Gnosis 號 "是一艘飛行作業航母巨艦,由Canonn星際研究建造。由Canonn星際研究小組建造的巨艦。它主要被部署到正在進行的科學研究地點,如Thargoid Barnacle、Thargoid 地表遺址和古代遺跡,以及由於跳躍範圍的限制,常規飛船無法到達的偏遠星系。 Gnosis 號於3303年5月18日在Varati 星系發射,並於3303年9月28日進行了第一次超空間跳躍。經過近三年艱苦的長途探索, Gnosis 號於3306年9月10日勝利返回Varati ,正式退出現役。隨後,它開始了一條永久巡迴路線,在八個星系中進行了著名的科學發現。
Maiden jump[]
3303年9月25日,宣佈The Gnosis將在9月28日嘗試第一次超空間跳躍,從Varati到Hyades Sector AQ-Y d81。任何在跳躍時停靠在Gnosis機庫的飛船將與它一起前往目的地。Canonn Gnosis分部警告說,在The Gnosis附近的飛行員如果沒有停靠並進入機庫,將不會與該船同行,而且還有可能因為跳躍的能量漩渦而造成嚴重損壞或船隻損失。[4]在飛船內的機庫也張貼了一份Gnosis的飛行操作計畫,確認在近期內計畫進行兩次額外的跳躍。[5]。
Gnosis號的第一次跳躍是成功的,它帶著乘客安全抵達了Hyades Sector AQ-Y d81。[6] 隨後的跳躍都沒有發生意外。
Cone Sector遠征[]
3304年8月13日,Canonn Gnosis分部更新了The Gnosis的飛行計畫,宣佈計畫從Outotz ST-I d9-4跳到Cone Sector FN-J b9-0,在Cone Sector地區進行為期四周的考察,從9月6日至10月4日。Cone Sector是一個無法進入的星系口袋,周圍有一個更大的許可鎖定區,太寬了,常規船隻無法跳過。嘉能可-諾森斯分部建議,在可預見的未來,乘坐諾森斯號旅行是安全進出Cone Sector的唯一途徑。10月4日,當Gnosis號離開Cone Sector時,任何在Gnosis號躍遷前沒有被固定在機庫裡的飛行員將被留下,只要他們的飛船還能堅持,就會無限期地被困在該地區。[7]
8月28日,飛行員聯盟將Cone SectorFN-J b9-0和Cone Sector的所有其他星系置於許可鎖定狀態。第二天,該組織解釋說,Cone Sector被認為含有大量新近遇到的極其危險的Thargoid Interceptor變種--Hydra,為了公共安全,該組織實施了許可鎖定。儘管如此,Canonn Gnosis分部確認,The Gnosis將按計劃嘗試跳躍到Cone Sector FN-J b9-0。[8]在Gnosis號於8月30日抵達Outotz ST-I d9-4星系後,Eagle Eye陣列截獲了提到同一星系的 Thargoid 傳輸信號,這意味著Gnosis號的行動已經引起了 Thargoid 的注意,該船正處於他們的觀察之下。這也與所有Thargoid Scout從Core Systems和Pleiades Nebula的突然和不明原因的消失相吻合。[9]。
9月2日,Canonn的領導人Arcanonn博士在Gnosis向銀河系社區發表的演講中說:"今天我們一起站在邊緣,就像我們以前多次站在邊緣一樣。有一些人不希望我們在未知的情況下進行這種信心的飛躍。有些人的理由仍然是個謎,卻希望我們盲目地服從他們的限制。今天登上Gnosis號,我只能推測你們所有人都選擇藐視置於我們身上的界限。除非你們經歷了一次極其不合時宜的飛船故障。無論如何,我想借此機會感謝你們所有人, Gnosis 號船員、Canonneers、探險家、商人、礦工、水手、海盜和不明智的遊客,感謝你們加入我們這次航行,無論它通往何處。Arcanonn博士出來了。"[10]

The Gnosis Megaship
9月6日,當Gnosis號試圖跳到Cone Sector FN-J b9-0時,被Thargoid攻擊打斷。 Gnosis 號指揮組的馬修斯-里安德上尉發出了以下緊急資訊。"我們的旅程剛開始不久,Gnosis號就被一群Thargoid飛船hyperdicted了。回到現實空間的殘骸對多個星系造成了嚴重的內部損壞,包括空間折疊引擎。毫無疑問,如果不是一些與我們同行的指揮官,我們將被摧毀。他們引誘Thargoid離開,同時從他們的船艙中噴射出meta-alloys。外星人對舀起meta-alloys比攻擊我們更感興趣。指揮官們後來報告說,這些Thargoid的船隻是最近發現的Hydra Interceptor。 Gnosis 號目前在靠近Outotz ST-I d9-6星系的第八顆行星處漂流。我們已經開始進行必要的修理,但在我們能夠逃離該星系之前,Thargoid可能會返回。"[11]從Gnosis號上下來的飛行員報告說,他們立即遭到了Thargoid Interceptor和各種類型的Thargoid 偵察兵的攻擊,在攻擊中傷亡人數迅速增加。 Gnosis 號附近的空間也被非人類信號源所淹沒。[12][13]
在事件發生後,Canonn的官員對Cone Sector的考察沒有成功表示失望,但指出這次嘗試和失敗提供了一個近距離和在戰鬥中研究Hydra Interceptor的機會。在Outotz ST-I d9-6發現的至少兩個Barnacle集群和一個Thargoid Surface Site也證明了這個更廣泛的區域與Thargoids有關的重要性。[14]
Canonn Gnosis Division原本計畫在10月4日離開Cone Sector 時,帶著The Gnosis進入Formidine Rift進行一次長期旅行。在Thargoid的攻擊和跳躍到Cone Sector失敗後,裂谷探險被重新評估,因為 Gnosis 號往返那裡需要將近一年時間。作為一個替代方案,有人提議,Gnosis 應該轉而調查核心星系周圍的星雲,以尋找可能的Thargoid 活動。Canonn成員投票贊成星雲計畫,該計畫將帶領The Gnosis參觀NGC 7822星雲、洞穴星雲、象鼻星雲、鵜鶘星雲、北美星雲和Sadr區域(NGC 7822 Nebula, the Cave Nebula, the Elephant's Trunk Nebula, the Pelican Nebula, the North America Nebula, and the Sadr Region)。3304年9月27日,Gnosis號離開Outotz ST-I d9-6,向NGC 7822星雲進行第一次跳躍。
3304年12月7日,Gnosis號指揮人員宣佈改變航線,將在3305年1月17日之前將該船帶到昴宿星團附近的HR 1185,然後繼續向守護者空間和銀河系平面以外一些通常無法進入的星系前進。4月3日,Canonn宣佈 "機艙熱 "行動(Operation Cabin Fever)將訪問備胎星雲的IRAS 21565-3937。HIP 4099和目標星系本身是無法通過任何其他方式到達的。3305年6月6日,IRAS 21565-3937被成功抵達。7月18日,Gnosis號通過跳轉到Tonatiuh返回核心星系,然後在接下來的一周開始前往加利福尼亞星雲的路上。在3305年8月至10月期間," Gnosis 號 "巡視了被許可鎖定的Col 70區周圍的星系,並回到了Cone區跳躍失敗的地點,Outotz ST-I d9-6。
Galnet News Digest Special- The Crash of The Gnosis
3305年11月21日,Gnosis號落入HIP 23759 1的軌道,無意中撞上了圍繞該星球的民用據點。據報導,事故發生時,指揮官 Klassic正坐在巨型艦艇的駕駛座上。 Gnosis 號一直與該設施糾纏在一起,直到下周它進行下一次預定的跳躍。 Gnosis 號和據點似乎都沒有在這次碰撞中受到任何永久性損害。
Gnosis 號在3305年12月12日之前回到了它的主星系Varati ,並在那裡停留了兩周。然後,它開始了迄今為止最長的旅程,向銀河系核心方向進行了長達數月的考察,前往Chaluia FS-A d1-4,那裡有標誌性的行星 "媽媽的孩子"(Momma's Boy),一個被白矮星禁區永久籠罩的富金屬體。該船於3306年4月23日到達該星系,並在接下來的一周內離開,計畫在9月10日前返回Varati 。
3306年6月8日,Canonn委員會宣佈 " Gnosis 號 "將從長程探索工作中退役。儘管該船的設計壽命為20-24年,但Canonn的工程人員認為,該船已經遭受了太多的磨損,特別是由於3304年Thargoid的攻擊和3305年的據點碰撞,無法繼續發揮其原有的作用。3306年9月10日,"Gnosis號 "回到Varati 後,正式退役,並開始了在八個星系的永久迴圈巡視路線,其中大部分星系都有一個科學興趣點。Gnosis號也被改造成了Canonn人員的培訓設施,但仍對客人開放。[15]與此同時,Nautilus-Class Carrier 。OCD-GNOSIS-#B#於3306年6月13日在帕諾伊星系下水,作為巨型艦艇的替代。
星系 | 停留時間 | 附註 |
Varati | May 18, 3303 - September 28, 3303 | The Gnosis's origin system, and Canonn headquarters |
Hyades Sector AQ-Y d81 | September 28, 3303 - October 5, 3303 | Maiden jump destination A Thargoid Surface Site can be found on body AB 3 c, and three Barnacles can be found on body C 2. |
HIP 18778 | October 5, 3303 - October 12, 3303 | A Thargoid Surface Site can be found on body A 2 a. |
Witch Head Sector DL-Y d8 | October 12, 3303 - October 26, 3303 | |
BD-12 1172 | October 26, 3303 - November 2, 3303 | |
Mintaka | November 2, 3303 - November 9, 3303 | |
Betelgeuse | November 9, 3303 - November 16, 3303 | |
Merope | November 16, 3303 - November 23, 3303 | Five Barnacles can be found on body 2 A, and four can be found on body 5 C. |
Meene | November 23, 3303 - December 7, 3303 | |
IC 2391 Sector YE-A d103 | December 7, 3303 - December 14, 3303 | Ancient Ruins can be found on body B 1. |
Jackson's Lighthouse | December 14, 3303 - December 21, 3303 | |
Santa Muerte | December 21, 3303 - December 28, 3303 | |
Varati | December 28, 3303 - January 11, 3304 |
星系 | 停留時間 | 附註 |
LBN 623 Sector PD-S b4-5 | January 11, 3304 - January 18, 3304 | |
HIP 17125 | January 18, 3304 - January 25, 3304 | |
Taygeta | January 25, 3304 - February 1, 3304 | |
Electra | February 1, 3304 - Feburary 15, 3304 | |
Maia | Feburary 15, 3304 - March 8, 3304 | Delay: Departure delayed by one week due to server maintenance related to v3.0. |
Evenses | March 8, 3304 - March 15, 3304 | |
Meene | March 15, 3304 - March 22, 3304 | |
Synuefe XO-P c22-17 | March 22, 3304 - March 29, 3304 | Ancient Ruins and Brain Trees can be found on body C 1. |
Vela Dark Region EG-X b1-1 | March 29, 3304 - April 5, 3304 | A Guardian Structure can be found on body A 1. |
HD 63154 | April 5, 3304 - April 12, 3304 | A Guardian Structure and two Brain Tree sites can be found on body B 3 a. |
Vela Dark Region JS-T b3-0 | April 12, 3304 - April 19, 3304 | A Guardian Structure can be found on body A 3. |
Synuefe EU-Q c21-10 | April 19, 3304 - April 26, 3304 | A Guardian Structure can be found on body A 3. |
Synuefe GT-H b43-1 | April 26, 3304 - May 3, 3304 | A Guardian Structure can be found on body C 4. |
HIP 39768 | May 3, 3304 - May 10, 3304 | A Guardian Structure and two Ancient Ruins can be found on body A 14 f, and Brain Trees can be found on body A 14 d a. |
Col 173 Sector ME-P d6-92 | May 10, 3304 - May 17, 3304 | A Guardian Structure can be found on body B 5. |
IC 2391 Sector YE-A d103 | May 17, 3304 - May 24, 3304 | Ancient Ruins can be found on body B 1. |
Meene | May 24, 3304 - May 31, 3304 | |
Epsilon Indi | May 31, 3304 - June 21, 3304 | |
Jackson's Lighthouse | June 21, 3304 - June 28, 3304 | |
Alpha Centauri | June 28, 3304 - July 5, 3304 | |
LHS 3447 | July 5, 3304 - July 12, 3304 | |
Charick Drift | July 12, 3304 - July 19, 3304 | Generation Ship Atlas can be found orbiting Charick Drift A. |
Hermitage | July 19, 3304 - July 26, 3304 | |
Bifrost | July 26, 3304 - August 9, 3304 | |
Merope | August 9, 3304 - August 16, 3304 | Five Barnacles can be found on body 2 A, and four can be found on body 5 C. |
64 Orionis | August 16, 3304 - August 23, 3304 | |
HD 51502 | August 23, 3304 - August 30, 3304 | |
Outotz ST-I d9-4 | August 30, 3304 - September 6, 3304 | |
Cancellation: Scheduled jump to this system interrupted by Thargoid hyperdiction and subsequent attacks. | ||
Outotz ST-I d9-6 | September 6, 3304 - September 27, 3304 | A Thargoid Surface Site and two Barnacles can be found on body 2 A. |
Outotz EH-M d7-5 | September 27, 3304 - October 4, 3304 | |
Outopps BU-R d4-4 | October 4, 3304 - October 11, 3304 | |
Outopps JB-X d1-1 | October 11, 3304 - October 18, 3304 | |
Ploi Thua YD-E c26-1 | October 18, 3304 - October 25, 3304 | |
Hegeia SY-O c20-0 | October 25, 3304 - November 1, 3304 | |
Outorst WI-B d0 | November 1, 3304 - November 8, 3304 | |
Outorst CW-K c9-0 | November 8, 3304 - November 15, 3304 | |
Outorst OA-U c17-0 | November 15, 3304 - November 22, 3304 | |
NGC 7822 Sector BQ-Y d12 | November 22, 3304 - November 29, 3304 | |
Plaa Eurk IR-W d1-14 | November 29, 3304 - December 6, 3304 | |
Elephant's Trunk Sector BQ-Y d14 | December 6, 3304 - December 13, 3304 | |
Plaa Eurk QZ-D b26-0 | December 13, 3304 - December 20, 3304 | |
Plaa Eurk JB-O d6-12 | December 20, 3304 - December 27, 3304 | |
Wredguia HO-Y c14-3 | December 27, 3304 - January 3, 3305 |
星系 | 停留時間 | 附註 |
Wredguia UE-V b30-1 | January 3, 3305 - January 10, 3305 | |
MEL 22 Sector TB-J b10-0 | January 10, 3305 - January 17, 3305 | |
HR 1185 | January 17, 3305 - January 24, 3305 | |
Varati | January 24, 3305 - January 31, 3305 | |
Alpha Centauri | January 31, 3305 - February 7, 3305 | |
Meene | February 7, 3305 - February 14, 3305 | |
IC 2391 Sector HG-X b1-8 | February 14, 3305 - February 21, 3305 | |
HIP 36823 | February 21, 3305 - February 28, 3305 | |
HIP 39890 | February 28, 3305 - March 7, 3305 | |
Synuefe LQ-T b50-1 | March 7, 3305 - March 14, 3305 | |
Synuefe SP-F b44-0 | March 14, 3305 - March 21, 3305 | |
Col 173 Sector OD-J b25-2 | March 21, 3305 - March 28, 3305 | |
Vela Dark Region FL-Y d63 | March 28, 3305 - April 4, 3305 | |
Synuefe VN-W b46-0 | April 4, 3305 - April 11, 3305 | |
Synuefe FE-S b46-0 | April 11, 3305 - April 18, 3305 | |
Flyooe Dryeia LH-L c24-0 | April 18, 3305 - April 25, 3305 | |
Flyooe Dryeia JJ-G d11-0 | April 25, 3305 - May 2, 3305 | |
HIP 4099 | May 2, 3305 - May 9, 3305 | |
Prooe Dryeia XP-X d1-0 | May 9, 3305 - May 16, 3305 | |
Prooe Dryeia SF-N d7-0 | May 16, 3305 - May 23, 3305 | |
Prooe Dryeia RQ-C d13-0 | May 23, 3305 - May 30 3305 | |
Screagi FP-Z d0 | May 30, 3305 - June 6, 3305 | |
IRAS 21565-3937 | June 6, 3305 - June 13, 3305 | |
Screagi BJ-B d0 | June 13, 3305 - June 20, 3305 | |
Nidgiae QJ-F d12-1 | June 20, 3305 - June 27, 3305 | |
Swoilz II-K d8-0 | June 27, 3305 - July 4, 3305 | |
Swoilz GX-T d3-2 | July 4, 3305 - July 11, 3305 | |
Swoilz UL-A c2-7 | July 11, 3305 - July 18, 3305 | |
Tonatiuh | July 18, 3305 - July 25, 3305 | |
HIP 20960 | July 25, 3305 - August 1, 3305 | |
Witch Head Sector AL-X b1-0 | August 1, 3305 - August 8, 3305 | |
Wregoe JI-B b13-0 | August 8, 3305 - August 15, 3305 | |
California Sector LC-V c2-10 | August 15, 3305 - August 22, 3305 | |
Oochorrs KF-D d13-5 | August 22, 3305 - August 29, 3305 | |
Col 69 Sector HR-M c7-6 | August 29, 3305 - September 5, 3305 | |
Oort | September 5, 3305 - September 12, 3305 | |
Messier 78 Sector RD-T c3-8 | September 12, 3305 - September 19, 3305 | |
Oochorrs FO-C c15-0 | September 19, 3305 - September 26, 3305 | |
Outotz PI-K d8-0 | September 26, 3305 - October 3, 3305 | |
Outotz ST-I d9-6 | October 3, 3305 - October 10, 3305 | |
Col 69 Sector PH-U c3-0 | October 10, 3305 - October 17, 3305 | |
V1483 Orionis | October 17, 3305 - October 24, 3305 | |
PMD2009 48 | October 24, 3305 - October 31, 3305 | |
BD-12 1172 | October 31, 3305 - November 7, 3305 | |
Synuefe MJ-O d7-14 | November 7, 3305 - November 14, 3305 | |
Flame Sector XT-R b4-0 | November 14, 3305 - November 21, 3305 | |
HIP 23759 | November 21, 3305 - November 28, 3305 | |
Synuefe NU-M d8-99 | November 28, 3305 - December 5, 3305 | |
Epsilon Indi | December 5, 3305 - December 12, 3305 | |
Varati | December 12, 3305 - December 26, 3305 | |
63 G. Capricorni | December 26, 3305 - January 2, 3306 |
星系 | 停留時間 | 附註 |
Alaunus | January 2, 3306 - January 9, 3306 | |
HIP 28170 | January 9, 3306 - January 16, 3306 | |
Arietis Sector ZF-O b6-1 | January 16, 3306 - January 23, 3306 | |
HIP 112240 | January 23, 3306 - January 30, 3306 | |
Col 359 Sector TN-T d3-98 | January 30, 3306 - February 6, 3306 | |
Col 359 Sector OI-K d8-10 | February 6, 3306 - February 13, 3306 | |
Swoiwns RJ-Q e5-2 | February 13, 3306 - February 20, 3306 | |
Bleia Eohn TJ-Y d1-1 | February 20, 3306 - February 27, 3306 | |
Bleia Eohn PE-P d6-5 | February 27, 3306 - March 5, 3306 | |
Bleia Eohn UO-K c23-0 | March 5, 3306 - March 12, 3306 | |
Drojeae WZ-M b9-0 | March 12, 3306 - March 19, 3306 | |
Drojeae NM-M d7-0 | March 19, 3306 - March 26, 3306 | |
Drojeae UE-H d10-0 | March 26, 3306 - April 2, 3306 | |
Blae Drye FF-A d2 | April 2, 3306 - April 9, 3306 | |
Blae Drye PS-U e2-0 | April 9, 3306 - April 16, 3306 | |
Blae Dryua RL-J d10-2 | April 16, 3306 - April 23, 3306 | |
Chaluia FS-A d1-4 | April 23, 3306 - April 30, 3306 | Location of the landmark "Momma's Boy" |
Blae Drye YK-P e5-1 | April 30, 3306 - May 7, 3306 | |
Blae Drye CH-M D7-4 | May 7, 3306 - May 14, 3306 | |
Blae Drye GY-P c6-0 | May 14, 3306 - May 21, 3306 | |
Drojo TO-E c26-2 | May 21, 3306 - May 28, 3306 | |
Drojo DP-X c15-1 | May 28, 3306 - June 4, 3306 | |
Drojo FA-Q d5-6 | June 4, 3306 - June 11, 3306 | |
Drojeae DB-X D1-4 | June 11, 3306 - June 18, 3306 | |
Drojeae AA-A h56 | June 18, 3306 - June 25, 3306 | |
Aucopp QO-U b47-0 | June 25, 3306 - July 2, 3306 | |
Aucopp VJ-P d6-2 | July 2, 3306 - July 9, 3306 | |
Aucopp BP-Y d1-35 | July 9, 3306 - July 16, 3306 | |
Phylur AP-B b13-1 | July 16, 3306 - July 23, 3306 | |
Sifi PC-V b57-0 | July 23, 3306 - July 30, 3306 | |
Sifi BA-E B39-0 | July 30, 3306 - August 6, 3306 | |
Star of India | August 6, 3306 - August 13, 3306 | |
Veil West Sector AQ-Y d43 | August 13, 3306 - August 20, 3306 | |
Dumbbell Sector CL-X b1-2 | August 20, 3306 - August 27, 3306 | |
Col 359 Sector MJ-D b14-3 | August 27, 3306 - September 3, 3306 | |
HIP 98182 | September 3, 3306 - September 10, 3306 | |
Varati | September 10, 3306 - September 17, 3306 | The Gnosis officially begins its permanent retirement route |
Retirement Route[]
星系 | 停留時間 | 附註 |
Varati | A 6 | The Gnosis's origin system, and Canonn headquarters |
HIP 17862 | 6 C | Location of a Thargoid Crash Site |
Pleiades Sector PN-T b3-0 | A 6 | Location of a Thargoid Barnacle cluster |
Synuefe PR-L b40-1 | A | Location of a Proto Lagrange Cloud |
HIP 18120 | 2 | Location of Rubeum Bioluminescent and Croceum Anemones |
IC 2391 Sector CQ-Y c16 | Location of a Guardian Beacon | |
Kappa-1 Volantis | B 7 c a | Location of various types of Brain Trees |
Epsilon Indi | Mitterand Hollow | Location of the moon Mitterand Hollow, which has an unusually rapid orbit |
- Gnosis的最大跳躍範圍為500Ly。它只在週四07:00 UTC,即伺服器停機期間進行跳躍。在該船退役之前,Canonn選擇的目的地必須提前提交給前沿發展公司批准和實施。
- Gnosis號最初的最大跳躍距離為551Ly。它最後一次跳躍距離超過500 ly是在2018年10月25日,當時它從Hegeia SY-O c20-0跳躍到Ploi Thua YD-E c26-1,距離為533.31 ly。從那時起,它的跳躍都沒有再超過500Ly,Canonn隨後更新了他們Discord上的規則通知,以反映跳躍範圍的變化。
- Gnosis 號是第一艘由社區目標創建並由玩家團體擁有的巨艦。
- 參與CG建造Gnosis的玩家獲得了專屬的Canonn Ship Decal。Frontier打算在Varati中加入與Canonn派系結盟的能力,以獲得該貼花,但在2.4中未能加入這一功能。儘管Edward Lewis說Frontier會研究其他方法來讓玩家獲得這個徽章,[16] 沒有這樣的方法被添加到遊戲中。
- 在The Gnosis跳轉到Cone Sector FN-J b9-0失敗後,Frontier開發部社區經理Will Flanagan解釋說,該星系從未打算被訪問,讓它和Cone Sector的其他星系沒有許可鎖是一個疏忽。當Canonn要求把Gnosis帶到Cone SectorFN-J b9-0時,開發者並沒有簡單地拒絕這個請求並應用許可鎖,而是決定把它變成一個涉及玩家和新的Hydra變種Thargoid Interceptor的活動;大約有11000名玩家登上Gnosis參加了這次 "Cone Sector探險"。弗拉納根接著說,錐狀區和其他被許可鎖定的地區已被預留給未來的內容,因此,Gnosis號將無法重新嘗試跳躍到錐狀區FN-J b9-0。[17]。
- ↑ YouTube: The Gnosis - Canonn Research Group's New Megaship!
- ↑ Frontier Forums: Canonn推出Gnosis活動(貿易)
- ↑ YouTube: Elite Dangerous: 嘉能可巨型飛船--精英的情況
- ↑ r/EliteDangerous: 巨型飛船Gnosis將在2.4發佈日嘗試跳躍
- ↑ r/EliteDangerous: 大炮Gnosis巨型飛船旅行計畫!
- ↑ #IRodeTheGnosis 我們成功地從Varati到達Hyades Sector AQ-Y D81。
- ↑ 前沿論壇。***Attention Explorers*** GNOSIS Jumps planned THROUGH a permit Lock!
- ↑ GalNet: 遇到了新的Thargoid Interceptor
- ↑ Canonn Research: 鷹眼特別報告第26周 - 01/09/3304
- ↑ Canonn Research: CFN報告--Gnosis跳躍報告和Arcanonn博士
- ↑ GalNet: Gnosis擱淺
- ↑ YouTube: Elite Dangerous Gnosis Thargoid Attack
- ↑ YouTube: 回到被攻擊的Gnosis
- ↑ Canonn Research: Gnosis 跳躍失敗
- ↑ Canonn Research: 我們還有金酒
- ↑ Frontier Forums: CANONN Decals, post #9
- ↑ Frontier Forums: 讓我們來談談Gnosis和Cone Sector