精英危险中文站 维基
Detention Center 01

拘留飛船Pilgrim's Ruin

拘留中心(Detention Centre ,也叫拘留飛船、監獄)為行動母艦(Flight Operations Carrier)的一種,用以關押犯罪飛行員並強迫對方償還累積的罰款或懸賞,抑或是宣告破產後釋放。

執法單位掃描到目標飛船帶有罰款或懸賞並擊毀,飛船飛行員就會被引渡至管轄區內最靠近的拘留中心。掃描出於獨立勢力派系星系犯罪的話就會被送往獨立拘留團體(Independent Detention Foundation);聯邦星系則是由聯邦拘留公司(Federal Internment Corporation)負責;帝國星系則是送往帝國關押公司(Imperial Detainment Company);而聯盟則是聯盟監禁關懷機構(Alliance Incarceration Concern)。



名稱 星系 轄區
Apollo's Vengeance Col 285 Sector QO-N b21-5 Imperial Detainment Company
Astur's Vault Scorpii Sector FM-V b2-5 Federal Internment Corporation
Detainment Centre Delta-7 Tascheter Sector AV-Y b5 Independent Detention Foundation
Detention Centre Wolfsegen Independent Detention Foundation
Detention Ship Alpha Crucis Sector ND-S b4-5 Alliance Incarceration Concern
Detention Ship Beta Bei Dou Sector DL-Y d76 Alliance Incarceration Concern
Detention Ship Gamma Herculis Sector YJ-A c16 Alliance Incarceration Concern
Detention Vessel Epsilon Hydrae Sector ON-T b3-1 Independent Detention Foundation
Grim Pioneer Stuemeae BA-A d955 Independent Detention Foundation
Mercy's Hammer Alrai Sector KH-V b2-7 Independent Detention Foundation
Mjolnir's Wrath Nyeajaae VU-Y a27-9 Independent Detention Foundation
Mother of Redemption Alrai Sector KN-S b4-4 Independent Detention Foundation
Odin's Crag Eol Prou LW-L c8-127 Independent Detention Foundation
Orbital Stockade N-65 Ross 640 Independent Detention Foundation
Penal Ship Omicron Stuelou AT-J c25-24 Independent Detention Foundation
Penal Ship Y-32 Arietis Sector ZF-O b6-1 Independent Detention Foundation
Pilgrim's Ruin HR 3005 Independent Detention Foundation
Rock of Isolation Omega Sector OD-S b4-0 Independent Detention Foundation
The Armoured Saint Capricorni Sector FM-V b2-0 Independent Detention Foundation
The Blood of Atonement Lyncis Sector QJ-Q b5-2 Independent Detention Foundation
The Champion of Piety Crucis Sector EQ-Y b4 Independent Detention Foundation
The Citadel of Justice Col 285 Sector YG-Y b16-1 Independent Detention Foundation
The Fist of the Empire ICZ KS-T b3-5 Imperial Detainment Company
The Fountain of Penance Hyades Sector LC-L b8-0 Independent Detention Foundation
The Heart of Orion Col 285 Sector IT-W b16-2 Independent Detention Foundation
The Heraklion HR 32 Imperial Detainment Company
The Iron Claw Scorpii Sector DB-X b1-8 Independent Detention Foundation
The Master of Courage Puppis Sector CQ-Y b1 Federal Internment Corporation
The Panopticon Synuefe BR-L c24-24 Independent Detention Foundation
The Penitent Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-79 Independent Detention Foundation
The Pillar of Fortitude SPF-LF 1 Independent Detention Foundation
The Quarry California Sector CQ-Y c5 Independent Detention Foundation
The Redeemer Col 285 Sector QT-E b13-4 Independent Detention Foundation
The Sepulchre Col 285 Sector YU-F c11-1 Independent Detention Foundation
The Seraph's Wing ICZ ZK-X b1-0 Independent Detention Foundation
The Shield of Resolve G 203-51 Federal Internment Corporation


  • 飛船在未和犯罪掛鈎的情況下擊毀則會在最靠近的安全太空站出生,否則會回到上一處停靠過的太空站。
  • 若你進入拘留中心,遊戲會將你置於單人、私人空域,直到你啟動空間折疊引擎為止。這是為了避免其他玩家對你進行惡意擊毀。
  • 若飛船被通緝,而你將飛船儲放到機庫,則你之後無法將其運送到通緝該飛船的星系太空站。任何船上的部件也是通緝部件,所以無法安裝在其他未被通緝的飛船上。若你將清白部件安裝到通緝飛船上,該部件也會變為通緝部件。這是為了避免對通緝飛船進行洗白。
  • 拘留中心不會進入『封鎖』狀態,所以飛行員若要將拘留中心作為老家太空站也不是不可以。
  • 當出生在拘留中心時,玩家必須償還被擊毀空域管轄勢力的罰款和懸賞,若飛船被擊毀的話也必須繳清重買費用。其他勢力的懸賞和罰款會保留在飛船上。若不想償還則會被迫選擇Sidewinder MkI繼續遊戲,並遺失被擊毀的飛船以及其中的部件。