議員的發言,即使在投票反對發言者之前。

歷史上,議院會議在 Capitol (Achenar 6d – 即帝國首星、國會星)上的議院議廳舉行,正位於帝國皇宮附近。嚴格來說,議院會議仍在此召開,但實際上大多數議員都通過遠程虛擬技術參會。但按照傳統禮儀,在新皇加冕、帝國日(1 月 2 日)這樣特殊的日子,議員們都會親自出席,並且著裝華麗,帶著隨行僕從,為 Capitol 營造節日氣氛。


議員不通過選舉產生。議員代理一群庇護人,庇護人代理一群侍從,每一位侍從又代理一個公民團體。他們之間的代理關係是公開的。任何人都可以查詢議員(庇護人、侍從)目前的支持人數和名單。從一千年前第一位皇帝產生之後,帝國法令就規定議員數量為 1 千人。如果庇護人的支持率很高,人數甚至超過某位議員的支持者的話,該庇護人可以請願,取代這名議員。請願發起之後,雙方需要在七天之內召集支持者,以支持者人數多寡決定勝負。如果庇護人挑戰失敗的話,一年內不得再次申請,被罷免的議員一年內也不能再次申請成為議員。為了防止有人搗亂,發起請願成為議員時,需要支付給皇帝十億 Cr,挑戰成功才會歸還。 如果議員死亡或者選擇退休,通常情況下由他指定的繼承者繼承議員席位。大多數議員都會從他的團隊中選取一個繼承人,及早培養繼承人與庇護人之間的關係,才能保證繼承人發起的議員請願不會遭到反對,平緩過渡。當議員及其同僚因同一事故死亡,就會出現許多人競爭同一個空缺議員席位的情況,支持率最高者獲勝,這就算是帝國內部最接近於選舉的事件了。 每一次激烈的競爭中,都會出現大量庇護人轉換陣營的情況。庇護人的效忠並不是一成不變的,帝國的政治格局處於不斷地變化之中。 類似地,除了議員請願外,也有成為庇護人、侍從及公民的請願。公民請願是指奴隸、公民的孩子、甚至外國人成為帝國公民的過程。對於孩子來說,在他 21 歲那年,要經歷一個不算正式的儀式才能成為帝國公民,即一個簡短的典禮加上成年晚會。 除了皇帝之外,貴族頭銜與政治地位無關。騎士、親王等很少有人會直接參與政治,他們通常在幕後支持及影響與他們關係親密的議員,當然他們也可以選擇讓自己成為議員。

每一個帝國公民都有被侍從代理的權利,每一個侍從被庇護人代理,庇護人又被議員代理。議員的權利基礎往往由多個星系組成,又或是來自某個利益集團,例如數百庇護人組成的團體。議員手下的庇護人人數不是固定的,與議員的實力及意願有關。假如某個星系只有一個帝國公民居住,該星系在議院也會有自己的代理人,但是以它的庇護人為中介的間接代理。一般來說,帝國內較強的小派系(Minor Faction)會獨享一位庇護人,但不足以擁有一名議員。




  • Achenar - 帝國的起源地與首都星系。其中就有首都Capitol
  • Eotienses - Home system and headquarters of Senator Denton Patreus and the Imperial Museum of Culture.
  • Cubeo - Headquarters of Aisling Duval.
  • Cemiess - Home system of Aisling Duval.
  • Kamadhenu - Headquarters of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.
  • Synteini - Home system and headquarters of Zemina Torval.
  • Prism - Home system of former Senator Kahina Tijani Loren.
  • Facece - The Empire's most important military bastion and headquarters of the Imperial Navy.[23] It's the home system of Senator Anders Blaine.[24]




