精英危险中文站 维基

Maia Nebula around the Pleiades star cluster

昴宿星雲(Pleiades Nebula),也被稱為七姐妹(Seven Sisters)和梅西耶 45(Messier 45),是位於金牛座的一個開放性恆星團。距太陽系 384光年。昴宿星團周圍是反射星雲。這是由於塵埃反射了熾熱的年輕恆星的藍光所致。昴宿宿星中最亮的九顆星是以希臘神話中的七個姐妹及其父母命名的:阿爾西奧(Alcyone),阿特拉斯(Atlas),塞萊諾(Celaeno),伊萊克特拉(Electra),瑪雅(Maia),梅羅佩(Merope),普勒俄涅(Pleione),斯特羅佩( Sterope),塔蓋塔(Taygeta)。


在發現新發現的外星人物體正在向梅洛普(Merope)星系傳輸信號之後,該地區成為3301年的公眾和科學關注的主要焦點。黑曜石軌道空間站(Obsidian Orbital)於當年年末在瑪雅(Maia)建造,成為該星雲中的第一個星港,為定居進一步鋪平了道路。因為在該地區發現外星結構元合金,引發了短暫的淘金熱和聯邦與帝國之間的代理戰爭。在3302和3303年中進行了其他與塔族有關的發現和遭遇之後,例如「Thargoid探針」,超空間攔截Thargoid表面遺跡結構,Thargoid便首當其衝的入侵了昴宿星雲,摧毀了聯邦和帝國的軍事艦隊,破壞了民用巨型飛船,並嚴重破壞了許多空間站,造成了成千上萬人的傷亡。




系統 效忠 星站與地面站
Maia Independent Obsidian Orbital
Darnielle's Progress
Maia Point
Moni's Hub
Palin Research Centre
Pavlou Keep
Asterope Independent Copernicus Observatory
Atlas Independent Cyllene Orbital
Celaeno Independent Artemis Lodge
Delphi Independent Donar's Oak
The Oracle
Electra Independent Cavalieri
HIP 16753 Independent Goya Landing
Liman Legacy
HIP 17225 Federation PRE Research Base
HIP 17497 Independent Bao Landing
HIP 17692 Federation Blackmount Habitation
Blackmount Orbital
HIP 17694 Independent Hudson Observatory
HIP 17892 Independent Kamov Survey
HR 1183 Independent Arc's Faith
HR 1185 Empire Ceres Tarn
The Indra
Merope Independent Alcazar's Hope
Omega Prospect
Reed's Rest
Pleiades Sector DL-Y d65 Independent Agricola's Ascent
Pleiades Sector GW-W c1-13 Independent Cornell's Garden
Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-41 Independent Malthus Terminal
Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-74 Independent Corrigan Terminal
Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-79 Independent The Penitent
Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-5 Alliance PRE Logistics Support Gamma
Rix Depot
Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-7 Independent Borrego's Vision
Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-16 Federation PRE Laboratory
TII Research Facility
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 Independent Oort Orbital
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-11 Independent Kipling Orbital
Pleiades Sector PD-S b4-0 Independent Ieyasu Dock
Pleione Independent Stargazer
Taygeta Independent Titan's Daughter



系統 效忠 星站與地面站
42 n Persei Independent Bennington's Rest
PRE Logistics Support Alpha
Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 Independent PRE Logistics Support Beta
HIP 16813 Independent Sisters' Refuge
HIP 17044 Independent Dionysus
HIP 17519 Independent Pirate's Lament
HIP 19072 Alliance Cooper Research Centre
HIP 22460 Independent Overlook
Hyades Sector AB-W b2-2 Independent Exodus Point
PRE Logistics Support Delta
Pleiades Sector AB-W b2-4 Empire Noctrach-Ihazevich Research Facility
Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-57 Federation Cleaver Prospect
PRE Logistics Support Zeta
Pleiades Sector JC-V d2-62 Independent Asami Orbital
PRE Logistics Support Epsilon
Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 Empire Orcus Crag


