精英危险中文站 维基

聯盟,在獨立星球受到聯邦和帝國無情剝削的情況下,勇敢地站了出來,捍衛著獨立勢力的生存。它雖是超級勢力中最年輕的一個,但若深入了解,會發現其根源十分久遠、古老,在Galactic Cooperative成立之際,大半個銀河都在其手中的一小撮領空搖擺著。如今,Galactic Cooperative早已煙消雲散,但它那古老的創始星球Lave、Leesti、Zaonce和別的舊獨立星球仍有很重要的故事要述說,一個聯邦和帝國都會安靜聆聽的故事......


聯盟(Alliance)全稱獨立星系聯盟(Alliance of Independent Systems),為銀河系裡第三大人類勢力。其實行民主代議制,歷史與政治中心位於Alioth星系Turner's World星球上的Garden City。


聯盟於3230年成立,並以人類權利和民主作為標杆。既不如帝國那般集權,又沒聯邦那般專制,由於成員眾多而有著多元文化。但也因如此,聯盟時常面臨政治決策的困難。行政首長數年輪替,目前的聯盟總理為Edmund Mahon






2380年左右,Achenar和聯邦的戰爭結束之後,聯邦希望在別的地方找到新的資源。 2398年,新的一波殖民浪潮到來,聯邦第一次把目光投向與帝國和Lave相反方向的外部星系。

Alioth Donaldson and Turner's World

Donaldson空間站與Turner's World星球是聯盟的誕生地。Donaldson空間站為星系中首個建立的大型Orbis空間站,環繞Turner's World星球(Alioth 5B)



當走私武器進入星系後,Caker和當局的緊張局勢開始蔓延。在2617年,一名彈藥工人湯姆·夸特森(Tom Quaterson)因為向窮人出售食品券而被政府判處死刑,其死亡成爲點燃起義之火的火花。位於大氣平台上的工作人員奪取了設施和地面的控制權,而普通大眾們則衝擊了總督官邸。

昆廷·德維斯(Quentin Deviseses)不僅僅只是個革命家,他對這個星系有長遠的戰略。待星球安全穩定之後,他將會用盡一切手段,讓Alioth將成為一個自由貿易港口星系這一消息傳遍八方。無論是聯邦還是帝國,Alioth的獨立潛在意味對於他們而言都是無法述說之重。

2853年,Nesbitt Landing科學研究前哨站成立。最初,這是由帝國和聯邦共同持有,但是在研究深入到新加州(New California)上的基因遺傳問題時,將之與2612年的星球地球化改造聯繫起來、研究關聯因素時,帝國退出了這個項目。


激烈的戰鬥隨之而來,在軌道精煉廠上的帝國軍隊進行了一次行星轟炸,但是聯邦艦隊的到來進一步加劇了衝突。最後,帝國艦隊撤退,Kracer上將(Admiral Kracer)和他的陸戰隊在首都受到了民眾的歡呼接待。三年之後,Kracer上將退休,在新加州定居下來,之後成為了殖民地的領袖。

2924年,一場圍繞Alioth上碳氫化合物資源的爭奪引起了進一步的衝突,Durn and Resnar公司申請了帝國的援助,強制性獲得他們所要求的星系大規模採礦權,一小隊帝國巡洋艦和附屬支援艦抵達Alioth,並迅速部署來強制性執行這項要求。他們的力量遠遠高於當地集結的聯邦艦隊,並且在一年內把聯邦艦隊驅逐出了Alioth。但是,在2925年,帝國艦隊在沒有任何預警的情況下消失了,聯邦艦隊返回了星系,Hassoni-Kruger挪用了星系的採礦權。在幾個月之內,Durn and Resner公司的所有資產均被帝國所侵占,這一奇怪事件的原因至今未被發現。聯邦情報部門後來指控了帝國皇帝杜Duvals發起了克隆計劃用以培育專門的步兵部隊。

3184年,聯邦總統Loric Trander察覺到了Alioth的敵人死灰復燃。這次沖突是由星系內的天然氣開採企業間的競爭所引起,一名調查濫用許可限額的官員Riley Dain被發現慘遭殺害之後,情況迅速升級變得十分嚴峻。Trander總統授權了私人武裝力量進入Alioth,而帝國皇帝Hesketh Duval則派遣了帝國第十五艦隊作為回應。




Mic Turner還有他終生的摯友Meredith Argent是首個以政治力量提供安居之所的人,旨在協助那些希望在聯邦保護之外、或帝國的約束之外存在的人。他們也正是聯盟成立的幕後主要推動者。





3303年6月19日,在聯邦艦隊被Thargoid襲擊後,聯邦總理Edmund Mahon提出聯邦艦隊並無被Thargoid襲擊的明確證據的觀點。


3303年9月21日,在聯邦於Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55的艦隊被Thargoid擊毀後,三方迫切擴大Aegis,並大幅提升資金以使研究順利進行。工程師Liz RyderPalin博士也受邀加入,以研發新的反Thargoid武器和相應的探測器。

3303年12月17日,在數起Thargoid對空間站的襲擊發生後,聯盟委託Lakon Spaceways開發製作用以應對外星威脅的飛船:Type-10 Defender,為聯盟首次對Thargoid威脅做出軍事回應。Type-10飛船在數週後公佈並獲得成功,3304年,Lakon持續為聯盟製作軍艦:Alliance ChieftainAlliance Challenger以及 Alliance Crusader

On August 31, 3304, Alliance President Gibson Kincaid confirmed that he would run for re-election and campaign to invest his office with executive powers above those of both the Alliance Assembly and the Alliance Prime Minister.[1] While the proposed restructuring of the Alliance bureaucracy was criticized as a risky move that could imbue the presidency with emperor-like authority, the Assembly agreed to hold a vote on it on the same day as the next Alliance presidential election, October 16.[2][3] Kincaid faced two opponents in the election: Fazia Silva, a successful entrepreneur who lacked political experience and intended to leverage her business acumen to increase trade and boost economies throughout the Alliance, and Elijah Beck, a respected politician with over four decades of experience in the Alliance Assembly who was unlikely to propose any radical changes.[3] With Kincaid's proposal essentially riding on his chances for victory, political analysts commented that the 3304 presidential election could be the most consequential in Alliance history.[2] Fazia Silva was found poisoned to death on October 5; Alliance Interpol opened an investigation.[4]

On October 17, the day after the election, Kincaid was confirmed to be victorious over Beck by a narrow margin. Meanwhile, the Assembly opted to debate Kincaid's proposal for one additional week before putting it to a vote.[5] On October 26, the Assembly rejected Kincaid's proposal, but agreed on revising the role of Alliance President. As a result, the Office of the Alliance President was created, a non-political department consisting of a team of ambassadorial emissaries with a diplomatic focus which the Alliance President would oversee. The presidency's term was also increased from one year to three years.[6]


Futuristic City 01

在這日益專制獨裁的銀河裡,聯盟被廣泛的譽為民主之典範。聯盟議會(Alliance Assembly)是聯盟的政府機構,其主要職能是為聯盟成員制定統一的政策和條約,並且在必要的時候充當仲裁機構。聯盟議會的名義首腦是聯盟總理(Prime Minister),然而上將委員會(Council of Admirals)才是聯盟的最高掌權者。

         上將委員會由聯盟最大的六個艦隊領導人組成,除了選出總理之外,委員會還控制著聯盟防衛軍(Alliance Defence Force)——由聯盟成員星系所組成的龐大艦隊。委員會可在沒有議會的任何授權下自主採取軍事行動,指揮部署聯盟防衛軍,這讓委員會握有十足權力。


         未來如何,這還有待觀察,但是在聯盟總理Edmund Mahon領導下,聯盟只會越加壯大。



3301年7月2號,總理Mahon在他的母校——Alioth University——發表了關於聯盟價值觀的演講:





While the Alliance is devoted to liberty and self-determination, it includes membership of star systems with various government types. This varies from democracy to dictatorship and other restrictive, undemocratic forms of government.[7]

There are systems where narcotics, genetic engineering and slavery are legal. For example Alliance systems with anarchy governments take slaves and imperial slaves which become regular slaves. The difference is those systems don't want people who live in other systems to govern them.[8]

A group calling itself the 'Children of Liberty' made a public statement concerning the Alliance and what they call its 「rampant hypocrisy」 on 7 August 3301. The group claims that a "huge gulf" exists between the Alliance's professed goals and values and the reality present in many of its member systems.[7]

"For an organization that purports to be devoted to the ideals of liberty and self-determination", the release stated, "the Alliance certainly tolerates a great deal of despotism and tyranny within its own borders. It's about time the Alliance addressed the rampant hypocrisy of allowing dictatorships – as well as other restrictive, undemocratic forms of government – membership into their supposed bastion of freedom and liberty."[7]

"On revolutionary Eranin the population are expected to perform in weekly parades celebrating their independence from the Federation, even while their leaders 『redistribute’ the people’s wages into their own back pockets."[9]

The statement went on to list a number of Alliance-sponsored autocracies in various systems, and called on the Alliance and its supporters to sponsor serious democratic reform in said systems by backing democratically-aligned factions over autocratic ones.[7]


The Alliance has an estimated population of 491,477,277,221 (491 billion) as of February 3304 CE.[10] It is the third most populous superpower in the Milky Way galaxy. People of the Alliance populate 847 star systems, primarily in the Core Systems.[10] More Alliance systems are uninhabited.

Leading Population Centers[]

Rank System Allegiance Population
1 Lave Alliance 25,000,000,000
2 He Bo Alliance 24,383,243,322
3 G 123-16 Alliance 16,412,629,046
4 Alioth Alliance 14,900,071,500
5 VZ Corvi Alliance 11,829,349,398
6 Vamm Alliance 11,475,993,394
7 LTT 13125 Alliance 10,896,065,831
8 78 Ursae Majoris Alliance 10,387,920,737
9 Mullag Alliance 10,161,396,861
10 BD-22 3573 Alliance 9,795,262,157


Every Alliance member system has an independent government that makes its own laws. The Alliance Assembly lacks lawmaking powers. It mainly functions to establish common policies and treaties among its members.[11]

There are various security forces that enforce the law in Alliance space.

  • The Allied Police Forces are the police forces of the Alliance.
  • Interpol provides multi-jurisdictional investigation, particularly across Alliance worlds, but also when an investigation strays beyond.[12]
  • The Alliance Defence Force is essentially a small rapid deployment force consisting of ships from the Alliance member navies. Additional forces can be provided by member system's navies.[13]


Edmund Mahon 01

現任聯盟總理Edmund Mahon


聯盟總統(President of the Alliance)是聯盟的國家元首,聯盟總理(Alliance Prime Minister)則是政府的首腦,後者對於聯盟政策指定的影響力更為巨大。現任聯盟總理是艾德蒙.馬弘(Edmund Mahon),聯盟的真正權力則是在公務員和上將委員會手中。



聯盟防衛軍(Alliance Defence Force)由六名上將委員會的成員所指揮,他們獨立於聯盟議會,但在作戰過後都需要向議會報告,以便快速做出政治決策。這些上將都來源於聯盟防衛軍內重要軍事力量的星系。


聯盟議會的議員是從各成員國的人民中選舉產生,一些成員國會因為他們的歷史有不同的選舉規則。聯盟議會中的各成員的議員數量由各成員的人口基數所決定,有些成員國議員僅有一個,並議會上代表了他們的自己星系的政治態度。聯盟議會的舉行是由虛擬影像所進行,但是是在Alioth的Turner's World上。總理由議員所選,他們的工作就是將議會往一個共識推動,通常這將是一個緩慢的過程。相對於其他勢力而言,聯盟的政治傳統要少得多,但是議會的議程仍然會有改變——通常發生在爭吵爆發時,而他們也經常這麼幹。在實際中,龐大聯盟是依託公務員而運行,他們是負責聯盟日常運行的領薪官員,一般不參與政治鬥爭。由於文化差異巨大,聯盟議會很少可以做成任何事情。




These are key Alliance star systems.



The Alliance does not contain ranks, instead featuring a complex permit scheme that restricts commanders' travel to Alliance systems.



Permits are required to access certain systems that are otherwise locked out by the computer of your Frame Shift Drive (FSD).

Such permits are rewarded by the controlling faction for that locked system, when you become allied with that faction. You can often find that faction on a station outside the main system they control.

Once allied, simply visit the Bulletin Board at any of the faction's stations to accept a job titled "Making Friends And Going Places". Accepting the job automatically adds the permit to your FSD computer.

Associated minor factions[]

Faction System Station
Alioth Independents 78 Ursae Majoris Rominger Dock
Alioth Independents 78 Ursae Majoris Read Gateway
Indaol Independents Indaol Wafer Landing