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=== '''文化''' ===
=== '''文化''' ===
Culturally the Federation is tolerant of some things (like religions) but utterly intolerant of drug-taking, political activism, and certain cultures. A great many things are illegal, like slavery, [[cloning]] and certain narcotics.<ref name=":3">[http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=dcbf6b86b4b0c7d1c21b73b1e&id=f72c0f91b2 Newsletter #22]</ref>
在文化上,聯邦對一些事物(如宗教)寬容,但不容忍毒品,政治行動主義和某些文化。 許多事情是非法的,例如奴役,克隆和某些麻醉品。<ref name=":3">[http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=dcbf6b86b4b0c7d1c21b73b1e&id=f72c0f91b2 Newsletter #22]</ref>
媒體帶動了一種名人文化。一線的政治家、社會評論家、藝人與超級富豪都受到了媒體的廣泛關注。某衝程度上,這使得民眾的注意力大為分散,以至於聯邦代表人民進行的對外戰爭很少被媒體在意。這種情況已經持續了幾百年,且並無任何改變的跡象。<ref name=":3" />
The media drives a culture of celebrity. Top ranking politicians, social commentators, entertainers and super-rich all command a great deal of media attention. This provides a massive distraction for the populace, to the extent that foreign wars conducted by the Federation on their behalf get little media attention. This has gone on for many hundreds of years, and there is no sign of it changing.<ref name=":3" />
[[WorldCraft]] in [[Epsilon Eridani]] has been the Federation's favourite tourist resort for more than 300 years.<ref>Tourist Beacon 0213, WorldCraft Theme Park</ref>
位於[[Epsilon Eridani]][[WorldCraft]]是聯邦最受歡迎的旅遊勝地,已有300多年的歷史。<ref>Tourist Beacon 0213, WorldCraft Theme Park</ref>
=== '''科技''' ===
=== '''科技''' ===

2020年8月8日 (六) 11:05的版本

聯邦(Federation)的前身為星際聯邦(Federation of Star System),為銀河系裡的三大超級勢力之一,也是歷史最悠久且最大者。其起源為人類的源起之地——太陽系的地球。而目前聯邦的首都位於同為太陽系的火星奧林匹斯村中,總統為Zachary Hudson







戰後的主導勢力是被稱作美利堅共和國(USA)的國家,之後數十年,其他各國也紛紛加入,並改名為美利堅聯邦(Federation of the United States)。


此後,不少因素加速了發展,企業的崛起、於火星發現的化石,以及在22世紀有Li Qin Jao所發明的空間折疊引擎。一開始是無人探測器,再來是載人飛船,折疊引擎的運用大幅取代了世代飛船緩慢的星際旅行。


2242年,聯邦協議(Federation Accord)的制定確立了各成員勢力的權利以及責任,也使新的殖民地團結一致。在Tau Ceti的Taylor殖民地發生了短暫的衝突後,該星系成為太陽系外的首個聯邦成員勢力。之後,Delta Pavonis、Altair和Beta Hydri星系也相繼加入,成為聯邦勢力的初始成員星系。此時亦改名為『星際聯邦』(Federation of Star System),但此名很快便停用並改回『聯邦』。


基本權利戰爭(Birthright Wars)


Federal Navy First Fleet

Between 2621 and 2735, Federal member systems underwent a period of societal change. The original colonial charters of many settlements granted hereditary land and position to families descended from their original settlers. Many of these birthright claims extended across vast areas of land and encompassed massive resources. The old charters became a hindrance especially to corporations who wanted access to these assets and gradually more and more pressure came to bear on the presidential administration to take action against this 'stifling anachronism'.[1]

The Birthright Wars were the name given to a series of conflicts that resulted in the forced acquisition or redistribution of hereditary rights (depending on your viewpoint) from colonial pioneers to corporations who had necessary technology to exploit these regions. It was generally blamed on corporate greed at the time, but notably the Federal Navy stood by.[1]

The commercial race in starship innovation together with increased funding from the Birthright Wars allowed the Federation to renew and centralise its military power. In the past, mobilising a fleet had required mustering resources from each member system, but generous corporate charters authorised different corporations to build and maintain centralised fleets. The first of this was commissioned and trained at Anlave in 2702, providing a much needed new purpose for the ruined agricultural system. These could be deployed much more efficiently against the Federation's enemies.[2]

Anlave was the site for the final act in the Birthright Wars. Exiled descendants of displaced original colonists, invaded the system in 2708, and bombarded the Naval Academy at Anderton, obliterating it. A battlefleet of privateers descended on the system, but were beaten back by a spirited and shrewd tactician; Admiral Ghenkis B'nami. It was believed at the time that Imperial finance had sponsored the coup, but no link was ever proven, and this is now seen as scaremongering.[2]


自由黨的Jasmina Halsey於3300年當選為聯邦總統。在她於同年12月將Onion Head這一藥品定為非法藥品,並對Kappa Fornacis星系的Onion Head種植者發動軍事行動後,其人氣大幅滑落。不久,獨立派系佔領了聯邦領地Lugh星系,使得Halsey總統發動Lugh之戰,並以戰敗告終。在得知Lugh叛軍領袖躲藏於一艘難民飛船,並下令攻擊而造成進萬名聯邦平民身亡後,Halsey的聲望可說是降至谷底。

3301年5月26日,Halsey總統與Ethan Naylor副總統所搭乘的星艦一號失踪。在假定其身亡的情況下,6月2日的大選內,共和黨的影子總統Zachary Hudson隨機當選聯邦總統。

3302年2月26日,在Hudson總統下令的搜索行動下,發現星艦一號的殘骸,並在當中找到聯邦前總統Jasmina Halsey的逃生艙。前總統Halsey聲稱其遭遇了超智慧生物所帶來的和平訊息。之後,Halsey成為星際間的和平大使。



聯邦的注意力被轉移至Thargoid可以透過在3303年7月7日完成Blackmount Orbital小行星空間站(於HIP 17692星系)的建設來證明。並且在當天,宣布進行物資的籌措以減少監視Thargoid活動的前哨站。該前哨站——Blackmount Habitation——的建設於HIP 17692星系的A 1星球軌道上完成建設。

3303年9月,聯邦與帝國間的冷戰宣告結束,並且和聯盟共同組成名為Aegis的聯合組織。評論家提到,此狀況皆因雙方無法壟斷元合金的產地,因此雙方為了保全面子而以此方式緩解。最終,聯邦也將部署於Palin博士所在地——Maia星系A 3 A星球——上方的艦隊撤回。

3303年9月15日,聯邦上將Aden Tanner宣布另一波Thargoid襲擊導致數個聯邦軍艦被毀,其中就包括一艘法拉格戰列巡洋艦。儘管該襲擊的動機不明,但聯邦已正式將Thargoid視為外來威脅。Hudson總統授予Tanner上將聯邦海軍艦隊的所有指揮權以應對Thargoid威脅。儘管有人提出是聯邦艦隊對Thargoid做出攻擊行為在先,但聯邦堅持從黑線取得的數據皆聲明並無此事,且獲得Aegis組織認證。此襲擊事件使得三方迫切擴大Aegis,並大幅提升資金以使研究順利進行。工程師Liz Ryder與Palin博士也受邀加入,以研發新的反Thargoid武器和相應的探測器。







在文化上,聯邦對一些事物(如宗教)寬容,但不容忍毒品,政治行動主義和某些文化。 許多事情是非法的,例如奴役,克隆和某些麻醉品。[3]


位於Epsilon EridaniWorldCraft是聯邦最受歡迎的旅遊勝地,已有300多年的歷史。[4]



在3290年至3300年間,Achilles Corporation企業共售出了逾2000萬台機器人,包括了近30萬台PA912型號機器人。

雖然克隆人類是非法的,但是在聯邦領空內,動物克隆技術卻被廣泛應用。3302年時,Starship Enterprises Corporation企業就克隆了數百種地球上的動物。

聯邦的旗艦——法拉格戰列巡洋艦——由Core Dynamic負責生產,是強大且實際的戰爭機器。




排名 星系 所屬勢力 人口
1 G 203-47 Federation 31,607,888,936
2 Blatrimpe Federation 27,637,283,802
3 Oduduro Federation 24,232,626,557
4 太陽系 Federation 22,780,871,769
5 Inti Federation 21,698,898,077
6 HR 5632 Federation 20,369,766,950
7 Coriccha Federation 20,071,707,963
8 LP 339-7 Federation 18,860,097,527
9 Aeternitas Federation 18,561,412,096
10 Rana Federation 17,565,996,646




聯邦總統Zachary Hudson

聯邦總統是勢力的元首以及聯邦行政首長。聯邦總統經聯邦公民並有著八年的任期。在上任四年後,就會進行一次信任票投選,唯有通過才能維持總統一職;若未通過,則會進行新的總統選舉。上任的總統會指派一名副總統,以在其無法履行職務是代理。目前的聯邦總統為扎卡里.哈德森(Zachary Hudson),而副總統為布拉德.米切爾(Brad Mitchell)。

聯邦內的兩大派系,自由黨和共和黨一同爭奪總統一職,當其中一方上任後,另一個派系的領導人自動成為影子總統。雖然影子總統並無任何權力,但其在總統選舉中會自動被指定為候選人。目前的影子總統為費希莉亞.溫特斯(Felicia Winters)



Federal Congress is made up of 500 Congressmen (the term for both men and women). They sit in Congress, in Olympus Village on Mars – which replaced its location in Washington DC early in the 3rd millennium. Congressmen are expected to attend in person to vote.[5]

Anyone can run for election to Federal Congress. They do not need to be backed by a political party or minor faction, but it helps. There are two major parties: the Liberals and the Republicans. Corporations generally do push (and fund) their chosen candidates or parties (e.g. Hudson), as do other special interest groups. Like the President, Congressmen are elected for an eight year term by the citizens of the Federation, with a "vote of no confidence" after four years.[6] If the vote of no confidence succeeds then a full election takes place. A Congressman (or President) cannot serve multiple consecutive terms, though a Congressman can (and often does) become President immediately after a term as a Congressman.[5]

Congressmen spend their days representing their constituency. They can also hold other office as part of government – for example chairing committees etc. They are not allowed to have corporate interests that might conflict with their political roles (though quite often some hide them via their friends, spouses etc, and not all get found out).[5]

Every Federation system has representation at the Congress, but generally a Congressman represents multiple systems, except a few (like Sol) that have more than one Congressional representative, based loosely on historic population. Phenomenal growth in the outer systems has meant that they have little representation in Congress, and there is frequent discussion about creating many new Congressmen to address this balance, but the various power blocks realise it will change the balance of power away from the core systems, the very people who would have to vote it through – so many agree it is unlikely to happen in the near future.[5]

Congressmen do not change when their system's controlling minor faction changes, and serve until their term is up, but their life could become difficult, so they might resign, triggering a local election.[5]

Congressional Streamlining

Federal colonies continued to mature into Congressional members and became accepted as Federal States throughout the next two centuries. However, the ratification of each colonial charter and approval of membership made the governing body of the Federation more and more unwieldy. This meant getting decisions made became more and more of a laborious and time consuming process, increasingly relying on Presidential Influence. Eventually in 2594, Congress passed an Act reducing the total number of congressmen dramatically at the subsequent election round, amid much controversy.[7]

In parallel, the President's fixed four year term was extended to a single eight year term, with a Vote of Confidence by the people after four years. This was to address the problem that increasingly the Presidents were serving two consecutive terms (their limit - a historical limit dating back to pre Federation days), and few credible candidates would stand against them in what increasingly were referred to as the 'mid-term' election.[8]


Date Name Notes
Once every four or eight years Inauguration Day The day after a Federal election when a new president-elect takes the oath and is sworn into office as the President of the Federation.[9]
12 February Abraham Lincoln Starport Celebration Annual remembrance of Abraham Lincoln Starport's namesake, President Abraham Lincoln.[10]




聯邦法律是基於公認的憲法,聯邦繼承了地球上的憲法模式,但是卻更加簡單。聯邦憲法(Federation Accord)與2242年頒布,其中列出了各成員的義務與權利。對外星生命與文化的保護也是聯邦的宗旨之一。聯邦團結了地球上的個國家,以及銀河系中的多個殖民地。




  • 聯邦犯罪調查局(Federal Criminal Investigation)為聯邦主要的治安和維紀組織。
  • 聯邦治安部隊(Federal Security Service)主要進行治安巡邏、維持秩序,並調查犯罪事件和神秘案件。
  • 聯邦情報局(Federa Intelligence Agency)為聯邦對外維持聯邦安全的秘密組織,主要調查間諜行動與反間諜任務、與大多聯邦領空外的秘密行動。
  • 聯邦特勤組(Presidential Protection Detail)則是一群負責保護聯邦總統與家人的精英特工。
  • 聯邦遊騎兵(Void Ranger)為聯邦領空內的高級戰術反應(Advanced Tactical Response)部隊。
  • 聯邦海軍(Federal Navy)則是聯邦的中堅軍事力量。



  • 太陽系 -星系裡的星系地球即人類的發源地,而目前聯邦的政治和經濟中心則是火星,首都則位於火星的奧林匹斯村上。
  • Tau Ceti - 星系裡第二星球上的Taylor殖民地為人類發現太陽系外的殖民地。並且也是現任影子總統Felicia Winters的家鄉。
  • Delta Pavonis - Reagan's Legacy (Delta Pavonis 3) was home to the second extraterrestrial biosphere encountered by human explorers, which was at a much earlier stage of development relative to Tau Ceti's. Early human colonization led to its complete extinction, and it has since been terraformed into an arid Earth-like world. A founding system of the Federation.
  • Altair - Biggs Colony (Altair 4) is a humid, mostly oceanic Earthlike world, renowned for a striking beautiful and famously dangerous biosphere. It is also the home of Altairian Skin, a beneficial microorganism used to decorate and clean the human body. A founding system of the Federation.
  • Beta Hydri - Homeland (Beta Hyrdi 6) was an early human colony and today is one of the most densely-settled Earth-like worlds. A founding system of the Federation.
  • Nanomam - Key military production system and the personal headquarters of Federal President Zachary Hudson.
  • Rhea - Home to a large agricultural industry based on its twin Earth-like worlds, and a popular tourist destination. Personal headquarters of Shadow President Felicia Winters.
  • Lembava - Home to a number of high tech Federal corporations, and the personal headquarters of Sirius Corporation CEO Li Yong-Rui.
  • Eta Cassiopeiae - The Federation's most important military bastion and the headquarters of the Federal Navy.[11]

Faction information





  • 原本聯邦的整體是有著三大派系的,共和黨、民主黨以及自由黨。但是最終發售時卻只留下自由黨和共和黨。
  1. 1.0 1.1 Tourist Beacon 0181
  2. 2.0 2.1 Tourist Beacon 0183
  3. 3.0 3.1 Newsletter #22
  4. Tourist Beacon 0213, WorldCraft Theme Park
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Governments and politics in Elite Dangerous by Michael Brookes
  6. Galactic Superpowers - Story - Elite Dangerous
  7. Tourist Beacon 0180
  8. Tourist Beacon 0180
  9. Zachary Hudson Becomes the New President of the Federation - 02 JUN 3301
  10. Celebration at Abraham Lincoln Starport in Earth Orbit, Sol - 9 February 3301
  11. Elite Encounters RPG