精英危险中文站 维基
Sub-Surface Displacement Missile


— 遊戲內敘述

淺層開採飛彈(Sub-surface Displacement Missile)是用於開採礦物的掛點部件,可發射特殊飛彈進入小行星的淺層礦物儲備位置。擊中特定礦物儲備位置後,會有HUD顯示飛彈的深度,讓飛行員可手動引爆飛彈,排出礦物儲備。接著使用貨艙口收集無人機採取,並使用精煉機將礦物提煉此開採飛彈所採出的礦物儲備。



— 額外遊戲內敘述

級別 評級 質量(T) 耐久度 功率消耗(MW) 瞄準模式 傷害類型 DPS 穿透力 彈匣容量 載彈量 價格(CR)
1 B 2.00 40 0.42 固定瞄準 爆炸性 2.5 25 1 32 12,601
1 B 2.00 40 0.53 砲塔 爆炸性 2.5 25 1 32 38,751
2 B 4.00 51 1.01 固定瞄準 爆炸性 2.5 25 1 96 381,750
2 B 4.00 51 0.93 砲塔 爆炸性 2.5 25 1 96 381,750


  • 在3.3.05版本前,當集中儲備位置時,飛彈時常會莫名消失。若發生,該鑽入音效會持續播放,直到成功挖取儲備,或是在錯誤的時機放開扳機引爆為止。
  • Ores mined with Displacement Missiles will always fill between 75% to 80% of a Refinery bin. Neither deposit density nor size of the target zone during mining make an appreciable difference in the amount of ore produced.
  • Sub-surface Deposits have between 2-4 chances to release an ore as shown by the density indicator beneath the targeted deposit. Deposits will start at 100% and reduce in increments of 50%, 33%, or 25%. Failed attempts or misses count against this total. However, it is possible for a deposit to allow four mining attempts, but have only two or three target locations. Likewise, it is possible for a deposit to have three to four target locations, yet only allow two mining attempts.