精英危险中文站 维基

Ram Tah竭盡所能的去挖掘銀河系的真相,數年來他收集了許多稀奇古怪的物品,並持續對深空中的不明事物倍感好奇。在其探索中,他發覺到了無人機和一些防禦機制部件的潛力,並花費多年對其進行改造與完善。


工程師Ram Tah是一名遠離喧囂的工程師,專精於無人機(limpet)和功能部件(utility)。玩家可透過他來改造飛船部件,使其發揮超越常規的能力。他不從屬任何超級勢力,並居住在Meene星系的Phoenix Base地面基地。

除此之外,Ram Tah也是已滅絕許久外星種族——守護者(Guardian)——的研究權威。透過飛行員和探險者所傳輸而來的數據,他和旗下的研究員對守護者文明的古代遺跡守護者建築信標所發現的守護者石碑(Ancient Obelisk)和守護者數據終端(Guardian Data Terminal)進行解碼,並研發出一套破解圖騰的雲算法。有賴於Ram Tah開創了將守護者與人類現有科技進行結合的嘗試,研發出了混合科技的飛船武器部件艦載機等,並藉由科技代理商進行交易販售。



Ram Tah所在的Phoenix Base地面基地

在能透過Ram Tah進行該在前,必須達成部分條件:


在與工程師Lei Cheung的友好度達成三級時,就會得知Ram Tah的存在。


在探索等級達到至少Surveyor時,Ram Tah就會對你發來見面邀請。


只要提供50個分類掃描數據庫(Classified Scan Databank)就可透過他改造部件。


透過他改造部件或販賣星圖資料到Phoenix Base基地。


干擾箔條發射器(Chaff Launcher)(1至5級)

  • 備彈量強化(Ammo Capacity)
  • 輕量化改造(Lightweight)
  • 結構強化(Reinforced)
  • 屏障保護強化(Shielded)

收集無人機控制器(Collector Limpet Controller)(1至4級)

  • 輕量化改造(Lightweight)
  • 結構強化(Reinforced)
  • 屏障保護強化(Shielded)

電子反制儀(Electronic Countermeasure)(1至5級)

  • 輕量化改造(Lightweight)
  • 結構強化(Reinforced)
  • 屏障保護強化(Shielded)

燃料傳輸無人機控制器(Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller)(1至4級)

  • 輕量化改造(Lightweight)
  • 結構強化(Reinforced)
  • 屏障保護強化(Shielded)

貨倉門破壞無人機控制器(Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller)(1至3級)

  • 輕量化改造(Lightweight)
  • 結構強化(Reinforced)
  • 屏障保護強化(Shielded)

儲熱槽發射器(Heat Sink Launcher)(1至5級)

  • 備彈量強化(Ammo Capacity)
  • 輕量化改造(Lightweight)
  • 結構強化(Reinforced)
  • 屏障保護強化(Shielded)

點防禦砲塔(Point Defence)(1至5級)

  • 備彈量強化(Ammo Capacity)
  • 輕量化改造(Lightweight)
  • 結構強化(Reinforced)
  • 屏障保護強化(Shielded)

礦物探勘無人機(Prospector Limpet Controller)(1至4級)

  • 輕量化改造(Lightweight)
  • 結構強化(Reinforced)
  • 屏障保護強化(Shielded)




  • Aegis在Meene星系部署了防禦部隊以保證工程師Ram Tah的安全,且Alba Tesreau博士亦發佈了一項聲明:『工程師Ram Tah的研究成果讓我們瞭解Thargoid,並協助我們在兩方的衝突中佔有一席之地。因此我們認為對他的研究成果提供保護至關重要。我們已部署了部隊以確保他的安全,並且絕對不會介入其研究。希望可避免更多的外界干擾。』自從發生了Sirius Corporation集團的低階官員帶領私人艦隊襲擊Meene星系後,原先對工程師Ram Tah提出混合科技合作但遭拒的集團總裁Li Yong-Rui就不再做出回應。


  • 針對其下私人艦隊對Meene星系發動的襲擊,Sirius Corporation的總裁Li Yong-Rui對媒體說道:『在詳細的調查後,我們確定是由我們內部底層的低階官員私自下令對Phoenix Base基地進行非法入侵。雖無法確定其目的,但我可肯定他們是按照自身的利益而行動,並非由集團下令。該官員與與其他涉案人士已被Meene防衛隊逮捕囚禁,並面臨數項指控。針對此事件我個人對Ram Tah致歉,並希望我們仍可在未來的守護者與人類科技混合科技上攜手合作。』

16 NOV 3304

  • A link has been established between the mercenary group recently

intercepted in the Meene system and the Sirius Corporation. Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force said: "With the vital assistance of the galactic community, we were able to apprehend several of the mercenaries. Interrogations revealed that a number of them were in fact junior officers in Sirius Corp's private fleet. Other mercenaries confirmed that the attack was funded and organised by these individuals, which raises the question of why Sirius should be involved with this criminal enterprise." The engineer Ram Tah, who operates from Phoenix Base in the Meene system, commented: "Did Sirius really think it could obtain my research by force? Or was this an attempt to scare me into accepting Li Yong-Rui's offer?" A spokesperson for the Sirius Corporation refuted any allegations of criminal activity, and insisted there would be a full inquiry.[3]

15 NOV 3304

  • The Independent HIP 29241 Green Party has announced that its

appeal to recover escape pods has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering pods to Felice Dock, and by protecting contributing ships in the Meene system. Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force gave the following statement: "We have recovered a number of key figures within the mercenary group, and interrogations are underway. We will share more information when we have it." Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Felice Dock in the Meene system.[4]

08 NOV 3304

  • Following a skirmish with a group of mercenaries, security

forces in the Meene system have launched an operation to capture enemy agents in order to investigate the attack. Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force gave the following statement: "The mercenaries were targeting Ram Tah's Phoenix Base, but it’s clear they were just hired hands. We need to recover as many surviving mercenaries as we can and interrogate them, so we can find the real culprits." The Independent HIP 29241 Green Party, which is overseeing the initiative, has asked pilots to recover both occupied and damaged escape pods, and to deliver them to Felice Dock in the Meene system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing to the recovery can do so safely. The campaign begins on the 8th of November 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.[5]

07 NOV 3304

  • A mercenary group has been intercepted by security forces in the

Meene system. Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force reported: "Six hours ago, our forces were attacked by a small fleet belonging to a known mercenary group. Fortunately, we were able to defeat them before they could do serious damage. There is no doubt that the mercenaries' primary target was Phoenix Base. We suspect that this incident is connected to an attempted raid on the base that was repelled a few weeks ago." Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, addressed the incident: "I'm relieved that the attack was foiled, but this only demonstrates how precarious Ram Tah's situation is. I urge him to accept my offer to work with the Sirius Corporation – not only for his own safety, but also to safeguard future Guardian-human technologies."[6]

02 NOV 3304

  • The engineer Ram Tah has rejected an offer from the Sirius

Corporation to support the manufacture of Guardian-human technology. In a public statement, he said: "These technologies, developed using principles discovered by the Guardians, are too important to become corporate products. I have no doubt that Sirius would aim for maximum profits, rather than using the knowledge to aid humanity. Using tech brokers to distribute the designs allows them to be widely available, and thanks to the generosity of Aegis, the tech brokers' costs have been reduced, making Guardian-human fighters and systems more affordable." Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, has stated that his offer remains open, and that he hopes Ram Tah will have a change of heart.[7]

26 OCT 3304

  • The Sirius Corporation has publicly offered to work with engineer Ram Tah in the development of further Guardian-human technology. Li Yong-Rui,

the corporation's chief executive officer, made this statement: "Ram Tah's research into the Guardians is of central importance to humanity's future, and I would therefore like to place the resources of the Sirius Corporation at his disposal. As the recent incident at Phoenix Base illustrates, Ram Tah's operation is currently at risk. Not only can we guarantee his safety, but with our manufacturing capabilities we can bring the benefits of Guardian technology to the whole galaxy." There has been a range of reactions from business analysts. Some have advised Ram Tah to take advantage of the offer to mass-produce his designs, while others have warned that Sirius Corp is seeking a monopoly over Guardian-human technology. As yet there has been no response from Ram Tah. Repairs to his base in the Meene system have been completed, following an attempted incursion by armed intruders.[8]

19 OCT 3304

  • An attempt by armed intruders to access Phoenix Base in the

Meene system has been foiled. The base is the home of engineer Ram Tah. Security Chief Harper Vargas gave this report: "Defensive systems alerted us to a small group of intruders who had breached the base's perimeter. Our teams engaged them in combat and forced them back to a waiting ship. Unfortunately, we were unable to identify the ship or prevent it from escaping. During the incursion, the intruders used explosives to sabotage the base's power network. Fortunately, the base remains operational." Ram Tah told the media: "I believe this was an attempt to steal research data or samples of Guardian technology – the implications of which are most disturbing. Although the attempt failed, it has disrupted my important research."[9]



  • 在一次與獨立媒體Vox Galactica的訪談中,工程師Ram Tah提及了研發三款混合了人類與守護者科技的XG計劃。『自從守護者以及首次發現以來,我一直試着想將其科技與我們的結合。在與技師討論前,我曾完成了XG1艦載機藍圖的繪製。直到XG7 Trident,才成功將雙方的科技混合,而XG8 Javelin與XG9 Lance也相繼完成。』但被問及未來展望時,Ram Tah希望XG計劃僅僅是新科技發展時代的開端。

28 AUG 3304

  • Three recently detected energy signatures have been confirmed to

be of a similar nature. The engineer Ram Tah made a statement to the media: "As part of my research, I regularly review data from surveillance satellites and ships that have picked up atypical signals. Although most turn out to be of no consequence, on this occasion I have identified three energy signatures that I believe warrant further investigation. The signals originate from the NGC 2451A sector, the IC 2391 sector and the Synuefe EN-H region. I have no further data, and at this time the signatures' meaning remains a mystery. I encourage any independent pilots operating in these regions to investigate. I do of course apologise if this turns out to be a pointless exercise, but in the pursuit of scientific knowledge, even the smallest opportunity must be explored."[11]

06 APR 3304

  • A range of new Guardian-inspired modules are now available from

the galaxy's technology brokers. These modules have been developed by the engineer Ram Tah, following his acquisition of data from Guardian sites. Pilots can now purchase a Guardian power distributor, a Guardian FSD booster and a Guardian shard cannon. The cannon is available in both fixed and turreted versions. An independent engineering specialist made this comment: "These Guardian-human hybrid modules offer additional resilience and firepower – both very welcome to Commanders flying combat missions. By taking advantage of the Guardians' expertise, we may be able to replicate their success in fighting the Thargoids."[12]



  • Aegis公佈了一篇Thargoid詳細資料的報告。該內容由工程師Ram Tah所提供,而原始數據則是源自從守護者遺跡所解碼的日誌。一些關鍵內容節錄如下:『這些古籍顯示Thargoid或許是比守護者還來得悠久的種族,並且雙方曾有大規模衝突的記錄。而雙方的鬥爭起因於Thargoid認為其所屬領域被守護者所佔據。儘管後者曾嘗試與Thargoid溝通,但皆以失敗告終。守護者因此認定Thargoid的領地意識之強烈已無法容忍任何潛在的威脅,尤其是另一個有星際旅行能力的種族。目前已知在守護者建築的防禦哨兵等儀器是為了保護其居地免受Thargoid的入侵。雖然細節不明,但這些機械似乎成果將Thargoid擊退了。』Aegis的研究主管Alba Tesreau博士針對這份報告作出公開評論:『非常感謝Ram Tah的研究,以及勇敢探索守護者建築的飛行員們。正因如此,有關Thargoid的謎團才漸漸被揭露。很明顯地,我們的處境就如當年的守護者一般。在我們的空域中,亦有着數千年前便存在的藤壺——現在Thargoid現身,並在這些藤壺進行採取。我們現在可以知道Thargoid的目的在於將人類從他們認為所擁有的領空中驅逐。若Thargdoid以對付守護者的方式來面對我們,那麼他們的下一步就會是激進地採取素材,然而目前尚未有證據證明他們已進入此階段。』此外,工程師Ram Tah也對這項充滿衝擊的報告發出了聲明:『直到今天,Thargoid始終都處在雲裏霧裏,且不知其目的。但我們現在知道是何事在驅使他們攻擊我們,以及他們的最終目的。這是項富有意義的歷史發現,我相信會在我們與Thargoid的衝突中,帶來飛船不一樣的結果,甚至事關人類的存亡。』

10 MAR 3304

  • Following the recent discovery of new Guardian sites,

the engineer Ram Tah is seeking help from the galactic community to learn more about the long-lost civilisation. Further details were outlined in his latest announcement: "I have developed a decryption algorithm that will translate the codices at Guardian sites. However, pilots are reminded that accessing Guardian data is only possible when in possession of one of their artefacts." Pilots can obtain Ram Tah's decryption algorithm from any station in the Meene system other than Felice Dock. The artefacts alluded to by Ram Tah can be found at Guardian sites. Commanders are warned to be on alert, as the sites may be defended by Guardian drones. Ram Tah also stated: "I will be more than pleased to reimburse any pilot who successfully returns to the Meene system with a complete series of Guardian logs. There is so much more for us to discover about the Guardians and their history, and this could be a significant turning point in our understanding."[14]

06 MAR 3304

  • The engineer Ram Tah has revealed that his recent request for

pilots to investigate possible Guardian sites has yielded significant discoveries. He has released this statement: "Thanks to many courageous Commanders, we have found several new Guardian sites and recovered a great deal of data. As I theorised, the ruins are not as dead as they seem, since some are actively defended by ancient Guardian drones. My analysis of the data has yielded key technological information, much of which can be put to immediate practical use. This has allowed me to produce blueprints for new weaponry and power-plant systems based on Guardian designs. I am currently liaising with technology brokers to manufacture and distribute these devices, which I hope will benefit the galaxy in these troubled times." Ram Tah added that he will continue to rely on the galactic community’s support in unearthing further knowledge about the Guardians.[15]

27 FEB 3304

  • The engineer Ram Tah, a leading expert on the mysterious

Guardians, has requested help in locating undiscovered sites from the ancient alien race. He has issued the following statement: "The artefacts recently delivered to me have been subjected to intense molecular analysis. As a result, I have deduced the possibility of Guardian sites in three specific systems: Col 173 Sector QU-O d6-25, HD 63154 and Synuefe EU-Q c21-10. I urge the galactic community to investigate these systems, where I believe we may find further traces of the Guardians' ancient civilisation. I appreciate that this could be a wild goose chase, but data from such sites – if they exist – would be extremely valuable." Ram Tah has asked that any data be delivered to him at Phoenix Base in the Meene system.[16]

15 FEB 3304

  • Ram Tah has announced that the galactic community has responded

positively to his appeal for Guardian artefacts, resulting in a large number of deliveries to Felice Dock. The engineer will now subject the artefacts to extensive analysis. As the campaign drew to a close, Ram Tah issued the following statement: "My heartfelt thanks go to all those who supported this initiative. I've already started work and I should have something to share with you soon." Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Felice Dock in the Meene system.[17]

08 FEB 3304

  • Ram Tah, the galaxy's foremost expert on the Guardians, has

revealed that his research funding will soon end. In an effort to make the most of his remaining finances, the engineer has appealed to independent pilots to deliver Guardian artefacts to his base in the Meene system. In a statement, Ram Tah said: "Public interest in the Guardians may have waned, but I believe there is more to learn. Only through thorough investigation and analysis can we hope to fully understand the Guardians, their technology, and their relationships to other species. This knowledge could be of great importance to humanity." The campaign has received a financial boost from Meene General Industries, which has promised to reward pilots who deliver artefacts from Guardian sites to Felice Dock in the Meene system. The campaign begins on the 8th of February 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.[18]

09 DEC 3302

  • Note: this Galnet article was released in error during the

beta period for the 2.2.03 update, and was subsequently removed. When the update was released on January 10, 2017, the Galnet article was not republished, also in error.[19]

  • Ram Tah, the reclusive engineer leading research into the

Synuefe ruins, has broken his silence. In a statement, he said: "I have made the first step in unlocking the ruins' secrets! Using data delivered by independent pilots and explorers, my researchers and I have created a decryption algorithm that can decipher the data patterns contained in the mysterious obelisks. But although this is extremely exciting, the real work has only just begun. I have taken measures to ensure that our algorithm is automatically uploaded to any ship that docks at a starport in the Meene system. The algorithm will allow independent researchers to decrypt data from the site. I sincerely believe that the knowledge in the Synuefe ruins belongs to us all, and I intend to do everything I can to facilitate access to that knowledge."[20]

02 DEC 3302

  • A few days ago, the research centre at Felice Dock in the Meene

system was severely damaged in what has been described as 'an act of vandalism'. Authorities at the starport have confirmed that the attack left many of the facilities irreparably damaged. Readers will no doubt recall that Ram Tah's research project into the ruins of the Synuefe XR-H d11-102 system is based at Felice Dock. When asked about the delay in investigating the crime, system security forces said it was considered 'low priority', and that it was "probably the work of opportunists." Ram Tah released the following statement: "This is clearly an attempt to undermine my research into the Synuefe ruins. Since my investigations began, a number of agencies have made clear their desire to capitalise on the site for personal, political or military gain. The knowledge contained in the ruins does not belong to one individual or organisation – it belongs to everyone. My research programme has relocated to Phoenix Base. Strict security protocols have been instated, and anyone approaching without invitation will be fired upon."[21]

25 NOV 3302

  • Earlier this month, engineer Ram Tah announced a research

programme designed to uncover the secrets of the Synuefe ruins. The engineer asked pilots to deliver data from the site to his laboratory in the hope that he would be able to decipher it. But Ran Tah's silence has prompted some to speculate that the engineer might not be up to the task of decoding the data, and that his attempt was nothing more than the naive dream of a backwater mechanic. When approached with these criticisms, Ram Tah said: "These things take time. I believe I have made a breakthrough, but I will not be pressured into offering untested claims. As soon as I have results, the galaxy will know."[22]

03 NOV 3302

  • Since the mysterious ruins

in the Synuefe XR-H d11-102 system were discovered last week, the site has become a hotbed of activity, with hundreds of explorers attempting to uncover the ruins' secrets. Now the engineer Ram Tah has announced plans to conduct a comprehensive research programme with the aim of learning more about the site. At a press event, Ram Tah made the following statement: "The discovery of the Synuefe ruins is hugely significant, and the site is unquestionably worthy of further study. Fortunately, United Meene Labour has graciously agreed to fund a comprehensive research project. I am therefore in the privileged position of being able to devote myself to studying data from the site. It is my hope that by decoding this data, we can learn more about the civilisation responsible for the ruins. Having conducted a preliminary survey of the site, I have determined that Pattern Delta Obelisk Data would of great value at this stage." United Meene Labour has promised to reward pilots who bring Pattern Delta Obelisk Data from the Synuefe ruins to Felice Dock in the Meene system. The campaign begins on the 3rd of November 3302 and will run for two weeks.[23]

