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3301年時,Beagle Point被CMDR Kamzel作為遠征的目的地。在當時,其名稱為Ceeckia ZQ-L C24-0,但Kamzel以自身不久前離世的愛犬將該星系暱稱為Beagle Point。之後,該星系作為DW1遠征的最終目的地,並於3302年4月湧進了逾500名飛行員。為慶祝活動順利完成,星際繪圖協會正式於3302年5月26日將該星系命名為Beagle Point。

— 遊戲內敘述

Beagle Point(簡稱『BP』,原名Ceeckia ZQ-L c24-0)是The Abyss星域的星系。並以『距離太陽系最遠(65,279光年)的銀河系內已探索星系』而聞名。要前往該星系,最少會需要有躍遷能力34光年的飛船。前往Beagle Point並安然返回文明區被探索CMDR視作里程碑之一,當然這之前還有路經銀心——Sagittarius A*——這一壯舉,以及更艱辛的——前往Oevasy SG-Y d0,這個距離太陽系最遠的可抵達星系。


  • Beagle Point (Class K star)
    • Beagle Point 1 (High metal content world)
    • Beagle Point 2 (High metal content world, 可降落) (又名『Darwin's Legacy』)
    • Beagle Point 3 (High metal content world, landable)
    • Beagle Point 4 (Icy body)
    • Beagle Point 5 (Icy body)
    • Beagle Point 6 (Icy body, 可降落) (又名『Randle's Rest』)
    • Beagle Point 7 (Icy body, 可降落) (又名『Maile's Landing』)
    • Beagle Point 8 (Icy body, 可降落) (又名『Tara』)
    • Beagle Point 9 (Icy body, 可降落)

前往Beagle Point[]

如上所述,Beagle Point距離太陽系達65,279光年。此距離是太陽系至銀心的兩倍,且到那裡就算無需數個月也要數週的時間(取決於你的腳程)。目前最快抵達銀心的時間記錄為6小時35分鐘,且使用的是完全改裝進行中子星躍遷的飛船。


  • 耐心。這是所有長途探索的關鍵,但在前往Beagle Point的路上,你會比以往更需要。你得知道要前往那裡,你就得進行近千次躍遷,經過數千個恆星或星球,盡量在路途上掃描,甚至偶爾會停靠地表採取必要的材料進行合成。這一切都會需要你承受數週甚至數月,更別說還要謹記可能爆船的風險(部件損壞啊,不注意或者是在大重力星球栽跟頭)。這是一個非常疲累的旅途,你會比你所預料的還要快失去注意力,最終可能會跳進一個星系後,沒有足夠的燃料離開。
  • 好的探索船。輕量化並進行必要的工程師改造。就如其他遠程探索一樣,攜帶下面的裝備:

The Abyss星域[]

  • 除了探索中常见的危险外,银河系中还有一个区域你应该特别留心:The Abyss(深渊)。它位于银河系的北部,在Scutum-Centaurus和 Sagittarius-Carina arms之间。The Abyss长约45000光年,宽约2000光年且有着极低的恒星密度,低得让人感觉像在凝视深渊。即使有今天的FSD技术和升级,跨越深渊仍然被认为是一个极其困难的挑战。
  • 强烈建议手动规划航线!试图自动规划航线可能会经常导致你陷入死地(跳入一个无法从恒星吸取燃料且剩余燃料不足以抵达附近任何可添油恒星的恒星系)。你可能还需要参考其他探索者的向导或前进路线。一定要仔细追踪你的路线,尽可能选择可添油的恒星,因为...
  • …燃料永远是第一要务。由于两个系统相距很远,没有足够的燃料进行下一次跳跃的可能性非常大。如果你真的运气不好,跳入了一个你无法跳出的,且存在不可添油的恒星的恒星系,你最后的希望就是呼叫Fuel Rats (油老鼠)寻求帮助。或者独自一人在燃料慢慢耗尽后死去,你前面的所有努力也都将白费。这样的挫折也许会打消你进行第二次这样的旅行的念头。

Beagle Point之旅能带给你什么[]

一般而言,到达Beagle Point并活着回到文明区,是获得Elite探索等级的保证。如果你在路上扫描了足够多的恒星系,你收集到的探索数据会价值数亿CR(事实上你需要对大量高价值的HMW/WW/ELW进行详细表面扫描(DSS)才能获得大量的高价值探索数据,仅仅跳入一个恒星系然后进行FSS或直接使用Discovery扫描仪扫描是远远不够的)。你也肯定会遇到很多从未被发现的恒星系,每扫描一个未被发现过的恒星系(首发)所提供给的数据价格都会有50%的额外奖励。

为什么要到达Beagle Point而不是其他什么Point?Beagle Point对于早期探索有重要的历史意义,因为在Jumponium(FSD注入剂)和工程师时代到来之前,它是探险家能到达的(距离太阳系)最远的星系之一。它是CMDR Kamzel Distant Suns Expedition之旅的的终点(第一次有记录的穿越银河系的旅行——结束于3301年1月中旬),在随后几年中,该星系成为其他探索银河系遥远边界的深空旅行者拜访的热门地点。此星系是以CMDR Kamzel的座驾,跳跃能力34光年的Asp Explorer,DSS Beagle命名的。

The early history of Beagle Point has been documented on the Galactic Mapping Project thread.


  • The system, originally designated Ceeckia ZQ-L c24-0, was first discovered by CMDR Kamzel, aka "Erimus", as part of his "Distant Suns" expedition to survey the far side of the galaxy This was the first recorded galactic crossing, culminating on January 18, 3301.
  • CMDR Kamzel unofficially named the system "Beagle Point" after his ship, an Asp Explorer dubbed the DSS Beagle, which was itself named for his late pet beagle, Jack.
  • Beagle Point featured as the main destination of the Distant Worlds Expedition[1] that launched a year later on January 18, 3302, in which 1,153 players pledged to participate in a massive coordinated journey to Beagle Point with the goal of scanning as many systems as possible along the way. Only 571 players, less than 50% of the original fleet, confirmed that they had reached Beagle Point at the end of the expedition. [2] Beagle Point also featured as the main destination of the follow-up Distant Worlds II expedition in 3305.
  • Ceeckia ZQ-L c24-0 was officially renamed "Beagle Point" by Frontier Developments on May 26, 3302 to commemorate its importance to the exploration community.
  • Jaques Station, the only space station equipped for continuous star travel, attempted an extreme long-range jump to Beagle Point from Gliese 1269 on May 21, 3302, following a successful community goal to provide the station with fuel. Due to Thargoid Sensor interference, the station's drives malfunctioned during the jump and it was stranded in the system of Eol Prou RS-T d3-94, later renamed Colonia. Jaques Station's unintended stranding spurred hundreds of pilots to come to his aid, resulting in the settlement of the Colonia Region and the establishment of the Colonia Connection Highway.
  • Beagle Point is 547.52 LY away from Oevasy SG-Y d0, the furthest reachable system in the Milky Way galaxy from Sol.



