精英危险中文站 维基

Elite Dangerous hero connected




GalNet是銀河系內大小事的官方消息來源。觀光信標數據接收衛星也提供了各題材類型的官方背景劇情。官方的RPG手冊《Elite Encounters RPG》和桌遊《Elite Dangerous Role Playing Game》也記載了不少背景內容。CMDR編年史也是一系列以ED為主題的劇情短片。

世紀 年分
#20世紀 1955 - 1957 - 1961 - 1963 - 1969 - 1977 - 1994 - 1998
#21世紀 #2030年代 - 2044 - 2055 - 2097
#22世紀 2151 - 2159 - 2160 - 2161 - 2163 - 2165 - 2182 - 2190
#23世紀 #2200年代 - 2228 - 2240 - 2242 - 2280 - 2288 - 2290 - 2292 - 2296
#24世紀 2304 - 2312 - 2314 - 2320 - 2324 - 2325 - 2339 - 2379 - 2381 - 2398
#25世紀 2402 - 2412 - 2413 - 2416 - 2422 - 2452 - 2463 - 2483 - 2498
#26世紀 2541 - 2559 - 2594 - 2599
#27世紀 2600 - 2603 - 2604 - 2606 - 2618 - 2621 - 2684 - 2690 - 2696
#28世紀 2700 - 2702 - 2708 - 2735 - 2739 - 2762 - 2799
#29世紀 #2810年代 - 2849 - 2854 - 2855 - 2856 - 2858 - 2862 - 2864 - 2865 - 2866 - 2867 - 2872 - 2874 - 2876 - 2878 - 2897
#30世紀 2914 - 2924 - 2925 - 2943 - 2945 - 2951 - 2956 - 2959 - 2968 - 2976 - 2978 - 2981 - 2982 - 2983 - 2991 - 2994 - 2996
#31世紀 3008 - 3022 - 3034 - 3055 - 3061 - 3080 - 3082 - 3098
#32世紀 3100 - 3101 - 3104 - 3111 - 3123 - 3125 - 3132 - #3140年代 - 3145 - 3149 - 3151 - 3153 - 3155 - 3162 - 3167 - 3170 - 3172 - 3174 - 3177 - 3182 - 3184 - 3187 - 3193 - 3198 - 3199
#33世紀 3218 - 3224 - 3225 - 3228 - 3229 - 3230 - 3232 - 3233 - 3239 - 3243 - 3244 - 3247 - 3249 - 3250 - 3251 - 3252 - 3253 - 3256 - 3260 - 3264 - 3270 - 3276 - 3283 - 3286 - 3289 - 3290 - 3296 - 3297
#34世紀 3300 - 3301 - 3302 - 3303 - 3304 - 3305 - 3306 - 3307



  • Sol星系的地球上,太空競賽伴隨著冷戰和核武競爭展開。美國和蘇聯競爭是首個達成數項太空科技里程碑的國家。


  • 在發射Sputnik 1——第一課人造衛星後,蘇聯在太空競賽中領先。


  • 蘇聯的Yuri Gagarin成為首位進入太空並返回地球的人類。


  • 蘇聯的Valentina Tereshkova成為首位進入太空並返回地球的女性。


  • 美國進行阿波羅11號任務。Neil Armstrong成為第一位登陸月球的人。同一任務中的Buzz Aldrin則是第二名。


  • 美國展開『航海家』(Voyager)計畫,將Voyager 1(航海家1號)和Voyager 2(航海家2號)送往太陽系外進行系外星球的探索。


  • 在太空競賽的緩和以及蘇聯的瓦解後,美國與俄羅斯在『太空梭-和平號』計畫進行合作。


  • 美國、俄羅斯、日本、歐洲和加拿大的太空總署參與國際太空站計畫。



  • 地球上的重大資源問題迫使人類再一次仰望群星尋找解決方法。企業組織計劃在月球與火星興建首個殖民地,而地球上的緊張局勢也促使各界開始探索太陽系其他領域以成為可行的避風港。——《Elite Encounters RPG》


  • 第三次世界大戰爆發。文獻明確記載各國互相投擲裝載了熱核彈頭的洲際彈道導彈,其爆破威力高達45兆噸。唯有美國由於其雷射防禦陣型和地面砲塔,在搭配武裝衛星之下可擊毀飛往其國土的敵方飛彈,讓他們國土在戰時得以避免遭受任何核轟炸。國際衝突讓當時的太空探索進度後退了數十年。——太陽系觀光信標0165。


  • 三次大戰結束。衝突使10億人喪生,許多國家瓦解。勝利者美國併吞了其鄰國,成為地球當上的統治勢力。由於地球上其他僅存的國家在接下來數十年皆加入,美國最終改名為『美國聯邦』,並在最後一個國家也加入之後簡稱為『聯邦』,成為地球上的統一國家政府。


  • 第一艘世代飛船太陽系出發,以對系外行星進行殖民。在那之後的歲月, 預計已發射70,000艘世代飛船,千年後的現在仍有不少在前往其預定的目的地。
  • 21世紀末,月球與火星上終於成立了永久殖民地。



  • 在往Tau Ceti發射的星際探測器返回後,人類首個太陽系外的殖民地於當地的Tau Ceti 3成立,也首次發現了外星生命。——觀光信標0167,首個系外殖民地


  • Tau Ceti 3殖民地開始自給自足,並投票選出民事政府。


  • 2160年到2179年間,地球的生產力有近四分之三被應用於跨星系殖民。


  • 比起保護外星生態、更著重殖民地住民的擁護者John Taylor被選為Tau Ceti 3殖民地的民事政府管理者,並馬上提倡從地球獨立。出於對此情況的反應以及殖民地企業資助者的要求下,來自地球的代表團抵達該星球并發現當地生態系普遍被破壞。生態管制局根據此情況發布了一系列生態保護準則,並建議在12個月後派遣團隊留意後續發展。——觀光信標0169,生態破壞


  • 生態管制局的第二批團隊抵達Tau Ceti,並發現Tau Ceti 3上的環境情況更為惡劣。殖民地被施以貿易制裁,但此舉只是加強了John Taylor在殖民人士中的支持度。


  • John Taylor提出讓Tau Ceti脫離美國聯邦獨立的提案。公投被否決,但僅以微小票數差距落敗。


  • Delta Pavonis星系發現處於進化階段初期的當地物種,但很快被人類攜帶的病菌導致意外性地全面抹殺。——觀光信標0170,意外地滅絕


  • 在2190年和2230年間,Delta PavonisAltairBeta Hydri星系被完全探索並殖民。——觀光信標0168,殖民初期



  • 23世紀的地球環境修復計畫對地球上的污染和放射性環境復原起到了巨大成功。——觀光信標0171,嶄新領導。因此,Beta HydriAltair也達成協議,只要對自身星球的原生生態進行保存,就會換取一定的自治權。Delta Pavonis之後也加入此協議,並承諾會克制對星系內的任何生物進行干預。——觀光信標0172,新協議


  • 暗中拍攝的紀錄片被傳至地球,揭露了在John Taylor——現已步入80歲高齡——的統治下,對Tau Ceti的生態侵犯與毫無節制的資源開發。地球集結軍事特遣部隊前往Tau Ceti,以奪回其殖民治理權。——觀光信標0173,外星罪孽


  • 在地球艦隊抵達Tau Ceti的數小時前,殖民地的主要定居點改名為Taylor Colony,並通過了獨立公投。由於缺乏星艦,殖民者將地球艦隊的登陸艇作為目標,但依舊無法阻止進攻。當Taylor Colony之役進入僵局,雙方不得不回到外交手段。——觀光信標0174,聯邦協定


  • 聯邦協定在地球和Taylor Colony殖民地的交涉中誕生,將聯邦這個地球上的全球性政府轉變為跨星系聯盟。隨著Tau Ceti的Taylor Colony、Delta PavonisAltairBeta Hydri的加入,讓聯邦一躍為首個人類跨星系勢力。


  • 於火星挖出首個外星文物,被稱為『火星聖物』的小型物件。由於火星聖物很快就被聯邦充公,其秘密持續數百年,甚至它的存在也只能經由洩漏的聯邦記錄才得以證實。目前所知的只有該物件為人造物,但並非人類所製作,且大小不過才幾公分。銀河新聞:火星聖物——觀光信標0175


  • 獨立殖民者抵達Eotienses星系并開始對Eotienses A 3展開地球化作業。


  • 火星的地球化改造完成。接下來數年,許多坐落地球的企業和政府組織也開始將業務轉移到火星。


  • Marlin Duval,出生於太陽系地球的富裕反聯邦分子,領導了對Achenar星系Achenar 6d星球的殖民計畫。Marlin建立了Achenar共和國,這個基於和平理念的民主國家。


  • Marlin Duval在一次穿梭機事故與伴侶和孩子身亡。她的弟弟Henson Duval作為最親近的家屬掌控Achenar共和國的議院,接著遣散共和國的支配理事會并任命自己為領導人,將共和國改制為帝國。在以侵略主義和權威取代他姐姐的和平與平等主義之際, Henson獲得大眾的支持,並持續煽動反聯邦情緒。數個世紀以後,史學家懷疑Henson是Marlin之死的背後黑手。

儘管Marlin Duval生前曾致力於讓星球上的原生智慧物種——Mudlark——有平等的待遇,但Achenar 6d的殖民計畫使之在短短數年滅絕。帝國學者認為原因之一在於殖民者所攜帶的病菌轉移到星球上而導致此悲劇,但聯邦認為此事為Henson Duval執行地球化之前所下令的大掃蕩。



  • 人類定居者抵達Arcturus。行星上發現生命處於發展的早期階段,但定居者將其替換為適應該星系紅巨星紅光的類地球生態系統。星系說明


  • 12月21日:Denton Patreus的植物學家祖先Isabelle Patreus在Eotienses A 3上建立了第一個據點。隨後,每年都會在那天慶祝初次降落該星球。


  • Eotienses星系以多數票通過加入剛剛成立的帝國勢力。


  • [[[Henson Duval]]正式加冕為帝國的第一任皇帝。觀光信標0159,Achenar星系


  • 被帝國稱為『解放之戰』的Achenar戰役開打。這也是第一次大規模的星際衝突。聯邦以免除對Achenar 6d當地生命實施種族滅絕的政府為由,試圖強行進攻Achenar並占領。雖然入侵的主要原因是帝國多年來拒絕和平加入聯邦,但對異種文化和生命形式的保護卻是聯邦成立的主要宗旨。聯邦艦隊抵達後,驚訝地遭受帝國新組建『人民艦隊』的強烈抵抗。


  • Achenar戰役結束。聯邦艦隊苦於供應線過長且脆弱,加上不敵帝國軍力的打擊而處於劣勢,聯邦入侵艦隊被迫撤離。在重挫聯邦後,獨立殖民地開始蜂擁至帝國的旗幟下,使帝國成為第二人類超級勢力。然而聯邦依舊拒絕承認帝國的合法性。
  • 由於供應能力提升,聯邦艦隊在Beta Hydri立足。持續的摩擦和Beta Hydri星系的衝突導致聯邦與帝國進入冷戰。


  • Sirius CorporationSirius星系建立了第一個完全由企業運作的殖民地,並在成為人類空域中主要的引擎燃料供應商之後迅速成長為大型的星際集團。——Sirius星系,觀光信標0202


  • Sirius Corporation在聯邦和帝國之間交涉,試圖結束雙方冷戰。


  • 交涉以聯邦和帝國簽訂官方和平條約告終。作為條約的一部分,聯邦同意Achenar和其殖民地有充分的自治權,并認可帝國皇帝。
  • Henson Duval皇帝下令建造烈士殿,以紀念在Achenar之役中犧牲的16,032位公民。


  • 聯邦展開新一輪的殖民任務以尋找新資源,並最終發現了Alioth星系。——觀光信標0115



  • Henson Duval駕崩,並由Saik Duval繼位。


  • 發現並殖民了之後會被命名為Old Worlds的區域。深空殖民船『Herschel』和『Oberon』抵達L-453星系,並會在之後重命名為Lave。——觀光信標0236


  • 首個殖民艦隊抵達Leesti,設立採礦設施和植物處理。——觀光信標0242


  • Lave、Leesti和Zaonce得以自給自足並宣布從補給路線脫離。


  • 從Lave向Diso星系進行遠征。不到10年,Birmingham星球被殖民並發掘出其進行農業的潛在可能。——觀光信標0238


  • Alioth最先被殖民,在Alioth 5b星球上建立了首個殖民地,由於行星表面的肥沃一致性以及小型礦藏而被命名為『水果蛋糕』。


  • Sirius Corporation進入Alioth試圖獲得星系的天然氣採取權,但被另外兩家公司阻擾,進而爆發武裝衝突生。在聲稱要保護當地居民而派遣的帝國艦隊抵達後,Sirius Corporation轉而尋求聯邦的協助。


  • Saik Duval駕崩,Trasken Duval繼位。
  • Old Worlds區域中的殖民地組成Old Worlds Coalition(舊世界聯盟),這是一個鬆散的共同防禦協定,旨在避免帝國將領土擴張至該區域。


  • 在一次Morten-Marte星系數據接收衛星的損毀事件後,帝國將此時怪罪於Old Worlds Coalition並發動攻擊。這次入侵讓舊世界聯盟防不勝防,最終向帝國妥協,被迫遣散其商人儲備艦隊,並限制船隊活動僅能進行貿易與探索。



  • Trasken Duval皇帝駕崩,由Hennick Duval繼位。


  • Alioth 5b的殖民地人士在Alioth星系劫持了帝國旅遊客輪Everichon號。在劫機者將客輪撞入星系的氣體巨行星之前,帝國特攻隊成功將客輪奪回。事件在全息影響廣播「瘋狂反叛者」被大肆傳播。——觀光信標0117


  • 聯邦國會通過了兩項重要的律法,重新審視了聯邦體制。備受爭議的第一法案在下一輪公開選舉開始前將國會議員人數大幅減少至500。此前,根據聯邦的殖民憲章,每個成員星系都有權讓代表的國會議員參與國會,但聯邦的持續擴張和不斷接納新成員,讓國會變得過於臃腫,決策速度緩慢。第二法案將聯邦總統的任期從最長的兩個四年任期改為單一的八年任期,並在上任四年後自動於國會進行不信任動議。如此變動是由於:聯邦總統連任已為常態,且在一屆後的選舉挑戰中也不會面對多大阻礙。——觀光信標0180


  • Sadiq Kessler被選舉聯邦總統,并就任至2607年。——太陽系,觀光信標0201



  • 聯邦總統Sadiq Kessler移除Alioth星系的其他憲章要求,讓該星系實際成為聯邦的正式成員星系。Kessler希望此舉能獲得Alioth當地居民的支持,使其在與帝國爭奪該星系擁有權上握有關鍵優勢。然而,此舉卻讓Alioth的居民分化為支持聯邦以及獨立兩大陣營。


  • Alioth星系,支持獨立的居民在與聯邦派的內鬥中勝出。Quentin Devises控制了居民以及『水果蛋糕』,並宣布Alioth為自由貿易的港口。


  • Hennick Duval皇帝駕崩,由Lucius Duval繼位。


  • Alioth,經過三年的情願後,聯邦外交官與當地領導人Quentin Devises見面,並明確告知Sadiq Kessler總統先前的Alioth參與聯邦資格已被撤銷。


  • Alioth,軍工廠員工Tom Quaterson因向貧困者兜售食物券被審批最終處決,引起當地居民和其他反叛團體的起義。『水果蛋糕』總督住所被闖入,工人們控制天然氣開採平台,並要求讓Alioth獨立。史無前例地, 聯邦帝國雙方合作欲奪回星系。Quentin Devises很快便被擒獲並處決。兩大超級勢力同意瓜分Alioth的資產,『水果蛋糕』成為聯邦的保護國,並根據聯邦將軍Charles C. Gordon改名為Gordonworld;而星系內的所有太空設施則歸帝國所有。


  • 基本權利戰爭(Birthright War)為一系列衝突的總稱,衝突結果為聯邦境內領空中,最初殖民者的土地世襲權被剝奪。——觀光信標0181
  • Alioth帝國成功使用實驗性技術對New California展開迅速地球化。因聽信帝國『新生活』的承諾,許多Gordonworld的居民倒戈至New California。


  • Lucius Duval皇帝駕崩,由Anders Duval繼位。


  • 在Riedquat爆發『九月起義』。儘管Old Worlds Coalition(舊世界聯盟)在當地設置了殖民地政府,但管理層為親自參與星球事務讓他們對人民所需渾然不知。政府在一次猛烈革命被推翻,官員被處決,屍首被堆積在首都的空間站。Riedquat進入血腥無政府狀態且持續了五世紀,Coalition的官員重新評估其政策。


  • Galactic Cooperative成立。在謹記Old Worlds Coalition於Riedquat的失敗後,其成員星球重組為強調經濟自力、相互防禦和政治獨立的新貿易組織。GalCop因挑釁聯邦與帝國而退出與雙方的貿易。
  • Achenar星系的星球地球化完成。



  • 推出反覆改進設計的Python後,GalCop旗下企業Whatt and Pritney Constructions正式亮相。Python的創新模組化設計為太空旅行開啟新時代,獨立飛行員大量出現。


  • 隨著基本權利戰爭持續,聯邦開始重組其軍隊。過去,聯邦艦隊是直接從聯邦成員星系收集資源來組建,但星際公司的崛起讓聯邦能往外招募中心艦隊的建造與維護。這樣的先進艦隊在Anlave受命並訓練。——觀光信標0183


  • 基本權利戰爭進入最後階段。因企業活動而流亡、Anlave殖民者的後裔進攻星系並轟炸Anderton的聯邦艦隊學院。一支私掠者船隊迅速跟上,但很快被Ghenkis B'nami上將擊退。


  • 基本權利戰爭結束,聯邦企業從數個殖民地處取得土地與資源。


  • Anders Duval駕崩,並由Hender Duval繼位。


  • 由Faulcon Manspace製作,Viper II、Viper MkIII和Viper MkIV]]的前身,『Viper防禦艇』首次亮相。


  • Hender Duval皇帝駕崩,由Trasken Duval II繼位。



  • 2810年代開始到2840年代,GalCop發現其空域內和Pleiades Nebula附近有大量的船隻失蹤。經調查未發現任何非法事蹟,但失蹤事件和其他怪象卻斷斷續續地持續發生,引起飛行員的焦慮。這些事件後來被認為是與Thargoid的初期遭遇。


  • 2849年,在一次『遭遇』的模糊錄像片段中,顯示一艘外星飛船的顆粒船體上帶有『THARG』字樣。媒體立即創造了『Thargoid』一詞作為外星人的名字。但是,沒有Thargoids存在的確鑿證據,牠們最終逐漸從民間傳說淡出。


  • 帝國士兵在Alioth中對New California實行戒嚴令,試圖對人群實施基因校正計劃。新的住民派系對駐軍發動政變以阻止了這一行動,他們同時還向聯邦情願協助。隨後爆發了激烈的戰鬥,帝國艦隊進行了軌道轟炸。當Kracer上將率領的聯邦艦隊抵達後,戰事再次升級,帝國飛船最終撤退。Kracer上將與艦隊陸戰隊降落在New California時,他們在首都受到群眾的歡迎。觀光信標0119:住民政變


  • Paynou、Prossett和Salem首次推出多功能飛船Cobra。


  • Anaconda初代亮相,並由RimLiner Galactic製作。


  • Trasken Duval II皇帝駕崩,由Trasken Duval III繼位。
  • Faulcon Manspace首次推出Asp、一款重型戰鬥飛船,Asp MkII的始祖。Asp成為GalCop星際艦隊的主幹。


  • Isaac Gellan 被選為聯邦總統,就任直到2866年。


  • Isaac Gellan總統動員聯邦艦隊入侵Ackwada星系。儘管並未向大眾公開,但這次進攻是為了使Rockforth Corporation解體。後者向Gellan違法提供貸款作為競選資金,而Gellan最終拒絕償還。——Ackwada星系,觀光新版0185


  • Rockforth Corporation向帝國皇帝Trasken III請求援助,對抗在Ackwada星系的聯邦勢力,並表示會提供金錢回報。Traken III組成以私掠者Samuel Lanner為首的戰鬥團隊,成功擊退聯邦艦隊。Rockforth Corporation向Trasken III以金錢回報後者的協助,並招聘Lanner的私掠者們作為安保勢力。——觀光信標0125


  • Isaac Gellan總統未通過不信任動議,而離任。後被之後稱為『Gellan醜聞』的時間中,其貪污事蹟敗露,數名國會議員也牽涉其中。在審查加強時期,企業也減少涉入聯邦政治的活動。——Sol星系,觀光信標0186
  • Olaf Smith被選為聯邦總統,就任直到2874年。


  • Olaf Smith總統派遣聯邦艦隊到Zelada,調查數艘商船的失蹤事件。當更多商船在Ququve和Aymiay失蹤後,聯邦於Laedla星系駐紮軍事據點,以抵抗這『外來威脅』。Smith的『驅趕外來威脅』使他頗受歡迎,儘管從未證實這些失蹤事件是否與Thargoid或其他外星活動有關。Smith的政策加強了聯邦艦隊勢力,並逐漸恢復大眾在Gellan內閣貪污後對總統的信任——Zelada星系觀光信標0187。數十年後,一名被稱為『黑皇子』的海盜揭露那些失蹤事件是他們所團伙所犯下,襲擊之所以停止單純只是他們團伙退休了。黑皇子的說法備受爭議,但有人認為他的聲明只不過是大多可信但又卑劣故事的誇張版本。——Zelada星系,觀光信標0188


  • 前聯邦總統Isaac Gellan出獄,並保留了其絕大多數財富。他聘用傭兵艦隊向Rockforth Corporation尋仇。然而, Samuel Lanner當時仍被僱傭,並率領裝備精良的現代化艦隊輕鬆擊潰Gellan的傭兵隊伍。這次失敗讓Gellan蒙羞並遭受財政打擊。—— Ackwada星系,觀光信標0189


  • Jeremy Tann被選為聯邦總統,就任直到2882年。


  • Jeremy Tann總統在Phekda星系發動戰事,導致當地經濟動盪並陷入混亂內戰。某位軍閥被策反,並嘗試將星系歸順回聯邦。——Phekda星系,觀光信標0190



  • 由於奪回Phekda失敗,聯邦放棄了該星系。



  • 由Outworld Workshops製造的Adder首次亮相。


  • Durn and Resner Corporation請求帝國協助執行護送在Alioth星系的採礦隊伍。一小支帝國艦隊被派出,在星系中驅逐聯邦部隊。——Alioth星系,觀光信標0135


  • Alioth星系中的帝國勢力消失。同時,Trasken III皇帝充公了Durn and Resner Corporation的所有資產。儘管當時這些事件並未被公開,聯邦情報來源隨後指責Duval被煽動進行生物複製計畫以孕育特種步兵單位。


  • Trasken Duval III皇帝駕崩,由Olban Hensard Duval繼位。


  • Olban Hensard Duval皇帝以巧妙的手法處理帝國在Liaedin星系的爭端。——Liaedin星系,觀光信標0138


  • 在與聯邦Grambourne Cambridge於Zeaex星系的採礦權爭奪中,Olban Hensard Duval皇帝任命Erronsa與Francis Ashfield為帝國特工。——Zeaex星系,觀光信標0139


  • Verity Campbell被選為聯邦總統,就任直到2960年。


  • Olban Hensard Duval皇帝在[[Emperor's Own]的支持下向Laedla星系部署了一支打擊部隊。在被稱為『星期四閃電戰』的事件中,帝國艦隊碾壓Mansfield的聯邦駐軍。——Laedla星系,觀光信標0140


  • Ulrich Vale被選為聯邦總統,就任直到2976年。


  • Grant Keller被選為聯邦總統,就任直到2984年。
  • Olban Hensard Duval皇帝召集一支帝國艦隊,以應對據稱被聯邦特工暗殺的Francis Ashfield事件,但當Newtown的定居者向聯邦和帝國發出個人訴求後,Zeaex星系的衝突得以避免。採礦權時間圓滿解決,並簽訂得來不易的停戰協議。——Zeaex星系,觀光信標0142


  • 在Olban Hensard Duval皇帝對『暴發戶狀態』失去耐心後,帝國與GalCop之間的資源談判破裂。在接下來的兩年中,GalCop船隻在Zelada和Ququve星系中多次遭遇帶有外交標記的帝國旗艦。


  • 帝國科學團隊被派往Exioce星系,調查當地失敗的地形改造計畫,這此失敗使行星變得不宜居住,並讓其大氣中充滿了氨氣。



  • Eta Cassiopeiae星系的三個星球完成地球化改造後,聯邦艦隊將總部從Anlave轉移到該地。——Eta Cassiopeiae的遊戲內敘述


  • Olban Hensard Duval皇帝駕崩,由Gaylen Trasken Duval繼位。


  • Gaylen Tasken Duval皇帝在Alioth星系再次激發帝國與聯邦間的敵對行動。——Quince星系觀光信標0142


  • Gaylen Trasken Duval皇帝鎮壓了Ackwada星系中由聯邦支持的軍事政變。



  • Tyrell Biggs被選為聯邦總統,就任直到3016年。
  • 聯邦在Alioth星系與帝國衝突陷入膠著期間,Tyrell Biggs總統祕密派遣聯邦外交官前往帝國,提議Achenar及其附屬星系正式加入聯邦。此前如此嘗試遭到帝國的嘲弄。但是,該提議文件被聯邦間諜洩露給其他帝國星系,造成了廣泛的動亂,加深了聯邦與帝國之間的不信任。這可能是聯邦總統Biggs一直追求的結果。——Sol星系,觀光信標0193


  • Raul "Proxmire" Santorini成為Tau Ceti總督,並大受歡迎,這對於駐外的聯邦政客來說,星際意義重大。——Cemiess星系,觀光信標0194


  • 造船公司Faulcon Manspace與DeLacy Shipworks合併。新成立的Faulcon DeLacy成為當時銀河系最大的獨立公司,與Sirius Corporation較勁。


  • 為Cemiess星系制定了帝國殖民憲章。——Cemiess星系,觀光信標0145


  • Gaylen Trasken Duval皇帝駕崩,由Atticus Obellan Duval繼位。


  • 經過多年的拖延,帝國開始對Cemiess 2進行地球化改造,終結聯邦對該星系的野心。批准Cemiess的帝國殖民計畫為Gaylen Trasken Duval駕崩前最後一項命令。


  • Atticus Obellan Duval皇帝向Exioce星系派遣了第二次任務,以改造Experiment星球,從而終止了聯邦的計畫。——Exioce星系,觀光信標0146


  • Tau Ceti的總督Raul Santorini被暗殺。聯邦媒體將責任歸咎於帝國,因為Santorini生前大聲疾呼反抗帝國,但Atticus皇帝親自反駁了這一指控。——Tau Ceti星系觀光信標0148



  • 飛行員聯盟正式建立了獨立飛行員的階級系統。CMDR Peter Jameson成為首位獲得令人垂涎的Elite級別的人。——觀光信標0245</ref>
  • 由Lave Cowell&MgRath製造的Cobra MkIII首次亮相。
  • Zorgon Peterson生產的Fer-de-Lance大約在此時首次亮相。


  • 帝國艦隊抵達Cemiess,並讓帝國殖民者降落在Emerald星球上。聯邦則在艦隊上將O'Brien的領導下派遣了艦隊,引發了一場橫跨30年星球大戰。


  • Hender Saik Duval皇帝通過建立Facece軍事學院持續進行帝國艦隊的大規模更新。——Facece星系,觀光信標0150


  • 10月13日-Azimuth Biochemicals所聘用、Penelope Carver博士的地表調查小組對Coalsack Nebula附近的行星進行調查,於Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1第三星球地表建立了地質勘察地面設施。
  • 10月20日-Carver教授在Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 3上發現了藤壺和外星墜毀地點。
  • 10月26日-Azimuth Biochemicals企業的Adamastor巨型飛船從Chukchan星系出發前往未知地點。
  • 10月27日-Carver教授回報,從外星人墜毀現場移走的物體在地質勘察23B中造成了設備故障。同時,Azimuth Biochemicals公司命令Carver的團隊停止所有通訊,等待Adamastor的抵達。
  • 10月28日-Adamastor進入一個未知星系。星系名稱,且Adamastor在當地的行動都已從飛船日誌裡移除。
  • 10月29日-Adamastor進入Synuefe XE-Y c17-7。藉由繞行第三星球的數據接收衛星,它收到新命令轉移到Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1並接走Carver教授的調查小組。
  • 10月30日-Adamastor抵達Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1,並使用Sidewinders撤出調查團隊及其研究內容。出現未知現象,極有可能是Thargoid飛船,以及在地質勘察設施23B中發生的不明交火,導致Adamastor的工作人員緊急離開。勘察人員與傭兵被遺棄或被綁架。最後的倖存者是Dominic Murphy博士他躲藏并目擊攻擊的經過。
  • 10月31日-Adamastor由於Thargoid物件引起嚴重故障,迫使其頻繁退出超空間進行維修。在經過HIP 69200星系時,由於船上發生不知名爭鬥,Carver教授使用Sidewinder逃脫,但墜毀於HIP 69200 1 B表面。所有剩餘的船員然也撤離,讓Adamastor使用自動返航路線回到Chukchan星系。由於超空間引起故障,它直到3306才抵達。


  • 在3120年代初期,發生『八角形飛船』目擊事件以及超空間引起故障。3123年,在GalCop空域發現兩艘飛船殘骸,其被比當時人類文明更強大的雷射武器所破壞。


  • 第一次Thargoid戰爭打響。為人類飛船與新的高智能外來物種之間首次相遇。倖存下來的飛行員將這種生物命名為『Thargoid』,並與2849年的不解時間串聯。在每次相遇,外星飛船都迅速開火。一些人斷言,是人類激起戰火。這一切都根據聯邦洩漏的報告所推測,Veliaze星系的殖民者曾向類似的飛船開火。
  • INRA或簡稱INRA,是聯邦和帝國祕密聯合成立,旨在對抗Thargoid。INRA的宗旨在於找出和利用Thargoid的弱點,以通過任何必要手段贏得衝突。


  • Atticus Obellan Duval皇帝駕崩,由Hender Saik Duval繼位。


  • Varian Scott在這十年中當選聯邦總統。Scott取消了聯邦軍事預算限制,以擴大聯邦艦隊並使之現代化,且還取消了國會做出軍事決策的權限,從而增加了對未來衝突的響應時間。


  • Gutamaya製造的Imperial Courier首次亮相。這是數世紀以來第一艘由帝國政府資助的艦艇設計,也是Hender Saik Duval重組和擴大帝國軍事力量的頂峰。
  • 由於在與Thargoid的戰爭中將過多商船重新分配給銀河艦隊進行軍事用途,Galactic Cooperative發展停滯不前。


  • Galactic Cooperative首席執行官Naris Ellison染上一種罕見的退化性疾病並死亡。她的副手William Henderick成為下一任GalCop首席執行官,承諾繼承Ellison的遺志恢復GalCop突出地位,但爆出與Ellison的死因有關,而由代理首席執行官Simmone Hendry接任。


  • 在成功開發和部署了mycoid生物武器後,第一次Thargoid戰爭結束。Galactic Cooperative資助Equinox計畫,其旨在建立多個深空監視前哨站如GCS Sarasvati,以觀察Thargoid回歸的可能。


  • 儘管GalCop高層不滿,代理GalCop執行長Simmone Hendry的職位被永久保留。


  • 12月27日——Equinox計畫的Cassandra Lockhart博士指出,自該項目啟動以來就未發現過Thargoid。


  • Nance Lightoller被指派調查GalCop內部的腐敗和非法活動。在接下來的五年,她經歷了多次死亡威脅和暗殺。


  • Nance Lightoller的貪腐調查完成。前執行長William Henderick和其他五名人士被證實與前執行長Naris Ellison的死有關。這項調查還揭露了GalCop穩定性和對殖民地的猖獗管理,以及孤立和詐欺成員星球居民的政策。


  • 此時,在數十年衰落以及帝國與聯邦爭奪成員星球下,Galactic Cooperative已縮減為11名成員,全都位於Old Worlds區域中。GalCop發現自身已淪落至數世紀前、建立殖民地時的貿易路線。首席執行長Simmone Hendry被迫將GalCop的大部分資產出售給其他兩個超級勢力,以換取其貿易路線。


  • 8月16日——隨著Galactic Cooperative的衰落和動盪,儘管Cassandra Lockhart博士警告,Thargoid正在為未來的回歸播下種子,但Equinox計畫依舊中止。


  • 8月19日——GalCop執行長Simmone Hendry廢除該組織的章程。Galactic Cooperative正式解散。



  • Hender Saik Duval駕崩,並由Hesketh Duval繼位。


  • Loric Trander被選為聯邦總統,就任直到3192年。
  • 聯邦總統Loric Trander在Riley Dain——調查該地採礦許可的官員——被謀殺後向Alioth部署私掠船。作為回應,帝國皇帝Hesketh Duval將Imperial XV艦隊派往Alioth,激起了星系中的新衝突。——Alioth星系,觀光信標0120



  • INRA正式『成立』,使它正式進入公眾視野。但是,該組織繼續在沒有任何實際監督或透明化的情況下運作。


  • 始於3184年的Alioth聯邦帝國戰爭結束,雙方都沒有取得任何成果。
  • Li Yong-Rui出生。


  • 聯邦艦隊引入Eagle MkII。緊接著,帝國艦隊也引入了Imperial Eagle,使一些人認為是聯邦的工程人員為帝國效力。



  • [[[Zachary Hudson]]出生。


  • Mic Turner帶領聯邦探險隊殖民了Olgrea星系。在Olgrea C 7上立即開始了地球化作業。——Olgrea星系,觀光信標0127



  • 聯邦在Alioth星系提高價格後,當地爆發叛亂。聯邦和帝國艦隊被派往該星系以平息動亂,但遭到來自鄰近獨立星系的頑強抵抗。由於不想在距離核心空域的遠距離外進行長期抗爭,帝國首先讓步。而聯邦在意識到戰爭那麼不得聯邦公民人心後也效仿。


  • Felicia Winters出生。
  • Alioth因當地的機器人製造業持續壯大,成為主要的製造中心,並追上了對手Holiacan星系。——Holiacan星系,觀光信標0125


  • 聯盟Mic Turner和Meredith Argent在Alioth建立,其原則旨在保護和支持那些希望獨立於聯邦和帝國的人。
  • Alioth星系中的Gordonworld行星(原稱為『水果蛋糕』)被重新命名為Turner's World,以表彰Mic Turner的成就。


  • Indaol星系在最初的擴張浪潮加入聯盟。隨著聯盟加入帶來了重大的技術進步,原本不起眼的星系迅速繁榮起來。


  • Hesketh Duval駕崩,並由Hengist Duval繼位。


  • Mic Turner返回Olgrea星系指揮Alliance艦隊。在與聯邦的部隊進行小規模衝突後,Turner占領了關鍵基礎設施,而聯邦則承認戰敗並撤軍。Olgrea星系加入聯盟。



  • Holiacan星系,也稱為Holliacan,在最初的擴張浪潮後期加入聯盟。由於該星系缺乏資源,Federation未對Holiacan的分離提出異議。在接下來的幾年中,Holiacan星系的機器人製造業蓬勃發展,並且該星系還出現了許多著名的聯盟政治家,其中最有影響力的是Lucinda Kallis。




  • 聯盟此時已擴展至20多個星系,將自己確立為第三超級勢力。也意味著聯盟最初的擴張浪潮結束。
  • Olgrea星系經過26年的殖民已有1億居民,成為人類歷史上遷移速度最快的星系之一,並已是聯盟基礎設施的組成部分。


  • Sirius Corporation首次推出Highliner Antares,鼓吹其革命性的新型超空間系統。但在一系列的展覽試驗中,飛船啟動了超空間裝置後,就再也沒有出現。


  • Mic Turner和Meredith Argent開始尋找Thargoid。在由Turner測試其特別設計的探險船『Turner's Quest』的超空間引擎時,該船在跳出Pleione星系後消失了。同年稍晚,Argent為他舉行追悼會。
  • Meredith Argent發射了第二艘名為『Argent's Quest』的探索船,由未透露姓名的人士駕駛。根據當時洩露的文件,飛行員發現了Thargoid前哨站,並將Thargoid船隻捕獲返回了Alioth星系。據稱,INRA與該飛行員進行接觸,Thargoid飛船於當天離開Alioth,目的地不明。


  • INRA解散。Meredith Argent聲稱上一年的Thargoid飛船事故是由負責消滅 Thargoid”的INRA滲透者所造成。加上聯盟領導人的競選活動,該組織的公眾和政府輿論迅速惡化,迫使其解散。
  • Jotun星系中Fafner的農業殖民地遭受Thargoid襲擊和侵占。這次事件看似毫無徵兆,幾乎所有的殖民者都被屠殺。
  • Denton Patreus出生。



  • Eugene Cooper被選為聯邦總統,就任直到3264年。


  • Antonia Madison被選為聯邦總統,就任直到3272年。


  • Project Dynasty是由The Club資助和組織的合資企業,在文明區之外發起了三項秘密探險,以繪製Formidine RiftHawking's GapScutum-Sagittarii Conflux中的宜居星球。在完成任務後,沒有任何一支探險隊返回。
  • 著名Rochester家族的聯邦國會議員Isolde Rochester的次子Jordan Rochester出生。



  • 《倫敦條約》於3278年在地球上的倫敦市簽署。這是聯邦、帝國和聯盟之間的一項正式協議,旨在限制各超級勢力艦隊的旗艦數量。該條約的目的是防止革命性空間折疊引擎引入後的軍備競賽。此條約持續到3302年10月21日。


  • Hengist Duval皇帝邀請參議員Anders Blaine擔任帝國大臣。


  • Hadrian Augustus Duval出生。


  • Rochester家族聯邦國會議員Isolde Rochester的長子、億萬富翁Core Dynamics執行長Jupiter Rochester與演員Tomas Turai結婚。



  • 兩艘Saud KrugerNarwhal Liner被用作星艦一號,即聯邦總統的私人座駕。


  • Sirius Corporation發布了革命性的嶄新超空間引擎:Frame Shift Drive。FSD體積更小,效率更高,可將超空間的飛行時間從數小時縮短至幾秒,且有著『超級巡航』模式以實現星系內的快速移動,並在躍遷後將飛行員安置在星系的主恆星上,而非外圍。到3300年,所有註冊的飛船都已使用此新技術進行升級。






  • Imperial Senator Denton Patreus' characterizes the situation around Eranin as a 'civil war'.
  • As Eranin 30th Anniversary celebratory liquor is spread far and wide, the practice is banned in short order by the Federation.
  • Peace talks between the Eranin government and Federation-leaning rebels collapsed into chaos and war was declared, 26 Sep 3300;
  • The Eranin civil war escalates.


  • The Pilot's Federation has made the Universal Cartographics Discovery Module a standard component in all Sidewinder loadouts.
  • New FSD Interdictors renew legal debate.


  • Emperor Hengist Duval is sick.
  • CMDR Zulu Romeo becomes the first human to visit Sagittarius A*.
  • Rise of the Crimson State Group in the Lugh system.
  • The Imperial Palace has issued a statement saying that while the Emperor is unwell, it is not as serious as many commentators are suggesting.
  • The Federal President Jasmina Halsey has declared the newly discovered rare narcotic 'Onionhead' illegal throughout Federal space
  • Zemina Torval sent two of her personal Majestic Class Interdictors to put down the revolt in Sorbago
  • Aisling Duval, celebrity daughter of heir, declares slavery dishonorable.
  • Federal Admiral Vincent has declared a blockade of the Kappa Fornacis system to prevent the spread of the narcotic onionhead
  • Arissa Lavigny claimed that she is the illegitimate daughter of Emperor Hengist.
  • Federal Warships Bomb Farms with the narcotic Onionhead.
  • Senator Denton Patreus declared Imperial succession about power, not blood
  • Senator Torval Speaks out against Aisling Duval and Her (Slavery) Abolishionist Message
  • Emperor Hengist Duval decreed his son Harold Duval not of sound mind
  • His grace Emperor Hengist Duval is to marry Florence Lavigny
  • Senator Denton Patreus announced the government of the impoverished Durius system has defaulted on the loan he provided in 3294.
  • Patreus attacks Durius.
  • Christmas Celebrations throughout the Federation and Alliance
  • Slave Rebellion Crushed in the Sorbago System
  • Federal President Halsey Denies Onionhead Crackdown after being confronted by a crowd protesting against ‘Oniongate'
  • Senator Zemina Torval has freed 10,000 slaves she bought from private traders in Federal systems
  • Commanders Decide Two Civil Wars as Torval Triumphs, Patreus Defeated but Defiant
  • A peaceful Christmas demonstration which started on Christmas Day continues on the steps of the (Federal) Congress building in Olympus Village on Mars
  • Torval Backs Patreus's Line on the Imperial Succession
  • Aisling Duval revealed a little of the state of mind of her father Harold
  • Shadow President Hudson Supports Navy.
  • Senator Torval Blames Federal Agitators from Luluwala for Sorbago Rebellion
  • Federal Shadow President Zachary Hudson Demands Conscription and held a long speech highly critical of his opponent President Halsey
  • The armed conflict between Senator Patreus’s Imperial forces and those of the impoverished Durius system continues.
  • Federal President Jasmina Halsey announced Tax Rises in New Year which caused shockwaves throughout Federal Space
  • Aisling Duval Lashes out against Zemina Torval.
  • Sanna system in Bid to Leave Federation.
  • Federal Shadow President Zachary Hudson Demands Lower Taxes.



  • Federal Vice President Nigel Smeaton was discovered dead in his private swimming pool at his luxury apartment on the foothills of Mount Olympus, Mars.
  • CMDR Erimus Kamzel becomes the first human to reach the far side of the galaxy, discovering the star system that later became known as Beagle Point.


  • Patreus Slave Sale Ends. The people of Durius continue to be assimilated into the greater Empire fold.
  • Residents of Toolfa Large were left in shock after local security services found a small fortune in raw gold sitting aboard an abandoned Sidewinder in a station's lower hangers.
  • There's trouble brewing in Cemiess, caused in no small part by the recent influx of emancipated Imperial Slaves who now call the area their home.
  • Ethan Naylor, the Congressman for Siren, was formally signed in as the Federal Vice President in a formal ceremony in the Congress building on Mars.
  • Thanks to the combined efforts of entrepreneurs, small business owners and corporate sponsors, preparations for the launch of the new EAUC Exploration Ocellus are well underway.
  • Commander Samwell Drakhyr is the fastest pilot in the galaxy, champion of the 37th almost annual St. Valentine Day Regatta
  • Effinger Port, Furbaide, Reports Contagion Spreading Unchecked.
  • President Halsey has ordered an all-out assault on the Nijotec region in a shock announcement.
  • Following the Federation's success in rousting the rebel forces from Banki and BD+03 2338, Admiral Vincent has declared his intention to follow the invaders of BD+03 2338 back to their own homes.
  • The galaxy is abuzz with excitement following the news that an anonymous donor has contributed a case of highly valuable and extremely rare Vesperian Nectar to the charity SpecialEffect
  • The Alioth system has been at the centre of controversy today after the arrival of Éamonn Uí Laoghire, the leading spokesperson in the current bid for independence of the Lugh system
  • The Sirius Corporation announced its plan to launch a number of new colonial outposts to the very edges of occupied space.
  • Federal Navy, in conjunction with Core Dynamics, has declared their intention to commission the creation of a new capitol ship.
  • The Defence Force of Tanmark, in association with the Farmers Union of Kappa Fornacis, is pleased to announce the success of their initiative to increase the local production of Lucan Onionhead
  • Aisling Duval arrived in Furbaide aboard Effinger Port to offer assistance to overworked medical staff currently caught in the struggle against the virulent and deadly Volungu Blight.
  • There's a metal rush in LAWD 26, with thousands of entrepreneurs heading to the region in the hope of making their fortune before one of the big three mining corporations can establish a presence in the system
  • Alioth played host to scenes of chaos today when Éamonn Uí Laoghire addressed the crowds after his second attempt to gain an audience with Alliance representatives failed.
  • Tensions have been running high aboard Effinger Port this week as doctors, nurses and scientists worked around the clock to find a cure for the Volungu Blight
  • There's war brewing in the Empire, as despite a stern warning issued in their direction by Senator Denton Patreus, the pirates of Falisci continue to plunder innocent traders
  • Core Dynamics declares a new stage in their partnership with the Federal Navy for the construction of several new capital ships.


  • Two lone deep space explorers rendezvoused 43,000 light years from home on the fringe of the Scutum-Centaurus arm.
  • The Imperial Slavers Association, in conjunction with Senator Zemina Torval announced the official opening of the newest ISA slave training facility aboard Lagerkvist Gateway in the Synteini system
  • The Sirius Corporation announced that the reconnaissance portion of its latest colonisation project is complete.
  • Lugh Ambassador Éamonn Uí Laoghire Accuses Federal Party of Foul Play.
  • Tanmark system has an ongoing conflict that broke out between the Defence Force of Tanmark and a local criminal gang known as the Tanmark Posse.
  • The Big G Corporation, in association with the Alliance, announced that a dozen planets involved in the Alliance terraforming program are ready to undergo their last stage of biochemical transformation
  • Imperial forces have decimated the majority of the Falisci Purple Gang’s fleet, just five days after the Citizens of Tradition declared war against the dreaded pirate crew and their allies.
  • Unity Starport Officially Opens in New Yembo.
  • Zemina Torval Handles the Help in Synteini.
  • Pirates Prosper in Tanmark, attacking innocent traders
  • Aisling Duval campaigns to stop slavery on the Empire’s most-watched reality stream show, Celebrity Pets
  • Lady Kahina Tijani Loren's Imperial Courier has been denied docking clearance at Mars High.
  • Senator Patreus and the Citizens of Tradition have been successful in their crusade against the Falisci Purple Gang.
  • Anti-Slavery Support Grows in Synteini System.
  • An emergency special session of the Federal Congress was held today to discuss how best to deal with the Crimson State Group’s attempt to force Lugh to secede from the Federation.
  • The Federation may have won the war in the Banki system, but survivors on both sides are still in a struggle for survival.
  • An investigation into the Galactic Mechanics Union will result in charges being brought against the organisation by all three of the galaxy’s major powers.
  • Lugh Prepares for War.
  • Alioth Warns Lugh they stand alone.
  • A powerful lobbying group, acting on behalf of Admiral Vincent and the Federal Navy, are currently engaged in a massive campaign to lower taxes on combat-capable spacecraft.
  • Core Dynamics Completes Work on New Capital Ship.
  • Senator Patreus and socialite Aisling Duval have been spotted together at a number of popular nightspots in Capitol this week
  • Sirius Corp launches 9 new colonial outposts.
  • Patreus calls on Blaine to release Emperor’s medical records.
  • Full Scale Attack on Polahukuna Postponed.
  • President Halsey has today officially declared war on the Crimson State Group.
  • Chancellor Blaine refuses Patreus’ request.
  • In a show of solidarity and in protest at her perceived shabby treatment by Federation hosts, dozens of Commanders volunteered to escort Lady Kahina Tijani Loren's Imperial Courier through Federal space.
  • Shadow President Hudson released a scathing attack on the President’s offensive against the Crimson State Group
  • The fighting has been fierce in the Lugh system this past weekend. Hundreds of thousands of ships have been shot down and millions have lost their lives in the opening salvo of the war.
  • Prism Senator Kahina Tijani Loren continues to Woo Federation Residents.
  • Rebels Declare War on the Federation in 78 Ursae Majoris.
  • A Commander of the Asp 'Spirit of Indianapolis', claims to have been the first to visit what he calls Sol's ‘true North Star’ "Wregoe TV-L C24-0.
  • Onionhead is once again available in port around Panem of Kappa Fornacis.
  • Core Dynamics was put in the deeply embarrassing position of having to further postpone the maiden voyage of the FNS Nevermore.
  • A covert raid, carried out by special operation forces acting on behalf of the Gold Vision Company, led to the capture of Swift Terminal in Eta Draconis.
  • Senator Kahina Tijani Loren’s Imperial Courier was tagged with a fine at Mars High apparently due to activating its boosters while still within the station
  • Federation continues to dominate the skies of Lugh. President Halsey honours those heroes who have made the greatest contribution to the war effort.
  • Senator Patreus and Aisling Duval have been spotted out and about on Faece this weekend. The Empire’s newest power couple took to the fashion halls for a pleasant afternoon shopping spree, accompanied by a vast entourage of followers and hangers-on.
  • The Crimson State Group’s air defences have been all but shredded by Federal forces.
  • Faith in Federal President Falling. Recent popularity polls have scored President Halsey at a shockingly low 26% approval rating
  • President Halsey demands that Federal pilots attack and destroy an unarmed refugee convoy as it fled from the fighting around Lugh 6.
  • The debate in Congress turned ugly tonight, as members of both parties grilled President Halsey over her mishandling of the Federation’s interests during the last six months.
  • The Crimson State Group and the Sons of Conn have managed to wrestle control of Hartsfield Market from the Lugh for Equality Party.
  • The Federal Navy Withdraws from Lugh – Fighting Continues.
  • Demand for original Onionhead is higher than ever.
  • The War for Lugh: A Temporary Peace.
  • Fearful that yet another rich, powerful system would soon leave the Federal fold, President Jasmina Halsey ordered the Federal Navy to suppress the populist uprising.
  • CMDR Swift Arrow claims to be the first explorer to fully map out the entire NGC 3199 Sector, and the 2nd explorer to visit the nebula
  • Senator Patreus and the Citizens for Tradition won a war against the Falisci Purple Gang. Its leadership was in chains, and its members sold off to work as Imperial Slaves.
  • Alliance representatives from Alioth extended an invitation to f Senator Kahina Tijani Loren to visit their star-systems.
  • Shadow President Zachary Hudson held a press conference on Mars earlier today to address rumours that he would be seeking support to oust President Halsey from office.
  • Aisling Duval was in the spotlight again last night, as the diva Duval took to the streams to call out Zemina on the popular Imperial talk show, ‘A Fireside Chat with Serena’. “
  • The small system of Themiscrya has found itself embroiled in a row with Imperial Senator Denton Patreus who demanded Themiscrya to pay its debt.
  • Federal Vice President Naylor Pledges Support of Halsey.


  • Investigation into the Emperor's Assassination Attempt Ongoing.
  • Prism Senator Kahina Tijani Loren Returns to Empire.
  • More scandal accompanied Senator Kahina Tijani Loren’s visit when she was presented with a large vial of Gerasian Liquor by representatives at a concert in London
  • Onionhead Sales Still Growing.
  • Shadow President Hudson Swears to Succeed where Halsey Failed.
  • Princess Arissa Addresses the Nation.
  • Hudson Takes Tour of Brightlight Facilities with Admiral Vincent's closest aides received a warm greeting when he visited the Hors system earlier today.
  • Aisling’s Angels did the best they could to support the people’s princess, freeing an astonishing 1,149,756 Imperial Slaves in the span of just one week.
  • Thousands of criminals have been apprehended by Commanders working on behalf of Princess Arissa, although sadly only a handful of them were able to provide clues as to who ordered the attack on the Emperor.
  • Senator Patreus has reached a new financial agreement with Themiscrya, a system that owes the Senator a sizeable debt due to loans taken out by the current government before they came to power
  • This evening marks the 153rd annual Exphiay Bankers’ Ball. Shadow President Hudson will be in attendance.
  • The office of Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval issued a statement this morning to reveal what information had been collected by members of the Imperial Court loyal to the House of Duval.
  • All over the Federation is reports of a resurgence in nightclubs catering to under-40s.
  • On Arissa’s orders a sizeable number of Counts and Earls have flocked to Facece to help investigate both their fellow nobility and the citizenry under their care for the investigation into the attack on her father.
  • A GalPoll results show that President Halsey's popularity continues to fall, with her approval rating now down to an abysmal 16%
  • Kui Hsien and Quivira have refused to acknowledge Silver Universal PLC’s legal right to increase its rates.
  • Denton Patreus and Aisling Duval were spotted grabbing dinner in Capitol late last night at the very exclusive pop-up restaurant, Fodder.
  • Shadow President Hudson appeared before Congress earlier today to demand that President Halsey address the continued spread of Onionhead throughout Federal space.
  • The Shadow President’s tour of the Federation continued this week with a medical visit to the Reyan BPS headquarters aboard Moisuc Station, Mongan.
  • The East India Company, announced a new initiative they are calling “the Galactic Silk Road”.
  • Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval provided some new insight into the ongoing investigation into the attempted assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval
  • Imperial Law and Order: Investigation into Attack on Emperor Continues.
  • After winning the ‘Great Slaver Showdown’, the office of Senator Torval released a statement to GalNet in honour of the Emperor, for the glory of House of Duval, Torval authorised the sale of 5 million Imperial Slaves
  • Thousands of Imperial bounty hunters answered the call of Princess Arissa over the last week, joining her in the hunt to uncover the identity of the cabal behind the cowardly attack on the ailing Emperor.
  • Senator Patreus has today begun the process of sending his agents to reclaim the debt owed to him by the government of Kui Hsien.
  • Senator Denton Patreus has today announced an initiative to rejuvenate Parkinson Dock, in order to promote the development of High Tech goods in Eotienses.
  • Zemina Torval Apologises for Synteini Slave Snafu.
  • Denton Patreus and Aisling Duval were spotted in attendance at ‘A Dinner to Defeat Dementia’ in Capitol last night.
  • Race to Center of Galaxy Starts in Sol called the Buckyball Run A*
  • Evidence suggests that rogue members of Silver Allied Network channelled funds for the attack on the Emperor through Silver Universal Plc.
  • A group of Federal Commanders, known as the Merchant Marines, engaged in a series of unauthorised attacks against Imperial traders in the employ of Senator Patreus.
  • Hudson Praises Merchant Marines.
  • Reorte Liberated by the Alliance.
  • Emperor’s Grace Indicted in Attack on Emperor.
  • President Halsey Denounces Patron’s Principles.
  • President Halsey Announces Tour of Frontier Systems.
  • Arissa Prepares to Present Evidence about the foiled attack on the Emperor to Imperial Senate blaming the HR 706 Chapter of Emperor’s Grace.
  • Victory in Volungu for Federal Forces which neutralized the threat from Patron’s Principles.


  • Quivira Feels the Wrath of Patreus.
  • Prism Senator Planning New Voyage?
  • Securing the Old Worlds. For months the Old Worlds have been terrorised by roaming gangs of psychopaths and thieves. Residents’ pleas for help have been rejected by the Alliance's Council of Admirals
  • Hostage Crisis in Eotienses Turns Bloody. A tense hostage situation in Eotienses turned bloody as East India Company members failed to negotiate the liberation of an Imperial trader from a pirate group the Code.
  • Scientists Baffled by Mysterious Artefacts.
  • Residents of the Lave cluster Silver United succeed at securing the Zaonce system from lawless scum.
  • Turmoil hit the small system of Quivira as thousands of Imperial pilots descended to deliver the wrath of Senator Denton Patreus on his debtors.
  • President Halsey's Tour of Frontier Systems is set to begin shortly.
  • Prism Senator Kahina Tijani Loren was summoned to Achenar.
  • Research into the recently recovered Unknown Artefact has intensified. Scientists, engineers and Commanders are flocking to assist Dr Arcanonn and his team from all across populated space.
  • President may not be taking her planned tour, following news that Shadow President Hudson publicly challenged President Halsey to a live policy debate on the popular Federal political stream show ‘Face the People’.
  • President Halsey Refuses Shadow President’s Request.
  • 78 Ursae Majoris Reacts to President Halsey’s Intended Visit.
  • The Alliance Supports Five a Day in Diso! On Friday the Green Party of Diso announced their plans to rejuvenate the failing financial fortunes of Birmingham.
  • Quivira Electronics Plc, acting under orders of Senator Denton Patreus, launched an all out attack on the People’s Quivira for Equality Party
  • Prism Senator Kahina Tijani Loren denies intending to challenge for the leadership of the Empire.
  • Senator Denton Patreus officially declared War on the impoverished system of Quivira. Thousands of vessels loyal to Patreus have been pouring into Quivira ever since, bringing death and destruction to any non-Imperial ships that they find.
  • Crowds of residents gathered on Mars to watch the presidential battlecruiser, Space Flight One, depart on the start of President Halsey’s tour of Federal frontier systems.
  • New reports from the frontier suggest that a horde of militant nomads called The Kumo Crew is sweeping their way through the Pegasi Sector.
  • 78 Ursae Majoris Increases Security Ahead of Presidential Visit.
  • For the first time in almost a decade, Utopixx Entertainment, the subsidiary of Reynhardt Intellisys responsible for some of the top virtual reality experiences in the galaxy, has posted an operating loss of almost 5,000,000,000,000 credits.
  • Upgrade of Parkinson Dock Complete after two weeks of frantic construction with close to 70,000 engineers.
  • Kahina Tijani Loren refuses to commit to factions or future, remains ambivalent to inquiries into her intentions.
  • According to sources close to Dr. Arcanonn and his team, Halsey's government have refused to acknowledge that Federation ships were transporting the artefacts through populated space, despite mounting evidence.
  • As further alien artefacts claiming to be from Soontill are being sold on the open market, the results of the initial scientific tests revealed they're not made by humans.
  • Imperial forces loyal to Senator Patreus continued their assault on Quivira, and due to their efforts, Quivira Electronics Plc was finally able to secure control over Godel Dock early on Monday afternoon.
  • The war-torn region of Quivira has finally settled into an uneasy peace, following an intense period of fighting which saw hundreds of thousands dead and several billion credits worth of damage done to the local economy.
  • Anti-Federation Terrorists Linked to Artefact Research.
  • The accomplishments of independent pilots participating in the Buckyball Run A* rally race continue to make headlines around civilized space.
  • Aisling Opens Art Installation on Emerald.
  • Arissa Addresses Problems in Persephone. "the illness affecting the refugees, many of whom are malnourished and woefully lax in terms of adequate vaccination cover, is not something that should concern the locals."
  • The return of Onionhead to Panem may be a blessing for the farmers of Kappa Fornacis, but for their neighbours, the Fornacian dream has turned into a living nightmare.
  • Terrorism Claims Against Wolzan and the Shadow Navy Denounced by Crimson Fortune Company.
  • Reports from Saga indicate that President Halsey missed her scheduled meeting with delegates aboard Zudov Terminal.
  • Starship One, with President Halsey and Vice President Naylor on board, went missing after entering hyperspace
  • Felicia Winters was declared Acting President in the wake of the disappearance of Spaceflight One.
  • Acting Federal President Felicia Winters made a personal appearance to address the disappearance of Starship One after failing to re-enter normal space following a routine hyperspace jump.
  • Federal Search Efforts Continue.
  • Shadow President Hudson today called an Emergency Session of Congress to address concerns surrounding Starship One’s disappearance.
  • Despite claims that the disappearance of Starship One was due to a failure in the ship’s Frame Shift Drive, rumours abound about a more sinister, possibly extraterrestrial explanation.
  • Following Shadow President Zachary Hudson’s call to have Congress issue a Vote of No Confidence against President Jasmina Halsey, Acting President Felicia Winters held a press conference outside Congress to address the Shadow President’s concerns about the future.
  • Shadow President Zachary Hudson has continued his criticism of Halsey’s administration, finally moving to the feared vote of no confidence.
  • It has now been 5 days since Starship One lost contact, and the search and rescue teams have yet to find any trace of the missing ship or her crew.
  • Shadow President Hudson placed a motion before Congress asking that they issue a Vote of No Confidence against President Halsey’s administration.
  • 78 Ursae Majoris Celebrates Security with Shield Sale. News of the catastrophic accident that is believed to have consumed Starship One, and taken the President’s life, has been spreading through the galaxy


  • Members of Congress from across the Federation made their way to Mars, in response to Shadow President Hudson's call for a Vote of No Confidence Against the current liberal administration.
  • Following a 66% vote of no confidence by the Federal Congress, the missing Jasmina Halsey lost the presidential title on 02 JUN 3301
  • Zachary Hudson was declared President of the Federation on 02 JUN 3301
  • The loss of Starship One was linked to Mechanical Failure according to a Federal Navy report
  • Many Federal systems began taking a much firmer stance against the supply and distribution of illegal narcotics as per the changing political climate.
  • The majority of Federal worlds are content to wait and see what kind of President Zachary Hudson will be.
  • Shadow President Felicia Winters intends to start her time in office by taking on her ex-employer in a bid to stabilize the Federation’s interests in the Tascheter sector.
  • Both Federal and Alliance campaigners turned out in force to exert their influence over the Eranin sector.
  • The now wealthy farmers managed to create a new strain of Onionhead, and so the spread started, working alone and with others.
  • A week ago the Hand Gang of Gandii and the Camorra of Krisha issued a call asking for allies of the Kumo Crew to aid them in overthrowing the authorities in their homelands which was met with a weak response.
  • Shadow President Felicia Winters was spotted meeting with representatives of Utopia aboard Tanner Settlement in Polevnic which was seen as her being at odds with her predecessor’s hard-line.
  • Hundreds of supposedly honourable Imperial commanders crossed the border to smuggle massive quantities of Imperial Slaves to sell in black markets controlled by the Kumo Crew.
  • President Hudson hinted at a raft of new policies to motivate the Federation’s youth.
  • Simguru Pranav Antal addressed rumours that the Utopians had entered negotiations to ally themselves with Shadow President Winters’ supporters.
  • For some groups, President Halsey's disappearance Is not a "case closed".
  • Infighting and infiltration has been rife within the Kumo Crew since Delaine began accepting new members, causing the Kumo to falter in their bid to take over the Pegasi system.
  • Kappa Fornacis Calls Federal Freedom Into Question.
  • Angels Flock to Follow the People’s Princess Aisling Duval to bring about meaningful change in the Empire.
  • Chancellor Blaine reported “I am pleased to report that the Emperor is recovering nicely”
  • Prime Minister Mahon Announces Open Trade Agreement in Old World Cluster.
  • Federal Vigilantes Defy All Galactic Powers by declaring itself its own sovereign power.
  • Thousands of Pegasi sector civilians were forced to evacuate their homes last week, following a series of brutal raids carried out in the name of Archon Delaine.
  • Archon Delaine and his Kumo Crew have continued their seemingly unstoppable rampage across the Pegasi sector this week.
  • The Pilots Federation Supports Fuel Rat Initiative.
  • Prime Minister Mahon announces open trade agreement for Lave cluster.
  • Infection runs Rampant in BD-02 4304. Hundreds of businesses closed, thousands of people are quarantined.


  • Mahon speaks out on Alliance Values.
  • The Utopians unveiled their plans to fight back against the pirates of the Pegasi sector.
  • Emperor's Grace Blocks People’s Princess move in to disrupt the long standing Imperial slave trade of Rishair.
  • Aisling Supporters Pledge to Commander Andariel in the 'Thirteenth Legion'.
  • The governing authorities for Pangborn Dock in the Abres system released an open contract for a staggering quantity of Osmium.
  • Commanders following Simguru Pranav Antal and those of Sirius Gov agreed a non-aggression pact.
  • Fuel Rat Rescue Operation Saves Millions of Credits.
  • United Imperial Offensive into Pegasi Sector.
  • Cosmic State and Emperor's Grace Develop Joint Technology Company.
  • In the Carns system, plans were revealed to upgrade the extraction and industrial facilities to support high tech operations.
  • Grand Sale of Slaves in Carns.
  • Scientists working under Dr Arcanonn uncovered that the discovered "Unknown Artefacts" may have some basis in human technology.
  • Naval Academy Graduates join "Operation Davy Jones" in the Pegasi Sector.
  • Leaked Data Caused Concerns over Latest Imperial modules by discredited Professor Denzile Dex.
  • The commanders of the Alliance and Sirius Corporation celebrate the one month anniversary of the Inter-faction Mutual Benefit Agreement (IMBA).
  • The outbreak of the Cerberus Plague beyond BD-02 4304 is slowed by efforts of the local authorities and independent pilots.
  • After several decades as a Freelance member of the Pilots Federation, Commander DarkStar decided to unite a fleet of former Imperial and Federal pilots as the Nova Fleet.
  • Senator Anders Blaine declaired with obvious joy on his face that the Emperor has awoken from his coma.
  • For his service to the Empire by joining the fray and training wings during a war in the Pancienses system, Commander Na’Qan was awarded the Imperial Order of Merit, First Class, from Senator Arrissa Lavigny-Duval.
  • Adle's Armada Looks to End Illegal Arms Deal in Hel.
  • Security Support Needed For Cerberus Plague Intervention.
  • Grand Slave Sale in Carns Ends.
  • The Emperor Hengist Duval speaks out for unity.
  • The Imperial blockade of Harma and the surrounding systems has intercepted thousands of free citizens who were branded as slaves by the Kumo Crew.
  • Joel Xander, the Federal governor of BD-22 3573 of the Federally aligned Forrester Station was removed from office and arrested.
  • Senator Kahina Tijani Loren went missing from her Imperial suite where she resided.
  • The Office for the Emperor published details of the wedding between Emperor Hengist Duval and Florence Lavigny which is at midday on Wednesday 29th July.
  • Cerberus Plague Outbreaks in the Bast, Una and Santjalan Systems.
  • Victoria Wolf VI and Commodore Stone launch Operation Augeas to rid BD-22 3573 of criminal elements troubling local miners and traders.
  • The Code leaves Archon Delaine's Crew.
  • Newly promoted Chief Communications Officer Ramon Lamor held an enthusiastic press conference announcing the success of Humason Orbital’s project to upgrade its economy to High Tech.
  • Emperor's Grace and Cosmic State commence weapons manufacture.
  • Dignitaries and guests from the farthest reaches of the Empire have started arriving on Capitol.
  • In response to the devastating Cerberus Plague outbreak on the frontier, the Dukes of Mikunn mobilized their members, the Mercenaries of Mikunn, to affected systems to assist local governments in quelling the plagues.
  • Federation Secession Crisis. Debate continues to rage in local governments throughout the Pegasi sector over Senator Lavigny-Duval's invitation to become Imperial citizens.
  • Aisling Duval questions convenience of Emperor’s recovery and the motives of Senator Anders Blaine and other parties close to the Emperor.
  • Cerberus Plague Breakthrough. Patients at Hart Station who were offered Ceremonial Heike Tea showed some improvement in their health.
  • The efforts of the Imperial forces engaged in “Operation Davy Jones” have continued this week, with the attackers keeping up the pressure on Archon Delaine’s stretched and battered forces.
  • While medical teams across the galaxy work to develop the quantities of antidote needed to eliminate the Cerberus Plague, fresh outbreaks of the disease are appearing in other systems.
  • Concerns have been raised that the ongoing war of liberation in the Pegasi sector, Operation Davy Jones, left the Empire exposed to invasion and corruption.
  • Unaffiliated supporters of Arissa Lavigny-Duval voiced concerns at rumours of an escalating intervention in the Pegasi Sector on the part of Lavigny's Legion.
  • Senator Denton Patreus takes his turn to congratulate the Emperor on his return to health and for the upcoming wedding.
  • Ex-Governor Joel Xander Charged with Venality and Abuse of Office by Federal prosecutor Kerstin Marling


  • The Sim-Archive with vast collections stored as sims of Antal opens to Visitors for the first time.
  • Fight Against Cerberus Plague Continues.
  • Imperial Commanders close in on well-known smuggling route between Torval and Delaine owned systems.
  • Legate Andariel, of Aisling’s 13th Legion, ended the ceasefire between the 13th Legion and Winters’ Wolves
  • Sirius Corporation shuttle was destroyed and five people were killed when its docking computer failed on approach to Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system.
  • The Eve of the Wedding. The atmosphere on Capitol is electric. The whole city is abuzz with what some commentators have declared ‘The Wedding of the Century’.
  • Morning of the Wedding. Even though the ceremony won’t start until midday, well-wishers have been lining the procession route throughout the night to ensure they have a good position.
  • Emperor Hengist Duval was assassinated on his wedding day in 3301, where he was intending to marry Florence Lavigny. Hengist was stabbed by a high-ranking member of the congregation.
  • Medical supply ships transporting the Cerberus Plague antidote from the starport are being targeted by pirates.
  • Chancellor Anders Blaine declared the beginning of the official period of mourning for Emperor Hengist Duval.
  • Following news of the Emperor’s assassination, Gutamaya Shipyards decided to reinstate the default restrictions on all their ships.
  • After medical teams delivered the Cerberus Plague antidote to systems affected by the disease, reports say that the plague has been eradicated from a dozen systems.
  • Chancellor Blaine has accepted the task of governing the Empire until the succession has been determined.
  • Children of Liberty call out Alliance hypocrisy claims that a "huge gulf" exists between the Alliance's professed goals and values and the reality present in many of its member systems.
  • Millions of senators, patrons, clients, citizens and slaves from across the Empire are making the journey to the Hall of Martyrs on Capitol in the Achenar system to pay their respects to the late Emperor.
  • Leaked Footage of Emperor’s Assassination. In a move sending shockwaves of revulsion throughout the Empire, independent newsfeed Russell Networks broadcasted what is claimed to be a holographic recording.
  • Where's Walden Now? Today marks 36 years since the last ‘Walden Day’, the annual celebration of the great leader across all four continents of Lave.
  • Some elements of the lower-level Imperial political scene have challenged Senator Denton Patreus to explain his connection to Brendan Paul Darius, the assassin responsible for the murder of the Emperor.
  • Efforts to eliminate pirate vessels targeting medical supply ships in the region were resoundingly successful.
  • Two people died in a crash when a personal transport collided with a Lakon Type-9 Heavy transport vessel.
  • The government of the Apalar system issued an unusual request, inviting independent pilots to help them elevate their system’s economy.
  • Defensive lines along the Imperial border held strong as the expeditionary forces of Operation Davy Jones were joined by detachments of the Imperial Fleet to protect against Archon Delaine's aggressive advance.
  • Scores of marked slaves were rescued by Imperial Commanders in the ‘United Offensive’ in the Pegasi sector.
  • Torval Offers Support to Patreus and condemned sordid elements of Imperial media that continued their campaign against Senator Patreus about his connection with Emperor Hengist Duval’s killer.
  • Imperial Inquisition and Emperor's Grace hold a meeting about the Emperor's murder, Pegasi sector and more.
  • Conspiracy expert Ricardo Bentonio claims aliens kidnapped President Halsey.
  • Personal security of Princess Aisling Duval is under review as another private conversation leaked to the press.
  • The immediate family of assassin Brendan Paul Darius – including his mother, father, sister and six year old niece were found murdered at their home on Eotienses.
  • Pirate POWs Pack Prisons. The Pegasi Pirate War stemming from the United Imperial Offensive has taxed the logistical prowess of the Empire.
  • Officials at Svavarsson Terminal in the Apalar system announced that they received the necessary quantities of industrial materials to elevate their system’s economy
  • Imperial Naval infantry have again intervened as protesters – who took issue with Senator Denton Patreus’s connection to Brendan Paul Darius attempted to prevent access to some of Patreus’s allies late last night.
  • Far from the Hall of Martyrs, Imperial citizens across the Empire have been paying tribute to the late Emperor.
  • In her first public appearance since the death of her fiancé Emperor Hengist Duval on their wedding day, Florence Lavigny made a short statement in the Imperial Palace press hall calling people to be calm.
  • Children of Liberty offer prescription for Empire's future addressing the "crossroads" the Empire finds itself.
  • Prime Minister Edmund Mahon received allegations that unnamed elements within the Pilots Federation are deliberately undermining democratic factions in the Old Worlds.
  • The hunt for the killers of the Darius family came to a dramatic conclusion today in a firefight with local security forces on Eotienses. The suspects who were local vigilantes were killed.
  • The Federal Security Services today revealed that a member of the Presidential Protection Detail has been found dead in her home.
  • Imperial Slave Association conducted a surprise audit by special committee of the Imperial senate. The records and practices of the ISA were meticulously examined to ensure compliance with laws governing the treatment and transportation of Imperial slaves.
  • 'Operation Uranus’ Successful. This week, Archon Delaine hit back at the renewed Imperial offensive.
  • A spokesperson for the Alectrona Imperial Society announced that its appeal for construction materials reached a successful conclusion.
  • Federal and Imperial Diplomats Discuss the Pegasi Sector.
  • Report Raises Concerns about the overall purpose of Operation Davy Jones.
  • Famous Reporter Commits Suicide. The hunt for Elaine Boyd ended today with the discovery of her body in a low-rent hotel in Wyrd.
  • Heike Security Forces pilot Kenji Nobu reluctantly admits that not all visitors to the station are being subjected to "the full scrutiny of the law".
  • Fuel Rats Complete 1,000th Rescue. Heroes: that's what some call the Fuel Rats.
  • The civic authorities on Capitol have reported needing to use strategic reserves of food, medical supplies and shelters as millions of mourners now fill the streets.
  • Athena System Hosts ‘XYZ Fight Club’ a popular gladiatorial tournament.
  • Zemina Torval and Florence Lavigny Join Patreus’ Campaign. Senator Patreus sees a resurgence of support since his declaration of war against the group responsible for Emperor Hengist Duval’s murder.
  • Antares Incident Links to VP’s Death? The case of reporter Elaine Boyd took an unexpected turn as several respected newsfeeds, such as the Federal Times, automatically received encrypted data packages from Boyd.
  • The encrypted data packages revealed that Agent Susan Monroe, who Boyd was accused of murdering, was part of Vice President Nigel Smeaton’s protection detail at the time of his death.
  • An Imperial Navy commando unit uncovered a hidden forward command post for the Kumo Crew invasion force in the Tjakiri system.


  • the Federal Times posted a story highlighting possible links between a non-exec member of the board of Core Dynamics and Vice President Nigel Smeaton’s death.
  • Core Dynamics spokesman responded “Any impropriety by any member of the board will be fully investigated"
  • Public Viewing of Emperor Hengist Duval ceases. In the past month an estimated seven million mourners arrived on Capitol and have waited in line to enter the vestibule where the Emperor’s body has lain.
  • The funeral of Emperor Hengist Duval, the 15th Emperor in the Duval line, took place amidst a crowd of millions on Capitol in the Achenar system.
  • Utopia: More Than a Cult? Spokespeople for Utopia have responded to recent accusations that dissidents in systems under their control are being roughly treated.
  • A company called BlipMagnet has decided to capitalise on this phenomenon with the Hutton mug, a commemorative beaker bearing the legend (you guessed it) ‘I made it to Hutton Orbital'
  • To commemorate CMDR Satari's mother’s passing, the rights to register a planet in her name were purchased from Universal Cartography.
  • The Senate reopened today to deliberate how the question of succession will be resolved. Chancellor Anders Blaine opened the discussion.
  • Core Dynamics unveiled their latest offering, the Federal Gunship, a sturdy combat vessel designed to provide the Federation with a superior fighter escort.
  • Imperial Veteran General Anthony Corvus is sceptical about Patreus’s Campaign against Emperor's Dawn.
  • As the campaign against Emperor’s Dawn escalates, captured materials have revealed more about the group and its aims to destabilise imperial society.
  • New Combat Fighter from Gutamaya Shipyards, the Imperial Eagle.
  • The insurgent group Emperor's Dawn issued a public appeal for commodities while Senator Patreus launched a military operation against Emperor’s Dawn.
  • Imperial intelligence has discovered several bases belonging to Emperor’s Dawn.
  • Kumo Crew fleets will soon descend on Imperial territory in an effort to cultivate further civil unrest according to leaked military intelligence.
  • At a public charity event in which several dozen slaves were granted their freedom, Princess Aisling Duval took the opportunity to speak about the succession.
  • A Federal research program has been established to study the strange objects discovered in a number of systems. It's led by Professor Ishmael Palin.
  • Following the audit of the Imperial Slave Association, the Imperial Senate Audit Committee has recommended the introduction of further regulations governing the treatment and transportation of Imperial slaves.
  • A concealed data chit was discovered among the personal belongings of Vice President Nigel Smeaton.
  • Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval Calls Impromptu Press Conference after the day’s Senate deliberations finished.
  • Officials at Ocrinox's Orbiter announced their intention to build a state-of-the-art resettlement facility for refugees of the Pegasi Pirate War.
  • Kumo Crew commanders swept across a number of systems controlled by Arissa Lavigny-Duval in the last seven days.
  • Imperial Internal Security Service Issues another public appeal for exploration data.
  • The Imperial Herald published details of alleged links between the secretive group backing Princess Aisling Duval and some of the funding sources for the Emperor’s Dawn insurgency.
  • Hundreds of independent pilots help resettle Pegasi Sector refugees at Ocrinox's Orbiter in the Munshin system.
  • Princess Aisling issued a statement denying knowledge of the connection with the Emperor’s Dawn insurgency.
  • The Federal research program established to study the ‘anomalous extraterrestrial objects’ was terminated.
  • Senator Denton Patreus issued angry demand for a full senate investigation into the reported links between Emperor’s Dawn and Princess Aisling Duval’s office.
  • Chancellor Anders Blaine declared that a Senate investigation into the claimed connection between Princess Aisling Duval’s office and the insurgent group Emperor’s Dawn was to be undertaken immediately.
  • Utopia added its support to the Mushin government’s call for help as the Pegasi Pirate War continues to displace millions of citizens.
  • Princess Aisling Duval issued a statement praising the efforts of relief workers in the Munshin system.
  • Eccentric billionaire Alfred Jeffress announced his intention to initiate a galaxy-wide treasure hunt and to give a share of his vast fortune to the winner.
  • Reports pour in from the Amitrite system of pirate attacks on refugees fleeing the Pegasi Pirate War.
  • Scientists based at Newholm Station in the Sothis system made a startling announcement – the discovery of an entirely new metalloid called Sothis Crystalline Gold.
  • Senator Patreus offers support to Senator Lavigny-Duval for the succession to the Imperial Throne.
  • Professor Ishmael Palin was invited to join the Canonn Interstellar Research Group.
  • The cockpit bobbleheads returned after intense lobbying by pilot groups and toy manufacturers to lift a ban.
  • Shadow President Felicia Winters called for an open and thorough investigation into the allegations made in recent articles posted by the Federal Times.
  • Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval gained more powerful support from Senator Patreus for the succession.
  • Officials from the Defence Force of Amitrite praised the many pilots who helped clear the system of pirates.
  • President Hudson Confirms Investigation is underway in the allegations raised by the Federal Times.
  • Emperor's Dawn Appeal for progenitor cells and narcotics had a mixed response.


  • Professor Ishmael Palin was flattered, but declined to join the Canonn Interstellar Research Group.
  • It was revealed that one of Princess Aisling Duval's key advisors, Patron Damon Clarke, was connected to Emperor's Dawn. She reportedly cooperated with both the Senate and IISS investigations into the allegations.
  • Preparation to mark the upcoming anniversary of the so-called 'Bacon Protests' are underway.
  • Pioneer explorer CMDR Kommodore returned from deep space, having reached Sagittarius A* in his Eagle-class starship – the first known attempt in such a vessel and he cataloged almost 3,900 star systems.
  • Agents of the Imperial Guard and IISS arrested several members of Chancellor Anders Blaine's staff.
  • Fuel Rats Complete 2,000th Rescue.
  • Imperial Succession Vote in Senate. Chancellor Blaine was the strongest candidate, but the revelation of his indirect connection to Emperor's Dawn left Aisling and Arissa as the most convincing contenders.
  • After a clear majority vote by the Senate, Arissa Lavigny-Duval was declared Emperor of the Empire. She's the first female leader of the Empire since Marlin Duval founded the original colony on Achenar in the 23rd century.
  • Remembering the Victims of the Cerberus Plague. As of today, the disease is officially considered extinct.
  • Federal Times Reporter Lends Weight to 'Master Chef' story which claimed that secret genetic experiments were being conducted in the Noti system.
  • The starport of Bacon City played host to the inaugural Bacon Protests anniversary celebrations, which commemorated the repeal of the meat ban that affected citizens of the Carnoeck system in 3288.
  • The requested exploration data by IISS resulted in astrological data, which was subjected to rigorous analysis by the IISS and produced a list of star systems that the IISS believed contain Emperor's Dawn bases.
  • Increased Security on Capitol due to Emperor's Dawn threatening to sabotage the Imperial coronation ceremony, and the Emperor's assassination still casting a pall over the city.
  • An increasing number of political commentators ask the question: where does Emperor's Dawn get its money?
  • Prime Minister Mahon Holds Influence over 1,000 Systems. The office of Edmund Mahon has announced the signing of the Prime Minister's one thousandth trade agreement.
  • Emperor's Dawn was Connected to Universal Cartographics Security Breach.
  • Gutamaya Shipyards' latest vessel, the Imperial Eagle, is available for purchase.
  • Senator Denton Patreus dispatched military fleets to three of the systems occupied by the Emperor's Dawn.
  • Li Yong-Rui, the CEO of the Sirius Corp., announced ambitious plans to revitalize his company's new holdings.
  • In preparation for the coronation, the future Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval invited galactic citizens to bring her gifts in exchange for certain incentives.
  • Carnoeck System Clean up Nearly Over. Hundreds of combat pilots participated.
  • Appeal for rare commodity Aganippe Rush comes to an end.
  • Reports from the Warkushanui system indicate that a number of starports in the region are experiencing technical issues.
  • Arissa Lavigny-Duval Crowned Emperor. It looked like the entire population had come to witness the procession of Arissa Lavigny-Duval through the city to the Imperial Palace.
  • More than 220,000 pilots signed a petition calling for an inquiry into the lack of anti-collision lights on starships and emergency lighting on system-authority ships.
  • Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval denounced Emperor's Dawn as enemies of the Empire, and praised Senator Denton Patreus's handling of the fight against them.
  • As the technical problems in Warkushanui intensify, some commentators drew attention to the fact that the number of anomalous extraterrestrial objects (or AEOs) discovered in the system recently increased.
  • For the past few months, a development group founded by the Explorer's Association has been working on plans to build a starport in the Pleiades Nebula.
  • Sirius Corporation takes aim at pirates in the Robigo system. The Sirius Corporation has a history of taking a zero-tolerance approach to those who threaten its holdings.
  • The starport of Gaiman Dock in 49 Arietis has been hit with a plethora of issues, including power outages and system failures.
  • The Empire dealt critical blows to the Emperor's Dawn forces in the Namarii, Tabaldak and LTT 874 systems.
  • Millions of credits' worth of insurance claims were issued as the Commanders of the XYZ Fight Club kicked off the 'Cobra Crunch'.
  • To commemorate 'Star Wars', the classic audiovisual entertainment series of the 20th and 21st century, the Buckyball Racing Club, sponsored by Leesti Azure Milk, presents the first part of a new galactic race, the Kessel Run.
  • Federation scientist Ishmael Palin initiates Independent Research Programme.
  • The Empire confirmed that the campaign had been a resounding success, resulting in the total destruction of all three Emperor's Dawn bases in the Namarii, Tabaldak and LTT 874 systems.
  • Work began on a new Ocellus starport in the Kaushpoos system.
  • Following news of technical issues in the Warkushanui system, officials at Gurragchaa Gateway announced that all station services, bar refuelling and rearming, have been suspended.
  • Investigations into the Empire conflicts with criminal groups uncovered disturbing connections, as many confiscated weapons and munitions bear serial numbers of garrison supplies stockpiled in the Guathiti system.
  • Pirates begun congregating in the Kaushpoos system, preying on the traders and contractors travelling to and from the construction site.
  • Eccentric billionaire and reclusive philanthropist Alfred Jeffress announced second treasure hunt.
  • CIRG Researcher Addresses Artefact Developments. The UA's Morse-transmission behaviour is evolving and are spreading at an alarming rate over a huge volume of space.
  • The starport of Weyn Dock in the 64 Arietis system bacome the latest to be affected by mysterious technical issues, following a rash of inexplicable breakdowns and malfunctions at starports in the Warkushanui system.


  • News of similar technical problems at Bond Hub in the Varati system are beginning to emerge.
  • Security personnel at Christian Dock in the Nganji System successfully apprehended a group of armed interlopers.
  • The Explorers' Association released a statement confirming that the pirates in the Kaushpoos system are eliminated. Hundreds of pilots responded to the organisation's appeal.
  • Imperial investigators confirmed ties between Archon Delaine's Kumo Crew and the mercenary group the Cayutorme Syndicate.
  • The treasure hunt organised by the billionaire and philanthropist Alfred Jeffress came to an end, Commander Woodhouse claimed victory.
  • London Relay in the Epsilon Indi system will host a summit conference focusing on terrorism and galactic security. Representatives from the Empire, the Federation and the Alliance will attend the three-day event.
  • Sirius Corp launched an initiative to boost the economy of HIP 8396. At the heart is a request for osmium.
  • The deadline for the inspection and disbandment of the mercenary Cayutorme Syndicate fleet has passed, and Imperial Naval vessels entered the Cayutorme system.
  • Mavia Kain, High Inquisitor of the Imperial Inquisition, formally announced the Galactic Games for Charity.
  • With the official coronation period over, Gutamaya Shipyards announced restrictions on its ships are reinstated
  • Imperial forces have begun their offensive against the Cayutorme Syndicate and its illegal fleet.
  • After several days of fighting between Imperial forces and the mercenaries of the Cayutorme Syndicate, order has been restored to the Cayutorme system.
  • Authorities in the Epsilon Indi system have reported a dramatic increase in smuggling over the past week.
  • The Explorers' Association announced a new Ocellus starport in the Pleiades Nebula enters final phase.
  • The Money Matters news feed reported that the market value of the unknown artefacts dramatically increased.
  • Sirius Corporation Program to deliver osmium to the people of HIP 8396 ends with positive appeal by miners.
  • The Explorers' Association announced the third stage of its Ocellus starport project is complete in Kaushpoos.
  • Request from the Drug Empire of Xelabara for onionhead drew hundreds of pirates to the system.
  • Additional starports have experienced a raft of mysterious technical issues and malfunctions in Hinz Hub in the Ngobe system, Tsunenaga Dock in the Iapodes system, and Li Qing Jao in Sol.
  • The Drug Empire of Xelabara has announced that its appeal for onionhead has been successful.
  • Authorities in the 64 Arietis system confirmed that station services at Weyn Dock have been suspended due to ongoing technical issues at the starport.
  • Revolutionary Noti Values Party announced that the Master Chefs are real and would be available for purchase. Human rights activists condemned the allegedly inhuman practices employed in training the Master Chefs.
  • A joint initiative from the Pilots Federation and the Fuel Rats resulted in a new colour scheme for search-and-rescue vessels.


  • Dr Arcanonn of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group calls for halt to artefact sales.
  • Gutamaya Shipyards Announces the Imperial Fighter.
  • The Explorer's Association is delighted by the positive appeal for exploration data by the galactic community.
  • The station Gabriel Enterprise in the Harma system is the latest to be affected by mystifying technical problems
  • Federation triumphs over Emperor's Dawn. Admiral Kirby confirmed the initiative to route them as a success.
  • Massive fake gem scam discovered originating from the region of the Prism system.
  • The Hel Purple Energy Industry in the Hel system issued an appeal to commemorate the winter solstice.
  • Billionaire Alfred Jeffress announced a third treasure hunt, the winner receives a share of his personal fortune.
  • Professor Ishmael Palin requested help to establish a research base on Maia B1BA to study unknown artefacts.
  • Technical issues currently plaguing the galaxy spread to Gabriel Enterprise in Harma.
  • Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corp, announced that they will launch an official search for the Antares ship.
  • Professor Palin announced the request for evacuation shelters was well received by the galactic community.
  • CMDR MAX RED and Sync Mercy completed Jeffress' treasure hunt within seconds of each other, both won.
  • Hel Purple Energy Industry's public appeal for crystalline spheres to commemorate winter solstice festival ends. Hundreds of independent pilots deliver the requested commodities to Snow Moon in the Bento system.
  • Independent Cherets Labour issued an open contract for fireworks to mark the start of 3302.
  • Clauss Incorporated's appeal for Special Gifts has been warmly received by the galactic community.
  • Sirius Corporation begins analysing wreckage of thousands of tonnes of space-borne debris that they received.



  • Alien structures have been confirmed on at least two planets in the Pleiades Nebula. Commander Octo (Cmdr Octo86) made the initial discovery on Merope 5c
  • Reports of curious wrecks of unknown vessels


  • In recognition of Senator Denton Patreus's victories over Emperor's Dawn, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval promoted him to Admiral of the Fleet, giving him command of the Imperial Navy




  • Starports damaged by Unknown Artefacts have been repaired with Meta-Alloys
  • Jaques Station, the only space station equipped for continuous star travel, attempted an extreme long-range jump to Beagle Point from Gliese 1269
  • Ever since Jaques Station arrived in Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 in June 3302, thousands of galactic citizens have migrated to the system which has been renamed Colonia in search of a new way of life.





  • The first permanent settlement in the system, Colonia Hub on the surface of Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 2 A (now known as Colonia 2 A), was inaugurated
  • Kahina Loren implicated in Patreus assassination attempt


  • The ruins of the Guardians were discovered by by CMDR XDeath in the Synuefe XR-H D11-102 system
  • Kahina Loren had been found guilty of the attempted assassination of Admiral Denton Patreus. She's sentenced to life imprisonment at Koontz Asylum in the Daibo system.
  • By 21 October 3302, the London Treaty, established in 3278 came to be perceived by some commentators as a major barrier to economic development. Later that year, the treaty was abolished altogether when Fleet Admiral Denton Patreus declared that the Empire would build as many capital ships as it deemed necessary to defend itself.





  • First Encounter with an Alien Ship, Suspected Thargoid. [Aries Dark Region XU-0 B63] Cmdr DP Sayre was the first known commander to encounter active alien vessels, 5th of January 3303.
  • Federation And Imperial Capital Ships are seen in deep space where known Alien Encounters Occurred [Pleiades Sector And Aries Dark Region Sectors]
  • Additional Federation And Imperial Capital ship sightings. A Federation Capital Ship has been Spotted in Merope 2C.
  • Imperial Factions react to discovery. Imperial Pilots ordered not to open fire on the alien vessels under any circumstances.
  • Superpowers Respond to Strange Sightings. Following several sightings of mysterious spacecraft, the leaders of the galaxy's three superpowers have released official statements.
  • Ishmael Palin said "there is a clear visual connection between these mysterious vessels, the shipwrecks found in HIP 17862 and the Pleiades, the Unknown Artefacts and the Unknown Probes." "we are sharing the galaxy with an intelligent non-human species. We therefore have an obligation to discover as much about this species"
  • An additional Capital ship is spotted, a Federal Farragut above merope 1A and another orbits the star.
  • Sirius Corp. to Address Unknown-Artefact Issue by funding research to make starports and other outposts more resistant to Unknown Artefact-related interference through the application of specific microresources.
  • Leaked communications suggest clandestine negotiations may be taking place between the Federation and Empire.
  • Ram Tah Discovers new Ancient Alien Sites of the Guardians.
  • An unidentified individual has been found dead at a Wreaken Construction site in the COL 70 sector.
  • Outspoken conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio said Thargoids exert direct influence over human society.


  • Children of Raxxla report says a covert mission occurred in the Formidine Rift, Conflux, Hawkin's Gap in 3270s.
  • Leaders of the galaxy's three superpowers released further statements about mysterious spacecraft reports.
  • Independent engineer Ram Tah said "I am delighted that our research has led explorers to further ancient sites, and I am hopeful that these ruins will yield fresh information about the Guardians."
  • A curious record surfaced, detailing an apparently clandestine expedition to find relics from the lost civilisation known as the Guardians.
  • Since the Synuefe ruins were discovered in October and engineer Ram Tah started researching the ruins, hundreds more joined the search, motivated by a thirst for knowledge or by the promise of reward.
  • Audit records from MetaDrive Inc., acquired by the Sirius Corporation last year, have been leaked into public data silos by persons unknown.
  • A carefully orchestrated heist, involving the theft of a large quantity of meta-alloys, has taken place at Darnielle's Progress in the Maia system.
  • Automated stellar probes in the HIP 16497 system picked up an unusual heat signature. Local explorers launched an investigation, to discover that an asteroid had inexplicably disappeared from the system.


  • Recent Reports indicate that a garbled distress call from somewhere in the Col 70 Sector has been received.
  • Three of the five individuals responsible for the recent theft of meta-alloys from Darnielle's Progress have been positively identified, following analysis of starport security footage.
  • Empire expanded into the Pleiades star cluster and established a number of outposts in the HR 1185 system.


  • In Imperial Space many imperial pilots are defying the standing kill-on-sight order on Commander Salome.
  • Admiral Aden Tanner was appointed as Chief of Federal Security and said "we can confirm these craft are active primarily within the Pleiades Nebula and the space in and around the Maia and Merope systems."
  • A weak signal from the Col 70 Sector has been detected by listening posts in both Federal and Imperial space.
  • HIP 22460 Is under an Unknown Permit Restriction.
  • Federation sets up two permanent outposts in Merope, First Being Lodestar Laborator on B1, The second being Thunderhead Garrison On 2C. Both have Capitals nearby. The FNS: Liberator is at 2 C while the FNS: Iris Is near 1 B and lastly The FNS: Hawk can be found in orbit of merope's star.
  • News at Obsidian Orbital suggest that the Ant Hill Mob have officially expanded into Merope.
  • Four new commodities have been found at Philips Terminal in the CD-17 190 System.
  • Technology Samples, Resign, Link, Biological Matter. These are related to UAs/UPs and flagged as salvage.
  • The Unknown Link's Description States: "An item Located at large wreckage sites”, It's appearance and composition indicate a common origin with the Unknown Artifacts and Probes found in the Merope System"
  • Philips Terminal is the only known station to buy or sell Unknown Links and likely other Unknown Commodities
  • Merope Population significantly increased to 850K. An Additional Planetary Outpost was established (Alcazar's Hope).
  • The FNS: Boxer is near Alcazar's, approx 32Km from the outpost. Below the FNS Boxer are two barnacles, they are not guarded by turrets but Air Patrols are active.
  • A group of EM-transmission technology enthusiasts in the Tionisla system claims to have found a message in the exploration
  • The Children of Raxxla claim to have found a Derelict MegaShip within the SYREADIAE JX-F C0 system, in the formidine rift (the Zurara Megaship).
  • The Empire and Federation announced plans to expand their presence in Maia by constructing new outposts.
  • The Alliance is about to expand its presence in the California Nebula by establishing a scientific outpost and an extraction facility in California Sector JH-V c2-12.
  • The first of possibly many Generation ships was discovered near the system of Alaunus.
  • The Zurara generation ship's logs painted a haunting picture, indicating that the ship’s crew sabotaged the vessel before killing themselves. The Zurara had been adrift in the system ever since.
  • Imperials succeed in collecting materials to build a new Outpost in the Maia system.
  • Another generation ship was found, this is the third one so far and it's named "Hyperion"
  • Authorities in the Merope system reported a conflict between the Pleiades Resource Enterprise, a Federal organisation, and the Merope Expeditionary Fleet, an Imperial organisation.


  • Imperial despatches have confirmed that Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren, was killed in the Arumclaw system on the 29th of April by a bounty hunter known as ‘Besieger’.
  • The imperial outpost Moni's Hub has been constructed in orbit of Maia 3 A 3.
  • Canonn got their own Scientific Research vessel designated as Gnosis in the system of Varati 6 A. Commanders delivered a grand total of 35.000.450 tonnes of Indium, Computer Components and tea.
  • Reports surfaced of mysterious attacks in the Maia system, where eyewitnesses claim to have found the remains of a number of Federal vessels.
  • Former Federal president Jasmina Halsey held a public demonstration in the Alioth system yesterday in protest of the ongoing conflict between the Empire and the Federation.
  • The Commander Artemis387 was hyperdicted in the HIP 15304 System which is a light year from the bubble.
  • Both the Empire and the Federation have accelerated their expansion plans in the Maia and Merope systems, deploying dozens of ships and establishing a number of outposts.
  • News feeds in the Varati system have provided extensive coverage of the maiden voyage of the Gnosis, a scientific-research vessel commissioned by the Canonn Interstellar Research Group.
  • An additional Barnacle was found in the Canyon 33.0Km from Alcazar's Hope on Merope 2 A.


  • The PRE And MEF have both completed and started work on constructing additional outposts in the Pleiades.
  • The so-called Unknown Ships have begun interacting with the barnacles in the Pleiades Sector.
  • Professor Palin asks the galactic community to gather Unknown Ship and Unknown Wake Data to prove his latest hypothesis.
  • As the Empire and Federation continue to consolidate their presence in the Pleiades star cluster, both superpowers have announced new expansion initiatives centered in the region.
  • Media streams have been abuzz with news that the so-called Unknown Ships are in fact Thargoid vessels, as many speculated.
  • The leaders of the galaxy's major powers responded to news that the mysterious ships seen in the Maia system and Pleiades Nebula are Thargoid vessels.
  • New Thargoid/Barnacle encounter discovered in [Pleiades Sector IX-S B4-4 B 1| -40.06 25.81] by Cmdr Harry Kruth.
  • Doctor Arcanonn of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group has issued a statement from the Gnosis concerning the recent discovery that the so-called Unknown Ships are in fact of Thargoid origin.
  • Federation and Empire Pleiades expansion community goal is complete.
  • As the galaxy reels from the revelation that the Thargoids have returned to human space, a number of independent pilots discovered huge Thargoid structures in the Pleiades Sector OS-U c2-7, Col 285 Sector CV-Y d57, Aries Dark Region DB-X d1-63, HIP 19026, and HIP 14909 systems.
  • Thargoid vessel Seen interacting with pilots at the 5th Alien Site (HIP 14909 | -26 / -27).
  • An attacked Federal Corvette was found 11Ls from the Arrival point in the HIP 14909 System.
  • Canonn found another Alien Site in MEL 22 SECTOR ZU-P C5-1 4B [-63.5 / 8.02] and hundreds more followed.
  • Following disturbing reports of attacks on Federal ships in the Pleiades Nebula, the partisan rancour that often characterises Federal Congress has faded into the background as both Republican and Liberal members of congress rally around President Zachary Hudson.


  • Listening Post signals leads Commanders to the Relay Station PSJ-17 in the Pleiades Sector, An apparent Black site controlled and run by a currently unknown organization (believed to be The Club).
  • Professor Ishmael Palin, leading authority on xeno-biological research, commented on the discovery of functional technology at the Thargoid structures.
  • Last month, the Empire and the Federation launched initiatives to bolster their presences in the Pleiades star cluster. Following the successful conclusion of both campaigns, they're working on construction projects.
  • A Human Starport was found in Pleiades Sector Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 where it orbits a landable planet with an Alien Site.
  • Reports from the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 indicate that the Oracle (Ocellus starport) relocated to the system to study the region’s Thargoid structure.
  • Communication Hub Zeta 12 Discovered at Electra 4.
  • Abroin Universal Plc announced plans to establish a research outpost in the Pleiades Nebula – one of the centers of Thargoid activity. The appeal for construction materials was well received by the galactic community.


  • Professor Alba Tesreau of the Achenar Research Council announced that a confederacy of scientists from the Empire, Federation and Alliance united with a joint superpower initiative to establish a new organisation: Aegis. The organisation’s remit is to gather further intelligence on the Thargoids and coordinate all future research.
  • The Alliance launched a research initiative designed to enhance human understanding of the Thargoids. The primary aim is to build a range of state-of-the-art instruments expressly designed to analyse Thargoid material.
  • A number of media outlets reported that the Sirius Corporation entered the Merope system, establishing two new outposts.
  • A number of independent factions, including the Federal Republican Command, have censured the Alliance for its apparently contradictory stance.
  • The Alliance announced that its research initiative was enthusiastically received by the galactic community.
  • Reports have surfaced that Admiral Aden Tanner, Chief of Federal Security and so-called ‘alien tsar’, is now liaising with Aegis, the inter-superpower initiative established to investigate the Thargoids.


  • Following news that scientists from the Alliance, Empire and Federation united to form a new research initiative, speculation is mounting that the cold war between the Empire and the Federation could be nearing an end.
  • Voices of Dissent reports that the Federal–Imperial cold war could soon end have resulted in jubilation in many parts of the galaxy.
  • In October last year, the Federation was criticised for positioning a Farragut-class Battlecruiser above Maia A 3 a, not far from the research base of Professor Ishmael Palin. It came days after Professor Palin announced a breakthrough in his research into meta-alloys. Now Federal ships withdrew the cordon of Maia A 3 a.
  • A distress call near Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55: Federal Fleet of 1 Cap ship, 6 Corvettes found destroyed.
  • Over the past few months, several reports have surfaced of Federal convoys coming under fire in the Maia system. While circumstantial evidence strongly suggested Thargoid involvement, the Federation declined to comment, saying only that the matter was “under investigation”.
  • Lieutenant Jarah Kael of the Federal Navy addressed rumours that the Thargoids may have attacked in self defence. “There has been speculation that the Thargoid attack was an act of self preservation. Nothing could be further from the truth.” "Data recovered from IR-W D1-55, including the black box from the Farragut-class Battlecruiser, proves beyond a doubt that the attack was initiated by the Thargoids."
  • A spokesperson for Aegis, the joint-superpower initiative established to coordinate research into the Thargoids, has confirmed that the organisation is to widen its remit. “Aegis has received sanctions from the leaders of all three superpowers to focus not only research, but also on defence."
  • Following news that the Thargoids attacked a Federal convoy in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 system, Aegis recruited two of the galaxy’s foremost independent engineers to immediately begin developing new defensive and offensive technologies.
  • Imperial fleet found destroyed in HR 1185. There's no official comment or acknowledgement on GalNet.
  • Pilots had dozens of hostile Thargoid encounters within the Pleiades Sector.
  • Several more disabled Federal and Imperial Patrols found.
  • A Pilot in a Diamondback Explorer 5k ly from Sol was pulled out of Supercruise by something while exploring and received a "Hazardous Substance Detected" message.
  • Banner Class Bulk Cargo Ship In Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 was attacked by Thargoids. This marks the first Thargoid attack on civilians in 3303.
  • First Aegis Initiative CGs concluded. The equipment will be distributed throughout the galaxy.
  • SDC gets the first recorded Thargoid kill.
  • Last week, Aegis started developing weapons and technologies to address the rising Thargoid threat. While some were dismayed to see Aegis shift to a military focus, the general consensus is that it was necessary.
  • As Aegis’ first campaign to address the Thargoid threat concludes, reports have reached the core systems of further Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades. A number of Imperial and civilian ships were targeted, with the strikes taking place in HIP 17962, HR 1185, IH-V C2-5 and the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55.
  • Many independent pilots have equipped their ships to test the anti-Thargoid weaponry. Aegis assembled a team of specialists to analyse the results of these encounters and determine the new weapons’ efficacy.


  • First Thargoid Attack In the Core Systems (Bubble) Confirmed.
  • Aquarius Class Tanker (Alfa lima Foxtrot-895) Found attacked and left Disabled by Thargoids in HIP 17962 A4.
  • Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’ chief military liaison, has released a statement confirming that the Thargoids have begun adapting to the weapons and tactics developed to combat them.
  • Aegis announced that its appeal for Thargoid-related materials has reached a successful conclusion.
  • Thargoid activity has escalated dramatically, with attacks from Thargoid Interceptor-class ships becoming increasingly common in the Pleiades Nebula.
  • Federation has withdrawn its ships from the region. The development follows ongoing speculation regarding the Federal-Imperial cold war.
  • First of presumably many INRA planetary outposts discovered.
  • In the wake of reports that the Federation has withdrawn from the Pleiades Nebula, authorities in the region have confirmed that the Empire has followed suit. The Imperial Ships already withdrew from the Pleiades a week before the federation did.
  • Abandoned INRA outpost discovered. The outpost was controlled by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.
  • Aegis announced that the third phase of its campaign received enthusiastic support of the galactic community.
  • Reports from the Pleiades indicate that the Thargoids are already operating more tactically, suggesting that their earlier lack of insight was due to unfamiliarity with our ships and weapons.
  • Some of the galaxy’s leading Thargoid experts discussed the discovery of a new alien ship in the HIP 17125 system. “There are clear similarities between this ship and the Interceptor, both of which appear to be made from a quasi-organic material."
  • Further abandoned Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm outposts were discovered in systems in the core. Records from the sites shed light on the INRA’s activities, and indicate that the mycoid fungus, instrumental in countering the Thargoid incursions of the 3100s, was an unplanned by-product of the organisation’s research.
  • Two known systems have been recently colonized/occupied by Aegis within the Pleiades. these currently include Electra and HIP 16753.
  • The fourth phase of Aegis’ campaign to counter the Thargoid threat has come to an end.
  • Contractors in the core systems reported that Aegis is poised to establish a number of outposts in the region.
  • Halsey comments on end of Cold War. "Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”
  • There are 3 Additional Aegis-Controlled Starports within the Pleiades. Celaeno, Artemis Lodge (Coriolis) | Atlas, Cyllene Orbital (Orbis) and HR 1183, Arc's Faith (Occelus).
  • Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, addressed reports of capital ships being destroyed by the Thargoids. “The fact that capital-class ships are more vulnerable to Thargoid attack means they are an ineffective way of protecting outposts, planets and shipping lanes. Consequently, for the present, the deployment of capital ships is not considered an effective defence strategy.”
  • A Second "Barnacle Forest" was found by CMDR Hazzu.


  • Cooper Research Associates have launched a rescue operation to recover personal effects, data and people from Thargoid attack sites in the Pleiades Nebula.
  • With Thargoid attacks becoming a regular occurrence in the Pleiades Nebula, Aegis has leveraged its considerable reserves to fund a military operation in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55. The initiative, dubbed ‘Operation Andronicus’, has been expressly conceived to counter Thargoid aggression in the region.
  • New Aegis Systems: Pleiades Sector DL-Y D65, Agricola' Ascent.
  • Additional Attacked Megaship(s): Beckett Class Science Vessel [Zulu India Golf-097] (IR-W D1-55) & Naphtha Class Tanker [India Papa Delta-038].
  • Additional INRA Base found, Linked to Hyperdrive Research. | Conn A 3 A [73.38, 102.37]
  • The new Taipan is equipped with two AX multi-cannons, replacing the default utility mount and small hardpoints. These cannons are punchier than standard and make the ship effective against Thargoid vessels.
  • An intriguing message in the Celaeno system was recovered from a listening post, apparently contains an emergency broadcast from the Aida, a Hogan–class cargo vessel that was attacked by Thargoids.
  • Recent reports indicate that a new kind of Thargoid vessel, the Basilisk, was encountered in the Electra system. The previously unseen ships were encountered by independent pilots investigating the wreckage of the Aida.
  • Aegis announced a second military strike on a Thargoid-occupied system, following the success of Operation Andronicus.
  • Additional INRA Base found, HIP 12099 1A | -72.62 / -67.52. And 12 Trianguli 1 a | [-51.57 / 130.66] (look for the large hill in the crater | -51.5745 / 130.6770)
  • Commander Jameson's Cobra Class Vessel Found By Canonn in HIP 12099 1 B -54.3 / -50.3.
  • Fifth Aegis Campaign Concludes. The operation aimed to reduce the number of Thargoids in the system.


  • Aegis has announced plans to dramatically expand its research division with the creation of over twenty new laboratories, situated at starports across the galaxy.
  • Despite the repeated assurances of the galactic authorities, which have endeavoured to downplay the scale of the Thargoid threat, it is clear that many of those in the core systems feel less than secure. This is evidenced by the huge numbers of citizens fleeing to Colonia, eager to escape the Thargoids.
  • Reports from the Taygeta system indicate that Aegis’s new research programme is already bearing fruit. “We’re currently focusing on the Thargoid Probes and Sensors, and we’ve already learned a great deal about the way the Thargoids transmit and store information.”
  • Galactic Leaders Condemn INRA. Following the discovery of further INRA outposts, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon issued statements denouncing the now-defunct INRA.
  • Recent reports indicate that several starports in the Pleiades have been attacked by Thargoids. The attacks have resulted in significant damage and hundreds – possibly thousands – of deaths.
  • Galactic authorities have confirmed that the affected starports are Titan's Daughter in the Taygeta system, Liman Legacy in HIP 16753 and the Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55.
  • New Thargoid Interceptor variant encountered: Medusa.
  • The Colonia Council announced that its appeal for construction materials reached a successful conclusion.
  • The Alliance commissioned Lakon Spaceways to produce a new ship in response to the recent Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades. The vessel, named the Type-10 Defender, represents a comprehensive revision of the Type–9 Heavy.
  • Following the Pleiades attacks, authorities in the Taygeta system said: “Our priorities remain getting civilians to safety and securing the commodities we need to stabilise the starport. Independent pilots are encouraged to deliver foods, water, basic medicines and natural fabrics to Titan’s Daughter and other affected stations.”
  • Lakon Spaceways announced that its new ship, the Type-10 Defender, is now available to the public.
  • Three further starports were attacked by Thargoids. The affected stations are Hudson Observatory in HIP 17694, Cavalieri in Electra and Bao Landing in HIP 17497. The attacks resulted in significant damage and hundreds of casualties.
  • Hudson Observatory In HIP 17694, Cavalieri in Electra and Bao Landing in HIP 17497 are undergoing repairs.
  • Huge numbers of citizens flee to Colonia. Although the Thargoid attacks have so far been confined to the Pleiades Nebula, many fear that the aliens’ next target will be the core systems.



  • Thargoids continue attacking stations in the Pleiades Nebula, adding Copernicus Observatory in Asterope, Cyllene Orbital in Atlas, Artemis Lodge in Celaeno, Obsidian Orbital in Maia, Reed's Rest in Merope, Kipling Orbital in Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-11, Malthus Terminal in Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-41, Borrego's Vision in Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-7, and Kamov Survey in HIP 17892 to the list of targets.
  • The Alliance's campaign to restore order to their outposts in the California Nebula concludes, but officials suspect that the wave of criminals had been driven into the area by a more powerful group.
  • Sirius Inc announces plans to construct a Flight Operations Carrier Megaship, the Dionysus in the 42 n Persei system, which occupies a strategic position on the route to Maia. The campaign was successful, but Sirius Inc opted to move the Dionysus's final location to HIP 17044.
  • With a year having passed since the first contemporary encounter with the Thargoids and the aliens only becoming more aggressive, political commentator Daxton Sung asserted that the three superpowers lacked a way to respond to the threat beyond continuing to fund Aegis.
  • The Federation and Empire announce a joint initiative to liberate the HIP 17692 system from the Thargoids. While the Merope Expeditionary Fleet handles the military side of the operation, the Pleiades Resource Enterprise focuses on rescuing attack victims.
  • Aegis releases a new anti-Thargoid technology, the decontamination limpet, which is designed to purge ships of the caustic residue deposited by Thargoid Interceptor enzyme missiles.
  • The Simbad Regime announces plans to construct a new asteroid base among the rings of Nu Tauri 5.
  • Princess Aisling Duval announces plans to fund a peacekeeping operation in the Guuguyni system. The operation's primary purpose is to neutralise an illegal slave-trading ring in the region.
  • After the Thargoid attack on Kipling Orbital, one starport personnel member notes that the Thargoids seem to be sweeping the Pleiades Nebula region and slowly making their way to the Core Systems.
  • Angeli Imperial Enterprises announces an initiative to construct an orbital family restaurant in the Wangal system. The eatery, which will be named DaMorg's Bar and BBQ, will allow spacers to enjoy the finest food and drinks that Wangal has to offer.
  • An attempt to sabotage the Dove Enigma, a Wells-class Carrier based in the Colonia system, with Thargoid Sensors has been thwarted by the galactic community. Massive quantities of meta-alloys were hauled to Dove Enigma to counter the Sensors' damage, and staff at the megaship announced they have a large enough surplus to guard against any future sabotage attempts.


  • Thargoids continue attacking stations near the Pleiades Nebula, adding Armstrong Orbital in Bhal, Asami Orbital in Pleiades Sector JC-V d2-62, Beaufoy Vision in Nauni, Bennington's Rest in 42 n Persei, Cleaver Prospect in Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-57, Exodus Point in Hyades Sector AB-W b2-2, Gaiman Dock in 49 Arietis, and Weyn Dock in 64 Arietis to the list of targets.
  • The Alliance announces plans to build a new Orbis starport in Synuefai EB-R c7-5. The station is intended to help link the Core Systems with the Alliance's outposts in the California Nebula.
  • With the number of starports attacked by the Thargoids climbing to 17, Federal President Zachary Hudson and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval issue fresh appeals for aid, imploring independent pilots to support relief and reconstruction efforts.
  • The Utopia movement announces that the Sim-Archive is to undergo a period of comprehensive maintenance, and issues an appeal for various goods to be used in the maintenance to be delivered to Chargaff Orbital in Airman Di.
  • Ram Tah, the galaxy's foremost expert on the Guardians, reveals that his research funding will soon end. In an effort to make the most of his remaining finances, the engineer appeals to independent pilots to deliver Guardian artefacts to his base in the Meene system.
  • As questions mounted about humanity's apparent lack of an effective military response against the Thargoids, Imperial Senator Gianna Tachibana pushed for a coordinated, comprehensive military strategy. Meanwhile, sales of Thargoid-themed novelty merchandise have skyrocketed in recent weeks despite public criticism of such items as insensitive.
  • The Federation launches an initiative to develop autonomous military hardware with which to fight the Thargoids. Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters shed further light on the initiative, which has been christened the Bulwark Project: "As the Thargoids' aggression escalates, it's essential that we find ways to minimise casualties while continuing to protect ourselves. Aegis is doing commendable work, but it needn't be our only line of defence."
  • Fleet Admiral Patreus coordinates a second Federal-Imperial joint operation against the Thargoids, this time centered on the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 systems.
  • Aegis confirms that the Thargoids have been specifically targeting Aegis laboratories, likely to prevent Aegis from analyzing Thargoid technology, and defensive measures at all stations with an Aegis presence would be increased. Professor Alba Tesreau speculates that Aegis will have to build new labs in secret locations in order to continue its research.
  • Ram Tah requests help in locating new potential Guardian ruin sites in three systems: Col 173 Sector QU-O d6-25, HD 63154, and Synuefe EU-Q c21-10.


  • The Alliance and Lakon Spaceways announce the release of the new Alliance Chieftain.
  • The Federal-Imperial anti-Thargoid operation in Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 concludes and is hailed as a success.
  • In response to ongoing Thargoid hostility, the Arek Crimson Vision Corporation announces a campaign to boost the Colonia region's military strength by providing weapons. Meanwhile, the Colonia Council also launches a campaign to construct a new security installation. Both campaigns are successful.
  • Reports from independent pilots confirm the presence of Thargoud Scout Marauders in the Pleiades and on the fringes of the Core Systems.
  • Ram Tah announces that ongoing investigations of Guardian sites have yielded significant new discoveries in the form of groundbreaking technological information. Having produced blueprints for new weaponry and power plants based on Guardian designs, Ram Tah begins liaising with Technology Brokers to manufacture and distribute the devices.
  • Federal President Zachary Hudson, Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus, Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, Simguru Pranav Antal, and Professor Alba Tesreau react optimistically to Ram Tah's Guardian discoveries.
  • The Coalition of Othime announces plans to construct a new asteroid base in the Othime system. The asteroid base, Lone Rock, would expand Othime's refinery capacity and provide accommodation in the system for large ships for the first time. The campaign is a success.
  • Aegis constructs six orbital surveillance installations around the Pleiades as part of the Eagle Eye initiative. This new initiative's purpose is to monitor Thargoid surface sites and collect data on Thargoid behavior outside of combat zones.
  • To further his research into the Guardians, Ram Tah releases a decryption algorithm to independent pilots that can be obtained from any station in the Meene system other than Felice Dock, and offers rewards to anyone who can obtain a complete series of the new Guardian logs.
  • Aegis Core launches an anti-Thargoid operation in the Socho system, specifically requesting that pilots obtain certain materials from Thargoid Interceptors and Scouts for research purposes. The operation is a success.
  • Aegis reports that Eagle Eye has confirmed fluctuations in Thargoid transmissions originating from Thargoid Surface Sites. With the aid of the Pilots Federation, Aegis has determined that the transmissions point to specific locations in human space and might be used to identify future Thargoid attack targets.
  • Officials in the Huveang De system report that Thargoids have disappeared from the system. While the reasons for the Thargoids' arrival in the system and their abrupt departure remain unknown, it is speculated that an influx of human combat pilots may have headed off a major attack there.
  • Glazkov Terminal in Irandan is attacked by Thargoids, the first attack against a station since February 22. Both Irandan and HIP 21559 had been identified as potential targets by Eagle Eye, but fewer pilots had come to Irandan's defense over the preceding week.
  • Sirius Corp announces that it will significantly expand its presence in the prospering Sothis and Ceos system with the construction of new starports, settlements, and Megaships.
  • EG Union, working on behalf of Yuri Grom of the EG Pilots, announces an initiative to construct a new shipyard in the CPC 20 6743 system. The shipyard will provide new Farragut Battle Cruisers to bolster humanity's defenses against the Thargoids. The campaign is a success.
  • Aegis publishes a groundbreaking report compiled with information provided by Ram Tah that explains the Thargoids general behavior and goals in the ongoing conflict.
  • War erupts in the Ross 310 system as the Ross 310 Cartel attempts to overthrow the ruling Ross 310 Natural Services faction. Both factions appeal for assistance from independent pilots. Ross 310 Natural Services is eventually victorious.
  • One week after the Glazkov Terminal attack, Aegis reports that Eagle Eye has detected no new signals from Thargoid Surface Sites. Admiral Tanner expresses optimism that this indicates a temporary reprieve from Thargoid attacks.
  • Aegis launches two military Megaships, Acropolis and Vanguard, to coordinate anti-Thargoid operations at key locations. The Megaships will periodically relocate to systems where they can be strategically effective.


  • Aisling Duval accuses Aegis of being too slow to respond to the Thargoid conflict and calls for faster progress in developing countermeasures. Federal and Alliance media outlets defend Aegis and deride Aisling's criticism as a ploy for attention, citing numerous examples of Aegis breakthroughs and projects.
  • The Privateers Alliance announces plans to build a military installation in the HIP 33368 system. The installation is intended to "reinforce the gates" by defending the Core Systems from Thargoid forces in the Pleiades.
  • The Atlas Corporation launches a campaign to build a Megaship in the Lambda Arae system. The vessel, which will be named the ACS Overwatch, will fulfill a multi-faceted role in the ongoing fight against the Thargoids.
  • Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute, publishes a paper speculating on the origin of the Thargoids.
  • Technology Brokers release three new Guardian-derived modules developed by Ram Tah: the Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster, the Guardian Hybrid Power Distributor, and the Guardian Shard Cannon.
  • The Empire announces an initiative to bolster the superpower's military strength. The initiative centres on a new training programme designed to create the next generation of starship pilots, and will be overseen by the Rind Gold Electronics Org in the Rind system.
  • Imperial Senator Pal Vespasian, Alliance Defence Force Commodore Riri McAllister, and media figure Jast Fernández voice some support for Aisling Duval's criticism of Aegis, noting that Aegis's successes are relatively minor and have not been sufficient to allay the public's fears of Thargoid conquest.
  • Astronomers based in the Sol system believe they may have detected a signal from New Horizons, a space probe launched in 2006 with a mission to study various objects in the Kuiper belt. Data indicates it is approximately 1,726,716 light seconds from the sun and 1,526,050 light seconds from 90377 Sedna.
  • An independent report written by Dr. Jin Rameer notes that piracy and criminal activity has declined since the return of the Thargoids. While Dr. Rameer suggests that many criminals have turned their attention to combating the Thargoids, security forces in the Pegasi Sector dispute her claims and point to an uptick in raids carried out by the Kumo Crew in recent months.
  • Angeli Imperial Enterprises launches the Rekohu Project, an initiative to construct a Bowman Class Science Vessel to research Earth-like worlds in the Plaa Ain Sector.
  • Independent journalist Chukwuma Grant publishes an article on peace activist and former Federal President Jasmina Halsey, who has become a key advisor to Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon.
  • Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius was found murdered in his home on Capitol. A note left at the scene read "For Jameson," implying that Cartesius' murder was a form of revenge for the death of CMDR John Jameson; Cartesius was known to be a direct descendant of a senior INRA member.
  • Simguru Pranav Antal urges galactic citizens to join Utopia and help preserve the Sim-Archive against the possibility of a Thargoid victory and humanity's extermination.
  • The Vadimo Patrons of Law announce plans to host an elaborate soirée in the Vadimo system to help the people cope with the ongoing Thargoid threat.


  • The Utopia commune sponsors an initiative to construct a military in its home system of Antal to defend the Sim-Archive from a potential Thargoid attack.
  • Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters, Admiral Aden Tanner, and Sirius Corp CEO Li Yong-Rui publicly dispute Utopia Simguru Pranav Antal's recent suggestion that humanity could lose the war against the Thargoids.
  • The murderer of Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius is killed in a gunfight with IISS investigators. Examination of her communications equipment reveals that she had been hired by the League of Reparation, a secret organisation dedicated to avenging the victims of INRA's crimes. Lead investigator Captain Niamh Seutonia announces that she is coordinating with her counterparts in the Federation and Alliance to track down and dismantle the League to prevent further killings of INRA descendants.
  • Admiral Aden Tanner issues a statement on behalf of Aegis insisting that the Thargoid conflict is contained and independent pilots armed with Aegis technology are successfully halting Thargoid attacks.
  • The Empire announces plans to build a new Riker Class Prison Ship in Veroklist. The vessel will house criminals who accepted Imperial slavery in lieu of a jail sentence, but who have proved to be too dangerous or unstable for such corrective punishment.
  • The League of Reparation claims responsibility for the death of Fleet Admiral Tulimaq Buchanan of the Alliance's Council of Admirals, whose ship was attacked and destroyed while en route to Lave. Chief Inspector Kay Kilbride of the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the League confirms that Buchanan was a descendant of a senior INRA commander.
  • Scientists at Foster Terminal, Coeus in the Colonia Region request donations of microresources to research ways for Colonia to support larger populations.
  • United Carnoeck for Equality launches a search-and-rescue initiative based out of the Carnoeck system after a pirate group attacks a convoy that was moving through the Core Systems.
  • Independent reporter Gethin Okonkwo publishes an article on the proliferation of radical "doomsayer" cults, such as the quasi-religious Church of the Eternal Void and the euthanasia proponents Generation Omega, in response to the Thargoid incursion.
  • The League of Reparation claims three victims in Federation space. Wealthy entrepreneur Ezra Lux-Kumar was found dead in his home on Biggs Colony, Altair, while the Pilots Federation confirmed that two Commanders were killed in Rhea and Delta Pavonis.
  • The Federation, Empire, and Alliance announce a simultaneous, galaxy-wide suspension of revenue tax from May 24 to May 30. The tax freeze is expected to benefit traders, and is also being supported by Engineers who plan to offer their modifications for lower grades of materials.
  • Commodore Riri McAllister of the Alliance Defence Force is promoted to Rear Admiral and appointed to the Council of Admirals to fill the vacancy left by Fleet Admiral Buchanan.
  • The Autocracy of T'iensei places a kill order on all ships on its wanted list to counter rising numbers of criminals and agitators in the system.
  • Los Chupacabras announce plans for a musical event called the Jailhouse Rock and Blues Music Festival in the LFT 926 system, and place an open order for beer, tobacco, coffee, and narcotics to supply the event.
  • Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios discusses Princess Aisling Duval's potential romantic suitors. Among them are Imperial Senator Caspian Leopold, a wealthy and influential politician, Jarl Toredo, leader of the anti-slavery organisation Universal Liberty, and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, who has been stationed on Aisling's home planet Emerald.
  • Aegis pleads for assistance after the Socho Gold Raiders criminal faction overwhelms security forces in the Socho system and ousts Aegis Core from power. The Socho Gold Raiders were allegedly attracted to Socho by rumors that Aegis was building a superweapon.
  • Aegis and Admiral Aden Tanner hail the success of Eagle Eye at predicting Thargoid targets and helping prevent attacks across the Pleiades Nebula and Core Systems.
  • Aegis Research and Aegis Core launch simultaneous public initiatives to restore damaged stations in the Pleiades Nebula and the Core Systems, respectively. Open orders are placed for various construction materials that will then be distributed to the affected stations.


  • The League of Reparation attacks five independent ships, resulting in the loss of all crewmembers. Three ships were attacked in Alliance-controlled systems, one in a Federation system, and one in an Imperial system. Meanwhile, Captain Niamh Seutonia reports that investigators have learned that the League's agents receive their orders over encrypted comms channels from a source codenamed "Nexus".
  • Aisling Duval hosts Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester and his staff at a diplomatic function. Senator Caspian Leopold arrives on Emerald the following day for an unofficial visit.
  • Luca Hem, a descendant of INRA Programme Coordinator Amaro Hem, is found dead in an antique Cobra MkIII that crashed into the Aeternitas A Belt. Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez notes that Hem's murder was staged by the League of Reparation to recreate the circumstances of CMDR John Jameson's death.
  • The Lave Radio Network announces plans to broadcast its annual conference in Diso on the 24th and 25th and requests various commodities from the galactic community. In response, the Lave Jet Family launches a competing campaign to undermine Lave Radio Network by constructing a signal jammer.
  • A skilled thief, known only by his or her signature of a graphic resembling a winking cat, steals a digital, reactive painting titled Youscape by the artist Barclay Uxor from the Garden City Gallery on Turner's World in Alioth.
  • Princess Aisling Duval's anti-slavery campaign, Stop Slavery Stupid, merges with Jarl Toredo's independent charity Universal Liberty to form a new organisation called Unchain.
  • Independent journalist Flint "Firemaker" Lafosse theorizes that the League of Reparation has been operating longer than previously suspected. While Senator Nestor Cartesius has been thought to be the League's first victim, Lafosse uncovered multiple unsolved homicides in Federation space, four of whom had ancestors in INRA. These other murders occurred between one and five years before Cartesius's assassination. In response, the united taskforce investigating the League issues a statement cautioning against making baseless conjectures.
  • Imperial Senator Caspian Leopold launches an initiative to construct a rehabilitation center in the Niflhel system for victims of the ongoing Thargoid conflict.
  • Engineer Lori Jameson, a descendant of CMDR John Jameson, publicly condemns the actions of the League of Reparation. Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez confirms that Lori Jameson is cooperating with the united taskforce's investigation.
  • Following Gethin Okonkwo's report on the emergence of doomsayer cults in the wake of the Thargoid conflict, Dr. Alfred Ulyanov publishes an article on an unnamed fringe religion that worships the Thargoids as "dark angels" sent to prepare humanity for the apocalyptic arrival of a divine being from another universe called the "Far God". The cult members believe that their faith will allow them and only them to survive the Far God's manifestation.
  • Billionaire Zachary Rackham, owner of Rackham Capital Investments, funds the development of new shipyard facilities for all of the Colonia Region's surface ports with the exception of Colonia Hub.
  • Chief Inspector Kay Kilbride announces the arrest of multiple League of Reparation agents. The agents were lured to home of Dinah Law, descendant of INRA member Trystan Law, and successfully captured before they could carry out the assassination. The suspects were transported to a secure Alliance Interpol facility for interrogation.
  • The stations Armstrong Enterprise in Bhal, Beaufoy Vision in Nauni, and Reed's Rest in Merope announce they have restored full functionality after suffering attacks from Thargoids in previous months.
  • Admiral Aden Tanner declares that the Thargoids have been routed in the Core Systems and driven back to their original beachhead of Bhal. The Thargoids remain entrenched in the Pleaides Nebula, however.
  • In the wake of the criminal incursion into the Socho system, Aegis announces plans to construct a new military installation in Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55. The installation will allow Aegis to continue focusing on the Thargoid conflict without fear of further disruption.
  • Princess Aisling Duval announces that she and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester plan to marry.
  • Chief Inspector Kay Kilbride and four other Alliance Interpol agents are murdered in the city of New Rossyth on Turner's World, Alioth by the League of Reparation. Alliance Interpol assigns Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt as Kilbride's replacement on the tri-superpower taskforce.
  • The galaxy responds to the news of the impending marriage of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, with reactions ranging from joy to outrage. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Federal President Zachary Hudson have yet to issue personal statements on the matter, while the office of Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon offered its cordial congratulations.
  • The Alliance and Lakon Spaceways release the Alliance Challenger, an upgraded variant of the Alliance Chieftain.
  • Faulcon DeLacy releases the Krait MkII, a reimagined iteration of the discontinued Krait Lightspeeder.
  • Scientists in Colonia under Professor Alexei de la Vega partner with Tir Technology Services to build a scientific installation in the system to monitor the Colonia Region's population and resources.
  • Security forces in the Fousang system report that criminal organisations in the area are executing more frequent and audacious raids on civilian traffic. In response, the Blue Creative Company places a kill order on all ships on its wanted list.
  • Aegis issues an emergency report confirming the return of Thargoids in the Core Systems. Admiral Aden Tanner states that Eagle Eye has identified Garay Terminal in Deciat as the Thargoids' target, and calls on the galactic community to come to the system's aid. Appended to the Aegis report was a transmission from an unnamed Commander who apparently encountered a new type of Thargoid Scout.
  • Aegis supplies additional funding, resources, and manufacturing equipment to Technology Brokers, allowing them to lower their resource requests in order to make their modules more widely available to the galactic community.
  • News of the unnamed Thargoid-worshipping fringe cult provokes hostile reactions from the public in various systems. Local security forces have arrested multiple individuals for committing misdemeanor crimes against the sect, but there are no reports of the worshippers retaliating in any way, defending themselves, or seeking assistance. Councillor Quinn Damico of the Aranbarahun system insists that the cult of the Far God is harmless and reaffirms that freedom of religion is protected by law in all systems where the cult currently has a presence.


  • Author Olav Redcourt begins a promotional tour visiting over fifty destinations within the Core Systems to advertise his latest interactive holo-novel, Corsair King and the Storm of Desire, the fourteenth book in a historical romance series set in the 27th century. The tour will begin in the Blatrimpe system and conclude two months later in Procyon.
  • Captain Niamh Seutonia and Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez lead a series of successful raids against League of Reparation ships and outposts in Federal and Imperial space after decrypting their communications network. While the taskforce believes the League was dealt a fatal blow, the investigation continues to identify the League's patrons and Nexus. Meanwhile, questions are raised by the lack of raids in Alliance space and the ongoing absence of Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt.
  • Independent journalist Flint "Firemaker" Lafosse speculates that the silent Thargoid worshipers are brainwashed victims of Thargoid abductions who have been sent to infiltrate human society as spies and saboteurs. Exotheologian Dr. Alfred Ulyanov rebuts thus, saying that the Thargoid worshipers eschew communication because they believe humanity will soon be dead. Ulyanov assures the public that the cult is no threat despite their unsettling beliefs.
  • Didiomanja Emperor's Grace completes the Tiverion Academy, a flight school for Imperial naval cadets. In order to host an inaugural banquet in honour of the organisation's late founder, Admiral Mira Tiverion, Didiomanja Emperor's Grace issues a request for rare commodities for the banquet and gold to be used in a monument to Admiral Tiverion.
  • Responding to public interest in Princess Aisling Duval's fiancé, Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, political journalist Cassia Carvalho compiled a profile of Jordan and the Rochester family for The Imperial Herald.
  • The Church of the Eternal Void, a recently established fringe religion, declares a holy war against the unnamed cult that worships the Thargoids and the Far God. Exotheologian Dr. Alfred Ulyanov hypothesizes that the Church is taking advantage of animosity against the Thargoid cult to promote and validate itself.
  • Captain Niamh Seutonia and Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez arrest Admiral George Varma, a member of the Alliance Council of Admirals, at Donaldson in Alioth. Seutonia confirms that Varma is suspected to be League of Reparation coordinator "Nexus". The arrest of an Alliance official by Imperial and Federal agents causes some diplomatic tension, but Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon concedes that the evidence against Varma is substantial.
  • Cobra Wing launches an initiative to construct a new research outpost in the Ebor system with the aim of researching inter-species communication between humans and Thargoids.
  • The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is officially scheduled for August 25, 3304 at the Imperial Palace on Emerald, Cemiess.
  • A search begins for the winner of the one billion-credit prize of the Galactic Jackpot, an annual lottery game run by the Federal Grand Lottery. While purchase of the winning ticket was confirmed, the winner has yet to make a claim.
  • Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol announces the exoneration of Admiral George Varma and the arrest of his protege, Rear Admiral Riri McAllister, on terrorism charges. Decrypted data from the League of Reparation's comms network had confirmed that McAllister was the real "Nexus", and that she had framed Varma for her crimes. Klatt also announces that the tri-superpower taskforce is preparing to eradicate two major League enclaves and will be seeking the galactic community's support.
  • Princess Aisling Duval discusses her forthcoming marriage in an exclusive interview with entertainment journalist Solomon Helios.
  • A dormant thermonuclear ICBM launched during Earth's World War III in the 21st century is located in the Pacific Ocean during construction of a new undersea habitation off the coast of California. The missile is safely disarmed and slated for disposal, but authorities and historians are unable to identify its origin country.
  • Dozens are killed and hundreds injured after members of the Church of the Eternal Void attack Far God cult hive-chapels across multiple systems. Local security forces have been slow to respond to the incidents, and few arrests have been made.
  • The tri-superpower taskforce investigating the League of Reparation announces a campaign to eliminate League strongholds in the Zibal system in Federal space and the Ienpalang system in Imperial space. The campaign is a success and does much to destabilize the League.
  • The Church of the Eternal Void is declared illegal by local authorities in every system where it operates, and its leadership is arrested for inciting acts of violence against the Far God cult. By this time, hundreds of Far God cult members have been killed by the Church's "holy war".
  • The Alliance announces plans to construct a new Ocellus starport in the MEL 22 Sector GM-V c2-8 system to further bridge the gap between the Core Systems and the Alliance's outposts in the California Nebula.
  • Members of the Rochester family come under personal and political attack following the engagement of Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester to Princess Aisling Duval.
  • Blackshadow Productions announces the revival of the classic animated children's show Andromedaries, which featured spacefaring camel-like lifeforms from another galaxy. Creator Vienna Langhorne decries the remake's dramatically different tone and direction, but Ogden Smith of the Andromedaries Superlative Society insists, "The new version will return viewers to the gritty, realistic drama we enjoyed when we were kids."
  • Captain Niamh Seutonia confirms that the League of Reparation has been dismantled. Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt reveals that Riri McAllister has confessed to her crimes and explained that she created the League to avenge the death of Commander John Jameson, who she believes is her direct ancestor. As McAllister was registered as an orphan of unknown lineage, her claim could not be confirmed. Alliance Interpol announces that McAllister will soon go on trial for various terrorism-related crimes.


  • Celebrated author Olav Redcourt abandons the promotional tour for his latest novel, halfway through a two-month circuit of fifty systems. Redcourt tells reporters that he now wants to write a science-fiction saga set in the future. Bonespire Publishing responds by stating that Redcourt was in breach of contract, as he had only completed 14 out of 25 Corsair King novels.
  • The Imperial Internal Security Service foils an attempt to assassinate Princess Aisling Duval. Explosive charges were found and disabled in the event centre in the Zhao system where Princess Aisling was holding a fundraiser for anti-slavery charity Unchain. The explosives were of amateur design and forensic analysis was conducted on them to determine their origin.
  • Aranbarahun Purple Creative launches an initiative to construct a new cargo vessel to transport goods out of the booming Aranbarahun system.
  • Riri McAllister is shot by Polly Cartesius, daughter of the murdered Senator Nestor Cartesius, during the former's trial at the Alliance Chamber of Justice on Turner's World, Alioth. Cartesius used a laser firearm specifically designed to avoid security scans, and did not resist arrest. McAllister is hospitalized, while Cartesius is taken into custody by Captain Niamh Seutonia and extradited to Capitol, where she will stand trial for attempted murder.
  • The Federal Intelligence Agency launches an investigation into the Far God cult to confirm they are not in contact with or being influenced by the Thargoids. Several members of the sect are arrested for interrogation.
  • Co-CEO Jarl Toredo unexpectedly resigns from Unchain, with Princess Aisling Duval remaining CEO. Observers speculate that the recent assassination attempt against the Princess may have caused Toredo to regret aligning himself with her, or that there may be substance to rumors that he was a rival for Aisling's affection and her engagement to Jordan Rochester caused him to quit out of bitterness.
  • The Federal Intelligence Agency continues arresting Far God cult members and expands its investigation to all members of the organisation and anyone connected with it. Senior Agent Micah Whitefield justifies the arrests by explaining that under Federal law, any action that undermines enemy activity during wartime is legal.
  • Aegis Research launches a search-and-rescue operation in the Pleiades Nebula with the cooperation of local system authorities in order to recover survivors of Thargoids attacks.
  • The medical ship transporting Riri McAllister to an advanced medical facility for further treatment disappears without explanation. Although Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt believes it is unlikely she survived the ship's destruction or hijacking, McAllister is officially listed as missing, not dead. Meanwhile, with the League of Reparations eradicated, the tri-superpower taskforce is disbanded and its members returned to their respective agencies.
  • A MacArthur Mining Ltd DG090 mining robot goes rogue on Homeland, Beta Hydri, and burrows under a settlement. Security Chief Sara Kulkarni declares a regional emergency since the robot could damage a vital water main or underground power line. MacArthur Mining Ltd Director Chen Emerson insists that the DG090 series has never malfunctioned before, and pledges to assist authorities in locating the rogue unit and shutting it down.
  • The rogue MacArthur Mining Ltd DG090 mining robot is located in the Blue Peaks mountain range, over a hundred kilometers away from its last known position, and disabled by Federal Navy gunships. Security Chief Sara Kulkarni suggests it had been following its original programming and seeking mineral ores. Director Chen Emerson noted that the unit had malfunctioned due to being placed in an incorrect standby mode, and local comms signals had inadvertently triggered a pre-set mining program.
  • Billionaire Zachary Rackham is confirmed as the winner of the Federal Grand Lottery's one billion credit Galactic Jackpot prize. While Rackham has pledged to donate the prize money to various charities, financial journalist Bryanna Blanco suggested "Calico Zack" would put the money toward his company's unpaid taxes.
  • Federal Times journalist Harlow Nassry highlights two new personal computer designs under development. Supratech's Torc is a flexible ring that coils around the user's wrist or neck and surrounds the user with holographic displays and interfaces, while Herculean Machines' Duradrive is a tablet built for durability that can be customized with peripherals. Both companies plan to showcase their devices at a technology expo in October.
  • Professor Diana VanCleef, a scientific advisor to the Colonia Council, announces an initiative to construct a new hydroponics facility in Randgnid due to research projecting a possible food shortage in the Colonia Region. The campaign is overseen by Colonia Research Division.
  • Kamici Incorporated places a kill order on all ships on its wanted list to reduce the criminal presence in the Kamici system.
  • Thargoid Sensor-related interference at Dantec Enterprise, Socho, the home of Aegis Core, disrupts Aegis's ability to transmit data to the six Eagle Eye installations. As a result, Eagle Eye is forced offline until Dantec Enterprise can be restored.
  • Exotheologian Dr. Alfred Ulyanov and his family are arrested at their home in the Rana system by the Federal Intelligence Agency on suspicion of being Thargoid sympathizers. Senior Agent Micah Whitefield states that the Galactic Interfaith Commune and Spiritual Freedom Movement are also under investigation for supporting the Far God cult.
  • Jarl Toredo discloses to entertainment journalist Solomon Helios that he and Princess Aisling Duval had been involved in a secret romantic relationship for months, and that Aisling had told him she was only marrying Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester to further her political ambitions. The Princess firmly denies the accusations and insists her relationship with Ambassador Rochester is genuine.
  • The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is cancelled only three days before it is set to occur. The announcement is made by Congressman Isolde Rochester and is confirmed by the Imperial Palace on Emerald, but neither Princess Aisling nor Ambassador Rochester are available for comment. Pundits note that Isolde Rochester personally taking charge of the cancellation gives weight to Jarl Toredo's claims.
  • A feud between Silver Creative Network and Betel Free escalates into violence in the Betel system and overwhelms local security forces. Both factions issue calls for assistance from pilots.
  • The Mars Tribune exposes Congressman Morgan Unwin as a drug addict who had been using his influence to smuggle large quantities of narcotics for the Red Family cartel and hide his addiction for over a decade. Unwin is arrested and faces expulsion from Congress, and an investigation begins into the Red Family. Billionaire Kingsley Cordova, owner of the Cordova Group that runs the Mars Tribune, is invited by Congress to a special event out of gratitude.
  • Far God cultists begin disappearing en masse. While the Federal Intelligence Agency believes that the cultists are leaving the cult and returning to normal life to avoid the FIA's investigation, there are no reports of former cultists returning to their friends and family, leaving the disappearances a mystery.
  • Lakon debuts the Alliance Crusader, a second Alliance Chieftain variant with a fighter bay, and announces it will go on sale on August 28.
  • Rival technology companies Supratech and Herculean Machines release press statements promoting their new personal computer designs, the Torc and Duradrive. Both companies confirm they will be present at the Rackham Ultratech Expo, a technology trade show sponsored by Rackham Capital Investments, on October 3.
  • Councillor Giselle Kingspear of the Colonia Council announces the arrival of four new Engineers in the Colonia Region: Etienne Dorn in Los, Marsha Hicks in Tir, Mel Brandon in Luchtaine, and Petra Olmanova in Asura.
  • Ram Tah reports that he has identified three unusual energy signatures located in the NGC 2451A sector, the IC 2391 sector, and the Synuefe EN-H region. Investigation by independent pilots traces the signatures' sources to orbital structures called Guardian Beacons, which point to specific Guardian Structures that contain blueprint data for Guardian ships. Using this data, Ram Tah is able to produce a series of hybrid technology fighters: the XG7 Trident, XG8 Javelin, and XG9 Lance.
  • Independent pilots battling the Thargoids report encountering a fourth, highly-dangerous variant of Thargoid Interceptor called the Hydra. The Pilots Federation and Aegis confirm the reports, with the Pilots Federation placing the Cone Sector FN-J b9-0 system under a permit-lock due to the suspected presence of high concentrations of Hydras. The Gnosis megaship, which had previously scheduled a jump to Cone Sector FN-J b9-0 for September 6, announced that it would attempt to jump into the now permit-locked system regardless.
  • The date of Princess Aisling Duval's wedding to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester passes without comment from either party. Solomon Helios discussed the situation, noting that Princess Aisling and the Rochester family have both shied away from the media, and Jarl Toredo has retreated from the public eye.
  • Anti-Far God cult campaigner Juanita Bishop announces she will run for Federal Congress as an independent candidate. Bishop's ongoing protests against the Far God cult have earned her a significant following in Federal systems.
  • Federal President Zachary Hudson announces that Aegis Core will be relocated from the Socho system to Sol for its protection. The move comes in the wake of months of disruptions by anti-Aegis factions in Socho, and the recent shutdown of the Eagle Eye array.
  • The LHS 2541 Alliance Combine in the Zavijah system issues a request for Thargoid materials on behalf of the secretive Far God cult, which intends to use the collected items as objects of worship.
  • Alliance President Gibson Kincaid, who previously served as the governor of Zaonce before assuming the Alliance presidency in 3303, announces he will campaign for re-election in October. Kincaid campaigns on the promise that he will alter the Alliance constitution to grant the Alliance presidency executive powers and expand its term to six years. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has spoken out against altering the constitution. Kincaid's opponents in the coming election have yet to be announced.
  • Maddox Hurd of Herculean Machines and Scorpio DeVorrow of Supratech escalate their rivalry by publicly disparaging each others' upcoming personal computer models ahead of the Rackham Ultratech Expo.


  • The Rochester family is rocked by scandal after the Mars Tribune reveals that actor Tomas Turai, husband of Jupiter Rochester, has been in a secret extramarital affair with Olympic athlete Reagon Lord for the past three years. While the Rochesters remain silent, Tomas Turai and August Lord, the husband of Reagan, announce they will separately sue the Mars Tribune for defamation. Kingsley Cordova, owner of the Mars Tribune, confirms that he would personally cover the Tribune's legal costs.
  • The Gnosis, the flagship of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, is left damaged and stranded in the Outotz ST-I d9-6 system following hyperdiction by Hydra Variant Thargoid Interceptors after attempting a hyperspace jump into the Cone Sector FN-J b9-0 system.
  • The Alliance Assembly agrees to hold an internal vote in mid-October on Alliance President Gibson Kincaid's proposed changes to the constitution, which would give the office of Alliance President executive authority. The vote will coincide with the Alliance's next presidential election.
  • The Alioth Independents announce plans to hold a gala event in Alioth to begin the Alliance presidential election campaign season, and places an open order for various rare commodities. The gala will host the unannounced candidates for the upcoming election, Fazia Silva and Elijah Beck, and be attended by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, three members of the Council of Admirals, and key members of the Alliance Assembly.
  • A fire destroys a manufacturing complex owned by Supratech, setting back development of their Torc personal computer and possibly forcing Supratech to cancel its appearance at the Rackham Ultratech Expo.
  • The Federal Intelligence Agency increases its arrests of potential Thargoid sympathizers, including independent reporter Gethin Okonkwo, Dr. Jameelah Griffin, and the associates and family members of Far God cultists. Several religious freedom advocacy groups are also shut down. More hive-chapels are found empty by the FIA, and the disappearances of many Far God cultists remains a mystery.
  • Ram Tah discusses the XG Project, which produced the XG7 Trident, XG8 Javelin, and XG9 Lance hybrid Guardian fighters, with independent media outlet Vox Galactica. He notes that Guardian technology might one day be used to improve every aspect of human society.
  • The Libertas Cooperative announces plans to construct the Ariel, a Megaship which will serve as a manatee farm for food supplier Munshin Manatee Meat, in the Munshin system.
  • Juanita Bishop calls on Federal Congress to make Thargoid worship a capital crime, triggering considerable debate. With the FIA also continuing to arrest Far God cultists and those in contact with them, observers speculate that the Far God cult may not survive much longer.
  • Rival technology companies Herculean Machines and Supratech launch competing appeals for commodities to support the release of their personal computer designs.
  • The Federal Security Service arrests Lloyd Hardacre, the founder of interplanetary haulage firm Copernicus Shipping Ltd, after Hardacre's personal administrative robot reveals illegal off-the-books logs during a shareholder meeting.
  • The entire New Dawn Collection, a sequence of sculptures by legendary artist Lal Candromir made a thousand years ago to commemorate Eotienses joining the Empire, is stolen from the Imperial Museum of Culture on Eotienses A 3. The only clue is a painting on a wall of a winking cat, hearkening back to a similar theft in Alioth in June.
  • Alliance Tribune political journalist Vanya Driscoll analyzes the three candidates for the upcoming Alliance presidential election, and notes that the Empire and Federation are watching events more closely than usual to due incumbent President Gibson Kincaid's combative rhetoric.
  • Independent reporter Gethin Okonkwo, previously thought arrested by the FIA, reveals he had been living undercover with the Far God cult for the past three months. He submits recordings he made of life within the sect to the FIA to prove that the Thargoid worshipers were harmless.
  • Alliance presidential candidates Gibson Kincaid, Fazia Silva, and Elijah Beck deliver their campaign messages and reiterate their positions.
  • Mould Federal Mining Incorporated finances a last-minute initiative to supply food for suppliers in the Bhagui system in the midst of unprecedented demand caused by local citizens' attempts to resurrect the ancient Oktoberfest celebration.
  • Herculean Machines and Supratech resume development of their personal computer models and will present functioning prototypes at the Rackham Ultratech Expo on October 3rd. Technology journalist Harlow Nassry notes that the success of each company's recent resource drives may foretell the sales performance of their products.
  • Federal Security Service technicians find that the administrative robot of Lloyd Hardacre, which had publicly exposed Hardacre's illicit activities, had been extensively reprogrammed with surveillance software by an unknown party.
  • The FIA officially concludes its investigation into the Far God cult after confirming Gethin Okonkwo's recordings. Senior Agent Micah Whitefield noted that the FIA had sent an agent of their own to infiltrate the cult in the hopes of gathering similar insights, but he had yet to report. All individuals detained by the investigation are released.


  • Media organisation Broadcast Cobra announces a campaign to collect materials for the construction of a new Megaship in the HIP 16038 system that will serve as a mobile studio.
  • Anti-Far God cult activist Juanita Bishop fails to be elected to Federal Congress. Her popularity collapsed in the wake of Gethin Okonkwo's investigation of the cult, and the majority of Congressmen turned against Bishop, blaming her for causing civil unrest and violating the Federation's principles of religious freedom. In a defiant statement to the media, Bishop doubles-down on her rhetoric against the Far God cult.
  • Herculean Machines' Duradrive dominated the Rackham Ultratech Expo. While the competing Torc personal computer created by rival company Supratech bewildered and even nauseated users with its holographic displays, which did not function as intended, billionaire Zachary Rackham was impressed by the Duradrive's resilience after jumping on it and authorised preliminary funding for the device.
  • Lieutenant Inspector Ramesh Thorne announced that the FSS had discovered five more adminstrative robots fitted with surveillance software. In each case, the robot was a PA912 model, manufactured by the Achilles Corporation. A spokesperson for Achilles Corporation stated that the company was cooperating with the FSS investigation.
  • Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva was found dead in her room at Hume Orbital, Mullag. Inspector Erin Sangster of Alliance Interpol stated that it was likely Silva had been murdered by poison. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Silva's election rivals Gibson Kincaid and Elijah Beck delivered their condolences, with Kincaid declaring that Silva's murder constituted a direct attack against Alliance democracy.
  • The Close Encounters Corps announces its intention to construct a scientific megaship in the BD-12 1172 system. The new vessel will allow research teams to map and explore the planets of the surrounding nebula.
  • The Federal Security Service discovers more personal administration robots containing concealed surveillance programs. Independent reporter Flint "Firemaker" Lafosse comments that hundreds of individuals and businesses have already destroyed their administration robots out of fear of being recorded, and notes that all models thus far found to have been affected by the surveillance programs are Achilles Corporation products.
  • Herculean Machines begins mass-production of the Duradrive after receiving funding from Rackham Capital Investments and other investors.
  • Alliance presidential candidates Elijah Beck and Gibson Kincaid delivered their final campaign statements before the Alliance Assembly and Prime Minister Mahon. The public was scheduled to vote on October 16, and the results were to be announced soon after.
  • Gibson Kincaid is re-elected President of the Alliance, defeating Elijah Beck by a narrow margin. The Alliance Assembly opts to debate Kincaid's proposal to imbue the presidency with executive powers for one additional week before taking a vote.
  • The Palin Institute announces an accelerated programme of study to analyse a range of xenobiological data and discern the motives behind the Thargoids' unrelenting aggression. Professor Cora Shaw requests that various Thargoid materials be delivered to Obsidian Orbital.
  • An organization calling itself the "Collective" steals 1 billion credits from the personal account of Zachary Rackham and redistributes the money to several hundred former employees of Rackham Capital Investments who had been denied pensions. The purpose of the hack was evidently to reclaim the billion-credit prize that Rackham "won" in the Federal Grand Lottery in August.
  • Armed intruders attempt to penetrate Phoenix Base in the Meene system, the home of Engineer Ram Tah, but are forced to retreat after a skirmish with the facility's security guards.
  • Lieutenant Inspector Ramesh Thorne reveals that the Mars Tribune has become of the target of the FSS's investigation into robots carrying concealed surveillance programs. Thorne notes that several of the owners of affected robots were the subject of incriminating articles recently published by the Tribune, and all of the owners live in the Sol system, which is the focus of the Tribune's journalism. Cordova Group, the owner of the Mars Tribune, rejects these charges as libel.
  • Federal Times technology journalist Harlow Nassry publishes an article on the anti-authority hacktivist group known as the Collective.
  • The Cordova Group, owners of the Mars Tribune, files a formal complaint over the Federal Security Service's investigation into the Tribune's illegal surveillance of Federal citizens. In an editorial, Kingsley Cordova decried the accusations as an assault on journalistic integrity, and issued a veiled threat to the FSS that the Tribune might release more sensitive data obtained from the surveillance robots.
  • Senator Caspian Leopold launches a campaign requesting aid commodities for the victims of Thargoid attacks.
  • The Alliance Assembly votes against President Gibson Kincaid's proposal to grant the Alliance Presidency executive powers. Instead, the role was updated: the Alliance President will now oversee a new, non-political department called the Office of the Alliance President, which consists of a team of ambassadorial emissaries who will focus on diplomatic functions. In addition, the Alliance President's term is extended to three years.
  • Sirius Corporation CEO Li Yong-Rui makes a public offer to work with Ram Tah to mass-produce Guardian-human technology and provide him with better security. Ram Tah offers no response.
  • The investigation into the assassination of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva exhausts its leads and concludes without an arrest. President Gibson Kincaid vowed to bring the Alliance's enemies to justice, while Tashmira Silva assumed control of her late sister's corporate empire.


  • Independent journalist Donal Varden reports that war has broken out in the Geras system between Geras First and Ndozas State Inc. Both factions issue calls to independent pilots for support.
  • Imperial Herald journalist Cassia Carvalho reports on the rise of Nova Imperium, a radical group with a traditionalist and isolationist ideology led by the Imperator. Nova Imperium claims that the Empire can only survive the Thargoid conflict by severing ties with all other systems and protecting itself. The group has been embraced by traditionalist Imperial citizens who are unhappy with the recent cross-superpower cooperation.
  • Ram Tah rejects Sirius Corp's offer of manufacturing support, explaining that Guardian technologies are too important to humanity to trust to a single corporation. Li Yong-Rui responds that his offer will remain open in the event Ram Tah changes his mind.
  • The Federal Security Service abruptly terminates its investigation of the Mars Tribune's use of secretly-modified administration robots for illegal surveillance. The Federal Times alleges that FSS leadership may have been blackmailed into silence by Tribune owner Kingsley Cordova.
  • The Meene Defence Force intercepts and defeats a small mercenary fleet en route to Ram Tah's Phoenix Base. Li Yong-Rui addresses the incident, expressing relief that the attack was foiled but urging Ram Tah to join Sirius Corp for the sake of his safety and his research.
  • The Independent HIP 29241 Green Party oversees an initiative on behalf of the Meene Defence Force to retrieve the escape pods of the destroyed mercenary fleet that invaded Meene. Security Chief Harper Vargas explains that the surviving mercenaries will be interrogated so that the unknown party that hired them can be identified.
  • Lieutenant Ramesh Thorne of the FSS is suspended from active duty after defying his superiors and issuing an appeal for any witnesses with information related to the Mars Tribune's illegal surveillance to cooperate with his investigation. Media outlets react to news of Thorne's suspension with indignation.
  • Nova Imperium broadcasts a speech by the Imperator to the Imperial people. Senator Denton Patreus criticizes Nova Imperium views as sedition.
  • The family and colleagues of author Olav Redcourt report him as missing. Bonespire Publishing claims Redcourt is trying to avoid his contract violation fine, while literary critic Kayla Shaw speculates that the author may have been kidnapped or murdered by a disgruntled fan.
  • A leaked report compiled by the Imperial Internal Security Service reveals that Duke Kaeso Mordanticus, a former Imperial Navy admiral from a prestigious military family, is the true identity of the Imperator of Nova Imperium.
  • In preparation for an elaborate social function at Polyakov Orbital in the Olelbis system, Olelbis Holdings places an open order for various rare foods and requests support in eliminating ships on its wanted list.
  • An Achilles Corporation engineer turns whistle-blower and reveals that Kingsley Cordova had blackmailed her into installing illegal surveillance software on the robots of prominent figures in the Sol system. The data gleaned by the software was relayed to the Cordova Group, and then published by the Mars Tribune. In the wake of this development, Achilles Corporation remotely disables the software by distributing a "kill switch" provided by the engineer to all PA912 administrative robots.
  • Interrogation of captured mercenaries involved in the recent attack on the Meene system reveals that the operation had been funded and organized by junior officers in Sirius Corp's private fleet. Sirius Corp refutes Ram Tah's accusations of attempted coercion and insists a full inquiry will be conducted.
  • Margot Hist, agent for Olav Redcourt, reports that the missing author is in fact alive and checked in at a remote writers' retreat while he works on his new science fiction novel. Redcourt had also sold most of his possessions and planned to use the proceeds to pay Bonespire Publishing his contract violation fine.
  • The vacancy on the Alliance's Council of Admirals left by Riri McAllister is filled by Admiral Frederick Yamamoto, commander of the Alliance Defence Force in Zaonce. Yamamoto's appointment is somewhat controversial since the vacancy was expected to go to an officer from the ADF's Lave fleet, and Yamamoto is known as a close personal friend of Alliance President Gibson Kincaid.
  • The Mars Tribune is closed and dissolved, with editor Lana Sigrid, owner Kinglsey Cordova, and other employees arrested for blackmail and corruption over the illegal surveillance scandal. Ramesh Thorne is reinstated with the FSS and promoted, and the anonymous whistle-blower is granted full immunity for her help.
  • In the Loha system, Loha Holdings accuses its rivals of hijacking its transport ships and killing the crew. After the New Loha Party claims this is a false flag operation designed to discredit them, the strained relations between the two factions devolve into open warfare and they both issue appeals for support from independent pilots.
  • Li Yong-Rui announces that Sirius Corp has charged a cabal of its junior officers with orchestrating an illegal operation to gain access to Phoenix Base. The officers, whose intentions reportedly remain unclear, face life imprisonment for their crimes. Li Yong-Rui also extends a personal apology to Ram Tah.
  • Duke Kaeso Mordanticus, leader of Nova Imperium, calls for Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval to be replaced by a new Emperor who will restore the glory of the Empire.
  • Dr. Alfred Ulyanov comments on the discovery of the attacked Far God cult outposts in the Etain system in August. He also notes that he is co-writing a book on the cult with Gethin Okonkwo.
  • Adenets Pro-Alliance Bond is contracted by Achilles Corporation to oversee a campaign at Henslow Market, Adenets to collect various commodities for the construction of new PA912 robots. Achilles Corporation intends to replace all robots destroyed by their owners as a result of the recent spy robot scandal free-of-charge.
  • Henrik de Lacerda, a senior engineer at Aegis Research, announces a breakthrough in meta-alloy research that will allow extremely small quantities of meta-alloys to provide sufficient protection against against the "technological plague" caused by Thargoid Sensors and other Thargoid commodities. Aegis arranges for starports still affected by Thargoid Sensor-related interference to receive shipments of meta-alloys for immediate repairs.
  • With starports now effectively immune to technological disruption from Thargoid commodities, the sale of Thargoid commodities via public markets is legalized.
  • Aegis stations a security force in Meene to provide additional protection for Ram Tah and preserve his independence. Sirius Corporation did not respond to the development, but it is rumored that Li Yong-Rui withdrew his offer to work with Ram Tah on Guardian-human technology.


  • A number of Imperial Senators voice their support for Nova Imperium's cause, including Senator Pal Vespasian, who announces that Imperator Kaeso Mordanticus will be invited to address the Senate and detail his policies. Vespasian also endorses Mordanticus's proposal to replace Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.
  • Allied Medical Industries and Neosalve Inc. merge to form Neomedical Industries, which becomes one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the galaxy, on par with the Vandermeer Corporation in Federation space. Neomedical Industries will provide drugs, equipment, and services to both Alliance and independent systems.
  • Professor Katrien Rook of Vitadyne Labs announces the development of a new form of nanomedicine, which can potentially heal any injury, cure any disease, and extend the human lifespan by 30-50 years with regular use. Vitadyne Labs invites medical authorities, including the Interstellar Health Organisation, to review their data before bringing the nanomeds to market.
  • Barnabas Cole, leader of an obscure cult based in the Zlota system called the Children of Tothos, issues a request for rare commodities to conduct a ritual. Zlota Federal Holdings oversees the campaign at Nusslein-Volhard Settlement on the cult's behalf, and issues a kill order for ships on its wanted list.
  • Nova Imperium reveals the existence of Hadrian Augustus Duval, the son of a second illegitimate child of the late Emperor Hengist Duval. Imperator Mordanticus calls for Hadrian to be recognized as the true heir to the Imperial throne. Cassia Carvalho of the Imperial Herald observes that the announcement has rallied hardliners who prefer a traditional male Emperor to Nova Imperium's cause, and significantly increased the organization's credibility.
  • Gethin Okonkwo discusses the Far God cult compounds in the Etain system, expressing his surprise that those sites remained unknown to him even during his undercover investigation of the cult. Okonkwo teases that his upcoming book, co-authored with Dr. Alfred Ulyanov, will reveal some new details about the Far God cult.
  • A networked database system named the Codex, a joint initiative from the Pilots Federation and Universal Cartographics, is launched. It is automatically uploaded to the onboard systems of all vessels registered with the Pilots Federation.
  • Two new ships hit the market: the Mamba from Zorgon Peterson Mamba, and the Krait Phantom from Faulcon DeLacy.
  • War erupts in the Wally Bei system after Wally Bei Technical accuses the Traditional Wally Bei Constitution Party of stealing food shipments.
  • In a message broadcast across the Empire, Hadrian Augustus Duval describes how his upbringing as an independent trader with his father, who died two years ago and never mentioned his heritage, made him appreciate how diminished the Empire had become. He implores Imperial citizens to aid him and Nova Imperium in honouring the legacy of the Duval bloodline and saving the Empire.
  • The Interstellar Health Organisation begins testing verifies Vitadyne Labs' new nanomeds on patients after verifying Vitadyne's data on their extensive health benefits. Healthcare analyst Dr. Himari Grey opines that Professor Katrien Rook's creation is a work of genius and a revolutionary development in medicine.
  • Juanita Bishop resurfaces to call for Gethin Okonkwo and Dr. Alfred Ulyanov's upcoming book on the Far God cult to be banned. Okonkwo responds by pointing out that the book contains accounts of Bishop's followers attacking cultists, and he suggests Bishop's true aim is a cover-up.
  • The Industrial Mining Guild discusses the uses of a series of new mining tools, the Abrasion Blaster, Sub-Surface Displacement Missile, and Seismic Charge Launcher, at an industry symposium.
  • The Cemiess Imperial Society organizes a campaign at Mackenzie Relay, Cemiess to bring in deliveries of food and refined jewels for Imperial Senator Simone Leatrix's New Year's celebration at her mountaintop palace on Capitol.
  • Princess Aisling Duval publicly rebukes Nova Imperium, eliciting a rare statement of agreement from Senator Zemina Torval. However, Senator Pal Vespasian insists that Nova Imperium has become a legitimate political movement and Hadrian Duval should be accepted as Emperor-in-waiting.
  • Clinical trials of Vitadyne Labs' nanomeds conducted by the Interstellar Health Organisation deliver outstanding results. Professor Katrien Rook expresses her eagerness introduce the nanomeds to the galaxy.
  • Following the sudden retirement of Shadow Vice President Edgar Santiago, the deputy leader of the Federation's Liberal Party, Shadow President Felicia Winters appointed Congressman Isolde Rochester as the new Shadow Vice President.
  • The Federal Navy places a large order for Herculean Machines' Duradrives. To fulfill the order, CEO Maddox Hurd announces that Blatrimpe Allied Co Commodities will accept deliveries of key components at Boltzmann Hub in Blatrimp, and reward bounty hunters for their help keeping the shipping lanes clear.
  • Imperial senators supporting Nova Imperium demand that Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval formally recognize Hadrian Augustus Duval as a member of the Imperial Family. Chancellor Anders Blaine counters that Nova Imperium has no right to determine policy. Imperial Herald political journalist Cassia Carvalho comments that Emperor Arissa's lack of public response has led to a perception of weakness, and with civil war looming, accepting Hadrian as an heir is increasingly seen as a reasonable compromise.
  • Simguru Pranav Antal claims the Vitadyne Labs nanomeds are Utopia products that were stolen from a medical transport that went missing from Polevnic months ago. Professor Katrien Rook and Vitadyne Labs do not comment on the accusations, but the Interstellar Health Organisation pledges to investigate.
  • President Zachary Hudson of the Federation and Prime Minister Edmund Mahon of the Alliance comment on the rise of Nova Imperium, expressing concern about the possibility of the Empire ceasing to contribute to Aegis. Hudson warns that the Federation would intervene should Nova Imperium come to power, and independent sources note increased activity among the Federal Navy.



  • The Federal Security Service investigates the theft of code for a holo-sculpture inspired by the Federation insignia that would have been unveiled above Olympus Village on Mars before millions of viewers to mark the start of 3305. Instead of the planned holo-sculpture, an image of a winking cat's face was projected over the city. The culprit is believed to be the same art thief who stole works from Alioth and Eotienses A 3 in 3304.
  • The League of Zearla places an open order for military supplies for the Federal Navy at Payson Hub, Zearla, while Sirsir Co. oversees a similar campaign for the Imperial Navy at Mitchell Hangar, Sirsir.
  • Professor Katrien Rook admits that Vitadyne Labs did not invent its new nanomeds, but explains they were purchased as legitimate salvage from independent pilots who had found the crash site of the missing Utopian transport ship. Rook offers to return the original nanomeds to Utopia and apologize, but insists that Vitadyne keep the derived nanomeds that it had already created. Pranav Antal demands that Vitadyne hand over the derivatives as well. The IHO announces it will review the case.
  • Vox Galactica reports on the final preparations for the upcoming Distant Worlds II expedition, which will launch on January 13. Project organizers Erimus Kamzel and Dr. Kaii report that thousands of Commanders will embark on a journey to Beagle Point and back that will last approximately 300 days and span 200,000 light years. In addition to mapping unexplored regions of the galaxy along the way, the expedition will also construct a starport near Sagittarius A*.
  • Nova Imperium begins mustering a militia in its home system of Paresa. Senator Denton Patreus, in his capacity as Admiral of the Fleet of the Imperial Navy, demands that Nova Imperium disperse its forces. Reporter Cassia Carvalho warns that a crackdown by the Imperial Navy could provoke rebellion.
  • Independent news feed The Sovereign reports that a luxury star yacht owned by famous actor Consuela Knight arrived at its destination with no one onboard. Computer records confirm that Ms. Knight and four crew members were aboard the ship until shortly before arrival, when they inexplicably vanished. Engineering and hyperspace experts begin investigating.
  • Retired military strategist Marquis Felix Novantico suggests that the recently concluded supply campaigns for the Federal and Imperial navies were related to Nova Imperium. The Empire was stocking up in response to tensions with Nova Imperium, while the Federation was likely concerned that the Empire could turn hostile if Hadrian Duval gained the throne.
  • The Imperial Navy engages Nova Imperium in the Paresa system. Senator Denton Patreus calls on Imperial auxiliaries to aid the loyalist Yupini Limited faction in destroying the Nova Imperium fleet, while Imperator Kaeso Mordanticus pleads for support from the galactic community and those who believe in Hadrian Duval, warning that Nova Imperium's survival depends on winning the battle.
  • Cassia Carvalho reports on the Battle of Paresa, commenting that whether it is a one-off skirmish or the start of an Imperial civil war, the battle's outcome will decide the future of the Empire.
  • Healthcare analyst Dr. Himari Grey discusses the ethical dilemma created by the legal dispute over Vitadyne Labs' nanomeds. While many medical experts assert that the nanomeds' potential health benefits for the public outweigh Utopia's ownership claims, it is possible that high demand for the nanomeds could cause their price to skyrocket beyond the reach of all but the wealthiest individuals.
  • Senator Denton Patreus announces that Imperial auxiliaries have defeated Nova Imperium in Paresa.
  • The Omega Mining Corporation of Omega Mining Operation in the Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 system requests deliveries of raw materials on behalf of the Distant Worlds II expedition for use in the construction of a new Orbis starport in the Galactic Centre region.
  • The Interstellar Health Organisation sides with Vitadyne Labs and grants them approval to distribute their nanomedicines. The IHO agreed with Utopia's claims that the nanomeds had originated with them, but explained that since Vitadyne had obtained the Utopia nanomeds as legal salvage, the resulting derivatives were Vitadyne's intellectual property.
  • The Empire captures Imperator Kaeso Mordanticus. Speaking on behalf of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Chancellor Anders Blaine proclaims that Nova Imperium's fleet has been destroyed and Mordanticus will be brought before the Senate on January 25th to face charges of treason. Cassia Carvalho speculates that the Emperor may intend to make an example of Mordanticus with a public trial. Remnants of Nova Imperium reportedly linger in Paresa, but it is believed the organisation is beyond the point of recovery.
  • The disappearance of Consuela Knight continues to spark rumors. Independent reporter Flint "Firemaker" Lafosse discusses a number of theories about the incident, and wonders if similar disappearances have been happening all along but were covered up.
  • The Distant Worlds II expedition initiative concludes successfully, and Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 is identified as the designated site for the new Galactic Centre Starport.
  • Professor Katrien Rook of Vitadyne Labs launches an initiative to construct a new pharmaceutical facility for the production of nanomeds, with Neomedical Industries and Vandermeer Corporation holding competing campaigns to bid for the distribution license. Neomedical Industries' campaign is overseen by Alignak Jet Legal and Co at Piserchia Port in Alignak, and Vandermeer Corporation's campaign is overseen by the Liberals of Kuma at Elion Dock in Kuma.
  • Confidence in commercial space travel is shaken by the disappearance of Consuela Knight. Sales of Saud Kruger customised yachts plummet, cruise bookings with Astrogator Tours are cancelled, and commercial passenger carriers report a drop in passenger numbers. Meanwhile, a memorial service is planned to honour Consuela Knight's career.
  • Upon being brought before the Imperial Senate and Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Duke Kaeso Mordanticus is executed personally by Senator Denton Patreus. The Imperial Guard then guns down Senators who supported Nova Imperium, including Pal Vespasian and Eloise Winterstone. There are reports of further public executions across Capitol, and mass arrests and raids across the Empire as an apparent purge of Nova Imperium members and supporters begins.
  • Pranav Antal condemns the IHO's ruling on the Vitadyne Labs nanomeds. Some members of the medical community express reservations about the ruling as well, since Vitadyne's victory has likely ruined any chance of cooperating and exchanging other technologies with Utopia in the future.
  • Imperial security forces complete their purge of Nova Imperium after a single day, ensuring the isolationists can no longer threaten the Imperial throne and silencing Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's critics. Alliance and Federal leaders offer no comments on the brutality, but are presumably reassured that inter-superpower cooperation will continue. What is left of Nova Imperium retains control of the Paresa system.
  • Billionaire investor Lexi October announces plans to save technology company Supratech from bankruptcy following the failure of their Torc personal computer. October sponsors a campaign managed by the People's Rakapila Progressive Party to collect commodities Stone Enterprise, Rakapila.
  • Hadrian Augustus Duval denounces Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval as a brutal tyrant following the execution of Kaeso Mordanticus and the purge of Nova Imperium. He calls for Imperials who value honor and tradition to help keep Nova Imperium alive in Paresa, and takes the title of Imperator himself in remembrance of the "martyred" Mordanticus.


  • Missing actor Consuela Knight is reportedly located at the Skyglow Havens retreat on the Rhea Archipelago. An anonymous reporter stated that Knight confessed that she and her yacht's crew had faked their disappearances as a publicity stunt to boost Knight's fame. Knight has since left Rhea and is believed to be living in seclusion. While Knight's fans claim that such a hoax is out of character for her, authorities have accepted the explanation and closed their investigation.
  • Dr. Roy Casimir of the Holloway Bioscience Institute announces plans to construct a research centre planetary outpost for the study of new alien lifeforms recently discovered in Notable Stellar Phenomena sites, and requests that metals and exploration data be delivered to Williams Vision in Nahuaru.
  • In an interview with the Alliance Tribune, Alliance President Gibson Kincaid expounds on potential threats to the Alliance, including Nova Imperium. Kincaid asserts that the Alliance must be prepared to stand alone against both human and alien aggressors if necessary. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon later chides Kincaid, stating that the President should be focusing on his diplomatic duties and that the internal politics of the Empire are not the Alliance's concern.
  • Responding to an automatic distress signal, a Federal Navy vessel discovers an unregistered outpost on a remote moon, and finds all the occupants were murdered. Federal Intelligence Agency investigators report that the outpost was dedicated to advanced nuclear research, and the unknown attackers bypassed security systems with access codes, possibly with the aim of stealing technology or data.
  • The family-run Ambrose Foundation reports that all of its assets, totaling nearly 300 billion credits, have been liquidated and transferred to multiple anonymous accounts across the galaxy. While security forces investigate a possible data hack, there is speculation that the recently-vanished heiress Lady Talitha Ambrose was kidnapped and forced to divulge access codes to her inheritance.
  • Atlas Research Group launches a campaign to stockpile military materials at Reed's Rest in Merope in order to bolster Merope's defenses against the Thargoids.
  • Multiple invaluable art pieces are stolen from the Museum of Civilisation on Mars, with an image of a winking cat left their place. While museum historian Dr. Imogen Ryang laments the theft, culture journalist Kioko McGrath notes that the winking cat motif has become a widely popular anti-establishment symbol, ironically making the calling card of an art thief a culturally significant work of art itself.
  • Baroness Oksana Ambrose, head of the Ambrose Foundation and mother of the missing Lady Talitha Ambrose, confirms that the Ambrose Foundation lost all its assets. After paying off the foundation's debts and employee salaries, Baroness Ambrose uses her remaining money to hire the Wallglass Investigations Agency to rescue her daughter.
  • FIA Senior Agent Rochelle Karim reveals that the raided outpost recently discovered by the Federal Navy had been illegally developing a portable 300-megaton nuclear weapon codenamed the Lucifer Device. The outpost had produced a single working prototype which is now believed to be in the raiders' hands.
  • The docking hub of Explorer's Anchorage, a station constructed with the support of the Distant Worlds 2 expedition, arrives in Stuemeae FG-Y d7561, just outside Sagittarius A*. While work continues on the superstructure of Explorer's Anchorage, the galaxy's newest and most remote station is able to immediately offer basic services.
  • A longtime rivalry between General Kendrick of Namab Purple Brothers and Marshal Cooper of Drevlyada League escalates into war in the Drevlyada system. Both factions issue requests for assistance from the galactic community.
  • After Federal Times reporter Adley King raises concerns about lax safety protocols at weapons manufacturer Prax Incorporated, CEO Lucina Prax disputes the claim, insisting her company takes the strictest precautions at all times. Prax touts her company's financial success in the previous year, and hints that a revolutionary new product is being developed.
  • The Federal Intelligence Agency uncovers financial links between the illegal nuclear research outpost and Zlota Federal Holdings of the Zlota system, indicating that several high-ranking members of the faction conspired to embezzle public funds to create portable nuclear weapons. The FIA believes that one conspirator had the outpost raided so that he or she could sell the Lucifer Device on the black market.
  • Flint "Firemaker" Lafosse alleges that Lady Talitha Ambrose was not kidnapped, but is instead in hiding after gambling away the Ambrose Foundation's assets in an exclusive gambling circle called Jokers' Deck, which counts some of the wealthiest individuals in the galaxy among its members.
  • The conflict in Drevlyada ends after General Kendrick of Namab Purple Brothers and Marshal Cooper of Drevlyada League are executed by their own lieutenants, who were displeased by the massive loss of life caused by their leaders' personal dispute. Namab Purple Brothers and the Drevlyada League agree to honor their commitments to independent pilots who fought in the conflict.
  • Macrosphere, a technology company, organizes a components drive at Grandin Terminal, DS Leonis to develop a new "Mech Scanner". CEO Taniyah Sharpe explains that the Mech Scanner will allow robot owners to scan their machines for tampering, a common concern in the wake of the Mars Tribune scandal.


  • Senior Agent Rochelle Karim confirms that the FIA has determined that the missing nuclear weapon known as the Lucifer Device is in the possession of a cult called the Children of Tothos, led by Barnabas Cole. Willard Morgenstern, an executive of Zlota Federal Holdings who funded the illegal outpost that created the weapon, had divulged the weapon's existence to the cult while intoxicated, and the cult subsequently raided the outpost and stole the weapon.
  • The Wallglass Investigations Agency confirms that Lady Talitha Ambrose is a gambling addict who bet and lost the entire Ambrose Foundation in a high-stakes poker game held by Jokers' Deck, a game which may have been rigged against her. Baroness Oksana Ambrose revokes her wayward daughter's title and disowns her.
  • The organizers of the Distant Worlds II expedition request mined materials for use in the construction of a Megaship and an Installation in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. Dr. Kaii, Fleet Liaison for Deep Space Surveys, explained that the Installation would be used to study the Sagittarius A* supermassive black hole.
  • The FIA continues its search for Barnabas Cole and the Lucifer Device. Other members of the Children of Tothos are detained in Zlota, but none know Cole's whereabouts or plans. Federal Times crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi also publishes a profile on the Children of Tothos.
  • Talitha Ambrose confirms to Vox Galactica that the report on how she lost the Ambrose Foundation to Jokers' Deck is true, and explains that the incident helped her break free from her gambling addiction. She announces plans to use her connections to raise funds for addition support charities.
  • The Children of Tothos seize control of Archambault Terminal in Chun Tstar, occupying the control deck and using the threat of the Lucifer Device to take station personnel hostage. As the station is inhabited by millions of people, the FIA opt to attempt to negotiate rather than conduct a frontal assault.
  • Taja Gavaris is appointed the new CFO of Rackham Capital Investments following the sudden death of Aaron Salazar, the previous CFO and a friend of CEO Zachary Rackham. Insiders speculate that Gavaris' meteroic rise in the company may be part of a plot by the board of directors to oust Rackham from control of his company.
  • Councillor Magnolia Gill, administrator of Explorer's Anchorage in Stuemeae FG-Y d7561, announces that the starport is complete and fully operational after four weeks of construction. Meanwhile, the Distant Worlds II fleet continues its expedition to Beagle Point.
  • As the Children of Tothos continue to occupy Archambault Terminal in Chun Tstar, Barnabas Cole uses the station's comms array to transmit sermons, attracting a number of would-be civilian converts.
  • Bryanna Blanco of the Federal Times accuses Rackham Capital Investments CFO Taja Gavaris of being a pirate who used her knowledge of CEO Zachary Rackham's past illicit activities to blackmail her way into Rackham's company and eliminate his allies.
  • While scanning the abandoned Far God cult outpost on Etain 4 c for missing undercover agent Nathan Summers, the FIA recovers an intact cryogenic pod from the rubble. The pod's occupant is conveyed to a medical facility, but his or her identity is not disclosed.
  • Barnabas Cole announces that the Children of Tothos have begun sacrificing the citizens of Archambault Terminal in Chun Tstar in a ritual that will culminate with the detonation of the Lucifer Device. Cole also proclaimed that applicants to the cult will be permitted to join if they sacrifice a human to Tothos, and it is reported that murders have occurred aboard ships docking at the station. Federal authorities remain stymied by the situation and have yet to develop a plan to safely retake Archambault Terminal.
  • Rackham Capital Investments senior executive Derrin O'Shea is killed after his personal limousine malfunctions and crashes, and he is swiftly replaced by a supporter of Taja Gavaris. Authorities do not rule O'Shea's death as suspicious, and also decline to investigate both Gavaris and Rackham due to insufficient evidence.
  • The survivor of the abandoned Far God cult outpost is revealed to be 17-year old Kiona O'Connor, a runaway who had been taken in by the cultists. Following a debriefing, the FIA contacted her father, John O'Connor, and arranged for her to be taken home.


  • The standoff at Archambault Terminal is safely resolved after FIA Senior Agent Rochelle Karim infiltrates the Children of Tothos in disguise and kills Barnabas Cole before he can detonate the Lucifer Device. The other cultists are arrested, the Lucifer Device is disarmed and secured, and Archambault Terminal returns to normal.
  • The FIA opens an investigation into the recent deaths of Rackham Capital Investments executives and requests that the Federal Times share its accumulated files on Zachary Rackham and Taja Gavaris.
  • Princess Aisling Duval reaches out to Nova Imperium leader Hadrian Augustus Duval and visits him in the Paresa system. Aisling explains that she was dismayed by Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's brutal purge of Nova Imperium supporters, and wanted to heal the divisions within the Empire. During Aisling's visit, Hadrian was re-confirmed via genetic testing to be descended from the late Emperor Hengist Duval.
  • The Children of Tothos cult is forcibly disbanded. In light of the Archambault Terminal incident, the FIA pledges to review other fringe religions to prevent further tragedies. Questions are also raised about nuclear research regulation, and whether weapons similar to the Lucifer Device have been secretly developed by other groups.
  • Events surrounding Rackham Capital Investments take a strange turn when the FIA denies it is investigating the organization, as Zachary Rackham is a member of the FIA Civilian Oversight Board in good standing and there is no evidence of criminality within RCI. Bryanna Blanco disputes this, explaining that credentialed FIA agents had come to the Federal Times' offices and taken its files on RCI and its executives.
  • Aisling Duval's meeting with Hadrian Duval causes controversy throughout the Empire. Senator Zemina Torval blasts Aisling as an ideological traitor, and observers note that Hadrian's traditionalism and isolationism does not align with Aisling's progressivism. Journalist Cassia Carvalho speculates that Aisling hopes to influence the inexperienced Hadrian into softening his stances.
  • Aegis partners with Ram Tah to manufacture Guardian-related technology. Aegis Senior Engineer Lilith Galloway explains the deal will allow Aegis to divert some of its vast resources to producing Guardian modules; meanwhile, the Trident, Javelin, and Lance hybrid fighters will continue to be licensed to Technology Brokers. Ram Tah expresses his delight and confidence in the arrangement.
  • Admiral Aden Tanner comments on the Thargoids' concentrated assault, which has caused damage to dozens of starports in only a few short months. Tanner points out that the Thargoids have inexplicably avoided attacking humanity's important social and military centers, such as the capitals of the superpowers, but their ongoing attacks on less vital systems indicate an overall strategy. As capital ships remain ineffective against Thargoid craft, humanity's defense relies on independent pilots.
  • Core Dynamics purchases Vodel, manufacturer of the Scarab SRV, after the latter company experiences a downturn in profits. Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester emphasizes that Vodel's core team designers and engineers will remain together, and the classic Scarab will not be altered.
  • Hadrian Augustus Duval announces he has agreed to a non-aggression pact with Aisling Duval, in which Nova Imperium and Aisling's supporters pledge to not interfere with or oppose each other. While Hadrian remains in exile for the time being, he promises to review Nova Imperium's policies at Aisling's request.
  • The Pilots' Federation reveals plans to create a restricted area of space for newly licensed Commanders called the Pilots' Federation District, which is approved by all three superpowers.
  • Taja Gavaris resigns as CFO of Rackham Capital Investments and leaves Federation space, along with several of her loyalists. Bryanna Blanco concludes that the FIA agents who took the Federal Times' files on RCI were disguised operatives in Zachary Rackham's employ, and the files were used to blackmail Gavaris into leaving. RCI also donates 36.5 million credits to the Federal Times.
  • An investigation is launched into the improbable theft of a Diamondback Explorer belonging to Commander Bjorn Lennox from its hangar in Fort Dixon, Vega. Security Chief Misaki Sanders is unable to explain how the thief hijacked Fort Dixon's security network, breached a docked and sealed ship, overrode authorization checks, and departed the starport unchallenged.
  • Alliance President Gibson Kincaid is again rebuked by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, this time after Kincaid demanded increased military funding for new fleets during a session of the Alliance Assembly. According to the Alliance Tribune, Kincaid's recurring antics have damaged his reputation in the Assembly.
  • Zende Partners of the Zende system announces an initiative to establish a ferry service between the Core Systems and Guardian space to increase the latter's accessibility. Pilots are asked to vote in an open poll for their preferred candidate among five systems with Guardian ruins. The winning system will serve as the terminus of a planned ferry Megaship, and also host a permanent outpost.


  • Members of the Distant Worlds II expedition begin to reach Beagle Point after over three months and 73,000 light years of travel, plus the achievement of constructing the research station Explorer's Anchorage near Sagittarius A*.
  • Fort Dixon Security Chief Misaki Sanders identifies the thief of the recently stolen Diamondback Explorer as hangar technician Gan Romero. The investigation continues into Romero's motive and destination, as well as the means he used to bypass ship security protocols and depart without authorization.
  • Councillor Elijah Beck presents evidence before the Alliance Assembly that President Gibson Kincaid illegally accepted billions in undeclared funds for his election campaign from the Bank of Zaonce in September 3304. The Assembly approves Beck's request to open a formal inquiry into the matter.
  • The Megaships Sadler's Song and The Conduit are deployed in Synuefe EN-H d11-96 and Zende, marking the launch of the weekly ferry service between the Core Systems and Guardian space planned by Zende Partners. In addition, orbital outposts are opened in Synuefe EN-H d11-96 and Wregoe XQ-L c21-29. Zende Partners CEO Freya Taine also announces an advanced military module based on Guardian tech is in the works. CEO Cedrik Stone of Imperial arms manufacturer Segnen Exchange accuses Zende Partners of seeking a monopoly on Guardian tech.
  • Alliance President Gibson Kincaid defends himself against corruption allegations, countering that Councillor Elijah Beck fabricated the scandal out of spite after Gibson won the 3304 presidential election, and further insinuating that Beck was linked to the assassination of the third presidential candidate, Fazia Silva. The Bank of Zaonce also rebuffed the inquiry's official requests for access to its records.
  • Lara Romero, the wife of starship thief Gan Romero, is interviewed by Vox Galactica. Lara claims the theft is out of character for her husband, but reveals that he had recently become distracted and disturbed by unusual dreams.
  • Zende Partners requests deliveries of Guardian commodities to The Prospect in Synuefe EN-H d11-96 to promote research and procure a Technology Broker license for the outpost.
  • Segnen Exchange announces it will construct an outpost of its own in the Synuefe EN-H d11-96 system. Business analysts debate the move, with some fearing it could spark a conflict with Zende Partners and others optimistic that it will further advance research into Guardian technology.
  • Investigators retrieve and decrypt data fragments from the personal journal of starship thief Gan Romero. The fragments are believed to be Romero's dream journal, in which he describes "an area of space, not black but radiant…glowing like heaven", and "voices that didn't come from anything with a body" calling to him. Medical experts speculate that Romero suffers from an undiagnosed dissociative disorder.
  • Admiral Frederick Yamamoto of the Alliance's Council of Admirals issues a decree appointing President Gibson Kincaid the commander-in-chief of the Zaonce Alliance Defence Force fleet, giving an Alliance President the unprecedented power to issue orders to an ADF fleet directly. The other members of the Council of Admirals condemn the move as political posturing and demand Yamamoto rescind the decree.
  • A Technology Broker is established at The Prospect in Synuefe EN-H d11-96, and Segnen Exchange constructs a second outpost, Indigo Dock, in the system. Conflict breaks out as Segnen Exchange and Zende Partners accuse each other of attacking their convoys in Synuefe EN-H d11-96, with both corporations promising unique weapon modules to entice pilots to fight for them.
  • Prime Minister Edmund Mahon calls on President Gibson Kincaid to resign and cooperate with the Alliance Assembly's investigation. Ensconced at his home in Zaonce and protected by Admiral Yamamoto's fleet as well as the emissaries of the Office of the Alliance President, Kincaid rejected Mahon's demands and countered that the Assembly cannot legally oust him without proof that he committed a crime.
  • Journalist Flint "Firemaker" Lafosse speculates that Gan Romero's dream journal entries may be related to the visions of the "caretakers of our galaxy" experienced by former Federal President Jasmina Halsey following the Starship One incident, and wonders if any other people have received similar visions.
  • The conflict in Synuefe EN-H d11-96 ends with Zende Partners victorious and Segnen Exchange forced into retreat. Zende Partners retains control of the ferry service, captures Indigo Dock, and begins manufacturing the Advanced Multi-cannon module. Segnen Exchange's plans to produce the Advanced Missile Rack are set back indefinitely.
  • The official search for starship thief Gan Romero is suspended after all leads are exhausted. Commander Bjorn Lennox, the owner of the stolen ship, speculates that Romero stole his vessel specifically because it was outfitted with a high jump and Romero's dreams were driving him to a distant, unknown location.


  • Admiral Frederick Yamamoto is arrested by Alliance Interpol and charged with the assassination of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva. The Wallglass Investigations Agency, hired by Silva's sister Tashmira, found that Yamamoto had personally hired a professional assassin with a background in the Alliance Defence Force to carry out the murder. The Council of Admirals takes joint command of the Zaonce ADF fleet while Yamamoto awaits trial. President Gibson Kincaid does not comment on the matter.
  • Independent media organization Sagittarius Eye issues a request for cobalt, titanium, and tantalum to be used in the construction of a new Asteroid Base, The Print Works, in the Millese system.
  • To avoid life imprisonment, Frederick Yamamoto confesses that in addition to the assassination of Fazia Silva, he committed other crimes on Alliance President Gibson Kincaid's direct orders. Yamamoto was part of a wider conspiracy that involved other influential corporate, military, and political figures seeking to curry favor with Kincaid, including a senior Bank of Zaonce director who diverted funds to Kincaid's re-election campaign. Kincaid's goal was to move the Alliance's capital from Alioth to Zaonce, with the long-term purpose of establishing himself as the Alliance's supreme ruler.
  • Tilbery Construction CEO Garrett Kline announces the purchase of 4,000 Imperial slaves as a workforce for the construction of a new water treatment facility for the city of Port Isabelle on Eotienses A 3. Anti-slavery charity Unchain lodges a complaint with authorities in Eotienses, citing the potential for violation of the terms of the slaves' indentured servitude and Tilbery Construction's apparent inexperience.
  • Evangeline's Elite Expeditionary Force requests superconductors, computer components, and insulating membranes for the construction of a new Megaship in the Shana Bei system.
  • Alliance President Gibson Kincaid is removed from office by a vote of the Alliance Assembly and charged with treason, murder, and corruption. Kincaid was detained by Alliance Interpol while attempting to flee his estate, and several other conspirators were arrested separately. Key evidence at their trials will be the Wallglass Investigations Agency report and Frederick Yamamoto's testimony.
  • Tilbery Construction reveals it is a front for the radical anti-slavery group Autonomy, which opposes Imperial slavery and forcibly emancipates slaves. The 4,000 Imperial slaves that Tilbery Construction purchased are transported outside Port Isabelle upon delivery and promptly liberated.
  • The Alliance Assembly votes to amend the Alliance constitution and dissolve the office of President of the Alliance, citing Gibson Kincaid's crimes as proof that the position is vulnerable to abuse. Councilor Elijah Beck volunteers to resign from the Assembly to oversee the restructuring of the presidency's diplomatic department, which will be preserved. The Assembly also approves Admiral Tahir West of the Tionisla ADF fleet to replace Frederick Yamamoto on the Council of Admirals.
  • The Imperial Slaves freed by Autonomy find themselves stranded on Eotienses A 3 without food, shelter, income, or the means to return home. Public buildings in Port Isabelle, such as the Imperial Museum of Culture, are temporarily converted into camps for these newly-homeless individuals. As police and support services struggle to cope, clashes between the former slaves and local citizens are reported.
  • Princess Aisling Duval, speaking in her capacity as CEO of anti-slavery charity Unchain, condemns the emancipation of Imperial Slaves by Autonomy on Eotienses A 3. Aisling explains that under Imperial law, Imperial Slaves require more care during the manumission process to ensure their well-being, but Autonomy recklessly abandoned thousands in Port Isabelle with no employment or protection.
  • Jan Sandoval, one of the founders of the Red Family drug cartel, turns herself in to the Federal Intelligence Agency and offers to testify against the cartel's leading members, which would dismantle the organization. She enters protective custody, and Executive Agent Viola Trask takes charge of her case.


  • Distant Worlds II project leader Erimus Kamzel announces that the DSSV Distant Worlds mobile megaship and the Event Horizon Science Relay installation have finally begun operations at Stuemeae FG-Y d7561. The DSSV Distant Worlds will embark on a scientific survey of six systems within the Galactic Centre, while Event Horizons Science Relay will analyze the Sagittarius A* supermassive black hole.
  • As meta-alloy harvests in the Pleiades slow dramatically amidst claims that many Thargoid Barnacles have been exhausted, Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research announces an initiative to identify alternative Thargoid Barnacle sites by collecting and analyzing exploration data supplied by independent pilots.
  • FIA headquarters in Olympus Village, Mars is infiltrated by a mercenary hit squad seeking to assassinate Red Family member-turned-informant Jan Sandoval. The assassins are exposed by security systems and neutralized before they can reach Sandoval, but the incident represents an unprecedented breach of the FIA's most secure facility and reinforces the value of Sandoval's testimony.
  • Thousands of freed Imperial Slaves continue to cause turmoil in Port Isabelle. Journalist Gwendolyn Nash reports that the emancipated have formed armed bands. One group invades Port Isabelle's spaceport and attempts to seize the transports used to bring them to Eotienses A 3, while others besiege government buildings and demand official reinstatement as Imperial Slaves.
  • Aegis Research announces that new Thargoid Barnacle sites had been found in the Witch Head Nebula. The Alliance, Empire, and Federation send advance teams to the region and launch concurrent campaigns for resources to be used in the construction of new Ocellus Starports and Megaships there.
  • In a matter of hours, the Thargoids completely withdraw from the Core Systems and the Pleiades Nebula with the exception of the Maia and Merope systems. Aegis is uncertain why the Thargoids departed, but theorizes that their numbers may have been depleted or they are changing their strategy. Professor Ishmael Palin warns that though this is a significant development, it is in no way indicative that the war with the Thargoids has concluded.
  • Jan Sandoval reveals to FIA Executive Agent Viola Trask that she turned herself in because the Red Family had recently engineered a dangerous new designer narcotic that was more addictive than any other substance on the black market, and which could potentially ruin or end billions of lives in Federal space. Sandoval opposed the drug, but when she failed to stop its production, she then turned to the authorities for help. Red Family operations have already begun to be disrupted by FIA field agents.
  • An Imperial Internal Security Service taskforce detains all 4,000 liberated Imperial Slaves stranded at Port Isabelle pending discussions with local authorities to resolve their plight. The IISS also arrests Garrett Kline and other Autonomy members for their part in instigating the crisis, and Kline is additionally charged with manslaughter for crushing several ex-slaves with his ship while attempting to flee a riot.
  • The Thargoids return to the Pleiades Nebula, with Aegis asserting that they are likely refocusing on reclaiming the region. In addition to attacking three stations without being detected by Eagle Eye, the Thargoids mass in Maia and assault Palin Research Centre. Professor Ishmael Palin and his staff evacuate to the megaship Carson's Spring, which is besieged before it can depart the system.
  • The FIA conducts a series of raids on Red Family bases and manufacturing plants. Dozens of cartel members are killed and thousands arrested in what is hailed as a successful operation to dismantle the decades-old Red Family. It is widely expected that the arrest of Oberon Church will soon follow.
  • Anti-slavery charity Unchain purchases the 4,000 Imperial Slaves that had been stranded on Eotienses A 3. Princess Aisling Duval acknowledges the irony, and explains that it was a practical solution to the suffering caused by Autonomy. The slaves will be given proper care and pay off their debts by helping to construct a new Unchain headquarters in Port Isabelle, after which they will regain citizenship.
  • Carson's Spring escapes Maia and arrives in the Arque system thanks to the efforts of independent pilots fending off Thargoid attacks. Professor Ishmael Palin begins transferring his staff and equipment to Abel Laboratory on Arque 4 E.
  • Six Ocellus Starports arrive in the Witch Head Nebula as part of Aegis' colonization initiative, but are immediately attacked by Thargoids acting in defense of their territory. Professor Alba Tesreau calls on independent pilots to defend the stations and prevent loss of access to the new Thargoid Barnacle sites. The response to the request is impressive enough that the Pilots Federation quickly opens a new surface port, Jackrock Outpost, in the region to assist pilots.
  • Former Red Family co-founder Jan Sandoval is assassinated at her FIA safe house in Sol through use of a sophisticated neurotoxin that eluded detection. The FIA believes the assassination was arranged by the last remnants of the Red Family. Despite this significant setback, the FIA's raids on the cartel continue.
  • Prime Minister Edmund Mahon announces the commencement of the Alliance Festival of Culture, a seven-week celebration of the Alliance's artistic achievements, entertainment, and history that will tour seven systems beginning with Lave. The centrepiece of the opening ceremony is a tribute to late-33rd century visual artist Megan Madigan and her lost work "Penance Street".
  • Professor Ishmael Palin resumes his research and Engineering services at Abel Laboratory on Arque 4 E. The megaship Carson's Spring departs Arque to take on new duties.
  • Thargoid forces in the Witch Head Nebula are defeated, and humanity's colonial assets are firmly established in the region. The Alliance, Empire, and Federation officially declare the nebula to be a human enclave which they will share equally. Professor Alba Tesreau asks the galactic community to support the repair effort for the nebula stations so that harvesting of the local barnacle sites can begin.


  • The Red Family is dealt a mortal blow as the FIA conducts a series of coordinated strikes and destroys the cartel's super-addictive narcotic before it could be mass-produced. Oberon Church continues to elude capture, however, and internal investigations into the death of Jan Sandoval while in FIA custody indicate that Church may have bribed FIA officials to enable her assassination.
  • As the first week of the Alliance Festival of Culture concludes, Lave residents share mixed feelings about the event. Some point out that Lave is now controlled by Lave Radio, an independent faction, and assert that the festival is Alliance propaganda. Lave Radio representative Dr. Allen Stroud opines, "We're all just trying to get along and there's much to celebrate about the Alliance, regardless of whether your system is a current or former member."
  • The Alliance Festival of Culture continues in Leesti for its second week. The highlight was a cinematic showcase at the station George Lucas, which included Hal Raskin's historical drama "Unity". The film controversially depicts Alliance founders Mic Turner and Meredith Argent as rivals who faked their romance to rally political support.
  • The enclave at the Witch Head Nebula attracts thousands of migrants looking for a fresh start, including Chloe Sedesi, a former apprentice of Professor Ishmael Palin. Sedesi plans to open her own Engineering base at Cinder Dock in Witch Head Sector DL-Y d17. A Tech Broker and Material Trader will also set up shop in the region after the starports have been repaired.
  • Seven planetary ports are established in the Witch Head Nebula, including Chloe Sedesi's workshop at Cinder Dock. After last minute discussions aboard the megaship Spirit of Minue, a Tech Broker and Material Trader also open their services in the region ahead of schedule. With the starport Ezra Point already restored and repairs on the other five progressing swiftly, it was confirmed that more facilities would be added in the coming weeks.
  • The third week of the Alliance Festival of Culture moves to the Phekda system, where a massive music festival presents megastars like Spectacular Nemesis and Jade Graceland and up-and-comers like The Lasting Hold. Other performers include the Topaz Philharmonic, and legendary singer-songwriter Xiona.
  • The Fortunes Corsairs organize a food drive for the Chamas system to fund the construction of a new asteroid base. The food will be prepared at Denton Dock by the most eminent chefs in Chamas for a grand feast attended by many local elected officials.
  • Week four of the Alliance Festival of Culture features a literature celebration in Olgrea, attracting devotees of both modern and classic literature and giving them a chance to meet their favorite authors.
  • Starship Enterprises issues a public request for mined resources to be delivered to Gell-Mann Ring in the LP 339-7 system. SE Mining, a subsidiary of Starship Enterprises, will use the materials to construct a new asteroid base in LP 339-7 to stimulate the local economy.
  • The Alliance Festival of Culture's fifth week focuses on dance performances in Tionisla. Of note is the ballet "Bones of Dreams", performed by robots built from scrap salvaged from Tionisla's orbital graveyard.
  • The Sap Core Legion launches a campaign to build a state-of-the-art medical facility in the Heike system in response to recent disease epidemics and the potential need for new off-world medical resources.
  • The sixth week of the Alliance Festival of Culture sees the return of the mysterious Winking Cat thief despite a heavy security presence. Megan Madigan's long-lost work "Penance Street", one of the Alliance's greatest art treasures, is discovered hanging in an empty room in Garden City Gallery on Turner's World, Alioth, with a graphic of a winking cat left on the wall behind the painting.


  • The Alliance Festival of Culture's seventh and final week holds a culinary celebration in Diso. Dishes range from home-cooked recipes using the local specialty, Diso Ma Corn, to delicacies such as Baked Greebles. The distillers of Lavian Brandy even sponsor a multi-storey cocktail bar. The occasion is marked with a speech by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, who offers his gratitude to participants and attendees.
  • Dr. Genevieve Kane of the Interstellar Association for Agriculture announces that below-average crop yields are expected across the Core Systems based on audits of key agricultural worlds such as Diso and Orerve. An investigation is launched into the cause, and the IAA begins reviewing options to prevent a shortage, such as the implementation of synthetic treatments to enhance the fertility of cropland.
  • The Rockforth Corporation announces a new product, synthetically-enhanced EX7 fertiliser, in response to low harvests in several systems. While many farmers begin using EX7, Dr. Genevieve Kane of the IAA warns that Rockforth may have cut corners to get their product to market quickly. Distribution of EX7 is consequently restricted to Marshall Dock in Riedquat.
  • Sales of Rockforth Corporation's EX7 fertiliser surpass expectations, and the company's share prices rise on the news. Dr. Genevieve Kane repeats calls for distribution restrictions, however, noting that Rockforth has yet to provide proper documentation for EX7 to the IAA.


  • The impact of low crop yields begins to be felt among the general population. As concerns mount about the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables, some markets and citizens stockpile staple foods. Meanwhile, the Rockforth Corporation announces it will fulfill the Interstellar Association for Agriculture's request for documentation for the EX7 fertiliser at the earliest opportunity.
  • The IAA confirms that the mass crop failures all have common biological markers with similarities to known pathogens, and that farmers have reported healthy crops withering in a matter of days. The cause of the failures remains under investigation. Local populations intensify panic buying and stockpiling of staple foods, and leaders such as Governor Nadeem Clayton of Orerve attempt to calm the public.
  • To counter the crop failures, Crimson State Limited in Diso and Orerve Universal Limited in Orerve launch two parallel initiatives requesting delivers of pesticides, synthetic reagents, and grain. Dr. Genevieve Kane of the IAA suggests the initiatives may prevent the crop shortage from becoming a crisis. She also announces that the investigation into the crop failures turned up evidence of a new form of blight.
  • The commodity appeals in Diso and Orerve set off a wave of civil unrest in several systems, as civilians fear their local governments cannot prevent a famine. Charitable aid foundations such as the Galactic Welfare Trust attempt to alleviate the shortages by distributing food cartridges, but find themselves overwhelmed by the scale of the problem and call on food manufacturers to reduce prices.
  • The IAA concludes that the crop failures are caused by a new strain of blight, but remain unable to determine its origin and vectors. The IAA partners with the Vandermeer Corporation for its molecular diagnostics experience. Public speculation abounds as the blight's source and political enemies blame each other, increasing tensions in afflicted systems to dangerous levels and raising the spectre of war.
  • The IAA identifies Rockforth Corporation's EX7 fertiliser as the cause of the blight. The original poor harvests were found to have been caused by natural factors and could have been contained had EX7 not exacerbated the problem. Although the trade appeals in Diso and Orerve blunted local food shortages, blight is reported in hundreds of other systems. The IAA asks pilots to collect EX7 and turn it in for disposal at Wiley Port, Tevari. Lakon Spaceways supports the initiative by lowering the cost of the Type-6 Transporter, Type-7 Transporter, and Type-9 Heavy, and stations also offer cargo racks at a discount.
  • The Federation, Empire, and Alliance announce the creation of a collaborative body charged with investigating how and why Rockforth Fertiliser became corrupted. Rockforth Corporation marketing director Rex Whitlock states the company is at a loss to explain why EX7 causes the blight, insisting it was rigorously tested before distribution, and affirms Rockforth will cooperate fully with the investigation.
  • The tri-superpower taskforce identifies the cause of the blight as a pathogen-promoting chemical compound used to sabotage Rockforth Fertiliser during the manufacturing process. The investigation turns to the contaminant's point of origin and the motives of the saboteur, though journalist Adalyn Cross notes that Rockforth Corporation remains under scrutiny for negligence in its regulatory checks. Starports increase cargo checks amid news that the blight may be spreading to non-agricultural systems through contaminated goods transported by unsuspecting traders.
  • The contaminant is traced to the Scythe of Panem, an extremist group from Kappa Fornacis. Scythe of Panem members, seeking revenge for the Federation's 3301 campaign to eradicate Onion Head, had infiltrated Rockforth Corporation factories in Riedquat and sabotaged EX7 fertiliser with a compound derived from Federation biocides. When investigators locate Scythe of Panem cells in Quator, the group responds with unprovoked violence, endangering civilians. The Bruthanvan Co minor faction leads the effort to neutralise the activists and requests support from the galactic community.
  • The Vandermeer Corporation reports that the blight-causing pathogen introduced to crops by EX7 has mutated, becoming a self-sufficient and aggressive disease that could spread disastrously without proper containment. Vandermeer teams up with Neomedical Industries to find a treatment. In related news, Zander Lachance of the Coalition for Onion Head Legalisation explains the origins of the Scythe of Panem, revealing that the group recently attracted radical anti-capitalists that influenced its violent new direction.
  • Dr. Genevieve Kane of the IAA announces the development of an agronomic treatment that could counteract the blight. The new commodity was a collaborative effort between the IAA, Rockforth Corporation, Vandermeer Corporation, and Neomedical Industries. Kane requests that pilots transport the treatment from manufacturers in six systems to Diso and Orerve, which were among the first systems affected by the blight, as a trial run before beginning wider distribution.
  • As the galaxy copes with the fruit and vegetable shortages brought on by the blight, Vox Galactica journalist Adalyn Cross highlights the many ways society has been affected: preserved-food brands return, chefs develop new recipes, alternative crops are imported and paid for through tax increases, and the fishing industry booms as people turn to seafood. Unfortunately, billions have become dependent on food cartridges and ration packs, and welfare charities find themselves stretched thin.
  • Independent pilots neutralise the Scythe of Panem and its leaders in Quator. Other members of the extremist group were arrested after a raid was conducted on an unregistered facility discovered beneath the surface port of Weber Settlement.
  • The initiatives to deliver the agronomic treatment to Diso and Orerve successfully prove its effectiveness against the blight pathogen, saving numerous crops. The IAA announces that the threat of further food shortages has been curtailed, and agronomic treatment will be mass produced for use against any lingering traces of the blight.


  • The Interstellar Association for Agriculture reports that the agronomic treatment has eliminated the blight from all affected systems. With crops rejuvenating, the availability of staple foods returns to normal levels. In the aftermath of the blight, the IAA pledges to intensify agricultural product screenings, intelligence agencies reevaluate their anti-terrorism strategies with an emphasis on potential biochemical attacks, and Rockforth Corporation conducts an internal review and begins rebuilding its damaged reputation.
  • Rockforth Corporation CEO Sylvia Rockforth apologises for her company's role in the spread of the blight pathogen via its EX7 fertiliser. Several Rockforth employees are terminated for the roles in the incident, including Rex Whitlock due to his dismissal of regulatory practices. In related news, the IAA confirms that the agronomic treatment has become available in thousands of systems.
  • An ancient generation ship with a living population, The Golconda, is discovered in Upaniklis after it issues a distress signal that is picked up by a local listening post. The vessel's inhabitants report a severe lack of maintenance materials and medical supplies aboard, as well as a lethal viral outbreak. Upaniklis Vision Incorporated sponsors an initiative to collect various commodities for The Golconda at Fozard Port.
  • Professor Elizabeth Perez, head of anthropology at Orion Independent University, meets with representatives of Upaniklis Vision Incorporated who have had the opportunity to deliver supplies to the Golconda to ask them about the culture of the ship's inhabitants. She urges the galactic community to be cautious about its interactions with the Golconda for the sake of preserving its unique culture.
  • The initiative to provide The Golconda with supplies concludes successfully. The Interstellar Health Organisation also announces that the modern antivirals given to the colonists have made inroads against the "wasting kiss" outbreak. Meanwhile, media coverage in Upaniklis has fueled public speculation that the colonists should abandon their ship and establish a new home in the system.
  • The Federation and the Empire deploy two megaships, Keller's Resolve and The Lucent Embrace, to Upaniklis along with two proposals for integrating The Golconda into the galactic community. Imperial Senator Ava Cornelius announces plans to help the colonists complete their original mission by building a planetary base that will be given Imperial protection, while Federal Congressman Harlan Turk counters that the colonists are honorary Federal citizens due to their origin in Sol and declares their spacefaring way of life should be respected through the construction of an orbital outpost.
  • After engineering experts confirm that The Golconda can no longer adequately support its growing population, the generation ship's leaders reluctantly agree to abandon the vessel, but Captain Jonathon Forester insists that the colonists remain together. The Empire and the Federation set their proposals in motion and launch competing resource drives at their respective megaships in Upaniklis.
  • As a token of gratitude for the assistance provided by authorities in Upaniklis, the inhabitants of The Golconda present a gift of an alcoholic spirit called Apa Vietii, which has been distilled using techniques passed down among the colonists since the generation ship launched in the 22nd century.
  • The Federation wins the bid to build a permanent home for The Golconda's population, which agrees to migrate to the planned orbital outpost and accept status as an autonomous Federal partner. The new outpost will be named Forester's Choice in honour of The Golconda's captain, Jonathon Forester.


  • The Golconda generation ship is moved adjacent to the new outpost Forester's Choice in Upaniklis, and the vessel's crew and colonists complete their migration to their new home with a resolve to maintain their unique culture. The Golconda's command crew also confirm that they will continue producing Apa Vietii, and will offer it for sale to traders who visit the outpost. To celebrate this historic event, the Federation announces that all Federal ships will be available for purchase at a special discount.
  • Dr. Roy Casimir of the Holloway Bioscience Institute inaugurates the Holloway Biology Centre, a facility dedicated to xenobiology, on planet 7 G in the Colonia system. The facility's completion comes ten months after it was funded by a resource drive held in Nahuaru. Dr. Casimir explains that the long delay had been necessary to redesign the facility, since the original plans were inadequate in scope due to the sheer number of newly-catalogued alien species.
  • Reorte is selected to host the Alliance's end-of-year festivities, prompting the Reorte Mining Coalition to organize an initiative requesting deliveries of food and drink commodities. At the commencement ceremony, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon encourages gratitude for the continuing state of peace between the three superpowers and the recent cessation of Thargoid incursions.



  • Colonists in the Witch Head Nebula are caught off-guard by a series of Thargoid incursions following nearly six months of reprieve. Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research comments that the Thargoids are likely still set on reclaiming the region for its plentiful barnacle sites. Local authorities are hopeful a local defence force can be organised, but Rewired pundit Kelvin Masters notes that relations between the governing minor factions have become fractious.
  • Universal Cartographics officially renames fifteen systems in the Witch Head enclave for ease of navigation purposes.


  • Brewer Corporation releases the long-awaited Drake-Class Carrier to the public. With 16 landing pads, the ability to offer numerous services, and a 500 ly maximum jump range provided by its capital-class Frame Shift Drive, the new Fleet Carriers are poised to become a groundbreaking tool in the hands of the galaxy's independent pilots.
  • Professor Katrien Rook of Vitadyne Labs announces that after over a year of delay, negotiations with Federal pharmaceutical manufacturer Vandermeer Corporation to distribute nanomedicines have been completed. The revolutionary nanomeds are made available for purchase at Elion Dock in the Kuma system.


  • The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army, an extremist paramilitary group that seeks to replace the Empire's hereditary Emperors with representation by elected senators, claims credit for a series of explosions in multiple Imperial starports. The Empire issues a terrorism alert across its emergency broadcast channels requesting assistance in evacuating and repairing Mackenzie Relay in Cemiess, Tsiolkovsky Terminal in Gabjaujis, Garrido Market in LHS 4031, and Muller Terminal in Rabh.
  • Brewer Corporation announces a partnership with Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd and Steel Castle Inc to upgrade a number of refinery outposts into Orbis and Coriolis starports in order to increase access to markets selling Tritium fuel.
  • The Federal Attorney's Office concludes its inquiry into the destruction of Starship One in 3301. Though not yet made public, the final report is believed to assert that the vessel's Frame Shift Drive was deliberately sabotaged, and the Federal Intelligence Agency is expected to make an arrest soon.
  • The Imperial Internal Security Service announces that the NMLA terrorist attacks on Imperial starports were carried out with explosives that had been modified with Thargoid technology. Damage from the bombings had initially caused confusion as it triggered automatic emergency broadcasts designed to summon aid during Thargoid incursions. Celebrations were reported in Imperial fringe systems, where Marlinism remains popular, and the IISS reaffirmed that it had no reason to doubt the NMLA's involvement.
  • Prince Harold Duval is reportedly assassinated by a lone NMLA gunman who infiltrated the prince's personal ship. Prince Harold was reportedly traveling from Capitol to Cemiess to meet his daughter, Princess Aisling Duval, in response to the recent terrorist attacks. It is not known how the assassin, who was killed by shipboard guards, obtained the prince's itinerary or breached the ship's security.
  • CEO Susannah Haynes of Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd and Director Dean Bradigan of Steel Castle Inc request commodity deliveries to Tenche and Nagasairu, respectively, for their starport conversion initiatives. Both companies plan to upgrade up to five stations apiece, depending on how much material is delivered. Systems that will benefit from the upgrades include, in order of priority, Fjorgyn, HR 4979, Wolf 294, Lambda-2 Tucanae, Potriti, LHS 4058, Chakpa, Gally Bese, Eta Cephei, and Ninabin.
  • The Empire ends its media blackout and officially confirms that Prince Harold Duval was assassinated by the NMLA. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval announces a period of mourning is planned and a state funeral will be held at the Hall of Martyrs on Capitol. The Empire heightens its alert level, and the Imperial Senate approves multiple new counter-terrorism initiatives proposed by Senator Denton Patreus.
  • Chief Technician Rory Webster, an officer of the Federal Navy Engineering Corps who headed the engineering team of Starship One, is arrested and charged with mass murder and treason for allegedly ordering unauthorised changes to Starship One's hyperdrive that resulted in its destruction in May 3301.
  • The concurrent commodity campaigns run by Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd and Steel Castle Inc conclude successfully. Preparations begin for Orbis starports to be built in Fjorgyn, HR 4979, Wolf 294, Lambda-2 Tucanae, and Potriti, and for Coriolis starports to be built in LHS 4058, Chakpa, Gally Bese, Eta Cephei, and Ninabin; both projects are scheduled to be completed by October.
  • The Imperial Herald publishes an obituary of the late Prince Harold Duval.
  • The state funeral of Prince Harold Duval takes place on Capitol, marking the start of a week-long period of mourning. A memorial ceremony is planned in the Imperial Palace for October 1st, and deliveries of rare commodities are requested to be sent to Oterma Station and Baal to supply the event. In addition to credit rewards, participants are promised an Achenar system permit and discounts on Gutamaya ships.
  • The trial of Chief Technician Rory Webster begins in the Federal High Court. Webster pleads not guilty. The prosecution reveals that Starship One's power regulators were replaced prior to its launch. Webster had convinced the first investigation this was routine, but one of his subordinates later tried to trace the components' source and found the records had been deleted, which sparked the second inquiry. Webster's lawyers counter that the charges cannot be proven and are motivated by personal grudges.
  • Senator Denton Patreus deploys Imperial military forces to enforce martial law in Ackwada, Beatis, Chana, and Nahuatl, systems with known Marlinist sympathies where the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army is popular. Meanwhile, the Imperial Internal Security Service confirms that the bombs used by the NMLA contained Thargoid caustic enzymes, similar to that found in Enzyme Missile Rack warheads.


  • The Imperial Internal Security Service traces the explosives used in the recent NMLA terrorist bombings to the Engineer Liz Ryder and the anarchist Eurybia Blue Mafia. The Empire declares war on the Eurybia Blue Mafia after they refuse to turn over Ryder, and tasks the Keltim Empire League with coordinating the conflict and hiring independent pilots. The Eurybia Blue Mafia counters by claiming they have no involvement with the NMLA and also requesting assistance from pilots.
  • With the success of the campaign to obtain rare goods for Prince Harold's funeral ceremony, the Empire begins processing Achenar system permits for participants. Gutamaya also begins offering its ships at a 20% discount for a period of one week. Princess Aisling Duval offers her gratitude to the public and pledges her support to all efforts to eliminate the NMLA.
  • Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd and Steel Castle Inc complete their starport upgrades in all ten planned systems. This results in a fluctuation in demand for certain commodities, resulting in a temporary reduction in their availability and an increase in profits for traders who can supply them.
  • The trial of Rory Webster comes to a temporary halt as the defendant offers to confess to his crimes and implicate other parties in exchange for the prosection setting aside the death penalty at sentencing. Webster claims he was ordered to sabotage Starship One by certain high-ranking individuals. The Federal Intelligence Agency begins taking his testimony, and the Federal Attorney's Office states a decision on when to the resume the trial will be made in the coming days.
  • The Eurybia Blue Mafia beats back the Keltim Empire League's offensive in Eurybia, preventing Liz Ryder's arrest.
  • The Empire mobilises the Regulatory State of Ackwada to subjugate the Duduseklis Empire League, an openly pro-Marlinist faction in control of the Ackwada system which the Imperial Internal Security Service accuses of knowlingly collaborating with the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army. The Duduseklis Empire League proclaims its innocence and asks for help holding back the Imperial invasion long enough to prepare and launch 10 megaships to evacuate Marlinist political refugees to safety.
  • Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent of the Federal Navy chiefs of staff is arrested by the Federal Intelligence Agency on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and treason in relation to the destruction of Starship One. Rory Webster provided evidence that Vincent ordered him to sabotage Starship One and threatened to harm him if he did not comply. Webster is sentenced to 20 years in prison, while Vincent is placed in a high-security facility to await trial in the coming months.
  • Liz Ryder publicly confirms that the explosive devices used in the September NMLA terrorist attacks were her designs, but she was not aware that the designs were intended for terrorism or that their payloads would be Thargoid caustic enzymes. Ryder explains that she created the designs under contract for a party that falsely identified itself as the Eurybia Blue Mafia. In return for Ryder providing all information in her possession concerning the contract, the Imperial Internal Security Service rescinds Ryder's arrest warrant.
  • The Empire completes its blockade of Ackwada, intercepting several Duduseklis Empire League megaships attempting to evacuate Marlinist political refugees. Although Imperial forces arrest numerous Marlinists and begin tracking local NMLA cells for elimination, many smaller ships carrying Marlinists and possible NMLA members slip past the blockade.
  • The Thargoids launch on assault on the Alliance-controlled systems of Onoros, Lembass, Haki, Wellington, and Shenve in the Witch Head Nebula. With neither Aegis nor the Alliance Defence Force prepared to repel the attack, the Alliance Expedtionary Pact faction calls for aid from independent pilots and anti-xeno groups. To entice pilots, the Technology Broker at Bray Landing in Yuanjia substantially reduces costs for Guardian weapons and modules.
  • The Empire imposes lockdowns on more Marlinist systems, including 234 G. Carinae, Baltah'Sine, CD-39 3269, HIP 39470, and Mazahuanses. Citizens from these systems as well as the previously secured systems of Beatis, Chana, and Nahuatl evacuate aboard any ships they can find to avoid arrest. As Marlinist leaders protest the Empire's moves as persecution and members of the Imperial Senate voice concerns about mistreatment of Imperial citizens, Denton Patreus insists the Empire's security comes first. The Imperial Navy mounts a search for Marlinist refugee transports, but some reach the Federation.
  • Lucas Vincent's arrest shocks the Federation. Support for Federal President Zachary Hudson and the Republican Party plummets due to Hudson's friendship with Vincent, which has stoked accusations of a conspiracy to assassinate former President Jasmina Halsey. While Hudson maintains his silence, at least a dozen Congressmen resign in protest, and the Liberal Party enjoys majority support in public opinion polls for the first time in years.
  • Imperial Ambassador Imogen Luciana issues a formal demand to the Federation to extradite all Marlinist political refugees to the Empire, as hundreds of thousands of Marlinists arrive in the Federal systems of Charunder, Ennead, HIP 36081, LTT 1935, LTT 3607, and Thetis. Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester refuses, noting that there is no extradition treaty between the Federation and Empire for unconvicted individuals, and the Marlinist refugees have requested asylum. The Alliance and some independent systems also announce that they will welcome any Marlinists who enter their territory.
  • Independent pilots successfully destroy the majority of Thargoid forces assaulting the Witch Head Nebula, and the remainder are driven into a full retreat. To celebrate this victory, the Technology Broker at Bray Landing in Yuanjia extends the discount on Guardian weapons and modules for an additional week.
  • Humanitarian aid organisation Safeguard Interstellar sponsors a campaign to collect relief supplies for Marlinist refugees in six Federal systems, as local authorities in those systems warn that the influx of people could lead to public unrest and food shortages. Donations are requested to be delivered to Fox Enterprise in LFT 625, where the Fionn Liberals have also promised rewards for hunting wanted ships to ensure the safety of traders.
  • Federal Congress approves a proposal from Shadow President Felicia Winters to grant safe haven and temporary citizenship to the Marlinist political refugees in Federal space. The proposal overrides President Zachary Hudson's stated intention to deport the Marlinists back the Empire, demonstrating how Hudson's reticence on the arrest of Lucas Vincent has undermined his own authority.
  • Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval of Nova Imperium is severely wounded by an assassination attempt at his headquarters of Dyson City, Paresa and is hospitalized in critical condition. The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army claims responsibility for the attack and vows to "sever every head of the Duval hydra".
  • The Safeguard Interstellar relief campaign collects sufficient supplies to sustain Marlinist populations in LTT 3607, Charunder, and Ennead until support from Federal Congress arrives.
  • The Adamastor, an abandoned megaship, returns to the Chukchan system after almost two centuries on autopilot and is moved to an orbit over Chukchan 5 B. The Alliance Salvage Guild determines that the Adamastor was designed for clandestine operations and passed near the HIP 61595, HIP 64011, and HIP 65201 systems, but are unable to find any intact records of its original destination or identification. Retired private investigator Benjamin Chester extends his assistance and uncovers that the ship was operated by the now-defunct corporation Azimuth Biochemicals, and that it was also scheduled to pass by the HIP 39748 and HIP 33386 systems. Meanwhile, independent pilots searching the Coalsack Nebula for the source of a mysterious transmission discover a derelict scientific outpost established in 3111 by an Azimuth Biochemicals survey team in Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1, as well as extensive Thargoid activity in the area.
  • Tensions between the Federation and Empire escalate, with reports emerging that both sides severed a number of official communication channels, as Imperial Ambassador Imogen Luciana repeats the Empire's demand for the Federation to deport all Marlinist immigrants. Some political commentators observe that the Federation granting asylum to the Marlinists could be construed as the mass kidnapping of Imperial citizens and thus an act of war.


  • Princess Aisling Duval travels to Paresa aboard the INV Achenar's Courage to offer protection to Hadrian Augustus Duval. The Imperator is transferred to the Majestic Class Interdictor and given advanced medical treatment surrounded by his Praetorian Guard and Imperial troops. Aisling's actions draw both praise and criticism given that Nova Imperium remains outlawed by the Empire for sedition, but Aisling insists she will not allow another Duval to die. Praetor Leo Magnus, who continues to investigate the breach of security at Dyson City, thanks the Princess for her assistance.
  • After using information provided by Liz Ryder to locate and investigate the NMLA bomb-making facility where the weapons used in the September 10th starport attacks were produced, the Empire finds evidence that the NMLA may be operating a second bomb-making facility in the Federal border system LTT 1935. Imperial Ambassador Imogen Luciana alleges that the Federation may be supporting the NMLA in an effort to destabilize the Empire, and warns there will be consequences if this is confirmed. Meanwhile, LTT 1935 and two other Federal systems, HIP 36081 and Thetis, report civil unrest, food shortages, and epidemics due to having insufficient resources to cope with Marlinist refugees.
  • The Imperial Internal Security Service enters LTT 1935 to investigate and confirms the presence of multiple hidden NMLA facilities, but is met with armed resistance from local Federal forces under the LTT 1935 Confederacy faction. The IISS calls on reinforcements from the Empire-aligned L.Y.S Corp to occupy LTT 1935, sparking a battle for control of the system. Both sides seek support from independent pilots, and offer Federal and Imperial Navy rank promotions as added rewards.
  • The NMLA continues its campaign of terror in the Empire, carrying out over fifty bombs attacks on government buildings and security forces that kill hundreds over a three week period, and assassinating multiple high-profile individuals connected to the Duvals, including Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's relative Baron Cesare Lavigny. Critics suggest that the IISS underestimated the NMLA and its anti-terrorism operation radicalised many people with Marlinist sympathies. In the Federation, commentators warn that the LTT 1935 conflict could provoke all-out war, and note that while President Zachary Hudson's support in Congress has declined and Shadow President Felicia Winters holds the initiative, her championing of Imperial refugees does not guarantee their acceptance in Federal society.
  • The Alliance Assembly announces a joint expedition with several corporations, including Sirius Atmospherics, to secure fresh meta-alloy sources in the Coalsack Nebula that were discovered in connection to the Adamastor ghost ship. Political commentators speculate that the success of the expedition will be key to stabilising the Alliance's economy and shoring up Prime Minister Edmund Mahon's bid for reelection in 3307.
  • Princess Aisling Duval formally requests that Hadrian Augustus Duval be readmitted into the Imperial Family as Prince Hadrian, signalling a new direction for Nova Imperium. The Imperator confirms that after a discussion with Aisling he has decided to assume his birthright. He urges Imperial authorities to learn from their purge of Nova Imperium and show mercy to the Marlinists, arguing that the Empire must unite in order to face the NMLA.
  • The Federation-aligned LTT 1935 Confederacy successfully resists the Empire-aligned L.Y.S Corp's attempt to occupy LTT 1935.
  • The Alliance's initiative to exploit the Coalsack Nebula begins. The Alliance Expeditionary Pact reveals plans to build Betancourt Base starport in Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 and three further outposts: Hannu Arena in Musca Dark Region IM-V c2-24, Cole Point in Coalsack Sector VU-O b6-6, and Bering Port in Coalsack Sector KN-S b4-9. The Alliance Defence Force also asks for volunteers to help reduce the Coalsack Nebula's Thargoid presence.
  • Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval rejects Princess Aisling Duval's request to grant Hadrian Augustus Duval a royal title or official position within the Imperial Family. Instead, in a proclamation presented to the Senate by Chancellor Anders Blaine, Hadrian is recognized as a Duval by blood and he and his followers are granted pardons for past crimes against the Empire. In addition, the Senate ratifies the Treaty of Paresa, which decriminalizes Nova Imperium in return for accepting Emperor Arissa's rule and contributing in operations against the NMLA.
  • The initial stage of the Alliance's initiative to exploit the Coalsack Nebula concludes. An enthusiastic response from independent pilots to the supply and defence campaigns helps secure sufficient resources to build all four stations, upgrade the three outposts to starports, and hire Interstellar Factors, Material Traders, and a Technology Broker.
  • A Federal Security Service operation initiated by Federal Vice President Brad Mitchell identifies nine active NMLA members hiding among Marlinist refugees. The terrorists are detained for interrogation before being turned over to Imperial authorities. Meanwhile, several Federal worlds are gripped by protests demanding all Marlinists be sent back to the Empire due to the risks they pose to safety and the economy, as well as counter-protests calling for the Marlinists to be welcomed by the Federation as fellow believers in democracy.
  • The NMLA bombs the Federal starport Kepler Orbital in Atropos, and issues a warning to the Federation. The explosives involved are thought to be of the same design and have the same Thargoid enzyme payload as those used in the September attacks in the Empire. The FSS confirms that the nine NMLA members arrested the previous day were being held in secure facilities on Kepler Orbital that were destroyed by the blasts, and it is assumed that the bombing's purpose was to silence the prisoners before they were interrogated.
  • In the wake of the Kepler Orbital bombing, relations between the Federation and the Empire deteriorate further. Imperial Ambassador Imogen Luciana claims that the Federation invited the bombing by not allowing the Empire to shut down the NMLA's bomb-making facilities in LTT 1935. Several Federal embassies in Imperial systems close after their staff are threatened by violent anti-Marlinist protests. Shadow President Felicia Winters is blamed for the attack by Vice President Brad Mitchell, as well as congressmen displeased by aid being prioritised for Marlinist refugees rather than Federal citizens, and her recent surge in support falters.
  • A number of mined commodities, including painite, low temperature diamonds, and void opals, see sudden fluctations in price due to increasing market volatility. Financial experts offer various explanations for the price changes, such as a market correction, a result of increasing tensions between the Federation and the Empire, or a minor anomaly that will soon abate. Economics professor Ophelia Kaufmann notes that while demand for some high-value commodities has fallen, prices will likely increase for several low-value commodities, and the outcome of the crisis between the superpowers will affect the severity of future changes.
  • Core Dynamics makes an official bid to acquire Lakon Spaceways. While Lakon does not immediately respond and questions are raised about whether a merger between corporations partnered with different superpowers would be legal, some industry experts speculate that Lakon could accept the offer since investment in the Alliance Chieftain and its sister ships may have strained the company's finances. Neither the Federal Commerce Authority nor the Independent Commission for Market Equality disapprove the proposal.
  • The Alliance's four research stations in the Coalsack Nebula begin operations. Chief xenobiologist Dr. Rodion Stathos of Betancourt Base in Musca Dark Sector PJ-P b6-1 issues an open request for Thargoid commodities for research purposes.
  • President Zachary Hudson convinces Federal Congress to approve a funding increase for the Federal Navy in order to expand production of Farragut Battle Cruisers. To fulfill the new production schedule, the Federal Navy asks for deliveries of several commodities to Schweickart City in Parutis. Only hours later, the Imperial Senate approves a similar funding request for the Imperial Navy made by Senator Denton Patreus, and Miyasaka Orbital in Mandh begins accepting commodities for the construction of new Majestic Class Interdictors.
  • As the Federation and the Empire ramp up military spending and cease cooperating, commentators warn they are on the brink of war. President Zachary Hudson mostly recovers his standing following the Kepler Orbital bombing that killed thousands, while Shadow President Felicia Winters' acceptance of Marlinist refugees loses popularity. Senator Denton Patreus orders the withdrawal of funding from Aegis to change focus from the subsiding Thargoid threat to the Federation and the NMLA.
  • The value of bounty vouchers is increased galaxy-wide after the rise in superpower military spending leaves local security forces without adequate ships and manpower for policing efforts against piracy and violent crime. Combat bonds remain unaffected.


  • Lakon Spaceways chairperson Naomi Landseer turns down Core Dynamics' buyout proposal. The move comes as a surprise due to the ongoing rumours of Lakon's dire financial difficulties, as well as strong pressure from Lakon shareholders who desire the merger and believe Landseer is focusing too much on Alliance contracts. Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester declines to withdraw his bid and mulls his options.
  • The resource campaigns for the Federal and Imperial Navy construction programmes conclude. The Federal Navy is expected to launch five new Farragut Battle Cruisers to patrol the Atropos, Iman Caber, LHS 142, LFT 367, and Wolf 25 systems. The Imperial Navy is expected to launch four new Majestic Class Interdictors to patrol the Chimechilo, Orannika, Theta Indi, and Zelano systems. Federal Congress and the Imperial Senate also increase funding for support vessels and ground forces.
  • Sirius Atmospherics project director Dr. Maximilian North announces the development of terraforming procredures for ammonia worlds, and launches a campaign to collect detailed scan data on ammonia worlds across the galaxy. The data will be used by Sirius to support plans to terraform ammonia worlds in the Coalsack Nebula for the ongoing Alliance colonisation expedition in the region.
  • Lakon Spaceways applies a 30% discount on the Asp Scout, Diamondback Scout, Keelback, Type-7 Transporter, and Type-10 Defender through the end of the month. Industry analysts assume that the sale is an attempt to increase Lakon's profits in the short term to assuage shareholders, and Lakon chairperson Naomi Landseer remarks that while Lakon's profits have fallen recently, the company remains financially secure.
  • Factions increase the rewards for Combat Bonds obtained from both human and Thargoid ships in an effort to boost defences. Professor Ophelia Kaufmann remarks that the ongoing volatility of financial markets brought on by superpower tensions, terrorist attacks, and a Thargoid resurgence have caused widespread revaluation, and factions have prioritised protecting their citizens.
  • The Marlinist refugee crisis continues to divide the Federation in the wake of the Kepler Orbital bombing. Although Marlinists came forward to expose NMLA members in their midst and the Federal Security Service believes the risk of terrorism from them is now low, Federal Congress becomes deadlocked over whether or not to grant the Marlinists full Federal citizenship.
  • Dr. Maximilian North offers his gratitude for the ammonia world data delivered to Sirius Atmospherics. The data will be used in terraforming simulations, and ammonia worlds in the Coalsack Nebula could one day be inhabitable. At the same time, Commodore Morag Halloran of the Alliance Defence Force observes that anti-xeno security in the Coalsack is insufficient due to the ADF's distance from the nebula, as well as Aegis losing funding from both the Empire and Federation.
  • To resolve the standoff between the Empire and the Federation over the Marlinist refugees, Sirius Corporation CEO Li Yong-Rui presented a solution: construct up to 10 new self-governing colonies in unclaimed systems for the Marlinists to reside in. Both Federal Congress and the Imperial Senate approved the proposal with the caveat that any identified NMLA members be turned over to Imperial authorities. Marlinist community leader Dr. Jenna Fairfax also voiced her approval, as the plan would end the uncertain predicament of her people.
  • Billionaire Zachary Rackham announces the imminent construction of a permanent orbital outpost in HIP 58832, a remote system over 5,000 light-years above the Core Systems that is commonly considered the galactic zenith or "the Roof of Space". The project is funded by Rackham Capital Investments with assistance from Universal Cartographics and several scientific organisations.
  • Core Dynamics applies a 30% discount on the Eagle MkII and Vulture, and a 20% discount on the Federal Assault Ship, Federal Dropship, and Federal Gunship through the end of the month to raise funds for a hostile takeover of Lakon Spaceways. A number of Lakon investors are reportedly bribed to give up their shares or coerced into pressuring the Lakon board of directors to accept Core Dynamics' ownership bid.
  • Rackham's Peak, the outpost constructed by Rackham Capital Investments in the galactic zenith of HIP 58832, celebrates its grand opening. Zachary Rackham himself conducts the facility's inauguration ceremony, and its market begins offering high prices for deliveries of alcoholic beverage commodities.
  • Sirius Corporation secures enough supplies to construct Marlinist colonies in eight systems: HIP 22550, Hyades Sector RO-P b6-6, LP 659-31, Hyades Sector LX-T c3-30, Hyades Sector SU-C a14-1, and Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2. The colonies are expected be completed and the Marlinist refugees settled there in early 3307. Marlinist leaders offer their gratitude, but also remark that their goal of one day converting the Empire into a democracy has not changed.
  • In response to the NMLA's manipulation of the engineer Liz Ryder, all engineers across the galaxy open up channels of communication with each other to discuss ways to protect themselves and maintain the public's trust. This results in a collaboration in which the engineers decide to temporarily accept lower grade materials for higher grade modifications until January 7, 3307.
  • NMLA attacks decrease in frequency as the Imperial Internal Security Service shuts down several cells using information obtained from NMLA members captured by the Federal Security Service. Meanwhile, the Marlinist refugees begin preparing for their transfer to their new colonies next year, which will be handled by Safeguard Interstellar. The Marlinists form a transitional parliament headed by community leaders Dr. Jenna Fairfax, Aaron Whyte, and Amrita Ross, and democratic elections are planned once the Marlinist Colonies are fully operational.
  • In an emergency meeting, a majority of Lakon Spaceways shareholders vote to replace several members of the board of directors who opposed the company joining Core Dynamics, including Chairperson Naomi Landseer. The board's new members pledge that Core Dynamics' original buyout bid will be reconsidered.
  • A second wave of Marlinist refugees from the Empire begins arriving in the Alliance. Safeguard Interstellar provides basic necessities to the tens of thousands of refugees, while Alliance Interpol runs strict background checks to catch NMLA members. With the Marlinist Colonies still under construction, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon welcomes the Marlinists, but meets growing resistance in the Alliance Assembly. His likely opponent in the 3307 election, Councillor Nakato Kaine, garners significant support for declaring that while the Marlinists will be given aid, the Alliance is not responsible for dealing with the domestic problems of the Empire and Federation.
  • Sirius Atmospherics project director Dr. Maximilian North tempers expectations about the pace of terraforming ammonia worlds in the Coalsack Nebula, revealing that the new terraforming techniques are not as effective as simulations suggested. Independent journalist Flint "Firemaker" Lafosse claims that Sirius's terraforming project is likely a cover for an operation involving the Thargoids. The Alliance corroborates Dr. North's report, but separately confirms an influx of Sirius personnel and equipment in the Coalsack.
  • Lakon Spaceways is threatened with insolvency and dissolution as economic instability plunges its share value to unprecdented lows. Trent Delaney, the new head of Lakon, blames the company's previous leadership for its current plight, and asserts Core Dynamics taking ownership of Lakon will resolve its financial crisis. However, the Independent Commission for Market Equality reports irregularities in recent transfers of Lakon stock to new owners, and some Core Dynamics senior directors allegedly have doubts about CEO Jupiter Rochester's push to acquire Lakon.
  • The Thargoids launch a coordinated strike against three systems in the Coalsack Nebula and six systems in the Witch Head Nebula. Local security ships report being overwhelmed, and the Alliance Defence Force is too slow to prevent the infestations. Admiral Aden Tanner warns the public that Aegis is unable to adequately respond to the situation due to recent funding and resource cutbacks, and calls on independent pilots to provide assistance in fending off the incursions.



  • Simguru Pranav Antal of the Utopia commune invites the Alliance, Empire, and Federation to attend a diplomatic conference to resolve their differences in light of the threat posed by recent events such as the Thargoid resurgence, NMLA terrorism, political tensions between the Federation and the Empire, and ongoing galactic economic instability. The proposed Galactic Summit would be a first of its kind meeting between all three superpowers.
  • Campaign season begins for the Alliance's election for prime minister, scheduled to take place in the Alliance Assembly on February 25, 3307. Incumbent Edmund Mahon faces multiple opponents, but Councillor Nakato Kaine of Tionisla emerges as his foremost rival, rallying the discontent of a faction of the Assembly and speaking out against the Alliance's increased dependence on corporations and the other two superpowers, and its aggressive exploitation of meta-alloys in Thargoid territories.
  • Lakon Spaceways' board fo directors officially accepts the purchase bid from Core Dynamics, paving the way for the transfer of ownership to formally take place in two months' time. The takeover is approved by the Federal Commerce Authority, but the Independent Commission for Market Equality continues investigating reports of irregularities. Admiral Rachel Ziegler of the Council of Admirals warns the Alliance Assembly that the manufacture of Alliance ships by a foreign power will create security issues for the already overextended Alliance Defence Force.
  • The Thargoid offensive in the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas enters its second week. Thousands of colonists are reported dead, and only two of the nine affected systems are cleared of incursions. Admiral Aden Tanner reiterates that the nebula colonies must rely on independent pilots for protection.
  • Dr. Roy Casimir, chief researcher of the Holloway Bioscience Institute of Colonia, requests deliveries of tissue samples from spaceborne "pod" organisms for study. Sufficient quantities will allow the creation of experimental habitats for these organisms in adjacent systems for long-term research.
  • Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis pleads for the superpowers to attend the Galactic Summit and restore resources to Aegis as the Thargoid resurgence continues. While there is not yet any official response to Utopia's proposal, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, Princess Aisling Duval, and Shadow President Felicia Winters signal their approval, and there are reports that legislators in each superpower are urging their respective leaders to attend.
  • The Federal Attorney's Office obtains a grand jury indictment against Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent for conspiracy to commit murder and treason in the Starship One disaster. The trial of Vincent, who is the highest ranking Federal military officer to ever stand trial, is scheduled to begin on January 25, 3307 at the Federal High Court in Olympus Village on Mars.
  • An anonymous source within Core Dynamics claims to Vox Galactica that CEO Jupiter Rochester has spent years acquiring companies outside the Federation, such as Vodel and Lakon Spaceways, to diversify his family's personal holdings instead of expanding Core Dynamics itself. The source also reveals Rochester has amassed a kind of cult of personality, and several Core Dynamics departments operate almost independently from the rest of the company under the banner of "Jupiter Division". Former Lakon chairperson Naomi Landseer asks the Independent Commission for Market Equality to investigate further.
  • The Holloway Bioscience Institute receives enough xenological samples to establish experimental habitats for spaceborne organisms in Eol Prou PC-K c9-221, Eol Prou LW-L c8-99, Eol Prou KW-L c8-301, and Eol Prou PC-K c9-154 in the Colonia Nebula. Dr. Roy Casimir also hints that research into these organisms may have commercial applications.
  • Hundreds of millions of Marlinists are relocated to the Marlinist Colonies. The Marlinist factions begin holding democratic elections to determine their leaders, but the transitional parliament declares a state of emergency due to a shortage of food stocks. Dr. Jenna Fairfax issues a request for deliveries of food commodities to Stillman Hub in HIP 22550. Bounties are issued on criminal and anti-Marlinist ships to protect traders while local system defence forces are organised.
  • The Independent Commission for Market Equality reports that Core Dynamics illegally used shell companies to purchase Lakon stock from shareholders, and two serious accusations of blackmail are referred to Alliance Interpol. In the Federation, an editorial published in Sol Today praises Jupiter Rochester for acquiring Lakon and encourages him to break his "Jupiter Division" off into its own company to get away from the apparent jealousy of his Core Dynamics colleagues.
  • CEO Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Corporation offers to host the proposed Galactic Summit in the Sirius system, declaring that Sirius Corp can provide better security and resources, has warm relationships with all three superpowers, and has most recently demonstrated its impartiality by building the Marlinist Colonies. While the competing proposals from Utopia and Sirius are evaluated, a third offer from Zachary Rackham to host the conference at the actual galactic summit of Rackham's Peak is disregarded.
  • Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon formally begins his re-election campaign on planet Birmingham in his home system of Diso. He plans to tour systems across the Alliance to tout his accomplishments and rouse support.
  • Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey returns to Olympus Village at the request of the Federal High Court to provide witness testimony in the trial of Lucas Vincent for the destruction of Starship One.
  • The Marlinist Colonies elect the inaugural members of the Marlinist Parliament, with Dr. Jenna Fairfax becoming First Minister of the new government. Following a robust response to the request for food, Fairfax announces discounts on local commodities to stimulate trade with neighboring systems.
  • Utopia and Sirius Corporation open competing initiatives at Polevnic and Lembava to gather data materials to be used in the planning of security operations for the Galactic Summit, which is scheduled for late February after the three superpowers provisionally agree to send delegations. The organisation that receives the most data will be deemed the most suitable host for the conference.
  • During a campaign rally on the planet Leesti, Councillor Nakato Kaine criticises Prime Minister Edmund Mahon for his expansionist policies, and advocates increasing mutual cooperation among Alliance members through investing in trade and security.
  • The trial of Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent begins. The prosecution presents evidence obtained from Rory Webster, including a recorded transmission from Vincent's office to Starship One on May 24, 3301 ordering the ship to divert to Azaleach for maintenance, where Webster sabotaged it. Vincent insists that the trial is a cover-up and the Liberal Party had Starship One destroyed to elevate then-Secretary of State Felicia Winters to the presidency. Vincent's own counsel downplays his claim and instead argues that Webster's recordings are fabrications.
  • Jasmina Halsey testifies in the trial of Lucas Vincent. Halsey confirms that Vincent personally ordered Starship One to divert to Azaleach, and recounts her experience of the vessel's destruction. When the defence counsel attempts to call her state of mind into question by presenting her post-recovery descriptions of an encounter with the "caretakers of the galaxy", Halsey reveals she has no memory of making those statements, and provides medical reports from Alliance doctors affirming her sanity.
  • Sirius Corporation wins the competition to host the Galactic Summit, and begins making preparations. Sirius further clarified that the conference was planned to take place over a three week period in late February and early March.
  • Commander Elsa Solomon reports receiving a partial distress signal from a ship or place called "Serene Harbour" while travelling through the Swoilz XX-D c1-30 system. The Pilots Federations asks pilots to search within an 80 light-year radius of the system for the signal's source.
  • The Pilots Federation announces it has received an encrypted transmission related to Serene Harbour that includes planetary surface coordinates and the phrase "Theta Seven".
  • Independent pilots discover Serene Harbour, an abandoned Imperial Intelligence Service detention facility, on planet 3 B of the R CrA Sector AF-A d42 system. Recovered logs recorded by Commandant Gabriel De Luca indicate that on January 20, Serene Harbour received a group of Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army prisoners designated "Theta Group" who had been captured in LTT 1935. On January 26, Serene Harbour's security systems were disabled remotely, and Imperial troops aboard a supply shuttle killed all prisoners and staff except for Theta Group, whom they departed with. Commandant De Luca speculated that the NMLA had somehow infiltrated Imperial Intelligence.
  • In the ongoing trial of Lucas Vincent, Jasmina Halsey reveals that in April 3301, she informed her Cabinet of plans to address her low approval rating by cutting the Federal Navy's budget, among other policy changes. It is suggested that this was what motivated Vincent to assassinate her, since the budget cut would have weakened his influence and impacted certain individuals to whom Vincent was illegally connected. Details about Vincent's associates would be provided later in the trial.


  • The Alliance Assembly narrowly approves a proposal from Prime Minister Edmund Mahon to delay the upcoming election until May 3307 to avoid conflicting with the Galactic Summit scheduled for late February. Councillor Nakato Kaine blasts Mahon's move as a transparent excuse to prolong his term in office and not befitting a leader of the Alliance.
  • Evidence presented at the trial of Lucas Vincent reveals that in 3301, the Fleet Admiral and other Federal naval officers had been secretly receiving billions of credits from shell companies created by Core Dynamics. The corporation does not respond to press inquiries, but there are unverified reports of large-scale activity taking place at certain Core Dynamics facilities.
  • Senator Karl Nerva denies that the Serene Harbour site has any association with Imperial Intelligence or the Empire, and accuses the Federation of fabricating the facility and its logs to stage a disinformation campaign. Nerva does confirm that Captain Gabriel De Luca, Serene Harbour's commandant, was a real person who worked in Imperial Intelligence, but clarifies that De Luca died years ago and seemingly had his identity stolen.
  • Engineer Liz Ryder issues a request for mined commodities to reduce the expense of making an enhanced Seeker Missile Rack module widely available through Technology Brokers.
  • On the final day of the trial of Lucas Vincent, the prosecution names Jupiter Rochester as a co-conspirator in the plot to destroy Starship One, claiming that Vincent and the CEO wanted to replace Jasmina Halsey to protect Core Dynamics' profits, since her planned policy change would reduce the company's contracts with the Federal Navy. The defence again questions Halsey's credibility as well as the admissibility of the prosecution's latest evidence. The jury then enters sequestered deliberations. Shortly afterward, reports surface that the Core Dynamics departments collectively known as "Jupiter Division" are transporting ships and personnel to HIP 54530, and the ruling minor faction HIP 54530 Gold Universal Group has renamed itself Jupiter Division.
  • The Pilots Federation issues an emergency bulletin warning newly-licensed pilots to avoid Fleet Carriers in the HR 6828 system. Fleet Carrier owners there reportedly kidnap newly-licensed pilots by enticing them with a lucrative mining opportunity and then transporting them to a remote system to mine. The pilots' ships usually lack the jump range to depart the system on their own, making them reliant on the Fleet Carriers to return them to the Core Systems.
  • Lucas Vincent is found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder and treason and sentenced to life imprisonment. The Federal Intelligence Agency immediately arrests several co-conspirators in the Federal Navy and government. Jupiter Rochester evades arrest by fleeing to the new Jupiter Division faction in HIP 54530. His involvement in the Starship One disaster furthers conspiracy theories that he is a member of a covert group of figures who manipulate human civilisation to benefit the military/industrial complex. Accusations that President Zachary Hudson was responsible for the disaster are debunked, as Vincent's trial did not present any evidence that Hudson had any knowledge of the plot to eliminate Jasmina Halsey.
  • In a statement broadcast across all Federal media channels, Jupiter Rochester declares himself the Supreme Executive of Jupiter Division, revealed to be an independent corporate republic. Rochester explains that he founded Jupiter Division to demonstrate that corporate rule would be a superior form of government for the Federation, and hints at future commercial plans.
  • The Independent Commission for Market Equality finds that former Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester used bribery and blackmail to coerce Lakon shareholders into replacing the company's board of directors to approve the hostile takeover. Core Dynamics, in disarray due to the secession of Jupiter Division, terminates the merger, and Naomi Landseer is reinstalled as chairperson of Lakon. With investor confidence in Lakon plummeting, Sirius Corporation makes its own offer to acquire the shipbuilder.
  • Jupiter Division goes to war with the Federation-aligned Silver Legal Group in HIP 54530 to secure its presence in the system. Both factions issue calls for assistance in the conflict, and the Pilots Federation grants temporary system permits to all licensed commanders so they can participate. Both factions offer discounts on outfitting at Northrop Enterprise and permanent system permits as rewards.
  • Liz Ryder's campaign to make her modified Seeker Missile Rack available to pilots through Technology Brokers is a success, and enough resources are gathered to offer the module at a discount.
  • The Empire and the Marlinist Colonies form delegations to participate in the Galactic Summit, scheduled to open on February 25. The Empire will be represented by Chancellor Anders Blaine, Princess Aisling Duval, and Senator Denton Patreus, in addition to members of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. Senator Zemina Torval will head the Imperial Senate as acting chancellor in Blaine's absence. The Marlinist delegation will include First Minister Jenna Fairfax and Minister Aaron Whyte, who hope to engage with the Empire diplomatically and establish relations with other governments.
  • The revelation of Jupiter Rochester's involvement in the Starship One conspiracy stoke a public outcry against corruption and corporate influence in the Federal government. Trust in the Republican Party falls even as President Hudson denies knowledge of the conspiracy, and the Liberal Party is also politically embarrassed by Shadow Vice President Isolde Rochester's ties to the man who funded the assassination attempt against former President Halsey and has now taken up arms against the Federation in HIP 54530.
  • The Alliance purchases a majority sharehold in Lakon Spaceways, saving the company from insolvency and ensuring a key defence contractor for the Alliance Defence Force will remain out of the hands of another corporation or superpower. Lakon confirms plans to relocate its headquarters to Alioth.
  • Silver Legal Group defeats Jupiter Division and assumes control of and permit rights to HIP 54530. Jupiter Rochester and thousands of his followers are apprehended by the Federal Intelligence Agency, with Rochester facing trial for his role in the Starship One disaster, and arrangements are made for the return of stolen Core Dynamics assets. Remnants of Jupiter Division flee to HIP 55014 aboard the megaship Victory's Forge.
  • Sirius Corporation requests deliveries of rare food commodities to Ashby City in Luyten's Star. The luxury goods will be ferried to the Sirius system, where they will be served during the Galactic Summit. Sirius Corp plans to reward participants with permits to Sirius and a specially modified Frame Shift Drive, which will also be made available through Technology Brokers.
  • Lakon Spaceways finishes moving its administrative hub to Lakon Spaceways Central on Alioth 1 A, and enacts a permanent 5% discount off all of its ships sold at ports in the system. Elsewhere, Federal news feeds report that Core Dynamics is undergoing a rapid restructuring in the wake of the Jupiter Division affair.
  • President Zachary Hudson and Shadow President Felicia Winters confirm they will be part of the Federation's delegation to the Galactic Summit. Vice President Brad Mitchell will remain behind to oversee the Federal government, as will Shadow Vice President Isolde Rochester, who remains ensnared in the scandals of Jupiter Rochester. In related news, Jupiter's husband, actor Tomas Turai, files for divorce.
  • Protests against the postponement of the Alliance prime minister election sweep many Allied worlds. Councillor Nakato Kaine gives the protests her full support and becomes a figurehead for public discontent, with some commentators claiming she would have won the election if it had been held as originally scheduled. Kaine decides to attend the Galactic Summit, ostensibly to keep Edmund Mahon in check.
  • With the completion of the rare food commodities campaign for the Galactic Summit, the first delegations begin arriving in Sirius.
  • As the Galactic Summit kicks off, Li Yong-Rui announces that the Federation will assist Sirius Corporation in providing security for the conference's first week, followed by the Empire and the Alliance in subsequent weeks. Rewards for participants include a Sirius permit and unique Viper MkIII paintjobs. Also, to celebrate the Galactic Summit, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya, and Lakon Spaceways offer a 10% discount on all of their ships for the event's duration.
  • The Galactic Summit begins with speeches from Chancellor Anders Blaine, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, and President Zachary Hudson, and the schedule of events is formalised. Among the numerous first meetings between galactic leaders, the Marlinist Colonies delegation is snubbed by Senator Denton Patreus, but received cordially by Shadow President Felicia Winters and her guest, Jasmina Halsey. Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is notably absent due to the legal scrutiny faced by his family over the Jupiter Division affair.


  • 數家媒體報導銀河峰會中各超級勢力長期問題所衍生的政治摩擦。儘管如此,Sirius Corporation的一位代表回報銀河峰會『進展順利』。
  • 聯盟、帝國與聯邦在銀河峰會上針對是個小型條約達成協議。其中最受矚目的即《Cornelius-Lasky公約》——以資助人帝國參議員Ava Cornelius和聯邦國會議員Kristine Lasky為名。內容旨在讓三大超級勢力針對威脅廣大公民的威脅分享手上資訊。此外,馬琳殖民地首席部長Jenna Fairfax正式向帝國公主Aisling Duval針對先父的時間道歉,並譴責NMLA,暗示著馬琳殖民地與帝國聯合之可能。
  • 在峰會進入第二週期間,帝國開始承擔部分保全事務。為了對犯罪者發布懸賞,Sirius Corporation發出食物商品的收購請求讓議會能順利進行。
  • Kumo Crew的海盜王Archon Delaine闖入Patterson Enterprise太空站並要求以代表身分參與會議。Sirius Corporation對他行使外交赦免,並向其他代表團確保他與隨行人員會遵守規則與禮儀。Delaine的出現讓現場出現議論,一些大使也離席作為抗議。
  • 聯邦司法部罕見地在未審理的情況下即對Jupiter Rochester判處眾生監禁。聯邦監察廳要求針對Rochester和Vincent進行調查以找出是否犯下其他罪行的要求也遭拒絕。相關新聞,在新執行長Owen McKenna的管理下,Core Dynamics持續重組並驅逐原Rochester追隨者,而受到Rochester理念激發的企業活動也在聯邦領空內成型並獲得支持。
  • Archon Delaine要求Kumo Crew與其控制領空能被視為其王國的領地,而激起其他代表人物的爭辯。讓人懷疑湧進Sirius星系的海盜皆來自Kumo Crew。
  • 銀河峰會的代表們暫時同意增加Aegis的資金,但條件是組織能藉由守護者的研究取得AX方面的進展。Edmund Mahon提出、對抗Thargoid的《Sirius條約》獲得廣大支持,而Archon Delaine、馬琳殖民地與其他獨立勢力也同意簽署。
  • Wallglass Investigations Agency的Erik Gunnarson和Francesca Wolfe偵探針對Adamastor的調查進行回報。發現Adamastor有姐妹船Hesperus,於3113年出發前往未知目的地且沒返航。針對23B地質調查點的檢測也揭露該設施曾發生除了與Thargoid之外的另一批人類戰鬥,或許是Azimuth Biochemicals的競爭對手Pharmasapien。
  • NMLA在九大重要星系,包括Achenar、Alioth、Eotienses、Gateway、Kamadhenu、Lave、Nanomam、Rhea和Sol的太空站犯下爆炸案。上千人是遇害,並牽連無數人。高峰議會暫時延期,各界領導人急忙解決當前襲擊事件,且Sirius進入封鎖。
  • 由於Sirius星系的Patterson Enterprise太空站有可能成為NMLA的目標,銀河高峰議會被迫取消。代表團皆返回各自的母星系,而《Sirius條約》最終並未簽署。NMLA正式宣布對襲擊負起責任,名為『Theta Seven』的不知名人士通過廣播譴責聯盟和聯邦為Duval王朝帝國主義支持者,並呼籲銀河人民以『九烈士』為啟發,重奪控制權。
  • 聯邦確認聯邦副總統與數名內閣成員葬身於Sol星系Li Qing Jao太空站的爆炸事件中。聯邦亦指責帝國需為3月11日NMLA炸彈製造者從Serene Harbour逃脫一事負起責任,而帝國參議員堅持該設施與帝國毫無瓜葛。此外,馬琳主義者持續遭受公開指責,而馬琳殖民地不斷否定與NMLA有所關聯。
  • Internal political tensions emerge within the superpowers as the "Nine Martyrs" stations continue to burn. In the Empire, Senator Denton Patreus is firmly rebuked by Chancellor Anders Blaine for his suggestion to arrest all Marlinists as NMLA collaborators. In the Federation, President Zachary Hudson blasts Shadow President Felicia Winters for providing aid to Marlinist refugees the previous year, accusing her of enabling terrorism. In the Alliance, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon calls for unity against the NMLA, while Councillor Nakato Kaine insinuates that when Mahon chose to attend the Galactic Summit, he prioritised the Alliance's and his own prestige over the lives of the Allied citizens who were lost in the attacks.
  • The superpowers create the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit (ACT) to investigate and eliminate the NMLA. ACT is jointly led by veterans of the tri-superpower taskforce that dismantled the League of Reparation in 3304: Captain Niamh Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service, Inspector Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol, and Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez of the Federal Intelligence Agency. The unit plans to coordinate with Federal, Imperial, and Allied security forces, along with the Pilots Federation.


  • 此為虛構的年表,因此某些列出的事件與實際歷史事件不符,例如它們是否在實際歷史中何時何地發生皆與現實毫無關聯。
  • 在《Frontier: First Encounters》中,根據玩家的行為有多個結局。其中一個結局涉及玩家從INRA竊取了一種Mycoid病毒的疫苗,並將其送給Thargoid,因此對方會獎勵玩家Thargoid飛船,且牠們和人類的科學家之間進行會面。另一個結局中, INRA改為交給玩家一個殺傷性更強的病毒版本,并對Thargoid進行施放,因此Thargoid飛船沒有贈予人類,也沒科研資料的交流。此版本結局被宣布為《精英:危機四伏》的正史。遊戲執行製作人Michael Brooks澄清說:『沒錯,在《精英:危機四伏》中,儘管還是有一些非正式的接觸,但人類與Thargoid之間沒有任何正式協議或合作。』T. James的小說《Out of the Darkness》中發生的非官方接觸即事件之一。