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——參議員Denton Patreus

Denton Patreus是帝國艦隊的總司令與參議員,家鄉星系是Eotienses。因其政治掮客手腕而惡名昭彰。


會見Denton Patreus[]

在政治評論員Marcus Macmillan講述3301年重大活動者和影響者的文章中,參議員Denton Patreus成為他的最新主題。[1]

參議員Patreus經常被視為帝國議會中較為果敢武斷的一方。他是權力較大的參議員之一(雖然落後於Lavigny-Duval和Zamina Torval參議員等重量級人物),並受追隨者所推崇。這在一定程度上是由於他通過侵略性的經濟和軍事征服來降低低稅收。


Eotienses發跡,他是一位迷人且富魅力的領袖,偏好從他雄偉的莊嚴級攔截艦『Imperial Freedom』號發號施令。在皇帝臥病期間,他呼籲帝國皇位藉由聲望傳續,而非血脈。自從皇帝康復以來,他一直堅定支持着Hengist Duval,但許多人好奇如此企圖脫離傳統的行為是否會限制他在廣大群眾中的聲望。

[倫敦條約]於3302年解除。這解除了聯邦帝國能同時擁有的旗艦數量。The Club操縱Denton Patreus來擴張莊嚴級攔截艦的規模。因此引發了與聯邦的軍備競賽。為此,聯邦為艦隊製造了更多艘法拉格戰列巡洋艦


Denton Patreus竭力爭取自身利益,同時以宏大的情感掩飾自己的意圖。



Denton Patreus與社交名流——帝國公主Aisling Duval在公眾場合多次露面,謠傳兩人有着戀愛關係。3301年3月20日,他們在Faece一起被發現。兩人在Faece的時尚商場手拉手購物了三個小時。大批隨從伴隨着他們,並有護衛確保兩人安全。之後,兩人經由Patreus的飛船離開,並享用了簡單的晚餐。


『Patreus參議員和Aisling公主再次被發現於Capitol的高檔餐廳Fodder共進晚餐。這對帝國知名情侶看起來相談甚歡,在3小時的用餐期間小酌了好幾瓶Chateau De Aegaeon美酒。』 3301年4月13日

『Denton Patreus與Aisling Duval被發現出席昨晚在Capitol舉行的『對抗癡呆症的晚宴』。這對帝國情侶花了數小時和參議院們、總裁和慈善幸運抽獎的贊助人打交道,然後在舞池裏展現了煞羨旁人的舞姿。』 3301年4月22日

Arissa Lavigny-Duval加冕之前,這對佳人本可以發揮優勢,獲得大部分議院成員的支持,成為帝國王位的強大競爭者。這對帝國情侶原先能推動Patreus成為帝國的主導者。


24 MAR 3304

  • Aegis Thargoid Report Causes Ripples. Admiral Patreus released a statement in response to the recent publication by Aegis of a report outlining the Thargoids' history and interactions with the Guardians: "This new information makes it clear that the Thargoids will reject any diplomatic overtures. We must redouble our efforts to defend ourselves from their antagonism."[2]

07 MAR 3304

  • Admiral Patreus was one of several galactic officials who responded to Ram Tah's recent Guardian discoveries: "I am pleased to hear that new, more powerful armaments are being produced. These will provide a tactical advantage in our conflict with the Thargoids."[3]

01 MAR 3304

  • As the Federal-Imperial operation against the Thargoids concluded, Admiral Patreus thanked the participating pilots for their efforts.[4]

22 FEB 3304

  • Admiral Denton Patreus launched a second Federal-Imperial joint campaign against the Thargoids with the following statement: "We know that militias of experienced combat pilots are particularly effective against the Thargoids, but we must not be complacent. Our enemies are formidable, and we underestimate them at our peril." This time, the operation will focus on the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 systems, where large concentrations of Thargoid ships have been reported.[5]

18 JAN 3304

  • Patreus thanks all independent pilots who assisted in the HIP 17692 operation, as well as the Merope Expeditionary Fleet and Pleiades Resource Enterprise for coordinating the effort. He notes that while this battle was won, the war against the Thargoids is far from over.[6]

12 JAN 3304

  • Patreus releases a statement following the announcement of a joint Federation-Empire operation to liberate the HIP 17692 system from Thargoids: "Starports throughout the Pleiades have been attacked. Thousands of lives have been lost. And we have failed to deliver an effective response. That changes now. This is your chance to deliver a message to our enemies – to tell them that we will not yield and we will not break. We will fight!"[7]

27 OCT 3303

  • Patreus, in a rare public appearance since his defeat of the Emperor's Dawn, called Aegis a sensible response to the Thargoid threat, and praised the selection of Admiral Aden Tanner to head its military strategy.[8]

04 NOV 3302

  • In response to the conviction of Kahina Tijani Loren, the Children of Raxxla attacked and routed Patreus' flagship, the INV Imperial Freedom, in Eotienses.[9]

28 OCT 3302

  • Patreus was present when a guilty verdict was rendered in the trial of Kahina Tijani Loren.[10]

20 AUG 3302

  • An apparent assassination attempt on Patreus while he was giving a speech at Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system was thwarted. When the three culprits were found to be members of the defunct Emperor's Dawn organization, rumours arose that a second, unknown party had bankrolled them.[11]

13 JUL 3302

  • Patreus announces Imperial ships will be sent to Merope in response to Federal forces in the area.[12]

28 APR 3302

  • Success announced in campaign to expand Imperial fleet.[13]

21 APR 3302

  • Patreus launches campaign to expand the Imperial fleet.[14]

19 MAR 3302

  • Patreus expresses concern over Federal campaign to expand their fleet.[15]

22 FEB 3302

  • In recognition of Senator Patreus's victories over Emperor's Dawn, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval promoted him to Admiral of the Fleet, giving him command of the Imperial Navy. Duval said "Denton Patreus exhibited remarkable resolve in the campaign against Emperor's Dawn, and demonstrated his ability to act with conviction in the face of an often unpredictable enemy. I can think of no more appropriate person to assume command of the Imperial Navy. It is with great pride that I confer upon him the title of Admiral of the Fleet."[16]

05 FEB 3302

  • Patreus releases statement confirming the destruction of Emperor's Dawn shadow cells.[17]

21 JAN 3302

  • After the Federal Navy under President Hudson declared successful wiping out of Emperor's Dawn in Kausalya, Senator Patreus issues a statement that the Imperial Internal Security Service has discovered the existence of three more cells. Patreus makes a call to arms.[18]

28 OCT 3301

  • Patreus's military campaigns against Emperor's Dawn in Namarii, Tabaldak and LTT 874 were a success, resulting in the total destruction of the Emperor's Dawn bases in those systems. Denton Patreus defiantly declared Emperor's Dawn "no longer a threat." General Anthony Corvus was more cautious, saying "This is a significant victory, certainly, but the war is not over."[19]

Today we have delivered a decisive blow to our enemies, shattering their forces and leaving them scattered and defenceless. For all their bluster, these dissidents have been shown themselves to be nothing more than petty brigands, lacking in unity and moral conviction, and unable to withstand the might of our combined military forces. Their bases have been destroyed, their fleets routed. Emperor's Dawn is no longer a threat.

— Senator Denton Patreus

21 OCT 3301

15 OCT 3301

  • Senator Denton Patreus sent fleets to attack three newly revealed Emperor's Dawn bases, in the Namarii, Tabaldak and LTT 874 systems. News feeds speculated that the attacks were intended to minimise the chances of the insurgents disrupting Arissa Lavigny-Duval's forthcoming coronation.[21]

25 SEP 3301

  • Senator Patreus publicly declares his support for Arissa Lavigny-Duval as candidate for next Emperor.[22]

20 SEP 3301

  • Spoke in the Senate calling for an investigation into the links between Aisling Duval's office and Emperor's Dawn.[23]

13 SEP 3301

  • Senator Denton Patreus launched a military campaign against Emperor’s Dawn.[24]

11 SEP 3301

  • Several Emperor's Dawn bases were discovered. Imperial forcers were mobilised and Senator Denton Patreus offered generous rewards to independent pilots who lend their aid.[25]

27 AUG 3301

  • Senator Zemina Torval declared her support for the war Denton Patreus had declared against Emperor's Dawn, and ordered her followers to join it. Some political analysts had written off Patreus, due to his association with Brendan Paul Darius, but his decisive action against Emperor's Dawn countered that. Florence Lavigny also spoke out in support of Patreus, saying that he was not an enemy of Hengist Duval.[26]

19 AUG 3301

  • A mob attempted to prevent Patreus paying his respects at the Hall of Martyrs, and Zemina Torval publicly condemned accusations, asserting Patreus' loyalty.[27]

10 AUG 3301

  • Accosted by a small crowd outside the Senate, Patreus responded to the Emperor's assassination.[28]

09 AUG 3301

  • Leaked footage of the Emperor's assassination appears to show members of Patreus' entourage, including Patreus himself reacting in surprise and attempt to stop Brendan Paul Darius.[29]

07 AUG 3301

  • The member of Denton Patreus' entourage who killed the Emperor was revealed to be named Brendan Paul Darius.[30]

05 AUG 3301

  • Just before the Emperor Hengist Duval's wedding, the Emperor was killed by a member of Denton Patreus' party.[31]

31 JUL 3301

  • Was profiled in GalNet by political commentator Marcus Macmillan and described as; "a charming and charismatic leader", with attention drawn to his economic and military policies, and in particular his recent calls for the Imperial succession to pass by popularity rather than by blood.[32]

30 JUL 3301

  • Made a speech in the Senate supporting stability and commenting on the Emperor's recovery.[33]

08 JUL 3301

  • Worked with Arissa Lavigny-Duval in launching an Imperial offensive against the Kumo Crew in the Pegasi Sector.[34]

15 JUN 3301

  • Rumoured to be planning to strengthen his position with commanders.

19 MAY 3301

  • Promised that only Quivirans that had broken Imperial law would be held accountable for the debts incurred by the previous administration of the People's Quivira for Equality Party, allowing all others to return home.[35]

11 MAY 3301

  • Deployed Majestic Interdictors to Quivira in order to drive out all independent influences.[36]

01 MAY 3301

  • Authorised reclamation of debt owed by People's Quivira for Equality Party by Quivira Electronics PLC, including hiring of freelance reclamation agents.[37]
  • Appeared on 'Question Everything' following heated debate in Senate to challenge Arissa Lavigny to present evidence against Emperor's Grace of HR 706.[38]

27 APR 3301

  • Disavowed knowledge of any involvement Emperor's Grace of HR 706 may have had in assassination attempt on Emperor.[39]

22 APR 3301

  • Attended charity gala with Aisling Duval in Capitol.[40]

21 APR 3301

  • Announced rejuvenation effort at Eotienses focused on revamping Parkinson Dock into a high tech hub.[41]

20 APR 3301

  • Began reclamation of debt owed by The Friends of Kui Hsien.[42]

13 APR 3301

  • Spotted at dinner with Aisling Duval in Capitol. Departed Capitol for Eotienses in Senator's ship, Imperial Freedom.[43]

08 APR 3301

  • Reached agreement with Themiscrya. Silver Universal PLC announced raising of interest rates on all debts owed to the Senator as of the week following.[44]

31 MAR 3301

  • Called in debt from the Nationals of Themiscrya. Offered 7 day grace period to come to terms.[45]

20 MAR 3301

  • Spotted with Aisling Duval at Faece accompanied by sizeable entourage.[46]

12 MAR 3301

  • Delivered an address to the Senate calling on Chancellor Blaine to release the Emperor's medical records.[47]
  • Reported stepping out with Aisling Duval at social hotspots in Capitol.[48]

07 MAR 3301

  • Successful in takeover of Falisci, prompting Senator Torval to offer discounts on Imperial Slaves purchased from Dornier Terminal.[49]

17 FEB 3301

  • Delivered a speech in Eotienses about the importance of internal security and condeming criminal elements in Falisci.[50]

16 FEB 3301

  • End of slave sale in Durius.[51]

06 FEB 3301

  • End of fire sale in Durius. Offered, in association with Senator Torval, to provide free training for all indebted citizens of Durius willing to become Imperial Slaves.[52]

29 JAN 3301

  • Declared fire sale from proceeds of Durius takeover at Speke Prospect.[53]

22 JAN 3301

  • Announced an end to hostilities in Durius, praising the efforts of independent pilots.[54]

19 JAN 3301

  • Questioned Chancellor Blaine in the first Senate session of the new year as to the situation of the Imperial succession.[55]

07 JAN, 3301

  • Anonymous sources reputedly close to Patreus report that he is pleased with progress in Durius.[56]

04 JAN 3301

  • Declared support for any system wishing to leave the Federation.

01 JAN 3301

  • Announced support for Sanna system's attempt to leave the Federation.

26 DEC 3300

  • Zemina Torval announces support of Patreus' statement regarding the Imperial succession.

23 DEC 3300

  • Launched offensive into the Durius system.

22 DEC 3300

  • Announced that the Durius system had defaulted on their loan and gave them 24 hours to make the overdue payments or he would take action.[57]

21 DEC 3300

  • Spoke about the Imperial succession saying that the next Emperor should not be based solely on bloodline, but about who would be best for the future of the Empire.[58]

18 DEC 3300

  • Announced that all Imperial Citizens under his patronage would have their taxes reduced to zero. It is said that the senator earns vast amounts of money from interest payments on the many loans he has made to foreign governments.[59]

17 DEC 3300

  • Sent forces to aid rebels in the Jera system.[60]

23 SEP 3300

  • Visited Eranin and held an embassy with local officials.
  1. Meet the Powers – Denton Patreus
  2. GalNet: Aegis Thargoid Report Causes Ripples
  3. GalNet: The Guardians: The Galaxy Reacts
  4. GalNet: Federal-Imperial Operation Concludes
  5. GalNet: Anti-Thargoid Operation
  6. GalNet: HIP 17692 Operation Concludes
  7. GalNet: The Liberation of HIP 17692
  8. Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful
  9. Galactic News: Patreus's Flagship Attacked
  10. Galactic News: Kahina Loren Found Guilty
  11. Galactic News: Assassination Attempt on Patreus Thwarted
  12. Imperial Ships to Enter Merope
  13. New Imperial Ship Complete
  14. Expanding the Imperial Fleet
  15. Empire Troubled by Federal Campaign
  16. Galactic News: Denton Patreus Receives Promotion
  17. Emperor's Dawn Shadow Cells Destroyed
  18. Emperor's Dawn 'Shadow Cells' Discovered
  19. Empire Wins Decisive Victory
  20. The Emperor Denounces Emperor's Dawn
  21. The War against Emperor's Dawn Continues
  22. Senator Patreus Offers Support to Senator Lavigny-Duval
  23. Senator Patreus Calls for Senate Investigation
  24. Frontline Report: The War against Emperor’s Dawn
  25. Emperor’s Dawn Bases Discovered
  26. Zemina Torval and Florence Lavigny Join Patreus』 Campaign
  27. Torval Offers Support to Patreus
  28. Patreus Reacts Angrily to Crowd's Taunts
  29. Leaked Footage of Emperor's Assassination
  30. Chancellor Blaine Issues Statement
  31. Emperor Hengist Duval Dead
  32. Meet the Powers - Denton Patreus
  33. Senator Patreus Supports Stability
  34. United Imperial Offensive into Pegasi Sector
  35. Quivira Honours the People's Princess
  36. The Doom That Comes to Quivira
  37. Quivira Feels the Wrath of Patreus
  38. Patreus Responds to 'Unfounded' Accusations
  39. Emperor's Grace Indicted in Attack on Emperor
  40. Patreus and Aisling Attend Benefit Gala
  41. Eotienses Rejuvenation Project Unveiled
  42. The Hunt for Justice
  43. Patreus and the Princess Share Food for Thought
  44. In the Emperor's Name
  45. Patreus Demands Debt from Themiscrya
  46. Patreus and the Princess
  47. Patreus Calls on Blaine to Release Emperor's Medical Records
  48. Senator Steps Out with Socialite
  49. The War for Falisci
  50. A Question of Security
  51. Patreus Slave Sale Ends
  52. Patreus Fire Sale in Durius Ends
  53. Senator Offers Deep Discounts on Military Surplus
  54. Patreus Announces Generous Settlement of Dispute in Durius
  55. Patreus Queries Emperor's Coma in the Senate
  56. Latest News On Durius Situation
  57. Durius Defaults on Debt to Patreus
  58. Senator Patreus Declared Succession About Power Not Blood
  59. Pateus Declares Zero Taxation
  60. Patreus Helping Oppressed Rebels in Jera