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— Aisling Duval, 与Serena的炉边谈话, 3301[1]

Aisling Duval公主是帝國皇室成員之一。她是已故皇子Harold Duval的長女,也是第二皇位繼承人。

在皇位之爭中,由於和先帝Hengist Duval的直系血脈,她自稱為正統的帝國繼承人。然而,原帝國參議員Arissa Lavigny-Duval對外公開自身其實是先帝Hengist Duval的親生女兒後,獲得Aisling Duval的支持,並最終被帝國議會推舉為皇位繼承人。

儘管由于年轻而被一些人认为幼稚和缺乏经验,但「人民公主」獲得帝國民眾,以及那些想和帝國打好關係的人的支持。和其他的帝國代表人士不同,她反對帝國奴役制度,並成立了被稱為Stop Slavery Stupid的非政府慈善机构,之後和其他的反奴役團體合併,并改名為Unchain。此外,由於母親因服用迷幻藥致死,她也對迷幻藥品痛恨至極,並認為那些東西應該在帝國領空內全面禁止。



會見Aisling Duval[2][]

在這次的Galnet獨家的新系列專欄,知名的政治評論家Marcus Macmillan會審視那些政界人士。在他的首篇文章中,他會詳細分析這位獲得大眾支持的政界人士:帝國公主Aisling Duval。

Aisling Duval是Harold皇子的長女,但卻因為她的功績而獲得了極大的支持。她是精明的外交人士,儘管有不少人認為是她的顧問提供了許多可用的建議。儘管才20來歲,卻已是媒體的常客。儘管的她的皇位繼承權因為父母並未正式成婚而不被承認,但卻不遜色於其他競爭者。



3307年2月25日,Aisling Duval公主抵达Sirius的Patterson Enterprise,作为帝国代表团成员出席银河峰会。[3]


Denton Patreus[]

Aisling Duval曾在3301年和Denton Patreus參議員私下見面。當時,雙方僅僅只是謠傳有私密聯絡而非正式交往。但就在Aisling和Patreus決裂後,外界才得知Patreus參議員僅僅是因為覬覦帝國皇位而和公主有聯繫。



3301年4月13日,Patreus參議員和Aisling公主再次被發現於Capitol的高檔餐廳Fodder共進晚餐。這對帝國知名情侶看起來相談甚歡,在3小時的用餐期間小酌了好幾瓶Chateau De Aegaeon美酒。Aisling公主穿著驚為天人的紅色蕾絲晚裝,並佩戴了相稱的首飾。Patreus參議員則是一副平常的打扮,儘管偷偷的解開的一些鈕扣,讓自己看起來更加的隨性。在晚餐後,兩人搭乘參議員的飛船——Imperial Freedom——離開,前往Eotienses星系。


Jordan Rochester與Jarl Toredo的三角戀疑雲[]


Emrald,Aisling Duval的家鄉

3304年5月25日,娛樂新聞記者Solomon Helios預測Aisling公主或許會有新戀情。有鑑於她近期與三名有權人士——參議員Caspian Leopold、反奴役組織首領Jarl Toredo,與聯邦大使Jordan Rochester——有大量的接觸。Aisling公主與參議員Caspian Leopold出席了數個會議,並讚揚他是名天生的演說者、有著無盡的財富與威望,而參議員Caspian Leopold更是在訪談中說盡了公主的好話。而反奴役組織首領Jarl Toredo則是被目擊與公主在帝國皇宮見面,兩人的關係若進一步發展,也會對Aisling公主的公關關係起到很大的幫助。而聯邦大使Jordan Rochester則是被派往Aisling家鄉的衛星,並且在近期與Aisling公主私人遊覽了Prism's Shades藝術展覽。

3304年6月6日,Solomon Helios指出,Aisling公主在上週主持了外交晚宴,而聯邦大使Jordan Rochester以嘉賓身份也受邀出席。很不尋常的,Aisling也邀請了大使飛船FNS Pioneer的船長與乘員。由於該飛船的指揮官艦隊中將Juno Rochester就是大使的親姐妹之一,Helios懷疑Aisling或許是藉此機會與未來家人見面。在公主與大使共舞後,大使代表聯邦正式向公主道謝。第二天,參議員Caspian Leopold因公事到Emerald星球,但Helios也注意到這此的突然來訪並未在其行事歷中標註。

3304年6月13日,在宣布其反奴役組織和公主的Stop Slavery Stupid合併,組成Unchain之後,Jarl Toredo簡略回應了近期他和Aisling公主的傳聞並指出『我相信公主殿下的注意力在其他人身上。』

3304年6月21日,帝國公主Aisling Duval宣布她和聯邦大使Jordan Rochester的婚事,而大使也在聯邦時報發布了特殊聲明。Solomon Helios對此表示其驚訝,以及時間的突然發展,並質疑帝國女皇Arissa Lavigny-Duval和聯邦總統Zachary Hudson為何會同意這樣的聯婚。

3304年6月27日,如此消息已在星際社群掀起軒然大波。帝國皇宮和聯盟總理辦公室雖發來賀電,但女皇Arissa Lavigny-Duval和聯邦總統Zachary Hudson並未就此事件表態。帝國首都Capitol的內部消息指出,Aisling公主並未與皇室成員商討過此婚事,而女皇更是並未許可。儘管Zemina Torval對公主的婚事幾近反對,但參議員Caspian Leopold卻表達了其支持。大使的母親國會議員Isolde Rochester則是贊成兩人的聯婚,並為兩大勢力即將進入合作的時代而保持樂觀態度。

INV-Aisling's-Hope 01

INV Aisling‘s Hope

3304年7月13日,宣布婚禮儀式定於3304年8月25日,在Emerald的帝國皇宮舉辦。亦會有聯邦和帝國艦隊組成的婚禮儀仗隊,而準新人也希望星際社群能共襄盛舉。參議員Zemina Torval依舊批評此舉直接破壞帝國的政策,但現已為聯盟顧問的聯邦前總統Jasmina Halsey,則表示如此聯合會是讓人類進一步團結的契機。

3304年8月22日,隨著Jarl Toredo向Solomon Helios坦言他和公主已交往數月,婚禮宣布取消。據悉,公主和大使之間的婚事不過是一次政治因素的聯婚。公主和大使亦未對此突如其來的時間做出回應。由於這次婚事的取消是由大使目前Isolde Rochester所宣布,因此進一步證實了Jarl Toredo所言有其可信度,而Rochester家族對Aisling的信任亦不復存在。在約定的儀式日期後,Aisling公主與Rochster大使亦沒做出回應。



  • 反奴役組織Unchain已正式收購4000名在Eotienses星系A3星球被強制『解放』的帝國奴隸。此行動的出資人,帝國公主Aisling Duval對媒體發布如此聲明:『那些違背自身意願的契約都已經由Unchain所簽下,他們會在Port Isabelle協助建設Unchain的總部,並獲得良好的照料。這會讓他們償還所欠下的債務,並再次成為自由人。』當被媒體詢問時,Aisling公主露出苦笑並解釋道:『我明白身為反奴役組織卻僱傭帝國奴隸是多麼的諷刺。當我們這樣做,僅僅是為了避免Port Isabelle有更嚴重的情況發生,並且可以彌補由Autonomy所造成的損失。我相信這是帝國問題的實際解決方法。簽訂契約成為勞役或許看似可保有尊嚴,但根據最近的事件看來,這只會帶來虐待和疏於照顧的下場。Unchain依舊致力於推翻奴役制度的野蠻行徑,並推廣更有文化的社會救濟與僱傭程序。』


  • 反奴役組織Unchain批評激進團體Autonomy在Eotienses星系A3星球,強行解放4000名帝國奴隸的行為。帝國公主Aisling Duval身為此類活動的參與者,告訴媒體:『我很感激Garret Kline想要解放奴隸的善舉,我也確定這樣的行為是出自真誠的同情,但我依舊要譴責他這樣的做法。Autonomy不完善的行為讓數千人被遺留在Port Isabelle空間站,沒有收入也不受保護。Unchain的確也會採取類似的行動讓非法奴隸重獲自由,但合法的帝國奴隸會需要額外的照料。解放程序必須由已註冊的組織合法進行,而且要確保每個人員都有妥善照料。你不能只是就像從動物園釋放動物一般,把奴隸這樣解放出來。我的夢想就是有一天帝國會廢除這樣契約勞役,而所有的奴隸制度都會消失。但在那之前,所有的解放行動都要透過法律來施行。』Port Isabelle空間站的情況依舊緊繃,數千名被解放的人士在當地擴散,建造臨時居所、佔據公共空間、乞討食物與金錢等。


  • Hadrian Augustus Duval根據最近和Aisling公主的會面,提供了聲明。該公告透過所有帝國媒體頻道播送:『在經過討論後,Aisling公主和我已正式同意互不侵犯協定。儘管目前互稱盟友還為時尚早,帶我們已宣誓互不干涉彼此的活動,包括各自的支持者。我很高興我的表姐勇於主動和我建立聯繫。儘管堅持我之前的信念,但在Aisling的要求下,我會以開放的思維重新審視Nova Imperium的政策。而現在,我還是要保持我被放逐皇室成員的身分。』


  • Aisling公主和Nova Imperium領導人Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval的會面已在帝國內引起軒然大波。政治記者Cassia Carvalho審視了目前狀況並說道:『Aisling公主明確知道和Hadrian Duval聯繫會是政治上的險棋。Zemina Torval參議員更是馬上指責公主是和孤立人士妥協的理念叛徒。先不提家族血緣關係,Hadrian的保守觀點本就和Aisling的理念不一致。但Hadrian年輕且資歷尚淺,而且繼承了極端主義者前任Imperator Mordanticus的政策。或許Aisling公主希望,在透過協調下,她這名失踪多時的Duval家族成員能夠在星際政治舞台上扮演重要的角色。』


  • Aisling Duval公主最近透露她和孤立組織Nova Imperium的首領Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval見面。帝國先鋒報刊登了她的聲明:『有時候,我會後悔之前回絕Hadrian的建議。若我知道Arissa會以如此血腥的掃蕩來對待他的追隨者,我的決定或許就會改變。雖然他被視為帝國的敵人,但我卻無法無視這名新的Duval家族成員,因此才在Paresa星系安排會面。另一個原因,則是要和他確認自稱為先帝Hengist孫子的事。在一系列的基因測試後,Hadrian被證實的確是我血緣上的表弟。我們以展開對話,看看在我們之間是否有任何共通的做法。或許未來,我們可以一同整治帝國內的分裂。』


  • Princess Aisling Duval has publicly rejected the isolationist group Nova Imperium and its figurehead, Hadrian Duval: "These extremists cause only division. Hadrian may well be the grandson of Hengist Duval, but that hardly makes him suited to the throne. Arissa has been silent for too long – she must act quickly to resolve this volatile situation." Senator Zemina Torval responded: "Much to my surprise, I find myself in agreement with Princess Duval. The notion of an independent pilot becoming ruler of the Empire is preposterous. I am confident that the Emperor will respond accordingly." Despite this united front, Senator Pal Vespasian stated: "Many senators are willing to recognise Hadrian Duval as Emperor-in-waiting. Nova Imperium is now a legitimate political movement with several million supporters. The only way the Empire will survive is by accepting the Imperator's proposals."[4]

29 AUG 3304

  • The date of Princess Aisling Duval's wedding to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester passes without comment from either party. Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios commented: "Public reaction to the cancelled wedding has ranged from outrage to delight. Jasmina Halsey expressed regret at a 'lost opportunity for long-term peace', while Senator Zemina Torval called it 'the mercy killing of a catastrophically bad idea'. With no word from the Imperial Palace or the White House, it's easy to imagine both Emperor Arissa and President Hudson breathing sighs of relief. But the silence from Aisling Duval and Jordan Rochester rings loudest. What might they be feeling? Was their relationship terminated against their wishes? Did it ever really exist? Naturally I invited the princess to tell her story, but her previous openness is apparently a thing of the past. The Rochester family is also shying away from the media. Jarl Toredo, whose alleged affair with Aisling apparently derailed the marriage, has vanished from public sight. Was this a tragic love triangle, or just a political chess game? We may never know. But what's certain is that, before long, Aisling Duval will put these failures behind her and be back in the spotlight where she belongs."[5]

22 AUG 3304

  • Congressman Isolde Rochester announces the cancellation of the wedding of her son Jordan and Princess Aisling Duval. The announcement follows anti-slavery campaigner Jarl Toredo's confession that he and Aisling Duval were romantically involved for several months. Toredo also claimed that the planned marriage was purely a political matter. The cancellation was confirmed by the Imperial Palace on Emerald, but there has been no direct response from Princess Duval or Ambassador Rochester. Political journalist Cassia Carvalho of The Imperial Herald commented: "The fact that this news comes from Isolde Rochester gives weight to Jarl Toredo's claims. If the marriage was a political scheme, that may explain why the Rochester family matriarch is the one to call it off, no longer trusting Princess Duval to play her part. Or perhaps this is simply the reaction of a mother, enraged at her future daughter-in-law's infidelity. Had the marriage taken place, would it have initiated an era of Federal-Imperial cooperation, or triggered a new wave of conflict? It seems we will never know."[6]

17 AUG 3304

  • Jarl Toredo disclosed to entertainment journalist Solomon Helios his reasons for resigning from Unchain. According to Helios, "Following Jarl Toredo's resignation from Unchain, I offered to tell his side of the story. Although he declined a formal interview, he did disclose that he could no longer bear working alongside Princess Duval. He admitted that he has been romantically involved with the princess since their first meeting several months ago. It seems they both felt it wise to keep the relationship a secret. According to Toredo, the princess claimed not to have any romantic feelings for Ambassador Rochester, and insisted that the marriage was merely a means to advance her political plans. Initially Toredo accepted this, but it seems that after her engagement the princess became unreachable. Toredo says that his and Aisling's love has been sidelined by her political schemes. Quite simply, he feels betrayed." Princess Aisling firmly denied the accusations: "I am shocked that my good friend Solomon could believe such lies. It's obvious that Mr Toredo is being used by those who want rekindle the hostility between the Empire and the Federation. My relationship with Jordan Rochester is entirely genuine."[7]

08 AUG 3304

  • Co-CEO Jarl Toredo unexpectedly resigned from Unchain, with Princess Aisling Duval remaining CEO. Observers speculated that the recent assassination attempt against the Princess may have caused Toredo to regret aligning himself with her, or that there was substance to rumors that he was a rival for Aisling's affection and her engagement to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester caused a falling-out. Princess Aisling did not comment on Toredo's departure.[8]

02 AUG 3304

  • An assassination attempt against Princess Aisling Duval was foiled by the Imperial Internal Security Service during a fundraiser being held in the Zhao system for Unchain. IISS Captain Takio Diomedes stated that the Princess's personal security detail had detected and disabled a number of explosive charges that had been placed at key locations in the event centre. The investigation into the explosives' origin was ongoing. Princess Aisling did not address the incident and continued her fundraising duties for Unchain.[9]

18 JUL 3304

  • Princess Aisling Duval discusses her forthcoming marriage in an exclusive interview with entertainment journalist Solomon Helios. The princess addresses many topics, including the impact of the announcement of her engagement, her relationship with Ambassador Rochester, Senator Zemina Torval's criticism, and her hopes for the future of her marriage: "Jordan and I see this marriage as an opportunity for change. Imagine a galaxy where both superpowers work hand in hand, and support each other in times of hardship. Now that's a true marriage."[10]

13 JUL 3304

  • The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is scheduled for August 25, 3304 at the Imperial Palace on Emerald, Cemiess. An official proclamation was published in both The Federal Times and The Imperial Herald: "Her Imperial Highness Princess Aisling Duval and the honourable Ambassador Jordan Rochester are pleased to announce the occasion of their wedding on Saturday 25th August 3304 at the Imperial Palace on Emerald in the Cemiess system. Invitations have been extended to representatives of every strata of society. An honour guard of vessels from both the Federal Navy and the Imperial Navy will be in attendance. The couple's wish is for all citizens of the galaxy to join together in celebration of their union."[11]

06 JUL 3304

  • Responding to public interest in Princess Aisling Duval's fiancé, Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, political journalist Cassia Carvalho compiled a profile of Jordan and the Rochester family for The Imperial Herald.[12]

27 JUN 3304

  • Reactions from the galactic community to the announcement of Aisling Duval and Jordan Rochester's marriage ranged from joy to cordial congratulations to outrage.[13]

22 JUN 3304

  • Princess Aisling Duval announces that she and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester plan to marry: "It's no secret that Jordan and I grew close during his official visit. The time has come to let you know that we are to be husband and wife. I'm aware that some will see this as unorthodox, even controversial, but love knows no borders. It's our wish that our marriage will build lasting bridges between the Empire and the Federation."[14]

13 JUN 3304

  • Princess Aisling Duval's charity Stop Slavery Stupid merged with Jarl Toredo's independent charity Universal Liberty. The unified organisation was rebranded Unchain. Toredo issued a statement on the merger: "There's no shortage of poverty and suffering within the Empire, however much some may try to hide it. Few have the courage to face the truth, but Princess Duval has been an inspiration. So I'm very pleased that we're joining forces with her campaign to end slavery. I was born into slavery. My parents were still slaves when they died. It is for them, and for all human beings treated as less than human, that we demand legal slavery be abolished. I'm proud to be part of Unchain, which will spread our message across the Empire."[15]

06 JUN 3304

  • Solomon Helios reports that Princess Aisling hosted an exclusive diplomatic function the previous weekend, and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester was the guest of honor. Senator Caspian Leopold also made an unofficial visit to Emerald the following day.[16]

25 MAY 3304

  • Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios speculates on Princess Aisling Duval's love life. Aisling had dated Senator Denton Patreus three years earlier, but ended that relationship, presumably concluding that Patreus was primarily interested in the Imperial throne. Recently, Aisling has been spotted in the company of three potential suitors: the wealthy and influential Senator Caspian Leopold, anti-slavery firebrand Jarl Toredo, and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester.[17]

12 APR 3304

  • More prominent figures across the galaxy, including Imperial Senator Pal Vespasian and Commodore Riri McAllister of the ADF voice support for Princess Duval's criticism of Aegis. Chief Editor Jast Fernández said "We know that Aisling is widely seen as the stereotypical heiress – materially prosperous but intellectually deficient – but could this have been a public mask that she is now discarding? Or perhaps the young princess is finally maturing, and developing some genuine critical faculty?"[18]

05 APR 3304

  • Aisling Duval criticizes Aegis. In a public interview, Princess Aisling Duval levelled criticism at Aegis in relation to the ongoing Thargoid conflict. "The people are scared," she said. "They fear that their way of life – their very existence – might vanish unless more is done to protect them. I’m not convinced Aegis is capable of doing so. The Empire has invested heavily in the organisation. Are we sure the other powers have done the same? It has taken far too long for Aegis to determine why the Thargoids are attacking, and it’s not clear what their strategy is now. If we are to trust them to defend humanity, we need to see more obvious progress."[19]

25 JAN 3304

  • Aisling Duval's anti-slavery campaign in Guuguyni is a success. In an official statement, the princess says, "I am immeasurably grateful to those who supported this campaign. You have saved hundreds of people from a life of misery."[20]

18 JAN 3304

  • Aisling Duval announced plans to fund a peacekeeping operation in the Guuguyni system. The operation's primary purpose is to neutralise an illegal slave-trading ring in the region.[21]

28 OCT 3303

  • A number of the galaxy’s most powerful figures have commented on the current galactic landscape, addressing issues such as the return of Thargoids and the recent discovery of outposts formerly occupied by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm. At a society event in the Cubeo system, Princess Aisling Duval said: “I read the INRA records, and frankly I was sickened. How could they treat living creatures that way? I’ve heard of governments inventing threats to support their military programmes. Maybe that’s what the INRA was. A smokescreen.”[22]

27 OCT 3303

  • Aisling Duval commented on the discovery of multiple abandoned Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm outposts, saying she was sickened by the way INRA experimented with weapons on live Thargoids, and further claiming that INRA may have exaggerated the Thargoid threat to garner support for its military programme.[23]

04 MAY 3303

  • Terrorist Salomé Killed. Imperial dispatches have confirmed that Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren, was killed in the Arumclaw system on the 29th of April by a bounty hunter known as ‘Besieger’. “She was a force of evil who attempted to sow the seeds of conflict among those who strive for peace,” said Princess Aisling Duval. “Her warmongering is at an end, and the galaxy is now a safer place. It’s just a shame that so many innocent lives were lost before she was brought down.”[24]

25 NOV 3302

  • Prisoner Convoy Destroyed. A prisoner convoy has been interdicted and destroyed in the Daibo system while en route to Koontz Asylum. It has been confirmed that the convoy was carrying various political dissidents, convicted murderers and terrorists. Among them was the infamous Kahina Loren, recently found guilty of the attempted assassination of Admiral Denton Patreus. Plans to hold a memorial service for Loren in the Prism system have already generated angry responses. Princess Aisling Duval was quoted as saying, "A service for her? She was a murderer and a convicted felon! Her name should be struck from the record and never spoken again."[25]

06 OCT 3301

04 OCT 3301

  • Agents of the Imperial Guard and IISS arrested several members of Chancellor Anders Blaine's staff. Blaine said that Princess Aisling Duval's accusation that his staff had links to Emperor's Dawn were true, that members of his staff had been involved in slander against her, and that he took all responsibility and apologised.[27]

02 OCT 3301

  • In Aisling Duval's own investigation into her advisor Patron Damon Clarke's links to Emperor's Dawn, she revealed that some of Chancellor Anders Blaine's past advisors were connected to the same members of Emperor's Dawn. She did not release her evidence, and Blaine denied all knowledge of any connection.[28]

28 SEP 3301

  • The Imperial Herald's report of connections between Princess Aisling Duval's office and Emperor's Dawn had a severe impact on her rating, and may have had an impact on her standing with the Senate.[29]

21 SEP 3301

  • Following remarks by Senator Denton Patreus the previous day, Chancellor Anders Blaine confirmed there would be an investigation into the claimed links between Princess Aisling Duval's office and Emperor's Dawn. The hunt for Patron Damon Clarke, believed by some to have fled the Empire, continued, with some of his associates arrested and questioned.[30]

19 SEP 3301

  • Aisling Duval released a statemant, saying it came as a "bitter surprise" to learn that any of her "trusted advisors could have conducted business with the animals that murdered the Emperor." She said she would undertake her own investigation into the matter. The whereabouts of Patron Damon Clarke were unknown.[31]

18 SEP 3301

  • The Imperial Herald published details of alleged links between backers of Aisling Duval and those funding Emperor's Dawn, the rebel group behind the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval. Patron and industrialist Damon Clarke's company D and C Shipping, Inc. apparently funded and shipped weapons to people now known to be members of Emperor's Dawn.[32]

11 SEP 3301

  • At a charity event where several dozen slaves were freed, Aisling Duval spoke out about the succession, and claimed to be the natural heir. Her attempt to gloss over the legality of her claim sparked angry rebuttals from legal experts and the camps of the other likely candidates.

It seems peculiar that as the closest living relative of our beloved Emperor, I am not involved in the process of selecting his successor. It is even stranger that there is a process at all - after all, I am the natural heir.

— Princess Aisling Duval[33]

15 AUG 3301

  • Aisling Duval Reviews her Security. The personal security for Princess Aisling Duval is under review as yet another private conversation has been leaked to the press. Much of the audio is undistinguishable but at one stage Aisling can be heard saying: “Denton would never do something like this. He’s far too up tight and strait-laced. Besides, he’s a nobody now. That Lavigny bitch – she’ll get the sympathy vote from this and she knows it.” A spokeswoman for Princess Duval stated: “This is clearly a fake intended to discredit the princess. To think that someone would stoop to this type of low politics in our time of grief is repulsive.”[34]

29 JUL 3301

  • In an alleged secret recording of a conversation with one of her aides, Princess Aisling Duval questioned the convenience of the Emperor's recovery and the motives of Senator Anders Blaine and others close to the Emperor. An aide of Senator Blaine said an investigation would be carried out. Aisling Duval said the recording was clearly a fabrication and that she would never say "the despicable things portrayed in this horrid fantasy."

How is this possible? Am I not the most beloved person in the Empire? This is clear manoeuvring to make sure that Arissa becomes the heir. I can see her annoyingly haughty expression now. That Blaine thinks she will let him carry on doing what he wants.

— Alleged recording of Princess Aisling Duval[35]

22 May 3301

  • The People’s Princess made an appearance in Cemiess late last night to attend the opening of Emerald’s newest art installation, ‘Prism’s Shades’, a multi-sensory experience that uses experimental light and sound projection technology to stimulate a series of empathic responses from its audience. Aisling dazzled crowds by dressing in a long-sleeved ruby red evening gown, adorned with painite sparkles. She accessorised with an equally stunning tinted visor, fashionably stamped with Aisling’s personal crest.[36]

08 APR 3301

  • Stop Slavery Stupid and Aisling Duval lost the slavery public support challenge to Senator Zemina Torval's pro-Imperial slavery side. They managed to free 1,149,756 Imperial Slaves, but the Imperial Slavers Association received 2,387,567 Unregulated Slaves for retraining.[37]

01 APR 3301

  • Stop Slavery Stupid and Aisling Duval's idealogical differences with Senator Zemina Torval came to a head with a public support challenge. Zemina Torval and the Imperial Society would buy unregulated slaves to turn them into Imperial slaves. Stop Slavery Stupid would accept donations of Imperial slaves with the intention of freeing them. If Aisling won, Torval would free all the slaves bought in the course of the challenge. If Torval won, Aisling would take on a personal contingent of Imperial Slaves for no less than one year.[38]

06 MAR 3301

  • On the Empire’s most-watched reality stream show, Celebrity Pets, Aising Duval made a passionate outburst on the topic of Imperial slavery. She said that the animals on the show, and those in Senator Zemina Torval's personal zoo, were better treated than Imperial slaves. In support of her rhetoric, Stop Slavery Stupid announced a new temporary program of Imperial Slave emancipation and rehabilitation.[39]

08 JAN 3301

  • Aisling appeared on the popular show “A fireside chat with Serena” and talked about her views on narcotics, and why they should be banned. Her mother died of narcotic use before Aisling was old enough to remember her. When asked about her father, she spoke out against Emperor Hengist Duval and the network cut the broadcast.

Oh Serena. He was led astray in his youth, but Dad is a lovely man, and would make a great Emperor if his controlling father wasn’t so spiteful.

— Princess Aisling Duval[40]

19 DEC 3300

  • Her father Harold Duval was declared "not sound of mind" by his father, Emperor Hengist Duval. This removed his claim to the throne, and hence Aisling's after him, meaning there was no clear successor.[41]

18 DEC 3300

  • Appeared to speak for her father, the heir of the Emperor, against Imperial Slavery.[42]



— Aisling Duval公主

  1. Elite Dangerous Knowledge Base > Individuals > Aisling Duval
  2. Meet the Powers – Aisling Duval
  3. Galactic Summit Begins with Defence Request
  4. GalNet: Aisling Duval Rejects Nova Imperium
  5. GalNet: The Silence of Aisling Duval
  6. GalNet: Aisling Duval Wedding Cancelled
  7. GalNet: Aisling Duval's Secret Relationship Revealed
  8. GalNet: Jarl Toredo Resigns from Unchain
  9. GalNet: Aisling Duval Assassination Foiled
  10. GalNet: An Interview with Aisling Duval
  11. GalNet: Details of Aisling Duval's Wedding Announced
  12. GalNet: A Profile of Jordan Rochester
  13. GalNet: Galaxy Reacts to Federal-Imperial Betrothal
  14. GalNet: Aisling Duval Announces Marriage to Federal Ambassador
  15. GalNet: Anti-Slavery Organisations Unite
  16. GalNet: Aisling Duval Hosts Federal Ambassador
  17. GalNet: The Courtship of Aisling Duval
  18. GalNet: Support for Aisling Duval
  19. GalNet: Aisling Duval Criticizes Aegis
  20. GalNet: Aisling Duval Campaign Concludes
  21. GalNet: Eliminating Slavers in Guuguyni
  22. Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful - 28 OCT 3303
  23. Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful
  24. Galactic News: Terrorist Salomé Killed, 04 MAY 3303
  25. Prisoner Convoy Destroyed - 25 NOV 3302
  26. Senate Declares Arissa Lavigny-Duval Emperor
  27. Chancellor Anders Blaine Issues Statement
  28. Scandal Rocks Chancellor Anders Blaine
  29. Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval Gains More Powerful Support
  30. Senator Patreus Calls for Senate Investigation, Chancellor Blaine Confirms Senate Investigation
  31. Aisling Duval Issues Statement
  32. Did Aisling Duval Know About Emperor’s Dawn?
  33. The People’s Princess Speaks
  34. Aisling Duval Reviews her Security, 15 AUG 3301
  35. Aisling Duval Questions Convenience of Emperor’s Recovery
  36. Aisling Opens Art Installation on Emerald
  37. In the Emperor’s Name
  38. Aisling’s Angels Challenge the Senator’s Slavers
  39. It’s Time to Stop Slavery Stupid
  40. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为Narcotics的引用提供文字
  41. Heir to the Throne Officially Mad
  42. Celebrity Daughter of Heir Declares Slavery Dishonourable